damn, great episode...really hot stuff and the stuff after the credits was even better.
takashi sure is one kind of a lucky guy.
I'm really looking forward to see more of this anime
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damn, great episode...really hot stuff and the stuff after the credits was even better.
takashi sure is one kind of a lucky guy.
I'm really looking forward to see more of this anime
To me this episode was about Saeko's ass.....great episode indeed.
Okay, this show is still kind of entertaining, but come on, it´s getting ridiculous:
- Busujima is the worst anime-character ever. She has absolutely no fear of zombies, wears that tiny piece of clothing and then acts as if there never was an emancipation, "The man has spoken". At this point, she just comes off as the author´s dream girl, not a believable character.
- Sensei freaking forgot to put on clothes WTF?! Her brainless attitude was annoying from ep1/2 on, but this is beyond ludicrous.
- "We found out that we´re still human!", Rei happily shouts. Yeah, bitch, you´re the last person of them all to claim that.
Favourite part of the episode were all Hirano-related scenes. And I hope he´ll get to fuck one or two of the girls over the course of the series, lol. Also, lol @Komuro saying "i guess things dont work out like in an anime", right after he did typical anime-action stuff.
It was pretty ridiculous, so much that I had to laugh out loud when the Humvee arrived featuring Saeko. But ridiculous in a very fun way.
Nuh Uh. Dream girl FTW.Quote:
- Busujima is the worst anime-character ever. She has absolutely no fear of zombies, wears that tiny piece of clothing and then acts as if there never was an emancipation, "The man has spoken". At this point, she just comes off as the author´s dream girl, not a believable character.
I think I'm pretty used to it now. It's finally hit me that she's useless and nothing's going to be done about it, so I'll have to make do with her non-existent brain and gigantic tits.Quote:
- Sensei freaking forgot to put on clothes WTF?! Her brainless attitude was annoying from ep1/2 on, but this is beyond ludicrous.
Yeah.. well, to me Rei's pretty human. Maybe not a role model, but definitely human. I guess learning that they haven't fallen as low as they thought they may have given this chaos can be pretty uplifting. I know I would feel that way.Quote:
- "We found out that we´re still human!", Rei happily shouts. Yeah, bitch, you´re the last person of them all to claim that.
Hirano scenes were indeed fun. I could only watch and smile as his shoulder took on all that recoil without a problem while every zombie in a 5m arc went flying. (Though, he did have top quality shock absorbers that grant you Hardened +1 )
The gg translation was pretty horrible. What makes it so bad is that the mistakes aren't blatant enough to be obvious (so viewers assume they are correct), but greatly affect the perception of the characters' personalities.
An example is the time when Saeko was informing Komuro that they had no choice in such dire times. She was actually saying something like, "I am just stating the facts. That does not mean I want it that way." They translated this as "Whether you like it or not, I am merely stating the truth."
There is a big difference between the two, especially because it is a line that reflects Saeko's personality. The gg version makes her sound like a jerk, while she was actually saying something that should give the opposite impression (that of a strong and kind onee-san that she is).
gg's errors notwithstanding, I loved this episode. It was just the kind of noncircumspect, honest, and also full of funny theatrics kind of action I can appreciate. The action felt like it was taken from a computer game where the player enjoys doing straight-forward shooting of everything that moves and bike driving like there's no tomorrow.
The fanservice is so over the top that it's actually starting to feel natural for this series. At least it's more refreshing than the usual guy wandering into a bathroom while a girl is there scenes. There's simply no need to find excuses for showing some skin in this series.
I'm also happing the little girl joined the crew. I hope she stick around. So far all female characters have been full of fanservice, so it's nice to get one who's not all about that. I just hope she won't end up as someone who needs saving regularly. Hard to see what a kid could be useful for, but on the other hand the cast has hardly been all utilitarian even so far. Even the nurse is completely useless for anything but having a driver's license (and an awesome friend)...
actually they translated it as "don't get the wrong idea, im just stating the truth"Quote:
"I am just stating the facts. That does not mean I want it that way." They translated this as "Whether you like it or not, I am merely stating the truth."
which means: "It's not that I don't want to help them/her...." etc
I can't see the problem there
---- starting from 4:21-----
Do not get the wrong idea, Komuro.
