Senpai -> mentor isn't inapprorpiate. It's just wrong. (much like Kraco suggests).
Guess if I every choose to archive this series in 16:9, it won't be Frostii.
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Senpai -> mentor isn't inapprorpiate. It's just wrong. (much like Kraco suggests).
Guess if I every choose to archive this series in 16:9, it won't be Frostii.
I've decided to stick with Chihiro (even if this gives Archie an stomache). But I will watch frostii's version of 11 and 12 since Chihiro hasn't released them.
Its funny. I've liked all the series Frostii is subbing this season, and I haven't found one single thing that bothers me. And then the first 5 minutes of episode 10 of K-ON annoyed me due to the americanization...
Frostii BD batch
So did Zell ever watch Chihiro's shit release?
Marik beat you on it Archie =P
So, 13 and 14 were the DVD/BD episodes only, correct? Or was it just the side stories?
@Bill: THORA is releasing 1080p BD subs as well. Looks like they released episode 10 back in Nov. so they should finish up soon as well.
I just noticed at least eps 13 and 14 have two subtitle tracks: Localized and unlocalized. Too bad I only noticed it afterwards... The unlocalized, as expected, sported "onee-chan"s, "Mio-senpai"s and such. If I ever rerewatch these, I'll be sure to use the possibility.
For real? God damn it... why didn't I notice that sooner? That seals the deal. Im keeping Frostii, Im just going to remux the episodes to get rid of the localized script. If I ever watch this again I don't want to stand up from my chair to switch scripts every episode.
I checked. All episodes have both scripts. Hate they used the localized one as the default one. And I also dislike the fact that nowhere on their page I saw a mention of this. I usually don't toy around with the scripts.
Thanks for the tip Kraco.
Tuesday, April 6th.
Coalguys - S2 Ep 01
-New OP is messy. Real messy.
-Didn't get many laughs in this first episode, but hopefully it'll build up.
-They refused the maid outfit. Damn.
-ED was nice. Can't say if it rivals Don't Say Lazy, but it has a good flow.
The new OP makes it a bit tough to concentrate, but the animation behind it is great. There is no way you can't give Toyosaki Aki credit for singing that fast, and in character.
The ED is good too.
I got plenty of laughs out of the episode, but that's because I'm a Yui fan. Almost everything she does ends up being funny, and Tsumugi fills in the gaps. It's mostly 'physical' comedy combined with all the noises she makes.
This show is like putting on a pair of worn in pants. It might get a bit old toward the end, but it is a very comfortable fit with a familiar warm feeling.
Still no real performances though. I wonder if that is because they'd have to pay Toyosaki Aki and Hikasa Youko's agencies extra for each time they played an insert song.
Yeah, I'm much more of a Mio fan. Perhaps the most noticable bonus here is glorious 16:9 HD.
How is CoalGuys? Im undecided between watching them or wait for another group.
The episode didn't really make me laugh and the OP was a bit too weird for my tastes but otherwise it was pretty solid K-ON quality. Although that being said I still hope something would change - actually I trust something will.
I'm amazed they decided to use those goofy animal costumes when recruiting. Surely they should have remembered they didn't work at all the year before.