Guess that's why Shinsen was being so slow. Darnit. I can't not finish this series because I have to find out what happens.
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Guess that's why Shinsen was being so slow. Darnit. I can't not finish this series because I have to find out what happens.
This anime did suck on so many levels.
With Persona 3 FES announced today... I am definitely dropping this series as well (not that I watched past ep 1 though)
I wouldn't really say this show has sucked its just convoluted the issue is finding another subber though with how different all the subs have been I kind of doubt I can just pick up with another group. Anyone here watching anything that isn't shinsen?
I have been also feeling this hasn't proceeded in any direction during the last episodes. The police chief gets no real screen time and action anymore. It's just the high-schoolers (plus Jun) fooling around, being scared of bloody ghosts (what manner of a high-school guy fears ghosts anyway?) and generally being bad like that Shinsen dude said.
Maybe the script writers lost their own personas and being in a half-coma like that one girl in this show can't write the story any longer.
I have been watching Ainex, simply because they're the fastest. I don't really recommend them though. A lot of times the English translations are just awkward. I'm not sure if there are any groups out there doing much better.Quote:
Originally Posted by DDBen
I'm still hoping that this one will bring together all the scattered pieces of storyline into a cohesive whole. Even if it continues to go downhill, I'm going to see this through to the end. I haven't found it as terrible as everyone is saying it is, and kindof feel like a loser now for liking it after what everyone has said. At any rate, I think it has potential to make a strong comeback in the second half.
It's the mighty power of the peer pressure! Seriously, though, even if it's generally a good idea to stick to your own opinions and what your own taste is telling you as long as we are talking about entertainment, reading complaints by others can open your eyes. It has certainly happened to me before when I've been watching some series purely out of a habit never really stopping to think the actual state of the show (especially if the show happened to start pretty strong).Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Maybe as a standalone product it wouldn't be 'bad'.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
The main problem is saying its a 'sequel' to persona 3. When it got clear it was nowhere near similar to persona 3 most of the watchers (me included) got annoyed and dropped it (like that guy from Shinsen who states is also a fan of persona 3)
Maybe the concept is similar to persona and persona 2, but since most of persona 3 fans never played the original two (me again)...
I think that if I had watched this without playing the game, or without hearing it was a 'sequel' I maybe would be liking the series.
Most of the people who dislike this series played the game, and most of those that like it did not play it.
Personally I've never so much as heard of the games so its fair to say I have liked the series based on not caring about the games or if its a sequel. The issue for me will be all the other subbers are terrible and while Shinsen isn't perfect it was the only one I could watch that I checked of the groups. The result could be I drop it even though I haven't been disliking it and thats unfortunate. Its really to scatterbrained of a show to attempt watching with bad subs so for now I guess I'll wait and see if anyone good picks this up.
You're not alone, KitKat!! I'm still in this, and I'm just gonna watch it. It hasn't been that bad, and knowing it was a sequel to Persona 3 didn't do much, cept tell me that if it's weird, it's because it's got a backstory. I know very well there are better shows right now that I'm not watching, like Shigofumi, that I should. I'll get that later as a batch. I was mainly hoping that Persona would have some Dark then Black action and stuff. Well, since Shinsen dropped this, I'll have to look for some other subber. I am reserving the right to drop it if it become unbearable though.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
I've been watching Ainex but replacing them with AniYoshi. AniYoshi's latest is only #4, though, so I'm not expecting them to catch up any time soon. But as long as they keep subbing, I'll have something for archiving.
Overdue update!
[Ainex] Persona - trinity soul 7, 8, 9.
After a big catch-up,I have to say, I'm a bit lost in the story at the moment. A girl from the gang infiltrates the school, that much I get, and I think she's somehow disowning her persona for the time being or something. But the girl in red and the feathers......I guess I'll have to keep watching. Also, interesting part about transplanting Yuki's brain into Jun's. I always thought it was psychological trauma left after his sister died, but it's more like physiological....I didn't know they can even do partial brain transplants.
That transplant doesnt really make much sense, at least from today's medical perspective.
Yeah. It only makes sense from Bad Taste's perspective. But oh well; it seems to work well enough for the kid, even if it causes a slight duplicate personality. But that's the least of his problems in any case.
Previously, I'd attributed it to the fact that they were twins, perhaps with linked personas (dual combination attack? That would be cool) and that when Yuki died her persona remained inside of Jun, thus her soul and part of her personality as well. I guess a brain transplant accomplishes much the same thing, but in a hit-you-over-the-head-with-a-sledgehammer style of storytelling. It also explains why Ryou has such a hard time spending time with his brothers, with the weight of his decision looming over him, and Jun as a visible reminder of that.
I was really surprised that they had Shin going on a "date" with the girl I'd seen the show setting up as Ryou's love interest. A lot of the episodes up till now have been weird, but this one was just exceptionally weird, with the music and the feathers and whatnot.
Well, the only thing the "date" managed to advance in the romance department is establish the fact that the girl will only look at Shin as a younger brother, and that the blue haired girl is definitely interested in Shin.
Something good came from Trinity Soul...
The DVD (which one? dunno, don't care) released recently came with a 17 minute video trailer of Persona 4 for PS2
Late update, Persona - Trinity Soul by Ainex
Wow, just 0.o. That's some crazy se..um, shadow extraction addiction. ;) And green haired spy woman's making her move.
Persona trinity soul 12
Does anyone else watching get the plot? I'm confused after this episode. All I know is that the doctor who saved Jun is the guy in the wheelchair. But he seems to be part of that troubling organisation, yet he says to Ryou about something troubling him as well. Looks like Ryou dies next episode, which is a pity. His screentime is like the only thing interesting to me in tthis show.