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Thread: A minor suggestion

  1. #1

    A minor suggestion

    I don't intend to insult the subbers in anyway here, but the subs could be better. The english there is sometimes really bad and some made up words even appear there like 'shamelessness' for instance (just one that cought my eye esspecially) but well it is a word just a really really bad one that doesn't have a proper use. And the the same words start to circulate over and over again, like the word 'troublesome'

    here is a quote from an online Thesaurus

    Main Entry: troublesome
    Part of Speech: adjective
    Definition: bothersome
    Synonyms: alarming, annoying, arduous, bitch, burdensome, damaging, dangerous, demanding, difficult, disquieting, hairy, harassing, hard, heavy, importunate, inconvenient, infestive, intractable, irksome, irritating, laborious, mean, messy, murder, oppressive, painful, pesky, pestiferous, pestilential, problematic, refractory, repressive, rough, taxing, tiresome, tough, tricky, troublous, trying, ugly, ungovernable, unruly, uphill, upsetting, vexatious, vexing, wearisome, wicked, worrisome, worrying
    There is a wide range of other words that would make the subs far more intresting. The best solution would be a team with some1 as english as first language and fluent japanese and then a person with japanese as first language and fluent english.

    I know this suggestion propably goes to deaf ears but atleast i made the effort to notice 'bout it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    And top of all, keep up the good work! Eventho this wouldn't get to any changes 'cause i know its hasty to get the subs done but i'm very sure that a minor delay for quality wouldn't be bad.

    And one more thing, i know this kinda blew up in my hands, but as for the teams i suggested it would make these direct translations disappear which are rather amusing but yet annoying, the english language has so many phrases and nearly none of them gets used, thats why a person with english as first language should be making those subs.

    Finally i most sincerily wish that this wasn't taken as an offensive flame 'cause it wasn't any intention of it and i'm truly sorry if you took it as one since i'm more than grateful for the subs that you are offering.


  2. #2
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    A minor suggestion

    Originally posted by: Flx
    The english there is sometimes really bad and some made up words even appear there like 'shamelessness' for instance (just one that cought my eye esspecially)
    hurrrr, how this a word with "no proper use".

    Write the dialogue in your mind, I'm sure you can improve on AonE's translations, bub.

  3. #3

    RE: A minor suggestion

    If find those words fit it perfectly and are the best one's to use for those situations i'm sure, well it works well when i read them.
    I'm pretty sure AonE has an english major also, so he would know what he is talking about.

    I think it's only you.

  4. #4
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: A minor suggestion

    I mean, not to say that AonE doesn't make mistakes, but there are probably more in your post than in any of AonE's releases I've watched.

  5. #5

    A minor suggestion

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I mean, not to say that AonE doesn't make mistakes, but there are probably more in your post than in any of AonE's releases I've watched.
    Tushe!! poing!!! Your dead!!! (this is not spam posting this is just an opinion)!!!! so mod kid don't be mad

    No, it is spam. This has to be at least the 5th post today where you've posted something totally worthless. Judging from your record, this would be your 4th rule violation since YESTERDAY. If you break the rules one more time, then consider yourself banned.

    GotWoot Moderator

  6. #6
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: A minor suggestion

    Originally posted by: Racso
    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I mean, not to say that AonE doesn't make mistakes, but there are probably more in your post than in any of AonE's releases I've watched.
    Tushe!! poing!!! Your dead!!! (this is not spam posting this is just an opinion)!!!! so mod kid don't be mad
    Shut the fuck up.

    And stop PMing me.

  7. #7

    RE: A minor suggestion

    Why do these trolls keep harrassing every single forum?

  8. #8
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: A minor suggestion

    to draw reactions, usually.

    It's best just to ignore them and let he mods rape them silly.

  9. #9
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    Feb 2005

    A minor suggestion

    I LOVE self-made words! There should be a 2-25 dictionary one day, with all of the words that I've made up. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    But back on topic, I just like to say that some things can be lost through translations. For example, jokes. Like in anime, the nose-bleeding reaction whenever some hot chick walks by, is equivalent to the "Wow, she's so hot that I'm drooling" western phrase.
    Okay...that might not be the best example...
    but what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, expressions or phrases in one language might not exist in another language.
    Second shot of an example: there's this really funny Chinese idiom that directly translates in English as "playing piano to a cow."
    Yeah... that just doesn't work in English.
    So, it might be altered to "I'm talking to a brick wall" or something (with the meaning adjusted a bit even, but same attempt in humour).

    Oh, and another point is that self- made words, like shamelessness, help further develop characters and add on realism to dialogues.
    Example: "That is huge!"
    changed to: "Wow, that's ginormous!"

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