View Full Version : Manga: Berserk
Mon, 04-18-2005, 11:48 AM
245? Or 254?
No I haven't.. i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Mon, 04-18-2005, 12:58 PM
i meant 254
255 will be out at the end of the week.
Mon, 04-18-2005, 08:14 PM
Got the link for 254? Unfortunately I don't have 254 either. Thanks kai.
Mon, 04-18-2005, 10:21 PM
it's a raw version and the text translation is in the translation forum on that site.
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 04-19-2005, 07:26 AM
is there any Evil genius version out for it?
Because I don't think I have read it...
Tue, 04-19-2005, 08:06 AM
From evil-genius forum.
"I got mid-term exams right now and i have no fucking time,so berserk 254 wont be released until 24th april."
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 04-19-2005, 08:49 AM
So here is my next question... Can someone give me a direct link to the 254 chap file and a direct link to the pages text from skullknights forum?
Tue, 04-19-2005, 11:46 AM
Seriously it isn't hard to navigate.
Goto the forum, goto chapter discussion, and then to the chapter and it's always the first post where the downloads are. a7&topic=4383.0
The translations weren't done by the normal guy who does it, someone new to japanese but it sounds pretty good and further down, another translation was done by that person's girlfriend, and all seems well.
the password for the zip is skullknight
Thu, 04-21-2005, 09:56 PM
Chapter 255 is out and text translation at
The text translation is done by the normal guy.
Shinji Ikari
Fri, 04-22-2005, 02:27 PM
Is there anyone who knows how long it will take before evil genius gets it out?
Fri, 04-22-2005, 05:32 PM
It looks like 254 and 255 will be out at the same time by EG in 24 april or a couple of days after 24.
This is from thier irc channel
"Berserk 254 & 255 this weekend"
Sat, 04-23-2005, 02:54 AM
Well next chapter is going to be fucken awesome!!!
to bad if you didn't know, mwuhahahaha.
Shinji Ikari
Sat, 04-23-2005, 05:32 AM
Sounds good, because skullknights way really isn't my style i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif It's been a long time since I had some good Berserk, having two chaps in one moment is great i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 04-23-2005, 12:42 PM
Sun, 04-24-2005, 05:33 PM
Evil-Genius released 254 and 255 for those who do not want to read the translation with a raw.
Pretty good chapters too.
Shinji Ikari
Mon, 04-25-2005, 02:46 AM
Mon, 04-25-2005, 02:56 AM
IRC: [evil_genius] @
Shinji Ikari
Mon, 04-25-2005, 04:59 PM
Awesome!!!!.... So when is the next chap due to be released? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 04-25-2005, 09:18 PM
Not this friday but the one after.
or it could be the 13/05
Mon, 04-25-2005, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by: Shinji Ikari
Awesome!!!!.... So when is the next chap due to be released?
Tue, 04-26-2005, 09:35 AM
I'm really getting sick of this
it's like
1 chapter > 2 weeks > 1 chapter > 1 month.
Wed, 04-27-2005, 09:23 AM
So what did you guys think about chap 254 and 255?
Seeing Guts swinging his sword again made my day i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Poor serpico he thinks some pillars will help him win agianst Guts.
Wed, 04-27-2005, 10:37 AM
Gatts is definitely gonna destroy him, but not kill him. However, Serpico is a slick muthafucka, I hope he doesn't hurt Gatts too much.
Wed, 04-27-2005, 03:55 PM
Guts getting hurt badly by Serpico isnt likely to happpen cause what can that little sword do against him that monsters and demons hasnt done against him i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Maybe some of the pillars will hurt him badly if they crumble on him.
I dont understand Serpico in this situation,he must know that even with these conditions he cant beat Guts so why not fight without tricks.
Also what does he hope to acomplish?
Death BOO Z
Wed, 04-27-2005, 04:51 PM
it's obvious, Serpico wants Guts to bust his sword, and then he'll be a supposdly easy kill for all the cannon fodder soldiers.
and after all the stone crumbling, it'll provide a shielding against gutts arrows and the cannon, leaving poor guts with nothing other than his iron hand to deal with those mosqitous.
as for what he wants? who knows, maybe he even wants Gutts to fight the army so when farrnese leaves with them it'll be considered a kidnapping and not that she has run away from her family duties.
of course, i'd be happy if Gutts would have just left them to rot in thier noble world, and would have moved on to more demon slaying.
Wed, 04-27-2005, 10:42 PM
Serpico is indeed, not a stupid fighter, he knows how to pick out the best locations for whom he is going to fight, and when it is Gatts it has to be a place where his sword skill is at it's weakest. Though I can't wait for the next chapter, get to see Gatts back in action, and also Serpico, but i'm really looking forward to seeing Gatts swing that sword a few more times.
Fri, 04-29-2005, 10:10 AM
Serpico is smart but its time he sees the old Guts the 100 man killer. I hope as Death Boo said that there will some cannon fodder soldiers attacking Guts so he can have something to slash trough.
Shinji Ikari
Fri, 04-29-2005, 10:45 AM
IWhat i want to know is when everyone will learn about Gutts past... remember how Ishidori talked about the 100 man slayer but never knew who it was and Gutts just flicked it away like it was no one special?
Well sometime they will have to learn what Gutts is truly after and why.
Fri, 04-29-2005, 05:53 PM
For a second there, I thought you were going to say that you wanted to know Gatts' past, and I was like ummm.
Yeah, they will find out some day, it's to hard to say when, but more than likely when they're closer to Griffiths, or when they get to their destination, Caska might regain her memeory their, and talk about it or something.
