View Full Version : Naruto on [adultswim]
Mon, 09-20-2004, 01:29 AM
Ahoy Pirates...
The question floating around lately is Naruto made for American Viewers? I am a member at the forum at [adultswim] and I was wondering if I could get some insight from other sources. The majority of the people at the swim, really dont have logic, so maybe I can see if anyone here has any. Not to be rude or mean, but because opinions vary from board to board.
Heres your job, say your piece about Naruto making it on the air on any network. Please, be thorough and state a logical statement. I am writing a thread at [adultswim] as well about this cartoon and pressing for it to get bought ASAP. If all goes well, I can show that others are up for it and post there replys.
The reason, have you seen the foxbox preview of One piece? They killed the cartoon with crap voice overs and major cut outs. I am only trying to save naurto from becoming the same. I think [adultswim] is narutos best chance for survival in American voice overs. Please, make your cause! I will be back tomorrow to check up on this thread and post support and my opinions. Thank you, and I hope to hear from you all.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 03:28 AM
sure, I guess it would be better.
but most people here would rather keep watching the fansubs even if it shown on TV; they are just way better.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:44 AM
Originally posted by: Aramis
sure, I guess it would be better.
but most people here would rather keep watching the fansubs even if it shown on TV; they are just way better.
Ya, if it had to be licensed(at which point most groups stop subbing it) I would choose adult swim. However I do think I would fight to have it licensed because that would make most groups stop so we would have to wait for them to get it ready then watch it at that time.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:46 AM
Do not... i repeat do not do voiceovers of anything, it makes it sucky and lame..... period!§
i can only say one thing, because i come from a country that speaks a minor language as our mother tongue... learn to read your own fricking language and stop doing voice overs of everything... it makes you discriminate and worse at reading.... embrace litteracy!!!!!!!
ps. i would buy the fansubs if they came out on dvd.... yet i would NEVER buy voice overs....
Mon, 09-20-2004, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by: DeadalouS
i would buy the fansubs if they came out on dvd.... yet i would NEVER buy voice overs....
Same here. I can't see myself paying for shitty american actors. Sasuke would be Steven Slicer, or something gay like that. Wtf is a Joey wheeler?!?!
Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:12 AM
a license is never good i dont know anything about this adultswim channel since im not american. the best thing for the ppl that dont live in america which is alot of ppl btw is for the show to not become lisenced.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:41 AM
I made a thread about this beforehand, and I fought for the licensing of Naruto. I still would fight for it, simply because for the 30k of us that d/l one episode a week, there's easily 10x that many people that will get into this show when it has been licensed and released in the states. I do want the Japanese track to stay on there, but I'll definitely buy the DVDs when they are released (unless they charge $30 for 3 episode DVDs, which is unlikely).
Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:51 AM
After a year, we usually get subbed japanese version DVD's ..never had any voice overs..
dont want them either..
Mon, 09-20-2004, 12:26 PM
Licensing and subbing is what has created the high popularity Anime is in the US market today. Yeah, I do admit that many dubs done by the American studios (4Kids as a major culprit) have reduced the enjoyment of the show and sometimes ruin it (Knights of the Zodiac anyone?), but without those licensing, there will be a minimum market. Money makes the world go around.
The re-writing of the story is the worst thing they can ever do. It makes the show just dumb (extreme case once again is Knights of the Zodiac).
As for Naruto on Adultswim, it is a better idea than most, but the most important thing is who is going to license the Anime. Even if Naruto is shown on Adultswim, if 4Kids or DIC Entertainment licenses it, the product will probably be not as good, unless they change their way of dubbing. From my experience, ADV and Bandai do an okay job, and Funimation is not too bad except for the editing that they do quite a bit. Pioneer (now Geneon) is still my favorite, even though their choice in dub actors are questionable at times.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 12:32 PM
as long as they don't cut out anything i don't care where it's aired if it ever is released they should do an uncesored dvd release and i'll definately buy it
Mon, 09-20-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by: lonasjonas
I am writing a thread at [adultswim] as well about this cartoon and pressing for it to get bought ASAP.
This is already the wrong way to approach people.
It's not the smurfs, it's not a cartoon
Mon, 09-20-2004, 12:47 PM
On adult swim? That'd be horrible. I actually like the voices they picked thus-far, I'd rather not have some stupid american doing the voice of Kakashi.
It wouldn't affect me anyway, not only do I not have that channel, I watch the raw of naruto anyway.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 01:25 PM
I'm not patient enough to wait for whoever to license naruto and then dub probably only 26 eps a year. that would suck. I hated when i started watching DBZ and yuu yuu hakusho and they would get to a certain point(not the end) and start it all over and you had to wait a year or more before they ever had new eps and still they may not go to the end of a series. it would take like 5-6 years before we ever got back to the latest episode of naruto and i'm just to impatient for that. why wait when you can have it now/
Mon, 09-20-2004, 01:34 PM
i would only watch a dubbed version if they taught the current voice actors english and had them do it. otherwise it would suck.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 02:19 PM
eh it wouldnt be that bad, inuyasha is on adult swim and it isnt too bad at all, same goes for trigun and bebop which are staples on there.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 02:23 PM
Do not do anything at all jeez......... its not like there is something wrong with downloading them online now. Why complicate things.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 02:51 PM
Yes I'm sure all of us here prefer fansubs. But the question is...should [adultswim] persue this anime - before other groups like foxbox or bandai grab the series and dub/edit it to hell (poor voice cast, poor translations, any and all blood removed, etc).
[adultswim] would be one of my top choices if Naruto ever did become licensed. I believe they do a pretty good job of representing the original conception. Whether I would watch it would be another matter. For most people around these forums, we've gotten used to hearing the voice cast for Naruto. So usually its not a matter of the dub quality, we're just not accustom to hearing them talk in english. I personally, wish someone would be a little ambitious with thier licensing and attempt to sub an entire series.
I'm glad that Naruto hasn't be licensed. It probably doesn't get a lot of attention because most people don't see the marketability of a ninja series in the US. But then again what the hell do I know about the US target audience?
