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Thread: PERSONA -trinity soul-

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    PERSONA -trinity soul-

    The stage is Ayanagi City, a city near the Japan Sea. It is a futuristic city that was built to carry out the recovery from the calamity caused by the "Apathy Syndrome" ten years previous. High school student Shin Kanzato with his little brother Jun, meet with their elder brother Ryō, who is the chief of the Ayanagi City Police, again after ten years. At that time, a series of strange incidents happen in Ayanagi City such as the crew of a submarine that suddenly disappears while in their submarine, or a spiritless symptom which disturbs the world after ten years, or the case of the inside out corpse where a student took on a cruel appearance. Ryō tracks down the organization behind the string of incidents, and having become involved in the incidents, Shin awakens the "Persona". source: wikipedia

    (PERSONA -trinity soul- is the sequel to the PlayStation 2 game Persona 3, taking place ten years after its events.)

    First episode out by a group called Oi! Fansubs
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 01-08-2008 at 11:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Action was good but what is actually going on? What happened 10 years ago? Who was Jun talking to?

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  3. #3
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Hmmm I did not play the ps2 game. I wonder if I will understand the series..

  4. #4
    There's not really any connections yet indicated in this episode other than the Persona's and Apathy Syndrome this series has with the PS2 game.

  5. #5
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I haven't played the game either, but I thought this one might be interesting to check out. Not too much has been explained yet, but I think there will probably be more explanation in subsequent eps. I felt like this episode did a decent job of introducing the characters and setting the mood of the series. The translation seemed alright too. I didn't spot any glaring errors or ungrammaticalities. I think I'll watch the next few eps to see how this series pans out a bit more.

  6. #6
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Police investigations around the city. Dead people. Antagonist has special powers. Protagonist comes along, defeats him with special powers. That, the theme and all really reminds me of Darker than Black. That youngest brother also seems to have a split personality disorder, but maybe she's residing in him. This series looks interesting, so I'll ride along. We have another release by Ainex.

    ep 1

  7. #7
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Hmmm... having played the game let us go in parts...

    Animation / Stage:
    It indeed mantains the dark them shown in Persona 3, with good animation and detailed personas.

    Outstanding. New tracks are awesome, and found it great to see some of the game as well. The one on the cafe was brought directly from the game.

    Usage of Persona:
    Dissapointing. Why did they manifest just like that? Glowing eyes? This ain't Darker than Black... its Persona 3... where are the Evokers?
    If a Persona manifested by itself it was supposed to try and kill the user... maybe like at the end... but still... where are the Evokers? I was hoping for the characters to 'shot' themselves to use them...

    References to the game...
    Igor. Awesome. Now we need Elizabeth.
    The red-haired at the beginning reminded me of Mitsuru.
    Not the same school? Dissapointing.
    Will we get Shadows? Or just idiotic characters to happen to use Persona and cause havoc? I prefer Shadows...
    Usage of the drug persona repressing... nice!

    Still... I wanted to see Aigis, Minato and Yukari... not new characters.

    Will need a couple of more episodes to see if it will be worth watching... at least the music is great.

  8. #8
    Having played all the games (at least somewhat) and currently working on TLing the first manga (and a slight rebuttal to above):

    Animation/Stage: I'm happy to announce the sappy feelings from Persona 3 are gone, we're now back to the darker themes from the previous games, and the darker atmosphere comes right along with it. No cheesy dating here!

    Music: Absolutely fantastic, the music is back to its roots, tossing out the 'stuff' from Persona 3 (though a couple tracks from the game were catchy, they didn't use those. Instead, they used the most annoying song from P3 in the restaraunt scene)

    Usage of Personas: About time, back to the roots! No evokers needed anymore, it seems they grew out of needing to play suicide just to get the things out. In previous installments of the series, it was just pure will that brought them out, no external device needed. (and just a small rebuttal, it is NOT Persona 3, it's set 10 years in the future of Persona 3, much like Persona 3 is set in the same world and near timeline to Persona 2, and thereby Persona as well)

    After watching it again, it seems the only time the eyes glow when releasing a persona is when the person using it is NOT on the medication.

    References to the games:
    Igor: priceless, but necessary (where's Philemon?)
    The masks in front of Igor: priceless to those that know what personas really were (before the shadows stuff)
    Lack of shadows appearances: technically, as of the end of P3, they should mostly (if not all) be gone.

    As for other cameos, they will more than likely come, as there were backhanded cameos from P2 in P3, and there were some direct ones from P1 to P2. Just give the series some time, I'm sure they'll pop up in some way or another.

    Last edited by OneWingedSin; Sun, 01-13-2008 at 08:11 PM.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I've never played the game, but after watching the first 2 episodes, this show seems to be really good. Can't wait for episode 3. When does each episode come out anyway?

  11. #11
    wow now im really interested in watching this. also i think i might go play this game that my bro has.

  12. #12
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I didnt play the game, but I must say this series is turning out to be better than I expected. I just hope that the light comedy level doesnt go any higher than it has in the second episode. It might cheapen the series if the darkness and solemn feel get taken away.
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  13. #13
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Episode 3 by Ainex

    Looks like you might get your wish, shinta. My guess is that the comedy in the second episode was more of a plot device than anything else to introduce Shin into the group of friends. They haven't really explained anything well yet, but the action is well-paced. I feel better knowing that the main character is just as confused as I am about what's going on (although we as viewers have slightly more information on the doings of his brother). Looking forward to the next episode.

  14. #14
    Persona -Trinity Soul- - 01 (1280x720) - [Moetaku-Sekai]

    I was under the impression Sekai had already released an ep1 but, maybe they needed help for the 1280x720

  15. #15
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Getting a lot better. Can't wait for next episode either.

    I could have sworn Jun was a girl. But they kept calling him Jun-kun so I guess it's a boy. lol...

  16. #16
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Its intentional. He is supposed to represent both twins, girl and boy.
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  17. #17
    I found this funny... it simply shows the abundance of piece of shit fansub groups:

    "Mass naked child events", anyone?

  18. #18
    Haha, so I'm guessing Shinsen's the correct version? They even have a note with explanation and everything!

  19. #19
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    WTF? Which is the correct one? I dont have it archived and I dont remember that part well..
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  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Haha, so I'm guessing Shinsen's the correct version? They even have a note with explanation and everything!
    Theirs looked the most random of them all, but it could very well be it, considering Jun's reply. I don't know Japanese but when I listened to the line a few times, I can imagine it could be like Shinsen translated it. But I think they could have worded it a bit better.

    But it was confusing to see them all, not knowing what's the real deal. Not that it mattered so much.

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