Lucky lucky...
Episode 7 - a.f.k.
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Lucky lucky...
Episode 7 - a.f.k.
Am I the only one having trouble opening this file, I've tried VLC, MPC, and WMP and neither of them work.
I noticed nothing peculiar. Maybe yours got corrupted despite the hash check?
I got my copy off the channel bot, no problems.
Hearing Aya Hirano's Reira voice in Konata's body was creepy. The yuri series references in this episode were great. I also liked Tsukasa and her cell phone.
Hirano Aya just rocks. Enough said.
Konata's "new" voice at the beginning of the episode threw me off a lot when I first heard it. I was wondering if I was going insane until I slowly realized that it was a fake. Regardless, it was absolutely hysterical. Tsukasa and her cell phone was also gold and adorable (maybe more like moe).
Holy jeez, this series just keeps getting better and better and better as it goes along. I wonder when we're gonna meet up with the side characters...?
The part with Konata's dad trying to call her made me laugh. :)
Sebastian delivers more luckiness:
Episode 8 - a.f.k.
Haha, I love the duo that is Konata and her dad.
Indeed. I was going to post the very same thing here: It's easy to see where Konata got her otaku genes from.
This series has validated the hype it had. And I was ready to drop this after the first couple of episodes... I hope it's the series that changed, not me, though... >_>
The thing about Lucky Star is that there is zero substance to the series. It's all slice of life and otaku gags. In Azumanga Daioh, it was exactly the same, but the girls had some growth over the course of three years. Here, we meet them when they are already either 16 or 17. Each of the girls has been carefully crafted to get all of the moe possible into a single being. In this episode, Konata even pointed out another one when they were discussing Kagami's haircut "Bipolar girls hafta have twin pigtails!"
Konata: Clearly loli, but has the absurdly long (not to mention blue) hair. Otaku, good at sports, lazy and an otaku (which means she's meant to sympathize with other otaku, like the ones watching), and voiced by Aya Hirano of all seiyuu.
Kagami: Aforementioned twintails, tsundere, can't cook, worries about her weight, smart, purple hair, she's the straight "man" in her relationship with Konata.
Tsukasa: Cute, sweet, great cook, absentminded, sleeps in, kinda stupid, generally incompetent (but in the cutest way possible each time).
Miyuki: I don't even really need to get into detail, but she wears glasses, has perfect proportions (in a totally un-asian way), has pink hair, is very absentminded, and as Konata has stated, every "fault" she possesses really increases her moe.
Between the four of them, I don't think there is a single moe character stereotype missing.
There's little else to attract anyone to this series, but after watching a few episodes, and you resist the urge to yell "Kawaii" aloud. After that, you're hooked. Toss in the sickeningly sweet/totally evil Akira in Lucky Channel and the OP/ED's, and you've got the full addictive package.
I don't know if you could go far as to say Kona-chan and Kagami are in a "relationship", but yea she's always picking fights, and it's hilarious. Aya Hirano's work on Kona-chan couldn't be better in my opinion, the voice just fits all too well with her character. Just to add some snippets that add to their moe, Kona works at a cosplay cafe. Kagami is quite the glutton and also extremely worried about weight, and Miyuki hates the dentist. There's a ton more, and people should point 'em out! At first, I was seriously giving second thoughts to this anime after watching the OP before the episodes came out. I was skeptical, but after watching it, it was different than what I imagined it to be, and I'm having a blast sticking with it.
The OP is what kept me watching lol.
Kona is the perfect girl lol. Too bad she's animated :/
Well, I can't really technically say how and why people are attracted to those moe traits you listed, but the first couple of episodes had little else than that distilled moe essence, and I found them boring. After that more and more humour and comedy appeared and now I think it a good series all in all. So, I wouldn't say it's all moe and nothing else. Comedy is also substance, even if much of it is just parody and irony.
I meant a comedian "relationship" and couldn't think of a better way to put it. The two of them form what is almost a Manzai duo. Just without Kagami hitting Konata, probably because Kagami knows Konata will feel her up like she's been doing the last couple of episodes.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Konata really is her father's child...
It's exactly like I said, you just don't think you're watching it for that reason. What other humor is there in the scenes with Tsukasa struggling to figure out her cell phone, or playing the recorder worse than a 3rd grader? Same for Kagami as the tsundere character and Miyuki as the sheltered ojou character (Miyuki squinting without her glasses, even Konata commented on that one). Konata...she's as addicted to it as the audience is supposed to be.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Face it, you're watching it for the moe, and finding excuses to say that's not the reason.
Accidental double post instead of an edit.
Please delete. And yes, I should know better.
@Ryll - Haha, yeah I guess you should, but no one died.
@Kraco - I bet your the one who changed.
I do agree that the main reason (and the only reason for most) to watch this is its MOE! factor, but I also say that it does have some decent comedy and parody entertainment in it. However, I doubt anyone who isnt an otaku (or damn right near being one) would enjoy this series.
I personally watch it for the moe. Nothing less, nothing more. Oh wait, theres Hirano Aya, but thats also moe... or is it...?
While I try to watch this series just for the comedy factor, I do have to admit that the moe adds to it. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be laughing as much at, for example, Tsukasa's cell phone and recorder scenes. I certainly do enjoy the Konata/Kagami duo the most in this series; some stuff is absolutely hilarious. Ahh, and Lucky Channel, it's good to finish off an episode with insanity, hahaha.
However, for me, I'm rather annoyed with Miyuki. I just feel that they try too hard on her character.
Episode 9 - a.f.k.
Nothing really stood out for me in this episode other than the Tsukasa studying sections (Fight oh! Tsukasa-chan) and the Miyuki eyedrops. It's huge in Japan, but I suppose they pointed out how completely vague blood type horoscopes are. Even though most of the traits didn't fit at all, the girls twisted them around to make them fit.
What really stood out was Lucky Channel. Akira was in top form this time. Professing how to properly make "candid" poses for photos, had me smiling, but when she pulled her ashtray out of nowhere and hit him right in the face with it...and from the previous segment where she slammed Miyuki, you know it's hers too.
For me, I don't think that anything stood out in this episode, other than the Lucky Channel bit. Even though a lot of fun and interesting points were brought out (ie. as Ryllharu already pointed out, the blood type horoscopes), it just didn't seem to entertain me as all of the things they mentioned were already discussed deeply amongst me and some of my friends.
Well, I'm pretty much very tired now, so I think I babbled something weird again.