Mon, 09-20-2004, 02:55 PM
I would definitely rather wait a week at a time and spend a few hours downloading to get the latest and better episodes of Naruto then have to wait a few years to watch the sucky Americanized episode...
I do not personally watch Adult I cant say much on the quality of the "american" version....though from what Ive seen on regular "Toonami" they really suck.....
And you know if they brought Naruto into America they would cut out a HELL of a lot of stuff....
Mon, 09-20-2004, 03:15 PM
Adult Swim itself is not a dubbing company, it all depends on the company that gets Naruto. If Pioneer or FUNimation got it, there is a good chance of it being on Adult Swim. However, if Satan-- err... 4Kids got it, there is a very good chance of it coming to the FoxBox.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 03:29 PM
No dubbing period.
If 4kids grabs it thers gonna be a killing spree at their office.
It'll be the most humane thing to do to those people.
Killing them will be more merciful than what the Naruto fans will do.
Board of Command
Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:38 PM
Keep the fan subs. The original is always better than voice overs. I wouldn't watch an English Naruto.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:42 PM
i heard that Viz is selling the licensing of naruto and they won't say who got naruto and when it's gonna be aired until their magazine comes out (i heard it comes out at the end of the month in japan).
i like fansubs. i don't mind adultswim either. but i just can't wait a couple years for them to catch up to where naruto is right now. my only request for dub is the passion in the voices. some talk monotonously...that's when i hate it.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:46 PM
adult swim is NOT a good source for animes. family guy is ok being on there, but as far as anime goes, its pretty much dookie. and when i say dookie, its with a short fart after i say it. thats how i think of adult swim. if you think adult swim is a good source for anime, I #$%@*& HATE YOU.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:48 PM
Adult Swim makes me miss Sci-Fi Channel's old "Saturday Anime" segments... they usta show some of the rarer fare.
Board of Command
Mon, 09-20-2004, 04:52 PM
Well I don't live in the states so I don't even know what this Adultswim channel is. I doubt that it would get very popular in North America because they would have to cut out all the violence, which ruins the plot.
For example, in the beginning of the Zabuza mission, Naruto stabbed his own hand to show how his devotion. They'd either have to censor this part or cut it out.
Most people in North America probably won't even understand the story because it's purely based on Japanese culture and traditions. Unlike shows such as Pokemon or Yugioh, Naruto is set in a very traditional setting, one which is hard for most westerners to appreciate.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 05:22 PM
i will say that adult swim is the best choice. it is nothing like toonami. i enjoy bebop,trigun, and inuyasha, they do a good job of keeping the episodes intact. but i still will not watch until the event i described in my earlier post happens.
Board of Command
Mon, 09-20-2004, 05:29 PM
That would never happen.
Btw, if you don't know what's up with my avatar, go to (
Mon, 09-20-2004, 05:49 PM
What I would like to see happen is somebody just picking up the license, paying for the script of TW or ANBU/AONE clean up grammar or typos, or get somebody who won't translate the ninpos into something retarded (explaining it at the top with an asterixed note is perfectly acceptable) and not censoring it, any of it. If it has to be put on at like 1 am, I personally think it's better than having it in the afternoon, edited. If it absolutely must be dubbed, whoever gets it would have pay through the teeth for some serious voice talent otherwise it could very easily be ruined. Watching an episode of DBZ, I found it terrible that the young Trunks was voiced by a dude that had a deeper voice than my dad, absolutely no excuse for that. Maybe it was just here in Canada, but watching dubbed anime is often very painful.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 06:11 PM
Man you guys, hating americans lol, no offense but the japanese version of naruto sound like screaming girls or most of all the characters on each anime sound like it. Like dragonballz that was the most horrible voices i heard, lol. But I love anime and i love azn people for making better animations and even though im american i really hate our cartoon shows, I would say azn people have the best talents in orchestra, intelligence and animation. But our comedy is alot funnier, but all in all keep up the good work and it would suck if you guys stopped anime!!!! Oh and im like 30 percent azn too or like 15 percent around that. it would also suck on adult swim or whatever just taking all of the blood and guts and all the bad parts out i mean it says "Adult" swim. I love the azn people!
Mon, 09-20-2004, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by: Paulyboy
Man you guys, hating americans lol, no offense but the japanese version of naruto sound like screaming girls or most of all the characters on each anime sound like it. Like dragonballz that was the most horrible voices i heard, lol. But I love anime and i love azn people for making better animations and even though im american i really hate our cartoon shows, I would say azn people have the best talents in orchestra, intelligence and animation. But our comedy is alot funnier, but all in all keep up the good work and it would suck if you guys stopped anime!!!! Oh and im like 30 percent azn too or like 15 percent around that. it would also suck on adult swim or whatever just taking all of the blood and guts and all the bad parts out i mean it says "Adult" swim. I love the azn people!
...That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day. "I hate japanese voices, and their humor, but it's alright, I'm 15 percent azn, LOL"
Obviously voice acting changes per show, not all asians have bad voices, unless you're not used to hearing it. Americans can even surpass the original voices, Princess mononoke comes to mind. But for the most part they don't. Especially since naruto in particular has some good voice actors.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 09:25 PM
wtf are you talking about "japanese version of naruto"
IT IS made in japan after all
they use womens voices because they feel that it protrays the character better, women are better at changing their voices to sound manlike (no offence in ay way to those of you out there)
little boys arent that good at voice acting,
the good ones ive seen with great voiceovers that matched the characters pretty good are cowboy bebop and golden boy, so if they search hard enough and find a good one itll be alright
if, and im saying IF, it does come to the US on any station, i would say it should be on adultswim
i dont want friggin gay ass WB fucking it up or anything
Mon, 09-20-2004, 09:33 PM
Darrell's Kickboxing Adventure, anyone?