Fri, 04-29-2005, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by: Shinji Ikari
IWhat i want to know is when everyone will learn about Gutts past... remember how Ishidori talked about the 100 man slayer but never knew who it was and Gutts just flicked it away like it was no one special?
Well sometime they will have to learn what Gutts is truly after and why.
I agree they need to have Gatts explain to the crew his past. He's so badass.
Sat, 04-30-2005, 12:21 AM
More importantly some of the nobles or soldiers should know about his past since he was a famous warrior when he was with the hawks speciely after they won the war.
I mean not many men go around with a big sword like Guts.
Sat, 04-30-2005, 01:39 AM
Actually that would be really cool, if someone there would recognise him.
Saying something like "the 100 man slayer!" or something, that would be awesome, or "the Hawks Raid Commander!"
Shinji Ikari
Sat, 04-30-2005, 04:58 AM
Yeah, nobles kids or women wanting to feel his muscles or something like that i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Anyway, I think that part of the manga will totally rock even if much of it is told in flashbacks, They need to know.
Sat, 04-30-2005, 10:23 PM
hmm berserk, as in the game for the dreamcast with almost the same name??? swords of berserk: guts rage??
and is there an anime of this series then?
Sat, 04-30-2005, 10:52 PM
The manga is the true form for it.
Yes, there is an anime it's 25 episodes long.
Sun, 05-01-2005, 12:44 AM
Not to metion the anime leaves off at a spot that is a horrible cliffhanger.
It's alright, but I'd recommend avoiding the anime if you can. The manga is drawn more than well enough for it to be ignored.
Sun, 05-01-2005, 12:52 AM
I thought it was a great way to end the anime, make you want more, what happens next. It's perfect if they decide to do a season two. Also it makes you want to know what happened, and then you read the manga and are blown away by how crappy the anime seems compared to the manga.
I hated how they left a whole character out of the anime, which would be needed for a season two, you could still work around it, but it would be much crappier.
Sun, 05-01-2005, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by: kAi
Actually that would be really cool, if someone there would recognise him.
Saying something like "the 100 man slayer!" or something, that would be awesome, or "the Hawks Raid Commander!"
Yup, watching Isidoro talk about Gatts without realising it's him.. Kinda make me have a funny feeling.. "If only I was in the manga". i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif But somehow, I think he's going to keep it a secret to them until maybe much later.
Sun, 05-01-2005, 08:37 AM
Btw... kinda entering into an intellectual discussion here...
Do any of you feel, that Gatts in the overall story, is actually the bad guy? He is the protoganist, but he is also the bad guy to the world.
Think of it, he's the only person (bar the Kushan) who wants to kill Griffith. And Griffith isn't the destroyer, but rather the saviour and future King of Midland (The white falcon, and Gatts is the dark falcon), who has crazy dreams of having his own kingdom, and is fated to be the Ruler of the world. Griffith is the saviour of Midland. Though he has skeletons in his closet, but only 2 people knows of them. Gatts and Caska. And every realistic ruler have skeletons.
Griffith has made a decision to become King sacrificing friends and loved one's to reach to the Top. Putting everyone beneath him, and Gatts is the only one in his eyes that he considers equal.. or worth 'saving'. Till the eclipse.
So in a way, Gatts is actually the bad guy of the story, but rather a tragic bad guy. He's not bad per se, but he's not the saviour of the people. Nor the savior of Midland.
Sun, 05-01-2005, 08:41 AM
Gatts us a nice guy, if you call killing anything that gets in his way, then yeah.
Well, Griiffiths brought out the hell, and Gatts is putting them back in hell.
I think he is a nice guy.
Shinji Ikari
Sun, 05-01-2005, 09:03 AM
Remember this stoopider.... IN the first ep of the anime... People in the tavern blame Griffith for the mosters and all the havoc...
Not to mention the fact that before Griffith awoke, monsters could not enter the real world if it was not for some major event... Now monsters are wrecking havoc all over ther plave... When Griffith became what he now is, he drew the astral world and the real world closer to each other....
And there is no way in hell that Gatts is evil. He has never cared about people really that much, that's true, but during his journey he has always warned people from getting too close to him, he has also tried to take the hardest and deepest wodden paths to his goal because he never wanted people in the surrounding "getting in his way" but also because he never wants to hurt them...
Gatts has almost never killed anyone who doesn't deserve it or other than what his duty tells him...
Gatts is a brute and he doesn't think, or rather, he never used to think before he acted, but I have seen dramatic changes in his expressions and his way of talking.
Sun, 05-01-2005, 11:31 AM
ty for the info, i really liked the game, ill look into the manga and anime then
Sun, 05-01-2005, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by: Shinji Ikari
Remember this stoopider.... IN the first ep of the anime... People in the tavern blame Griffith for the mosters and all the havoc...
They Did? Too long ago i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. Haven't seen that in ages. But I don't see how they could have known Griffith was the cause of the resurrection of monsters and convergence of the worlds. Maybe it was because it's the first episode, the author haven't thought things out properly.
Not to mention the fact that before Griffith awoke, monsters could not enter the real world if it was not for some major event... Now monsters are wrecking havoc all over ther plave... When Griffith became what he now is, he drew the astral world and the real world closer to each other....
No. I didn't say Gatts is evil, rather misunderstood. But as it is, Griffith is the hero, and the savior and soon to be King of the world. But the King of Kushan (though he said, that in the prophecy he should follow the White Hawk, but he also fights against destiny because he's not willing to give up his throne).
