3GB Ram
2ghz processor, amd turion dual-core mobile rm-70
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3GB Ram
2ghz processor, amd turion dual-core mobile rm-70
uh, install the latest cccp beta, make sure your PC's power profile is set to balanced, and do a reset of all settings (an option on the second page of the cccp settings application) and then open the file in mpc-hc.
What is under the menu, Play-> Filters?
That seemed to do the trick. Thanks!
Namaiki, you are a genius.
Seemed like good work. The show was also interesting and certainly gave seinen vibes. The only thing wrong are the ugly character designs (the cat was the only cute character), but I guess you can't have everything. The backgrounds at least were jolly good with the pastel colours.
No credits felt strange despite the fact I exceedingly rarely look at them anyway. I guess it's just one of those thing you may not even notice when they are there but you notice they absence easily.
Thanks for the hard work!
Gotwoot - 02
Please enjoy
The QC people had let a couple of mistakes past them, like a missing comma and apostrophe. Good work otherwise, though. Thanks.
What comes to the show itself, I'm constantly hanging between disliking and tolerating Masa. It's so annoying how he's indecisively telling he's not going to join the group yet still seeks their company (and food). I'd otherwise probably get used to his timid personality.
Many things about the characters in this show, whether reoccurring or fleeting, feel very realistic and natural. It's not immediately evident what they are after (if anything) and not all their lines probably serve some bigger plot and development.
GotWoot - 03
Hope you love it!
I am starting to enjoy the artists work in this one... I feel the art flows well with the story and adds new flavor... But I might just be nutz...
Quite a forceful way to force Masa to join the group. It should have crushed his pride nicely as well. Still, he should have predicted the whole thing when he suddenly got the good job and then Matsu kept appearing. It was funny how he was himself half a victim in the kidnapping despite being in it. He's a bit too naive and trusting for his own good.
I thought it was pretty weird that Masa didn't notice too. But then again, Matsu didn't notice right away either and he's like a ninja detective. It's funny because it's not like the place is littered with kids. But then again the boy received like 0 attention from his "parents". It was so cute when Masa and the boy were sleeping together.
Also lol @ Masa not being able to hold down a job. I agree with the harshness of using Masa as a pawn for the kidnapping. Sort of sad, but he was asking for it.
I actually kinda like Masa, even though he's all timid and lacking in self-confidence. I really don't see anything dislikable about any of the characters, weirdly.
this is my favorite episode so far in the series. you really get to see that Masa is the perfect patsy. Yaichi certainly didn't inform him about the change of plans BECAUSE he knew Masa would be a bigger help unknowingly.
that one woman was so nasty. man, someone should kidnap HER.
the most interesting thing in this episode is the flashback at the end. if you couple it together with the flashback that starts off the very first episode, it makes alot more sense. i've watched them a few times, because at first i was confused as to whether or not they were flashbacks, and particularly about the name "Yaichi"
The boy with the Five Leaves burn on his back is called Saegusa Seinoshin (but I have to believe that it's actually Yaichi/Ichi, who has taken his name from the servant in the first episode (who is later revealed to have been involved in the plot to kidnap/murder him)). It appears he has been adopted by the Saegusa family because there is something wrong with the mother, who eventually does get pregnant (and i'd guess that's when she arranges Seinoshin's kidnapping)
The other man in the flashback is Heiza, who is being punished by his father and forced to sit outside, when Yaichi finds him. Unless my premonition's are failing me, he's the man who introduces himself as Yagi ("I come from a rich family that I just leech off of"). To me, he's one of those When the Shit Hits the Fan, This Guy is Gonna be There characters.
also, i'm really falling in love with the OP. poppy and a bit modern-plus, but it's perfect because it absolutely doesn't match any of the music of art style or ANYTHING of the show.
i still sometimes struggle to identify certain people with the art style, but it is certainly nice and unique.
I wish you could tell me the name of another song (from some other anime, I reckon) that this OP forcibly reminds me of every time. The haunting feeling in the back of my mind when listerning to this OP bothers me to no end.
Anyway, quite an acute analysis. I agree on Yaichi being the boy. Although with the group name being what it is and Yaichi appearing as the head, I suppose that's given. Of course it would also explain his outer behavior and attitude. What's inside, is yet to be revealed.
Chugging along to give you another wonderful episode!
GotWoot - 04
I hope Masa will grow some guts now that he lives with people instead of a cat (although the beginning didn't look too good) and if he indeed aims to learn something about Yaichi. That would be the first aim of his so far. With an aim, he could gather resolution.
The cat still kicked the most ass in this episode. Too bad we probably won't be seeing it anymore with Masa relocating his sorry ass to the red lights.
I could do with less flashbacks but all in all it was an okay episode. Didn't progress the plot overly much, though. Unless building the characters is the story of this show, in reality.
At least Okinu keeps getting cuter as her personality grows.
This show is 98% character building, which doesn't bother me since it's such a short series (12 episodes). I am still in love with it. I just watched the last episode on Hulu yesterday and it was definitely worth it.
Wut? It's not your channel? And EP 5? Whoever submitted the torrent to Tokyotosho has been skipping too much sleep.Quote:
Originally Posted by GotWoot Fansubs