Mon, 09-20-2004, 10:15 PM
Omg 4kids would do anything to get money and viewers to watch there stuff man they are sad dude, and also im freaking white, puerto rican, and azn man lol. So i guess the azness comes from how i like animes, whiteness must come from listening to rock, and puerto ricans must come from how i like bueritos i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif. Also im not saying all azn voices are bad im justt saying on mostly all animes they sound like girls all the time but most of the voices are cool, like kakashi and sasuke but naruto sounds like a girl even though he is but id just use a guys voice though but to tell you the truth he does kinda sound like a 14 year old kid so im seeing what your trying to say tensai, dont get offended lol
Board of Command
Mon, 09-20-2004, 10:17 PM
I've never heard of that site, so it better be a joke...
Mon, 09-20-2004, 10:28 PM
lmao that is the funniest thing that ive read wouldnt mind if they made a cartoon like that would be quite funny just as long as they dont licence naruto cause then thats just WRONG!!
Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:20 PM
Really if u think about it, If naruto is going to be licensed, I think Adultswim would be one of the best choices for it to be aired.
You have to understand companies want MONEY. THey dont care about what we think. However adult swim tries to keep it as original as possible, and doesn't usually censore as much(because its late at night). However, i REALLY REALLY doubt adult swim will get it because its such a popular anime
Its basicly a money pot, and who ever licenses it will want everyone to see it, because it appeals to so many different age groups. Trigun, inu yasa, they dont appeal to younger kids. Naruto does.
So yeah I think out of all the current American channels(except international channel, which really isn't one) adult swim would be the best, because they are also concerned about the anime itself instead of just making money.
Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:43 PM
Chances are, with all likelyhood, Naruto will end up on Adult Swim, or perhaps that one anime network I don't get at college. It's more the type of show they play there, after all. I don't mind this; good anime needs decent exposure, after all.
However, the question is, who will liscence it?
I hypothesize that no one will have to worry about the dub.
Naruto is simply not the kind of show 4Kids is looking for. From episode one, there is perversion, bloody violence, graffiti and anger. Therefore, it seems logical they won't waste their time editing every single scene.
No, Naruto is more in line series wise with, say, Dragon Ball or Yu Yu Hakusho, series liscenced by FUNimation. Or perhaps, other long Shonen series, like say, Berserk or Rurouni Kenshin, series liscenced by Media Blasters (my own personal hope, since they have Outtakes on their DVDs.)
However, when it gets down to it, worrying about a dub at the moment is futile.
While a dub of a series as popular as Naruto is inevitable, I wager it will not happen for at least two more years.
Simply put, the anime is at 101 episodes, and from what I can tell, not even close to it's halfway point. It's way to early for a series such as this to be liscenced. Anyone remember what Dragon Ball was at when it started being liscenced (no, really, I have no clue?) I KNOW Conan didn't get liscenced until it was in it's high-200s, low 300s. One Piece got liscenced at 180-something. I'm FAIRLY certain Kenshin didn't get licsenced until it finished at 95.
So, my advice to all you worriers? Stop worrying about it. Naruto won't be liscensed for a while, and you will have uncut DVDs for it no matter who liscences it. Besides, you'll probably have a job anyway by the time it's liscenced, so you can put your money to good use and support anime the way it's meant to be supported!
And that's all I have to say on this subject. Have a nice day.
High Wind
Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by: ForgottenSpiral
Darrell's Kickboxing Adventure, anyone?
Oh god, If 4Kids actually did that...
However, 4Kids knows that quality translated Japanese animation is not what people want these days, and has instead opted for a more universal and Americanized version known as "Darrell's Kickboxing Adventure!" It focuses on Darrell's journey to be the best in the ancient and powerful art of Taebo, and it is filled with many life-encouraging lessons for today's youth.
Lil' Dip (Kakashi): Half-Hispanic and Half-African American, this affirmatively minority character is the son of Dipcardo and Yom (maiden name Amma) Rodriguez (Lil' Dip being the Jr.). Raised in the South Bronx, Dip Jr. found his love for both Taebo and Salsa music at an early age, along with his fascination for hip-hop.
These two are the funniest things I have ever read. Especially the on about "Lil-Dip"
Tue, 09-21-2004, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Most people in North America probably won't even understand the story because it's purely based on Japanese culture and traditions. Unlike shows such as Pokemon or Yugioh, Naruto is set in a very traditional setting, one which is hard for most westerners to appreciate.
If kenshin was successful in the US.....then i dont think Naruto would have ANY problem
Tue, 09-21-2004, 12:22 AM
...Yes. People who're watching anime can appreciate the japanese culture anyway. "very traditional japanese setting". The fuck are you smoking? Since when is "konoha" In japan? When can they perform JUTSUs. Stupidest fucking thing ever, it's obviously a fantasy world that alludes to Japanese culture. It was made in JAPAN.
You ever watch pokemon? That alludes to Japanese culture just as much, even moreso. They had hotsprings in that too, ramen, tatamis.
How about tenchi muyo? That was about a japanese schoolboy that lives on a shinto shrine. And that was incredibly popular here in america. What about the inrcedibly Japanese Naruto plot won't westerners get?
Tue, 09-21-2004, 01:31 AM
An odd point many of us are missing here, and that is this:
Although we do represent the elite among anime watchers, as we have already seen most/entire series by the time the first episodes have hit the televisions/DVD players of the non-downloading public, we are not the majority. There is, at the very least, 15-20 people who use public medians, such as Anime magazines and Adult Swim, to find out about anime and such per one person who downloads our anime. We are a very minor faction of it, and we are viably not a great source of income since it is apparent that a large majority of the people who download anime do not in turn purchase the anime. Therefore, what we want as far as anime/public medians is irrelevant. We don't make a contribution to the market, therefore we have no opinions to offer on what should/should not be done. We can cite our problems with marketed anime, whether lingual differences in what we are used to and what was done to a show, but saying that you will not buy anime for whatever reasons you may have boils down to the fact that "why buy the cow when the milk is free?" philosophy, and Naruto could be the one to bite us on the ass.