If Gatts did kill Griffith, I can't imagine what would happen though. The world may be thrown into chaos. But I think Lord Raban is potrayed for a reason, I think he'll be the one who will take over Griffith's throne.
Btw.. At the seaside. Who is the child that Caska was carrying? Was it their child? (Gatts and Caska, that has been demonised by Griffith?)
But then.. Isn't Griffith's new body Gatts and Caska's child that was eaten by the egg at the tower where Griffith returned?
It seemed to protect Gatts and Caska as well. Then again, Griffith is unable to kill Caska and Gatts Godo's house when he's body started reacting to Caska, as if a parent to them.
Shinji Ikari
Sun, 05-01-2005, 02:37 PM
yes, the child is Gatts and Caska's, rightfully.. But due to the rape conducted by Griffith on Caska, the child was polluted with evil and took an easier turn to become evil. This is said by The Skull knight early after the escape out of the hurricane.
And yes, the child was eaten by the egg and did become The new reborn Griffith.
I'm not sure how it protected Gatts, but indeed it did protect Caska... And maybe he can't kill Caska, but he can deffinately kill Gatts, that's the reason why he took the time to meet him at the cliff where all his friends had graves... He wanted to see if Gatts face and anger could sway his heart. But he left saying he was relieved that it couldn't...
But I am quite sure Gatts Sword can sway his heart i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
In the anime the people in the tavern blame Griffith (being the new king) for all the havoc... I don't know exactly what they are poiting at, but seeing as their own city is run by a demon suggests quite a lot to me i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
They say that they are the 5 angels. And yes, there would be problems if they died as all of the astral world would be overthrown into a new kind of oblivion... And the real world of Midland would be without a king, that is also true. But I think someone in the resistance will take a major role there, the fat minister whatever his name is will take his chance to come back up again, but he will not take the leading role, probably the guy you mentioned or someone else that will told about later...
I can't even begin to think about what will happen to the princess as though she is madly in love with Griffith... Either she will die, or she will have to accept fate and become the queen alone or with someone else by her side. Probably alone though as though she will not be able to forget about Griffith in a flash of lightning.
One solution is that Griffith would be defeated by Gatts but not really die and then become an ordinary human... And also a good person... But seeing as Gatts would never allow any kind of Griffith alive, that is highly unlikely.
The thing i want to see in the manga as soon as possible though is in order.
1. Serpico and Farnese will continue travelling with Gatts.
2. Caska getting her memories back in the elven village.
3. Gatts will together with Caska if she copes tell the whole story about Griffith and the Hawks.
4. Gatts will without Caska continue his quest to kill Griffith together with the rest of the "band of the owls" i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 05-01-2005, 02:51 PM
Gatts isn't the most 'saintly' of people, I'll give it that. He always has thought that people who lack the ability to protect themselves don't deserve to live, but he also has this twisted sense of justice. Way in the early chapters, when he killed that little girl's father (mutated freak that he was), he told her to come back and kill him when she was ready. Though there are some parts where he will protect the weak, he really only repects people who have the will to defend themselves with whatever strength they have, without the aid of outside forces.
Griffith really comes off as the bad guy to me. He's power hungry beyond all imagination, and will use whatever he needs to in order to get there. He used Gatts, Caska and anyone else he needed to. He succumbed to the power that 'true evil' can give him and even had the audacity to come back to the earth to take over the world. He doesn't care about the consequences of his quest for power, so he's making the world hell. Plus he came back even more effeminate than before and looks even more like nobility as if he's some saint (even though he brought hell to earth), and that just pisses me off.
The two of them seem to parallel one of the other God's Hands and the Death/Skull knight, it was pretty obvious from the Selkie chapters, so they obviously don't completely follow the good/evil line like black and white, but in my mind Griffith is completely evil.
And that little psychic girl Griffith's got with him now really creeps me out.
Mon, 05-02-2005, 10:16 AM
Oh no Stoopieder has been brainwashed by Griffith i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
How can you call Gatts the bad guy ok he kills alot but mostly they are monster or soldeirs he killed in the war or people who makes him fight.
Also just cause the people in midlan is lured by the dream Griffith planted doesnt mean that Griffith will become the king or savior and stuff.
The only thing that makes Guts as bad guy in people eyes are cause of when he kills the apostles they return to thier human form thats the only reason that even the vatican were after him. When people see the real Griffith they will beg for Guts to save them from him i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
oni roh
Mon, 05-02-2005, 01:54 PM
hey guys, canyone know where i can find the latest chapters in berserk?
I kept up on it for a while, i always got it from #evilgenius the whole was Theworld but i can't seem to find that now, can you help me? been a while
EDIT: nvm i figured it out lol
Shinji Ikari
Mon, 05-02-2005, 02:12 PM
Use search function and you will have it in your arms in no-time i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
oni roh
Mon, 05-02-2005, 02:43 PM
berserk is by far my favorite manga of all time, my only real beef is how SLOW it comes out, it drives me insane. Anyway... I think ishidoro (sp?) well come to know that Gatts was the blackswordman soon, perhaps even from Serpico who is affiliated with nobles more, i think he would know something about Gatts
Mon, 05-02-2005, 06:57 PM
Ishidoro knows already i think cause he said something about the Black Swordsman when he met Guts and after he have been with him a while he knows for sure.
Death BOO Z
Tue, 05-03-2005, 02:03 AM
No, he doesn't.
when they talked about the band of the hawk, Ishidoro said that he heard about the raid's leaders as well, and that people say he was So~ strong.
Tue, 05-03-2005, 05:01 AM
If he havent figured out by now he must be really stupid.
Farnese,Serpico must know about his past since they chased him when they were with the vatican army.
