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Thread: Lucky Star

  1. #1

    Lucky Star

    Another series by Kyoto Animation. I heard of this anime when I happened to see the opening on youtube... and I found it irresistably cute and awesome, maybe even Haruhi ED awesome. I had to watch it over and over.

    Quote Originally Posted by ANN
    Portrays the lives of several school girls attending a Japanese high school with a very loose humor tone. The main heroine is Konata Izumi, an athletic and intelligent girl who, despite these attributes, is not in a sports club, and her grades remain low. Her laziness at school is due to her love for anime and video games, and is not interested in much else. The serialization began with the four main characters in their first year of high school: Konata Izumi, Kagami Hiiragi, Tsukasa Hiiragi, and Miyuki Takara. As the story progresses, they move onto their second and third year.

    EP 1

    My thoughts after EP1, there's only 1 word to describe it - MOE, and lots of it. I don't care if it's just some shallow cute moe comedy, I'm so watching this XD

  2. #2
    Haha, I read like the 4 chapters that're scanlated, and I must say it's quite silly. Dl'ing.

    Edit: haha, it really is Moe. They extended some of the 4 panel stories quite a bit in the anime.
    Last edited by animus; Tue, 04-10-2007 at 01:37 PM.

  3. #3
    I'm going to wait for the afk release for now... though im not really interested in the series. There's a lot of hype for this series in other forums and in IRC, so hopefully it'll have something fun to offer.

  4. #4
    Yea, I was totally unaware of it until I read some people talking about it in lurk yesterday. It's not slapstick comedy, its more like a melancholic, quiet, cute and uh, Moe series! It's quite captivating in that sense.

  5. #5
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I believe there is a lot of hype for this series because of KyoAni (Kanon, Haruhi, etc) and Aya Hirano (Haruhi's seiyuu).
    I tried to watch a trailer on youtube and had to close it after merely 2 seconds... ouch. Personal dissapointment.

    No doubt many will find it good, but just not my type of series. Even if KyoAni is behind it. I'll wait for their next project finishing Lucky Star, that is Clannad.

  6. #6
    Tastes like... the impression of Azumanga coated in thick icing, then dipped in sugar.

    First saw the opening on youtube, then read the first four manga chapters, and now, today, I saw the first episode.

    Not much else to add other than: chocolate rolls and/or cream puffs should be gripped firmly at the opposite end of where you're eating it to prevent leakage.

    Addendum: Upon watching the episode, again, I'd have to say that the Lucky Channel bit at the end was probably my favorite part, what with the host breaking character, and all.
    Last edited by bagandscalpel; Wed, 04-11-2007 at 01:41 PM.


  7. #7
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    The episode was somewhat funny in a relaxing kind of way. It's just enough to keep me interested and watch the next episode. This certainly is a moe series, hahaha.

    I'd say the highlights of this episode were the main character accusing her friend of being moe (Haruhi reference), the Street Fighter reference, the Lucky Channel bit, and the ending with the karaoke. Damn, her singing was bloody hilarious, haha.

    I'm probably going crazy, but the eyes on the main character keeps cracking me up. Something is most definitely wrong with me...

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Moe indeed...

    I guess I'm not really into pure moe things, because I thought the first episode was deadly boring. I very much doubt I'll be watching this series in the future. While it was cute and all, there was little humour and even less story (and obviously no action and such things), so I don't think it has any of the major elements I'm looking for. I thoroughly enjoyed Ichigo Mashimaro, and was expecting this to be something like it, but alas no.

  9. #9
    This is not the type of series I like watching, but it has a couple of scenes that are OK to watch here and there, so I'll watch a couple of episodes when I bored and got nothing else to watch.

    The OP was really good though, I'll listen to it plenty.

  10. #10
    Episode 2 by Lucky-Channel

    Apparently Sleeping Forest fansubs that did the first episode is renaming themselves to Lucky-Channel.

  11. #11
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    Enjoyed watchinng both episodes. Really great the way it's pieced together for sillyness lol.

    The OP is great too.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Well, the second episode was definitely a lot better than the first. It was more than just sitting around and talking about stuff: they actually went around and did some stuff. I definitely wouldn't mind continuing to watch this if it stays this way.

    Oh, and if you don't understand the reference when they were playing that drum game, shame on you (nah, not really, haha).

  14. #14
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Lucky Star - 03 by a.f.k.
    Lucky Star - 04 by a.f.k.
    Lucky Star - 05 by a.f.k.

    Anybody keeping track of this series? So far, I think that it's been pretty decent. It's no Azumanga Daioh, but the series is certainly satisfying.

  15. #15
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    I am enjoying this series quite a lot. I like the karaoke songs they sing at the end of every episode. Episode 5's was the DBZ Opening song. I especially loved the MMORPG Parody lol. People are actually like that on MMORPG. As sad as it is, I am too when I get a rare item. :/

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    Lol. I got a shock there.. This series just keep getting better!

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  18. #18
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Damn. I almost fell down from my chair when the D phase started.

  19. #19
    Hahaha, only song I recognized in the endings was the one at episode 5, which is the DBZ intro song. Man, that brought back memories. Oh man, episode 6 was great. Any Initial D reference has me bawling especially when Yui did the gutter drop.

  20. #20
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.

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