As far as my personal research goes (and this is publically available information - check stat trackers on any bittorrent site), Naruto is the single-most regularly downloaded anime that is running currently. I'm sure that anime companies such as Bandai, ADV, and Funimation have someone that checks out the download ratios for episodes to determine how popular a show is, while checking out the content for themselves. And I know that they are aware that there are thousands of individuals such as ourselves downloading different shows, some of which they already own the rights to. But if you get bored, check some stats for some of our popular shows. If you get bored, count the number of downloads from every group for the next Naruto. ANBU-AonE easily had 30k for most of theirs, then account for your speedsub groups. Then also look at the fact that their are groups out of Italy, Spain, and other non-English speaking countries that are also subbing, some of whom are committed to only doing Naruto. Then account for the fact that another few thousand people are using programs such as Kazaa, DC++, IRC, etc., and you have a shitload of people. But in the end, as popular as some shows are, none have as many hits as Naruto.
For those of you who really are committed to not feeling like a total ass about anime downloading, buy the DVDs. They put some form of contact in the DVDs for you to voice your concerns. If enough people bring the problems they have with anime to a company's attention, they will fix it. ADV is putting more episodes on their DVDs, and Pioneer/Funimation have lowered the price on their DVDs, or added more content in the form of episodes and extras to theirs. You can't claim they don't, considering I bought Trigun over 8 DVDs and Evangelion on tape and then look at what both companies are doing with their products now; the re-release of Evangelion has 4-5 episodes per DVD at the same price, and Geneon has dropped the price of their 3 episode DVDs by $5. I will admit that I got screwed on the Evas, but at the same time ADV was still starting out on popularizing anime and needed some way to guarantee they would make their investment back. Doesn't mean I was happy about it, just that I understand why every VHS tape had 2 episodes on it. But the more we tell them what we want from our anime, the more they'll work for our money.
With Naruto, a very valid point is there: If Naruto were licensed today, it would be no sooner than three years (and that's if they go into massive overdrive to get the series over here) until the American audience was caught up to where Naruto is currently; and after that point, they would be X number of episodes behind where it would be by the time they caught up to our current point. I wholeheartedly agree with the viewers, I could not nor would not wait three years to see what happens next in the show. It's of the level of kicking little kids and pulling pranks on mentally challenged people, it's undue suffering. Once Naruto is licensed, I will still get current episodes, even if I have to spend every Thursday night with my Japanese teacher having her translate everything I don't understand from the raws. But I will buy the DVDs. If anyone licenses this and they take a bath on it, the finger is going to be pointed at us, the people who download. And when that happens, the ADV witch hunts are going to look like hiccups from drinking Coke too fast compared to what a company that has lost millions of dollars at the hands of thousands of people who were too lazy to dish out $20/month.
I seriously doubt that many people will derive any source of deeper understanding of what we potentially mean to downloading anime and licensed DVDs, but I know that if it were my dime on this show and I wasn't getting the business on it that it should be giving me because of people downloading instead of buying, every one of us would have our asses kicked back to 1964... where anime was in Japan until a company brought it overseas. Bitch all you may want to, but we're going to be the ones who are shit out of luck if someone picks this show up and it doesn't generate massive amounts of money (with exception to 4Kids, obviously we could see that being a bad call). Funimation couldn't screw this show up horribly; at least they, along with everyone but 4Kids, leave the Japanese track on all their DVDs. And don't say "But they could ruin the subtitling on the jutsus!#@!" Then don't look at the words at the bottom when they do, you know what it is without reading. Don't be a nancy over it, and just write the company and express your discontent.
I'm gonna go grab a fire extinguisher and catch some sleep, something tells me I'm gonna have a lot of flames to put out later. =b
Tue, 09-21-2004, 10:44 AM
I couldn't have put it better myself, Kameron. Well done.
Tue, 09-21-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by: lonasjonas
Ahoy Pirates...
The question floating around lately is Naruto made for American Viewers? I am a member at the forum at [adultswim] and I was wondering if I could get some insight from other sources. The majority of the people at the swim, really dont have logic, so maybe I can see if anyone here has any. Not to be rude or mean, but because opinions vary from board to board.
Heres your job, say your piece about Naruto making it on the air on any network. Please, be thorough and state a logical statement. I am writing a thread at [adultswim] as well about this cartoon and pressing for it to get bought ASAP. If all goes well, I can show that others are up for it and post there replys.
The reason, have you seen the foxbox preview of One piece? They killed the cartoon with crap voice overs and major cut outs. I am only trying to save naurto from becoming the same. I think [adultswim] is narutos best chance for survival in American voice overs. Please, make your cause! I will be back tomorrow to check up on this thread and post support and my opinions. Thank you, and I hope to hear from you all.
it would be better than crappy foxbox and kids wb, it would also be cool to see kakashi with spikes voice i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif but still i probably wouldnt watch it and i'd stick to the subs, if they still subbed naruto.
Tue, 09-21-2004, 12:50 PM
The only anime that wasever any good being subbed was trigun. Otherwise, subbing can just got hell!
You don't even hear the Japanese voices after a while anyway, you just sort of hear the subtitles in you r head anyway, and thats gotta be a major plus over grossly poor dubbed american versions.
Fansubbing rocks!!!!!
Tue, 09-21-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by: Jakins
The only anime that wasever any good being subbed was trigun. Otherwise, subbing can just got hell!
You don't even hear the Japanese voices after a while anyway, you just sort of hear the subtitles in you r head anyway, and thats gotta be a major plus over grossly poor dubbed american versions.
Fansubbing rocks!!!!!
Actually I think cowboy bebop was a good job as well...
Honestly think the original voices for bebop were even better, spike sounded awesome, but still decent for american.
Tue, 09-21-2004, 04:56 PM
I'm going to have to agree with those that said not to dub it at all. Instead, air it with subs.. Fansubs or professional, it doesn't matter to me, I can decipher the grammar and such on my own. I'd rather do that than listen to dubbed voices.