Tue, 05-03-2005, 07:31 AM
I'd have to go with a no on that one too, for Farnese at least.
The vatican (and Farnese in particular) became interested only AFTER the sacrafice changed everything, after they heard a 'Black Swordsman' was killing 'people,' though only the readers and the women and children Gatts saved (did anyone else notice that he basically only saved women and children from apostles? But I digress.) I mean, the two of them didn't even know about the demons that walked the land now, which is pretty obvious.
They never knew about his past either, and didn't really make inquires. Serpicio might know, but for some reason chooses not to tell anyone. If he doesn't I'd be somewhat suprised. I haven't read it in a while, but I thought he said something about it in the early parts of the Vatican Chain militia parts.
Tue, 05-03-2005, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
The only thing that makes Guts as bad guy in people eyes are cause of when he kills the apostles they return to thier human form thats the only reason that even the vatican were after him. When people see the real Griffith they will beg for Guts to save them from him
Precisely. In the eyes of every other human being. Gatts is the bad guy. No one else knows about Griffith's sacrifice and the unleashing of the demons.
Only 2 people knows of his evil crimes. Gatts and Caska. And who would believe a mad slayer who seems to be chopping people (once demons) everywhere he goes? And an insane women who have the capacity of a child?
(I think the first part in the tavern was probably a 'oops'. The author probably wrote down what he thought the story was before knowing what he knows now). Like Gatts wouldn't have sex wiith a girl just to make sure that it's a demon. (First episode in the manga).
Tue, 05-03-2005, 01:39 PM
wow this manga is awesome, i have read vol 1-4 andim amazed at how good it is. wtached the first ep of the anime a while back and wasnt impressed so i had doubts but after the first few pages they were gone.
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 05-03-2005, 03:44 PM
I hate to say I told you so.... but... ... .. ..
Tue, 05-03-2005, 05:37 PM
Welcome to Berserk PSJ if you think the first 4 vols is great then you have something speciel to look forward to.
"Like Gatts wouldn't have sex wiith a girl just to make sure that it's a demon. (First episode in the manga)."
There you have it all wrong cause Guts most likely knew she was an apostle when he slept with her cause he were waiting for her to try eating him.
Wed, 05-04-2005, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
There you have it all wrong cause Guts most likely knew she was an apostle when he slept with her cause he were waiting for her to try eating him.
Doesn't seem like Gatts. There's only 2 person he slept with. Caska... And um.. Whats the black guy when he was young i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif. He doesn't seem to be the humping every monster kinda guy even if it knew it was a monster. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
It was the first episode. So then , Kentarou Muira wasn't very decided over what kind of character Gatts was. He probably wanted some badass sword slicer. Which he probably would be, if it weren't for Caska and his company keeping him sane.
Wed, 05-04-2005, 04:41 AM
But that time was long after his young days when he didnt know or care about sex and he have said 100 times that he does everything to kill an apostle and have playing a meal for one while he is screwing her isnt anything speciel to him. That monster was a girl so he did what he had to do. Also i find it hard to believe that Miura didnt know what kind of characther Guts were gonna be at that time cause he has been the same kind of characther from the first to 255.
Shinji Ikari
Wed, 05-04-2005, 02:23 PM
No, Guts have made some changes in his way of behaving towards others. And he has also started to think differently
Wed, 05-04-2005, 06:10 PM
Gatts is a badass motherfucker, I would fuck demon girls to blow their heads away when I'm finished, wouldn't you?
This is the kinda character Miura wanted to put off, as this was the first couple of pages. It does seem hard to believe with the kinda character that he is now, but it happened, so now you must believe he is that kind of character.
Ryllharu: I'm glad that you read it, the more people the better. When they read it then and only then do they realise the badassness of Berserk.
Wed, 05-04-2005, 06:36 PM
I loved the opening chapters, its what got me hooked enough to read 254 chapters in TWO DAYS.
Thanks to Kai for recommending this one to me. It is definitely one of my current favorites.
Thu, 05-05-2005, 04:29 AM
Heh, I did the same exact thing. The waves of intensity were just too great to stop at any one point. I think the best part of the opening chapters was after he sexed up/blew up the demon-bitch, he walks into a bar shoots several guys in the head with arrows, and get's a close up of his face and he looks bored, haha. Complete bad-ass.
Thu, 05-05-2005, 10:42 AM
Imo, the beginning part was probably the lowest part of the manga for me. Maybe it's the art. I loved it from Golden Age onwards.
Fri, 05-06-2005, 07:41 AM
I'm reading the manga from vol 1 and i must say the darker style art is 1000 better the art in the recent chapter who are too bright for Berserk.
When i say Guts characther hasnt changed i mean he hasnt changed his ways other than beeing nice to his friends. He was cold as ice in the begining calling normal week things that doesnt deserve to live. He still doesnt care about helping people out,he doesnt think himself as the people's hero or something.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-06-2005, 08:54 AM
Today i picked up my first DVD (ever), it's berserk DVD #1, it didn't cost me much (100 NiS, which is about 20 US$)
doesn't have much to do with the manga, though, but it's the first time i'm paying for anime.
Fri, 05-06-2005, 01:10 PM
At vol 20 now and i gotta say this manga got some nasty parts. the mangaka for this one should check his head. but still i enjoy it, cant wait til i catch up with you guys and can discuss this one.
Fri, 05-06-2005, 03:06 PM
The nasty part are needed to understand how the world in Berserk is. I read the manga for the first time two years ago and i forgot how nasty it was in the begining cause when i read vol 1 and 2 yesterday i was like "wow thats nasty". You discuss what happens in vol 20 or wherever you are now cause most of us remember what happened then.