Whether you like it or not, I am merely stating the truth.
-------end transcript------
I'm with Shinta here.
Shinta's version comes off as "I don't like it either, but this is what reality is."
gg's version comes off as "That's reality. Go suck it."
so you leave out the meaning of the "do not get the wrong idea" part and totally ignore it?
not to mention the kind face she made when she said that.
nah, come on, it was fine, I don't know about other parts though, for example that "MMO" speech
"Don't get the wrong idea" buffered it a little bit, but it still put everything back on Komuro. It's like how people go "No offense, but [insert insult here]"
(By not mentioning herself when Komuro indirectly asked for her opinion, she basically made it come off as "It's not my fault you can't hack it little man."
As for her face, she had a slight (and kind, or even sad) smile when you look at it one way, but when you take her words into account, it could almost be a smirk as well.
(I'm exaggerating stuff a little bit here, but I think it's generally true)
The translation was wrong, and could be easily misunderstood.
The "Don't get the wrong idea" part is translated directly, so it should of course be there and imply the correct meaning. The "whether you like it or not" part was not in the original Japanese text at all, and implies the opposite meaning. They mistranslated "Sore wo kononde nado inai." (Direct TL: I do not want/like that at all) probably because the subject was omitted.
About her face, it is only natural that she would make an expression that supports what she actually meant, but that does not make the translation correct. If anything, it makes it weird because what she said (in the subs) does not match her expression.
Also, there were other errors or bad word choices. That is just one example.
It's just a little weird for people who know Japanese, because they say one thing, but the nuances of the implication of the translation are sort of "bent" rather than "extended". So hearing it and reading it is a little jarring. I don't know if I could call it westernized or more modern, it just feels like it's the translator's voice rather than the authors. This is what I would call a "liberal" translation. By definition I think a literal translation would still use slang, but they would stay true to the nuances of the character and the slang/implications they used.
I preferred Coalguys.
Your post made me laugh MFauli. I totally agree that Busujima is probably the authors ideal woman LOL
I was a little bit :o at the fanservice but I resolved that the author was just a genius at ero and action and left it at that. The little girl is like loli on crack, so of course I immediately hate her. Part of what helps me like or at least accept every character are their percievable flaws: it helps me see them as more than one dimensional. Loli Girl is like a cardboard cut out of every helpless then cute/mildly-helpful-mostly-hindering mega loli in existence. I hope I am wrong.
I was a little shocked that the dad got stabbed in the heart. Sad. :( My suspension of disbelief has now failed with the teacher, but oddly enough came back with the motercycle fighting. I was a little disturbed at Glasses blushing at a little girl landing on his crotch. (or maybe the fact that it was written)
I want more purple haired chick!
I took that "The man has spoken" more like a joke or otherwise a comment simply meant to convey that the course of action has been decided. She might also be from some dojo family prone to old-fashioned speech, who knows. But one such comment hardly means she has never heard of emancipation. It might even have been a sort of jab at Komuro, suggesting that he thinks he's the leader simply because he's a man.
Well, I cant remember what exactly, but Busujima made a comment like that ago, so I dont think she meant it as a joke. Oh well, we´ll find out, I guess...
This is pure entertainment!
Ok, first of all lol at this scene
That's one horny bitch
Second, fuck all Saeko haters
Third, am i the only one thinking that taking a barking dog along for the ride is unbelievably retarded? Sound = bad
And fourth, where can i download the OST?
Why didn't the zombies attack that dog when it was just standing in the street barking at them, they seemed to simply walk right past it..
But when the little girl started crying they immediately went for her..
Maybe dogs don't taste good?