Oh, and they should not cut anything out or censor stuff. That's one way to ruin it for sure. Like how TBS aired "Office Space" a little while back.. why bother? Half the movie was muted due to censoring i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Tue, 09-21-2004, 04:58 PM
Honestly... if Naruto does come to the networks dubbed, AdultSwim would be the best place cause you wouldnt really want them to be dubbed on WB or FoxBox would you...? Many people will most likely watch the first episode to see how'd they dub it..
Btw... fansubbing is still the way to go
Tue, 09-21-2004, 05:34 PM
Quite frankly, you're kinda stupid if you think fansubs will stop WHEN it's licensed. Look at FMA, there are fansubs all over the place still, and the Gotwoot admins apparenly don't care that we're distrubuting all over the place. You all need to stop being such hard-asses about it and just take it with humour. Honestly, I wouldn't mind a bit if it was licensed, the dubs on TV would entertain me to no end, and I'd STILL have fansubs coming in. If anything, it makes enjoying Naruto even more enjoyable.
Oh, and I can't wait until FMA is on Cartoon Network XD
P.S.: You'd all be SOL if it wasn't for dubbed Anime. How popular do you think Anime would be if it didn't exist in America?
Natural Cause
Tue, 09-21-2004, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by: thundrakkon
Licensing and subbing is what has created the high popularity Anime is in the US market today. Yeah, I do admit that many dubs done by the American studios (4Kids as a major culprit) have reduced the enjoyment of the show and sometimes ruin it (Knights of the Zodiac anyone?), but without those licensing, there will be a minimum market. Money makes the world go around.
The re-writing of the story is the worst thing they can ever do. It makes the show just dumb (extreme case once again is Knights of the Zodiac).
As for Naruto on Adultswim, it is a better idea than most, but the most important thing is who is going to license the Anime. Even if Naruto is shown on Adultswim, if 4Kids or DIC Entertainment licenses it, the product will probably be not as good, unless they change their way of dubbing. From my experience, ADV and Bandai do an okay job, and Funimation is not too bad except for the editing that they do quite a bit. Pioneer (now Geneon) is still my favorite, even though their choice in dub actors are questionable at times.
Funimation absolutly killed full metal alchemist to the point i lost respect for any dub ever done or to come. ill now never buy any anime and thus will only download subed anime. and anyway i live in new zealand dvds here cost around $60+
Tue, 09-21-2004, 07:38 PM
YOUR ALL FOR GETING it's not just dubing any one remimber outlaw star on adult swim they sencered is it NO BLOOD ti sucked ass
Tue, 09-21-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by: Shi_No_Shikaku
YOUR ALL FOR GETING it's not just dubing any one remimber outlaw star on adult swim they sencered is it NO BLOOD ti sucked ass
Haha, imagine haku's death.
They'd make the translation say he was 21, Show kakashi charging his chidori, a bunch of flashes, and haku laying on the ground.
Tue, 09-21-2004, 07:54 PM
That what thay would do but think about when naruto is healing no blood and look still no blood
Tue, 09-21-2004, 09:49 PM
no blood??? wtf?? they r airing at midnight. no kids r gonna watch it.
Tue, 09-21-2004, 10:41 PM
I think Adult Swim has loosen a bit from their censorship, but they are still censoring. The question would be how much that they are willing to let go, but regardless, the censoring is not as bad as it would be in FoxBot or WBKids.
What's most important for me is still who licenses it. If they do a decent job, I'll buy the DVDs. If not, then I can count the company that did the dubbing on my ban list for ruining one of my favorite show. Hopefully, whoever licenses it will do a good job.
Adultswim can only work with the material they are given, and if the Naruto they receive is re-written and edited like crazy, then there is not much Adultswim can do, and their final product might not be good at all (once again, I will allude to Knights of the Zodiac. I loved that show in the past, until I saw what they put on TV and ruined that series for me forever).
Wed, 09-22-2004, 01:40 AM
ATHF is on Adult Swim and while not constantly violent they do have excessive amounts of blood from time to time. I know they have edited anime in the past, but I can't think of anything they would change in Naruto. Also I didn't notice any changes in Wolf's Rain's violent scenes. *shrug*
Wed, 09-22-2004, 11:40 AM
There not as bad any more but FCC would still be bitchs about it
Wed, 09-22-2004, 11:48 AM
trigun was never censored though......maybe some of the profanity i suppose, but the blood was still there
they only aired it late night though
my concern for naruto being licensed, is no more TW or AonE (er, wait it was ANBU that wouldve stopped, right?)
Wed, 09-22-2004, 01:51 PM
Really, though, Naruto isn't all that Violent. Most violence was censored from the manga or obscured completely already. And what's with all that black blood when Gaara uses Desert Coffin?
Naruto will be juuuust fine if it ends up on adult swim.
Wed, 09-22-2004, 09:49 PM
Here's something funny to think about:
Ok, so we've got this whole thing of "What would they do to Naruto on Adultswim?" thing going on... They're also about to start running Full Metal Alchemist. I say watch FMA on there, see what doesn't make the cut onto T.V. from the DVDs, and then that'd be what to not expect from the televised version of Naruto. It starts running on AS in like 6 weeks, I think. I actually want to hear the dub, it sounds like the voices I've heard for it are pretty solid, Ed is definitely nailed from what I've listened to. Hoping that they'll sneak the first couple episodes dubbed at A.W.A. this weekend.
But seriously, think of how many insanely messed up things happen in FMA. Its like once every 4 episodes, a kid gets killed or something disasterous and random happens. If they let it go, then there isn't anything they would do to Naruto. But we still gotta wait. I think the fourth episode would be a decent comparison, although definitely the 8th-11th episodes. That's the stuff from Life Alchemist working on his project so he can keep his position to Barry the Butcher.
Thu, 09-23-2004, 08:48 PM
If Naruto had to go on Tv adult swim is the best place for it, since it would be edited less, but either way that's not going to change that the voice overs would more than likely suck.
Thu, 09-23-2004, 08:59 PM
Un less they got good ones of course
Thu, 09-23-2004, 10:01 PM
yeah but the probability of them getting good ones is pretty slim, I think. -.-
Thu, 09-23-2004, 10:49 PM
People fail to realize that there ARE good voice actors in america. I've heard a few dub voices that I've liked. Crispin Freeman would make a good Kakashi.