What did you think about Guts flashback when he was a kid and stuff? I thinks its by far the best flashback i have seen in a manga.
Fri, 05-06-2005, 09:15 PM
yea the whole guts flashback was very good. yea i know it is needed but all the useless rapes he put in is a bit over the top, i mean i got it the first time, its like hell and the demons are horny yes i get it no need to show it 500 times.
Sat, 05-07-2005, 02:08 PM
Hehe there are several rape scenes i geuss he wanna shock us somethimes with them anyhow its nothing we cant live with. In mangas like these rape are common maybe he thinks we expect some rape scenes.
Shinji Ikari
Sat, 05-07-2005, 02:48 PM
Well maybe it's to point out many of the bad things that happens in the world... I mean, it's not like it's not common with crime in the real world...
I think the way he makes the manga world feel alive by putting up so many disigusting things is really great.
Sat, 05-07-2005, 03:00 PM
I totaly agree he doesnt put in rape or other bad things in the manga for fun its to show how dark and brutal the Berserk world is.
Sun, 05-08-2005, 05:16 AM
maybe he likes drawing rapes?i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif nah i do agree with you that it makes it feel much more alive with all the disgusting shit he manages to draw. im just questioning weather or not he is sane.
Sun, 05-08-2005, 08:28 AM
Kentarou Miura looks like a little timid guy, he's like one of those guys you might be scared that would come and shoot you, for picking on him at school.
Sun, 05-08-2005, 08:49 AM
ah one of the quiet guys with the fucked up mind, those are the scariest people around, a 2meter russian guy with scars all over his face is less scary.
Sun, 05-08-2005, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
maybe he likes drawing rapes? nah i do agree with you that it makes it feel much more alive with all the disgusting shit he manages to draw. im just questioning weather or not he is sane.
As long as he makes Berserk as good as it is then who cares if he isnt sane i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 05-08-2005, 05:48 PM
true, the manga is amazing im a little sad that i will soon reach where you guys are, at vol 24 at the moment.
Sun, 05-08-2005, 07:00 PM
and then you will have to wait just like the rest of us for another chapter...
it's annoying and troublesome, but WORTH it, that's the only manga I would actually PAY for (if I could buy it in my country, but I can't and I can't afford to import it from the states i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif ).
yeah, it's one of those moments when you wish you could understand japanese...
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 05-10-2005, 01:00 PM
Yep, I have now for a very long time wanted to buy the manga and the anime but has always had a shotage of money :/...
By the way, this might be coming a little bit late... But as the creator of this thread I'd like to thank everyone for being so enthusiastic about Berserk... Lets make this the biggest thread ever, slowly but surely it is coming along i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Tue, 05-10-2005, 02:17 PM
has vol 28 been released in a full vol set yet?
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 05-10-2005, 05:18 PM
Yes, please search for it at . There they have the Hawks version of vol 28.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 05:49 PM
Woot, 256 preview is out,
Title: zØ - Duel
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 05-24-2005, 06:48 PM
You never fail us, thank you i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Only that pic shread some light on this closed world where Berserk is read even less than it used to be..
Why oh why oh gods of Berserk do you release each chapter over such a long period of time?
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:35 PM
Look at the art in this manga, and compare it to some of the more popular manga titles currently. Naruto and Bleach pale in comparison to the graphical detail of Berserk. That one period of HunterxHunter, isn't even in the same universe that the quality of Berserk. The only thing I can think of that comes close is any of Ken Akamatsu's work (Love Hina, Negima) and that's mostly because they pre-draw the backgrounds and pencil in the characters. The detail of Berserk even tops that.
That kind of detail takes time, and its well worth it.
You can always reread the 255 chapters already released, or lots of other manga like I do to pass the time.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 06:03 PM
Vagabond is the only manga i read that can compare to Berserk in art qaulity. Mabye thats why the two mangakas shared the Tezuka award in 2002 i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
EG said that 256 is out this weekend so finaly some Berserk again and Guts fighting i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 05-28-2005, 04:32 AM
Berserk Raw is out, go get it at #udanraws @ or and the text translation is at skullknight also.
Shinji Ikari
Sat, 05-28-2005, 04:09 PM
When can we expect to be seeing Evil Genius version?
Sun, 05-29-2005, 10:54 PM
Originally translated by: puella
Episode 256: Duel
Chapter of Falconia
Millennium Falcon Arc
Page 5
Isidro: Serpico is fighting against Guts without his magical hood...
Puck: I want to add him under my instruction.
Isidro: He seems to try to hold back Guts' sword with the pillars...
Excellent...ha! Is this his maneuver?
Serpico: Your sword is so powerful that it can't even be categorized as a sword. It can split even a rock into two.
But as long as you hold a sword, such a great power can only be fully displayed when the tip of the sword reaches full speed.
Therefore, no matter how much you try, you can't get the right speed here because the movement of your sword is hindered by the pillars.**
Page 6
Serpico: Moreover, his wounds still haven't healed....
Page 7
Serpico: ...However, he still has enough power to cut several stone pillars with iron cores.
I can't just dodge it forever.
But my slender sword can't pierce his armor.
The places I can aim at are limited.
Oh, he tries to stab me in the right place as I expected. This is my only chance!
Page 8
Serpico: To dodge it...
Page 9
Serpico: He changed his hand...!
He's reading my moves!
Page 10
Schierke: Why in hell are they...
Page 11
Serpico: He's incredibly strong yet also reckless.
...I'm far from being passionate.
