The Chess Board *spoilers*
It seems that we need more characters/suits to take into account who is who.
I believe that the DOMs that we've seen Lacus building can be symbolized as well. I believe they'll represent rooks. I lack the knowledge of the DOMs from previous Gundam series but from what I see of their design and the various parodies in other anime, I think they suit the role of rook. I have 2 reasons.
1) Look at the head of the suit. Doesn't it look like a castle top?
2) Don't they glide or something when charging on land? (Last DOM I saw was in a recent eps of Yakitate! Japan)
The Chess Board *spoilers*
IMO based on epi. 34 and that picture
AA= white bishop
Orb= White King
Shinn= Black Pawn
Kira= White Rook or Pawn that was knocked out by Shinn(Black Pawn)
-Because AA was heading for Orb(the King) to support them
-Kira was "protecting" the AA(Bishop), so he was originally in-front of AA and "supposedly" knocked out by Shinn
-Orb is the White King IMO because it is Dullindal's(Black King) main/core enemy he has to defeat (or is in his way) so he can kill off the Logos
I may be totally wrong, but thats how I put it.
The Chess Board *spoilers*
Originally posted by: LokeXero
I personally wonder if the Phantom Pain crew e.g Neo, Sting, Auel and Stellar were pieces... I need to redownload eps 3-7 and 12 to check...
Neo is definately a piece....either a pawn or a knight. Just something that went through my mind when he and Jibril were talking. He said something along the lines of "Remember the purpose you serve." Indicating that even Neo is being used.
Then again, given the debate about his identity, maybe he's a pawn. He seems to be in a situation similar to Sting, Auel and Stellar
The Chess Board *spoilers*
yea but that is only if duillandal is a member of logos and for some reason all of a sudden i dont think he is at all
The Chess Board *spoilers*
Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
yea but that is only if duillandal is a member of logos and for some reason all of a sudden i dont think he is at all
If Dullindale isn't a member of Logos where do you suppose he got a full member list including pictures from. I tend to think its way more likely he is a member then he isn't. Of course considering there anticoordinator stance its a bit hard to believe that he is a member unless he isn't a coordinator. At this point we kind of have to wait for the storyline to show us the answer to this one.
The Chess Board *spoilers*
which is why at this point i cant believe he is a member to me it just doesnt seem right will see as the series progresses. one thing though if he is a member of logos once that information is leak his downfall will begin first shinn leaving his side than plant and so on and so forth but that just my opinion
The Chess Board *spoilers*
Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
which is why at this point i cant believe he is a member to me it just doesnt seem right will see as the series progresses. one thing though if he is a member of logos once that information is leak his downfall will begin first shinn leaving his side than plant and so on and so forth but that just my opinion
It would have to be proven by a very reliable source in order for him to really get nailed like that for it. Considering the fact that nobody in Logos is about to get a press confernce together to say look at him he's also a member. However if say the real Lacus came out with such information he could be in deep trouble.
The Chess Board *spoilers*
i don't get it logos are blue cosmos right?
they hate coordinators right?
so how can dulindal or whatever his name is be a member?
The Chess Board *spoilers*
I've mentioned this somewhere on here before, but only once so I don't mind repeating it. Obviously I didn't come up with it all at once, but it started because nuking Junius 7 made no sense if they wanted to wipe out PLANT. If Blue Cosmos REALLY wanted to wipe out PLANT then they could have waited until they had more control of the EAF and then launched a nuclear strike against ALL of the colonies at once rather then just Junius 7.
Personally I don't believe Blue Cosmos was acctually formed with the purpose of destroying Coordinators. Individual members may have become obsessed with that goal, but not the main leadership. Blue Cosmos was ONLY formed to make people want to fight by stirring up hate and fear. Of course saying that Coordinators have to die will only enrage 1 side so they initiated the attack on Junius 7. Towards the end of the war Azrael got a hold of the plans for the Neutron Jammer Cancellor and authorized nuclear strikes, but I do not believe that HE had been authorized to do so. Since no one bothered to report it to his superiors he just did it. Then nukes were allowed from the top again in Destiny to try and restart the war.
The Chess Board *spoilers*
Now you brought up the fact, is Dullindal part of Blue Cosmos/Logos, makes me wonder a little bit....
Why? because if you look in episode 27 9min 18-22, you will see Dullindal having the specs + info on the new EAF Gundam Stellar was going to pilot (X1-Destroy).
And also include that with the members of Logos pictures
So? How did he manage to get that information?
PS: Remember what Dullindal said, "Then I will change everything"
The Chess Board *spoilers*
Well another thing that nobody has seemed to comment on yet is the fact that some of the pieces haev probably already been lost... I mean they've been going on for 35 episodes now and qutie a few people have been captured or killed....
I will take up the stance that Dullindal is on neither side, just playing the game both ways, and is rooting for Black to win....
Shinn as the Black PAwn,
Rey as a current Black Pawn- later probably a Black Knight-,
Lunamaria- BP,
Heine- fallen BP,
Yzak - Black Knight? Just seems like he has some importance more so than the others... but maybe just another BP like...
Deakka- BP
ZAFT Command Station - Black Rook
Minerva - Black Rook, although I could see him having Talia as the Black Queen, however..
Mia Campbell - Black Queen- just because she is so politically important (being able to move in so many directions and so far) And her beign parallel to Lacus
Black Bishops- .......? No real ideas here... Dullindal seems to be the most Bishop like, although I can also see the Junius 7 droppers as a Bishop, due to the fact that I still believe he orchestrated the colony drop, not Logos or EAF, and their sly moving pattern being such. In that case it seems that at least 1 Black Bishop has fallen.
Black King - His cause? PLANT? ...maybe himself? I dunno how this guy thinks...
As to speculation on how Dullindal fits in with Logos, I think he is connected with the company aspect of Logos, but not with the Blue Cosmos. ZAFT Coordinators probably have better engineering smarts than the EAF (ZAFT did invent the mobile suit, makes sense that they'd be the best at creating new units) and I wouldn't be surprised if Logos put aside the fact that he is a Coordinator in order to acquire that much needed military technology.