Thu, 09-23-2004, 11:48 PM
yeah there might be some but compare "good american voice actors" to how many "good dubbed anime" there are -.- . Either way there is no guaruntee that the good voice actors would get signed on for naruto and even if they are good voice actors themselves that dosent' mean they would fit all the characters in Naruto.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 01:00 AM
No if naruto ends up on adultswim i will give up on japanese anime, sooner or later they should relise american companies and tv channels are ruining anime <.<; fansub = better,
Fri, 09-24-2004, 02:22 AM
I have to go with the majority on the fan subs, I know sometimes its a pain in the ass when the subs suddenly come at you wayy to fast and the only way to understand what there talking about is pausing it (ie three lines of translation is hard to read in like a two seconds, damn Samurai Champloo for that) but American television has alot of censor ship that would ruin the quality of this anime.
I'm not saying all American channels are like this, hell I remember when Spawn the cartoon came out, it had blood and guts and everything disturbing you could think about, but then again it was aired at like midnight when it first came out (or atleast it was here in Canada) the only problem I see is the Americans changing it and making it like Pokemon, or that other card show I could careless about. I guess what I am saying is Naruto though can be seen as a kid-teen-adult show, the American media would sort of censor and strip the hell out of the show and make it a practicle joke.
If someone in Tokyo licenses it in a way where it can be distrabuted but must not have any censorship of anykind unless authorized by them, and have a voice over again authorized by them then I would be ok, becuase really they would try I hope and keep it true to there public mainstream aswell.
.... oh and if this makes absolutely no sense, I am writing this post at like 3 am because I can't fall back to sleep because of this stupid head cold I just got.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 02:40 AM
It doesn't matter if TV censors it or not. Chances are, with great likelyhood, there will be uncut DVDs. If you truly want to support this great anime, buy the DVDs. Simple as that. Downloading fansubs is NOT supportive of the series in any tangible way.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 02:48 AM
i dont really care about dubs and censored crap. the thing i dont want happening is naruto coming to america and me seeing kids everywhere running around with head protectors on. then stupid companies will create bootleg naruto merchandise and thats just really going to piss me off. soon im going to see loser high school kids running around at the mall doing seals or yelling out jutsus trying to be cool. i like downloading naruto right now, i dont want to have to watch it on tv. i download naruto, i get to keep the episodes and i can watch them anytime i want. i dont want to wait every freakin week to watch old eps i've already seen before. if naruto comes to america its just going to be another dbz disaster. seeing naruto on adult swim is no better than watching it on fox. both channels suck in my opinion.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 02:53 AM
Soooo... you don't want Naruto to be popular? You think that if everyone likes the series it will instantly stop being good?
And again, you don't have to watch it on TV. Buy the DVDs; you get the japanese language tracks, AND the money you spend supports the companies that make anime, helping them make more high quality series.
Edit: And if you're really concerned about fansubbers, there will ALWAYS be someone subbing Naruto. After all, the series is a testament to the power of bittorrent.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 03:07 AM
I agree with you HimizujinEternia with the respect that I could go out and buy a DVD with the Japenese language on it, and just place on the subtitles (maybe one day I will learn Japanese by watching Naruto like people learn English from Sessimi Street(sp ... to early)) but again, is there one out yet? I mean in stores in North America, if yes then god damn I better get a copy, thats my way of supporting it.
I just don't want to see the show ruined, its good as it is, and I am damn sure the Americans will screw it up like they do 90% of the time with anime (ok, Gundam Wing was decent for its time).
Fri, 09-24-2004, 03:16 AM
the majority of animes that come to america are considered much worst than its original version from japan. almost everyone has that opinion and they do not want more animes to be ruined this way. there are a number of factors that make the anime lose its "touch" by changing lots of the elements of the anime that american companies do.
there are more ways to support companies than just buying dvds. they have so much merchandise available i dont want to have to waste my money on a dvd. second of all, without downloading the eps i would not be able to obtain screenshots of naruto because i do not have a dvd burner. once again, thats because of a financial issue.
last thing is, dont talk to me like im stupid. im sick and tired of the immature users at gotwoot that think they're always right. this forum is made for people to share their ideas, not to freakin flame on people. dont give me that b.s. about how you're not talking that way or saying "lol...dumbasss". the way you type is the only way of expressing yourself, i cant see your physical emotions because its the freakin internet. next time try not typing like a jackass. "Soooo... you don't want Naruto to be popular? You think that if everyone likes the series it will instantly stop being good?" thats just another way of saying, "soo, you're a dumbass? you think everyone has the same opinion?" THATS HOW IT FREAKIN SOUNDS LIKE SO NEXT TIME THINK BEFORE YOU POST.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 10:09 AM
My apologies. It was not my intention to offend, but I can see how that might have come about.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 10:22 AM
naruto WILL eventually be licensed, it WILL be butchered, it WILL be the next DBZ so some people should just stop whinning the fact that they left out some bloody parts in the Anime is prove that its meant for kids so once it gets licensed it will most likely be even more cut up and even more kiddyl like it can't be stopped just enjoy naruto the way you like it I for one hope it gets licensed so i can get the uncut dvd's with japanese audio, i'm not afraid at all of licensing because there will always be a fansub group doing it fuck them kiddies if they run around yelling Shadow Doppelganger Technique i'll be laughing my ass of so hard as long as they bring out an uncut dvd version i don't care at all who licenses it even if it's 4kids
Fri, 09-24-2004, 11:58 AM
well.. we don't even know it would be on adult swim.. i mean they should at least do that ... but you know how they are... and the prob with american voice actors... they have no emotions... and usually does not fit the character...!!!! i think pioneer/Geneon is does the best dub... but it's still nothing compared to the japanese voice actors
Fri, 09-24-2004, 12:16 PM
Miaka is right that there is no guarantee that it would go on adult swim (i.e. One Piece on Fox or whatever v.v) and I also agree that a lot of the times american voice actors lack convincing emotions compared to the Japanese voice actors and that the characters and voices hardly fit but is true that Geneon has some decent dubs.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 01:55 PM
While I agree that many good series have been butchered by bad dubbing and/or editing, I consider every series that gets rights purchased and is released in America a victory for all American Anime fans.