Page 12
Serpico: I've accomplished the duties that were given to me, adapting to the surroundings. This is my way.
My mind could stay calm at least though I thought it was a bit absurd.
Page 13
Serpico: Adaptation... No. It's just that my mind had been paralyzed.
But meeting you and joining the journey,
Madam Farnese isn't the only one that has been changed, I've also changed much myself.
He has fought face to face with his fate and has lived such a life burning his body in the Karma Fire unlike me, cold. (??)
Disguising the wind I didn't know of, maybe I also have been supplied to the heat unconsciously.
Page 14
Serpico: You're the man who I can't help but appreciate.
I've felt helpless with the fact that Madam Farnese has been changed beause of you but I've also been happy with that.
Page 15
Serpico: That's why I shouldn't allow it.
It shouldn't happen....!!
Page 16
Schierke: Serpico...!
Isidro: Be careful! Serpico...!
There's no pillar...!
Schierke: Now, you can't hide and attack anymore...
Serpico: This is the last chance...!
Page 18
Serpico: ...This is
What I've been waiting for!!
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 05-31-2005, 10:33 AM
thank you, but that just doesn't make mine twitch.
Oh well, whilst I am waiting for the Evil-Genius version, I might as well be nice to y'all
>>>Suzerain of the Ecclesiastical Authority<<< Is the title
Fri, 06-03-2005, 08:17 AM
When is Evanidus subbing I wonder? I read somewhere that he's having his exams now (?) or is on holiday (?).
I should go to his forums and give him moral support. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Shinji Ikari
Fri, 06-03-2005, 09:28 AM
If you do that, then I will keep praying i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Ganbatte kudasai!!!
Fri, 06-03-2005, 10:38 AM
Wow, the previerw is on time for a change.
So, this is inside the ball, have no idea what to say about this, but can't wait till friday, heh.
Shinji Ikari
Fri, 06-03-2005, 12:09 PM
Yeah, same here...
It looks as though Serpico lost, but i am sure Gats won't kill a good comrade. Hopefully it will end up well in the way that they will continue to travel together... I can't bare to see farneze getting married with such an ass and not growing into a good person like she was.
Wed, 06-08-2005, 02:46 AM
For anybody who don't know about the "lost chapter" (Ch. 83), here it is.
It's a REALLY significant part of the series. However...
Summary from
In 1996, Young Animal released Episode 83 of Berserk. It contained the most controversial subject matter in the series, a conversation between Griffith and the god of Berserk, The Idea of Evil. It was removed from the collected manga (1997) by Miura upon his request. The reason he gave for its removal is that it said too much, too early in the series.
Anyway, here. (
Please mirror the file if you can.
Thu, 06-09-2005, 12:33 AM
Damn, that was pretty intense. I can't understand why he would cut that out, seeing as there's some heavy character development there, but whatever. Thanks for the file mut
Fri, 06-10-2005, 01:02 PM
Damn, Chapter 257 was badass, Gatts is so cool!
Really want a trnaslation to this!!
goto forums
Fri, 06-10-2005, 08:14 PM
Dont exspect 256,257 before the end of this month.......
About the missing chapters i'm glad he removed it to much info that early in the manga wouldn be good.
I dont wanna read that chap now cause we dont need it since you can more than geuss what its about.
Fri, 06-10-2005, 08:30 PM
Well, if you can more than guess what it's about, what would be the harm in reading it?
Translation for chapter 257
Episode 257: Duel
Chapter of Falconia
Millennium Falcon Arc
page 02
Serpico - Gah
page 03
Isidro - Y you alive Serpico?
Schierke - Serpico....!
Serpico - Ugh
Ivarela - He's alive, he's alive
Serpico - I didn't think you would use the falling pillars. Were you reading it to begin with?
Guts - No, just a coincidence
page 04
Serpico - You and your reflex......
Puck - Your head is bleeding
Ivarela - Here, let me see
Ivarela - Making some extra jobs here....
Schierke - Serpico
Schierke - I.. won't let it happen
Schierke - No matter please...
Ivarela - Hey! What's wrong Schierke
Puck - You made her cry
page 05
Serpico - Guts, after meeting with Miss Farnese
Serpico - What do you plan on doing?
Guts - I don't know
Guts - I'm just gonna see her. That's what I decided
page 06
Serpico - You really are the type to do things as they happen
(not a direct translation but he's implying the same thing)
Guts - So let's go, we're in a hurry
Isidro - Hey
Isidro - Were you serious back there?
page 07
Isidro - Were you seriously fighting
Guts - Yea
Isidro - B but
Guts - The last part.........was a coincidence
Guts - He's not so weak that I can go easy on him
Schierke - Are you okay?
Serpico - It feels like a bell is ringing in my head
page 08
Guts - That's what a fighter/swordsman is
Puck - The way of a swordsman is cold-hearted.
Serpico - He was serious, but
Serpico - that was with a tacit condition that he agreed upon
Isidro - Condition...
page 09
Serpico - He answered to my challenge with the sword by the sword. No matter how bad the circumstance was for him
Serpico - He will not use any arrows, or his cannon. He's very straight and honest........ well, I used that to my advantage
Serpico - And most of all, he didn't release the powers of the armor
Serpico - It may also be that I lack the power to force Guts into using those tools
Serpico - But it that is the case, I should put hope into his unyielding heart
Guts - That monster from before bugs me. I'll leave you behind if you're too slow
Isidro - Y yea
page 10
Serpico - Monster?
