This show looks extremely cool, can't wait to watch it. Thanks for making me aware to yet another awesome anime.
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This show looks extremely cool, can't wait to watch it. Thanks for making me aware to yet another awesome anime.
It's my theory that it's impossible to spend any real amount of time at this forum and not learn about FSN...
New PSP game...
OMFG CHIBI?!?! It looks....strange o.O
Gachapon Saber?! It even has Dark Sakura and Karen.
Japan gets all the good games. I'd still love them to bring over Melty Blood, but only Naruto and Bleach (ugh) have the kind of popularity to bring games over.
I know I'm getting that for my PSP when it hits Japan. Got Crisis Core when that was released on Tuesday.
Oh noes what is this?? I can't look!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I wish I could buy that.. :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
What song is that in the game trailer? Now I'm curious.
FSN stuff is all nice and dandy, but WHERE IS MY TSUKHIME 2!?!?!? RAWR :mad:
Hmm... It looks like Mirror Moon was looking for an editor for the UBW route a few days ago and according to the news article, the would-be editor would need to be ready to stick around for months. So, it's safe to say we won't be seeing the UBW patch for months unless a miracle happens. Argh.
Well, can't be helped. Like some unknown fool once said, good is worth waiting for...
Originally Posted by Kraco
Well.. the Editor could be needed to stay for months, but not only for the UBW patch.. maybe for editing Heaven's feel patch too.
And apparently, they underestimated the number of people that might be interested, appliance closed already.
Closed in more ways than one:
Who knows what that means in practice. I thought they sought a new editor because the old ones were too busy with RL. But I guess they intended to get a new one to simply speed it up. Now it seems they decided, though, that it wouldn't make a difference or would be otherwise undesirable. Yet the fact remains they estimated a need for an external editor would last for months. So, without the outside editor... More months?Quote:
Originally Posted by Mirror Moon
:o > :( > :mad:
Why are they doing this to us! What have we ever done to them!
Who cares if he's an outsider, at least the work will be done faster!
What are they affraid of? That the guy will steal the script and make his own patch? (Or leak it before release?)
Well, it's not like I'd have been accusing them of anything. I don't know their history, but if it's an old close-knit bunch of people I can very well understand they would want to keep it all in the family, so to speak. They might have originally thought about speeding things up with an outsider but then realised they are doing it just as a hobby and it's nicer to finish it by themselves.
20% editing completed..
So.. it took what? 1 month to do 10% to 20%? So let's see.. if it takes 1 month for each 10%.. it will take.. 8 more months!? :(
Nah. It's not that simple. I think the editor made it to the 10% in unknown but not too long time and then couldn't anymore invest time into the project for a good while. Now it's already in 25%. All in all in stuff like this it's safe to say gathering the will and energy to do something may easily take more time than actually do it, depending on the circumstances.
So, it's impossible to predict how fast it will proceed. If the person(s) involved have lots of energy and eagerness, the editing might be finished in a month. If they get tired, they may take long breaks.
I have never translated games but I've been involved in game modding "business" otherwise for a long time and I kind of know what I'm talking about.
How do they even calculate these percentages? They're not accurate, and they're just numbers that have no real backing. They could be lying, but it seems to me their choice of no outside editor is immensely stupid. Something just gives me the idea that they're just lazy or what not. Then again, it's free stuff, so I can't complain I guess.
Actually, it's more of an estimation than a accurate percentage.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
For example, if the thing is 10 days long, and you have done 2 and started the third one, you pretty much did 25%~
Like I said earlier, in stuff like this it's not hard mathematics that reveal the true state of affairs: UBW editing progress: 52% (yet 10.5 of 13 days finished). It's good to keep in mind it's rather the total length of the source than a number of days. The days might contain different amounts of text, after all.
It looks good so far. If things continue like this and they all have as much guts as the editor(s), it wouldn't be unreasonable to hope for a release in a month or so.
Its definitely the state of actual text edited. These games usually get more extensive in the later parts, especially since the climax and ending come at that point.