I have many friends that enjoy Anime, but just don't like to read subtitles. A large majority of the public shares this sentiment. Even though listening to bad dubs makes my ears bleed, especially on series that I have watched in the original Japanese dialogue, I appreciate that the series has now opened up to my friends and that I have more people to enjoy the experience with. DVD's has been a saving grace for Anime fans everywhere, as we now almost always recieve the dubbed and the subtitled in one package.
My second point is to point to a reason for the dropping prices that someone else pointed out in this thread. The more Anime gains popularity in the US, the more people will purchase said Anime. This growth of the market is responsible for the drastic drop in prices. When I first began watching anime, a subtitled tape of 2-3 episodes would cost $30-35. Now I can pick up a DVD, with both the subtitled and dubbed versions, with 5 episodes, for $20-25. You can also regularly find deals on boxed sets of entire series.
Adult Swim does not dub Anime, nor does it purchase the rights to do so. They purchase the rights to show Anime that has already been dubbed from companies such as Bandai and ADV. Adult Swim has come to a point where they can show Anime mostly uncut from what the distributors have been released, case in point is the new Ghost in the Shell series. It would be great if they showed Naruto, it would allow people to see the series without a large amount of editing.
Finally, from what I understand fansubbing original purpose was to create a large following of Anime fans in the other countries, and in doing so to encourage companies to purchase the rights to these Anime shows so that they can be enjoyed in these countries. Also, companies generally purchase the rights by seasons, so new episodes that were just released in Japan would not have rights purchased in the US and so fansubbing of these episodes would still be entirely legal. Case in point being the DB GT series, the rights for that series were not purchased until Bandai was well into the Cell saga portion of DBZ.
So in my opinion, Naruto being optioned in the US is a win/win situation and can only help validate the popularity, among fans and businesses, of Anime in the US.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
My apologies. It was not my intention to offend, but I can see how that might have come about.
its cool, i over reacted...i wasnt feeling too good so i was a bit grumpy. no hard feelings ^^;
Fri, 09-24-2004, 05:50 PM
tis alright, Kakfosha, happens to the best of us.
Very good points, Kolat; I had forgotten that there were anime fans who don't like subs. ^^;;
Fri, 09-24-2004, 08:09 PM
How about you not make a big fuss about it, so no would want to liscence Naruto, and I will keep continue downloading the episodes like a happy otaku.
edit: to the person above, i really don't care if naruto becomes popular, and i really hope i dont see little kids with head protectors shouting kage bunshin no jutsu down the street.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 09:31 PM
Jing, methinks that's impossible. Naruto is already kinda big here in america. I'm quite certain companies are already interested in it, too. In any case, though, I still think it will be at least a year before Naruto will be picked up, as most channels already have their big show for the fall/spring.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 09:49 PM
id just like to say that sometimes the american voice actors can be better than the original. Ask anyone who has seen Golden Boy...they American voice makes it so much better and funnier, it's basically the funniest anime ever, well the first one anyway.
Fri, 09-24-2004, 11:11 PM
I would have to disagree that the american voice actors are better than the original, maybe there are a tiny tiny few exceptions, but overall japanese cast is totally better
Sat, 09-25-2004, 06:06 AM
Well if Naruto does get licensed I hope to GOD that Funimation doesnt do it. I do not want to hear Goku or Trunk's voice in Naruto. They did that to Fruits Basket and screwed up a really good anime there...Trunks being Yuki Sohma? I hated that. Plus they couldnt even pronounce the damn names right...I mean really...How hard is it to say Akito? Everytime that I watch that anime I get angry...
And look at Card Captors Sakura...The company that did that one, changed some of the characters original names. It's not right...I mean if your going to dubb and translate a really popular anime then do it right. Don't kill it. I refuse to watch One Piece on FoxBox. I saw a preview for the One Piece in Shonen and they pronounced Luffy's name wrong. And I am sure that they cut so much out of it. I mean in just the first 10 minutes or so of the first episode Nami kicks some guy in the nuts. That was funny...In a later episode Luffy does the same thing...
I would rather have Pioneer or MediaBlaster or god forbid that I say this, but ADV license it. At least they would do it right and choose good actors for the English voices...(alot of friends are upset that I still buy ADV stuff, but hey they have alot of good animes that I love and want to own)
I would rather see it on AdultSwim that anything else. And you better believe that I will buy it.
Sat, 09-25-2004, 01:04 PM
NO F##@ING WAY!! If Naruto gets lincenced in the u.s they'll ruin it. Especilally 4kids and funimation
Sat, 09-25-2004, 01:31 PM
But if Funimation gets it, they'll release uncut DVDs. And that means you can watch the Japanese track happily while supporting the companies that make anime.
Sun, 09-26-2004, 02:37 AM
no i think it should be like on dvds or like on wb or cable well if it become liecensed
Sun, 09-26-2004, 02:31 PM
I just hope 4kids liscence it, just to ruin this anime.
Sun, 09-26-2004, 04:05 PM
Sun, 09-26-2004, 04:25 PM
Jing. That is not funny in the least. no funny points for you.
Sun, 09-26-2004, 05:00 PM
thats not very nice jing...
Sun, 09-26-2004, 06:05 PM
lets kill jing
Sun, 09-26-2004, 06:18 PM
Sorry if this has been answered already but if they do license it, will the anime groups still put out naruto episodes on animesuki and other websites?
Sun, 09-26-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by: JKD
Sorry if this has been answered already but if they do license it, will the anime groups still put out naruto episodes on animesuki and other websites?
How are we supposed to know what other websites are there?
Sun, 09-26-2004, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by: JKD
Sorry if this has been answered already but if they do license it, will the anime groups still put out naruto episodes on animesuki and other websites?