Schierke - yes
Schierke - What seems like allies of the monsters that attacked us on the beach have entered into this palace
Serpico - The beach
Schierke - I do not know why though
Serpico - I may know why
Serpico - The spell casters that I slayed on the beach,
Serpico - they were most definately Kushan
Serpico - That attack may have something to do with this war
Serpico - Like the Kushan using those monsters as scouts....
Guts - Then the answer is simple
page 11
Guts - This city will be a warfield soon
Sonja - Leave this city as quick as you can
Guts - If that monster is a scout like you said, it will head right where everyone is
page 12
Guts - Farnese is in danger
Serpico - Let's go, I will lead the way
Schierke - U um, then Serpico
page 13
Schierke - This
Schierke - The sylph's want to return to its' master as well
Ivarela - Getting all close to him
(i can't think of a good translation for jdO)
page 14
Huh? -
Fri, 06-10-2005, 08:46 PM
Cause i know so much about the "god" why he did what he did more info can only ruin that part of the story.
Fri, 06-10-2005, 09:25 PM
More info can only give you more insight into the story, and make it better, and to know more about what's going on, not ruin it.
Shinji Ikari
Sat, 06-11-2005, 01:12 PM
What's the password for the file Kai?
Didn't work for me with the usual
Sat, 06-11-2005, 08:35 PM
or something like that. It's in skullknight forum. In the lastest episode thread.
Sat, 06-11-2005, 10:17 PM
Well, soon we'll see this city in flames, and Gatts swinging his sword around, w00t!
Sat, 06-11-2005, 10:41 PM
I want the whole gang to get back to gether and fight the entire Kushan army.
Shinji Ikari
Sun, 06-12-2005, 08:31 AM
And I want Gatts to admit who he really is i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Fri, 06-17-2005, 04:47 PM
Mut, that hidden chapter was friggin awesome. That tells you volumes about the manga and ... and well damn...
Wonder if there is another Idea?
Fri, 06-17-2005, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by: kAi
Well, soon we'll see this city in flames, and Gatts swinging his sword around, w00t!
You talking about the preview for 257? I have been waiting for this to happen along time.
And about the extra chap i will read it when i read berserk again.
Fri, 06-17-2005, 05:51 PM
Is there a full volume release of 29 near in sight yet?
Shinji Ikari
Sat, 06-18-2005, 05:37 AM
Kai might know.... There are supposed to be 2 vols every year... and we are in the sixth month of this year, so I guess vol 29 should be out soon.... these are only my guesses though.
Sat, 06-18-2005, 01:49 PM
Well, I think the hawks where releasing it in June, July or August, i can't remember.
I was sure they said it in their IRC channel, but it seems the channel and the website is down at the moment.
Also, their IRC channel's topic is
#hawks [.::thE haWks::.] : Yea, Public Channel Is Officially Closed.
I don't like the look of that.
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 06-21-2005, 12:20 PM
Nice, are we finally going to see the attack?... if that happens, that means Serpico and Farnese will be forced to join Gatts once again.... muhahahaha
Wed, 06-22-2005, 06:10 PM
Berserk 258 is out, IRC only that I know of
Lots of dialogue need translation.
I decided to upload the raw, No translation at this time, I'll post when it's out, or someone else might.
Shinji Ikari
Thu, 06-23-2005, 02:57 AM
cool man, we'll hang in tight for it.... thanks.
Thu, 06-23-2005, 11:30 AM
Episode 258 - Homing (Return to the nest)
Chapter of Falconia
Millennium Falcon Arc
Page 2
Charlotte: Yes, this time it has browned well.
Charlotte: I'm sure even Griffith will want to have some of this.
Anna: Well done, Princess.
Charlotte: Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you. But this is nothing special really with the countryside cuisine of my mother's side of the family.
Anna: Well, it's not often you get to eat things like sweet cakes on a battlefield.
Anna: But, you don't have to make up these kind of excuses, it's okay if you go and see him.
Charlotte: I... I can't! Griffith-sama seems to be really busy. I can't bother him.
Page 3
Anna: Certainly it's true that he's been working hard to take back Midland....
Anna: Well, take these freshly baked cakes to thank him for his work.
Anna: (I'm really glad, that our princess has regained her good spirit)
Anna: (, even before Windam fell in hands of the Kushan I haven't seen her as happy as this.)
Anna: (Amazing, even though this place is a battlefield.)
Page 5
Charlotte: It's like a painting.....
Charlotte: a slice of eternity....
Charlotte: It feels like..... you aren't supposed to touch it.....
Sonja: Griffith-sama!
Mule: Hey....!
Page 6
Sonja: tou (? Does she want to say 'tou-san' here? nahh Wink)
Sonja: I'm back!
Griffith: Welcome home, Sonja
Page 7
Griffith: How was the sea?
Sonja: It was lots of fun! I've made interesting friends, and we've experienced some sort of adventure as well.
Mule: I'm exhausted thanks to you, really...
Griffith: Good work Mule. If you take a little rest you can tell me about what's going on in the city. (and about that face of yours as well)
Mule: Yes sir. Well then, I'll....
Charlotte: ....uh...uhmm....
Page 8
Griffith: This is Charlotte-sama.
Charlotte: Griffith-sama, here...
Charlotte: I've made some cake
Charlotte: Perhaps if it's okay with you we could, wh..with everyone....
Sonja: Eeeeh, sweet cakes?
Sonja: Let me see, let me see!
Sonja: Hmmm... delicious...
Sonja: It has a strange taste... chewy..
Mule: Hey...
Page 9
Mule: Hey!
Sonja: Here, Griffith-sama. It's so sweet it will enchant your cheeks.
Sonja: Mule, you try some as well
Mule: Like I said...
