I don't intend to insult the subbers in anyway here, but the subs could be better. The english there is sometimes really bad and some made up words even appear there like 'shamelessness' for instance (just one that cought my eye esspecially) but well it is a word just a really really bad one that doesn't have a proper use. And the the same words start to circulate over and over again, like the word 'troublesome'
here is a quote from an online Thesaurus
There is a wide range of other words that would make the subs far more intresting. The best solution would be a team with some1 as english as first language and fluent japanese and then a person with japanese as first language and fluent english.Quote:
Main Entry: troublesome
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bothersome
Synonyms: alarming, annoying, arduous, bitch, burdensome, damaging, dangerous, demanding, difficult, disquieting, hairy, harassing, hard, heavy, importunate, inconvenient, infestive, intractable, irksome, irritating, laborious, mean, messy, murder, oppressive, painful, pesky, pestiferous, pestilential, problematic, refractory, repressive, rough, taxing, tiresome, tough, tricky, troublous, trying, ugly, ungovernable, unruly, uphill, upsetting, vexatious, vexing, wearisome, wicked, worrisome, worrying
I know this suggestion propably goes to deaf ears but atleast i made the effort to notice 'bout it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
And top of all, keep up the good work! Eventho this wouldn't get to any changes 'cause i know its hasty to get the subs done but i'm very sure that a minor delay for quality wouldn't be bad.
And one more thing, i know this kinda blew up in my hands, but as for the teams i suggested it would make these direct translations disappear which are rather amusing but yet annoying, the english language has so many phrases and nearly none of them gets used, thats why a person with english as first language should be making those subs.
Finally i most sincerily wish that this wasn't taken as an offensive flame 'cause it wasn't any intention of it and i'm truly sorry if you took it as one since i'm more than grateful for the subs that you are offering.