Animesuki won't list Naruto once it's liscened since it does not list liscened anime, but mirkx would
Mon, 09-27-2004, 10:34 AM
Here's the thing. If it gets licenced in the US, I'm not going to watch it on any American channel. No one runs subtitled anime on the air. However, along with airing on TV, they release episodes on DVD, which everyone except 4Kids release with the original Japanese language and subtitles. Since there are still people who will only watch dubs that air on TV, and because those people make up a large portion of the current American anime viewing audience, I cannot disapprove of Adult Swim airing Naruto if/when it gets licenced. It keeps the money for the companies and the anime for the fans coming. I personnally will refuse to watch it, unless they do a surprisingly good job on it, but even then, after more than 100 episodes of subs, I don't think I could watch the dubs. I would just do as I am doing with Gundam Seed, buying the DVDs as they are released so I can watch it subbed.
If/When it does get licenced, it will probably be by FUNimation, since they seem to be the only uncut DVD releasing company that wants to pick up long running series. Ok, there's Viz too, but they release kinda slow.
Mon, 09-27-2004, 10:40 AM
If they cut the fillers out of Naruto I'd be happy =)
Mon, 09-27-2004, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by: jing
I just hope 4kids liscence it, just to ruin this anime.
/me rips off jing's left testicle for making that comment
I'd rather not have Naruto dubbed at all since 99.9999% of dubbed anime are totally fucked up. i dont wanna taket hat chance with Naruto. even if they somehow manage to keep all the blood/violence, and the sexy no jutsu's, and get good voice actors, theres NO WAY IN HELL they can ever find a voice actor for kakashi. his "hip" attitude is not something that can be easily imitated, especially considering the type of voice actors we have around.
BUT, since it probably will happen (and it seems even more likey ever since GSeed got dubbed and aured), i would rather see it on adult i dont actually have adult swim, but thats what suprnova's for.
Mon, 09-27-2004, 09:46 PM
bleh if it aint broke dont fix it as they say in the south im so conditioned to the subs now it would be weird not to read it and besides like somebody mentioned before,forgot who sorry, the an american kakashi would just be strange.... same with the other chars.... i say nay on bringing naruto to america itd just be strange
Mon, 09-27-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by: TruthofMistake
bleh if it aint broke dont fix it as they say in the south im so conditioned to the subs now it would be weird not to read it and besides like somebody mentioned before,forgot who sorry, the an american kakashi would just be strange.... same with the other chars.... i say nay on bringing naruto to america itd just be strange
That is EXACTLY how I feel.
Tue, 09-28-2004, 12:52 AM
With all anime, you can please some of the people all of the time. You can also please all of the people some of the time. But you can't please all of the people all of the time. Reminder that we are not the only people who watch anime, we are simply the first people in America to watch new anime. I was at a con, along with several hundred people that came as characters from Naruto. I regularly heard these cosplayers asking what show they were in, and a couple actually got pissed. They do not realize that there are tons of people that have no idea about this show. Many of the cosplayers were actually excited about it like we get about the show, like those good key moments. The Rock Lee/Gaara fight. Tsunade, Jiraya, and Naruto fighting against Orochimaru and Kabuto. All the random shit in there, with the excellent development of characters that don't get a lot of attention. You can look at any character in the series and watch them develop their skills and know that they can go on and rival off against another character in the show at some point later in time. There was a massive roomful of people that got an 11 hour dose of Naruto for the first time, and for some of those people, that is all they will get until the show gets licensed over here.
It is not fair to judge all anime companies by the mistakes of a few series. You know, it takes an assload of work to make, translate, and market anime to viewers. Some things in some animes are catered to Japanese viewers, not us. Some companies want to cater to us, but they do not know how to. I personally don't care about referrences to SOME things Japanese, as far as a famous actor there whom I've never heard of. If they had changed some of the jokes in GTO to things I had heard of here, it might have made a scene here and there funnier. But if they had removed the Doraemon referrence in the eighth episode (one where he had bowling balls glued to his hands), I can't think of anything with big round hands to replace it with. That, and the fact that he did things as Doraemon does with bowling balls (i.e. smoking his cigarette). I can agree with that. But referrences to T.V. actors and musicians I know nothing of, it just isn't funny to me. If the show is a comedy and I can't laugh at it, I won't buy it. Which is why American companies will change some things in a show, it can actually help it. Super Milk Chan is a perfect example. There are two versions to the DVD, the American and the Japanese. The Japanese is pretty funny, but I almost pissed my pants laughing at the dubbed version. The tone is more focused to American viewers in the American version, which I find much funnier. But honestly, it has come a long way since DBZ and such, let sleeping dogs lie already. Noir has a pretty solid dub, and the sub is quality too. A large majority of subs are quality, most people don't know that simply because they spend too much time bitching about DBZ this and DBZ that to go out and buy a new anime DVD and watch it subbed. Price is also not a valid argument, as you can afford one DVD every check. $20-30 a week is nothing if you make minimum wage. You can't afford that? Get a better job.
It will definitely be bastardized if 4kids gets their hands on it, no doubts. Anyone else, I don't have major concerns. I'd love Funimation to, simply because Funi = fast releases and solid subs. If you need proof, check out Blue Gender for starters. Good work and the DVDs are every bit as hardcore as I remember them being online. I expect good things from FMA on them. Bandai would be a good alternative as well, it would definitely mean some decent DVDs and fairly prompt releases.
Tue, 09-28-2004, 07:18 PM
i hate to say it but... where would most of us be with out DBZ on cartoon network? if its gonna happen then lets just wait and see.
Tue, 09-28-2004, 07:52 PM
Again, KameronFrye hits the nail on the head. *applauds*
And as for your question, Kane... since my first anime was Robotech and the series that made me a serious anime fan was Slayers, I'd say same as I am right now.
Tue, 09-28-2004, 07:54 PM
but yeah i know it wasnt the beginning for some but for a large majority of americans it is
Tue, 09-28-2004, 07:55 PM
Sorry, was intended as tounge in cheek. ^_^
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