Griffith: It has a nice aroma, sweet. It makes your mouth smile somehow.
Griffith: I would have never thought to be able to taste something so fine on a battlefield.
Griffith: Thank you, Charlotte-sama.
Page 10
Charlotte:, it's nothing.
Charlotte: But I'm happy, that you like it.
Mule: You come with me for a second.
Sonja: What is it now?
Mule: You! Show a little more consideration!
Page 11
Mule: Griffith-sama is so busy that the two have rarely been able to spend some time alone with each other.
Mule: If you're a woman, or rather if you're a maiden who can sense what's in people's hearts, you should be sympathetic with them.
Mule: For many years she's been all alone surrounded by the enemy, do you know how much she was tormented by feelings of loneliness and anxiety?
Mule: And now finally she's able to reunite with her loved one again.
Mule: ohi... (= a mumbled 'hey')
Sonja: That's for you.
Sonja: Bye.
Mule: .....wheally you.. (hhm, delihious...)
Page 13
Sonja: Good evening.
Sonja: ...may I warm myself at the fire?
Irvine: As you please.
Sonja: That's a nice song. But it sounds a bit lonely.
Page 14
Sonja: You're always alone aren't you? Don't you feel lonely?
Irvine: I'm a hunter. I feel more relaxed when I'm alone.
Sonja: huuuhn....
Sonja: Hunters are always alone? Walking all by themselves through the mountains and forests?
Irvine: There are some who don't, but I'm alone. I hunt by myself.
Page 15
Irvine: For several days you run through nature and keep chasing prey.
Irvine: You hide alone deep into the forest.
Irvine: Night after night, until you lose any sense of time, and then...
Sonja: and then?
Irvine: ....before you know it, you have become an animal (beast) yourself.
Sonja: You know... I... I was also alone.
Sonja: Seeing things people can't see, hearing sounds people can't hear.
Sonja: Just my world. Since it was different from theirs.
Irvine: I see
Page 16
Sonja: That person wasn't the only one who felt lonely and anxious.
Page 17
That night I had a dream
A dream about a kite and an owl, playing in the moonlit forest.
Fri, 06-24-2005, 10:52 AM
Darn.. Actually expected the action to start.. C'mon Muira.. Your killing us with the buildup. I'm going to cream my pants once the fighting starts. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sat, 06-25-2005, 01:38 AM
Yeah, I thought we were going to see some action, but no!.
Sat, 06-25-2005, 03:46 AM
I wonder whats going to happen. Yes, although there's a huge army at the town, most likely they'll get wiped out by the Kushans demon army. Demons always win. I think Griffith will reunite the other clans since he now has the queen as well.
Does anybody remember the monk guy the Kushan has on the ship? (Too lazy to check sorry). I think he's leading the invasion via the sea. Probably Gatts would be stuck till they slaughter them all. I don't think Gatts would escape from a fight.
Sun, 06-26-2005, 05:07 AM
The EG will realese chap 256-258 on monday so be ready for them.
Berserk EG 256-258 is out.
256: (
257: (
258: (
Sat, 07-09-2005, 10:15 PM
man i hate these 1 month waits they throw in after two releases of a chapter.
Mon, 07-11-2005, 02:30 PM
I dont like it either but its not like we have a choice.
Hopefully they wil realese biweekly more often sometime.
Mon, 07-11-2005, 10:03 PM
I wouldn't get my hopes to high about it becoming Fortnightly often.
Everytime it starts to get exciting and the story is starting to move along, Miura gives us a month break, yeah he deserves it, but why now, he's released like 6 chapters this year.
Mon, 07-11-2005, 11:59 PM
Aihz.. It's sometimes dissapointing we have to wait so long. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif But the standard and quality of each episodal he makes is a work of art.
SooooOoOoOo wanting to know whats going to happen next i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Shinji Ikari
Tue, 07-12-2005, 11:21 AM
goodbye people... I'm gonna drop Berserk for two years or so i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
This is for the best...
Waiting for each chap has become too painful
Wed, 07-13-2005, 12:20 AM
Heh i would the same but i cant wait so long for Guts and co.
Wed, 07-13-2005, 07:09 AM
Hahaha.. Good luck with the 2 years though.
I tried.. God I tried.. The next episode that came out.. I totally forgot about it. Hahah. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Thu, 07-21-2005, 10:43 PM
Chapter 259 is out.
#udanraws @
NEXT CHAPTER IT IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri, 07-22-2005, 11:46 AM
The trans by EG is out in thier site.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 07-22-2005, 04:04 PM
259 is great, 260 is going to be even better.
"I guess the party is at it's peak now, eh?"
defintally one to remember.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 12:06 AM
God dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I should stop reading Berserk for like 2 years and come back to it. I hate these cock teases.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 06:22 AM
can some of you guys tell me where to download berserk manga from start of volume one i don't care if it's irc or whatever just trying to pick up this series because i've been hearing too many good things about this so if anyone can help me out i would greatly appreciate it
Sat, 07-23-2005, 10:39 AM
#ckmoney @
Sat, 07-23-2005, 11:01 AM
thanx tried it but their bots were down i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Sat, 07-23-2005, 11:09 AM (
Sat, 07-23-2005, 12:54 PM
thanx for trying man but the links they have don't work i guess i'll just wait till the hawks get their bt site back up
Sat, 07-23-2005, 01:05 PM
You have to sign up.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 01:23 PM
never mid already figured out what went wrong works fine now thnx for the link
bah forget it the quality of the scans is crap i'll wait for hawks to get their bittorrent up again
Sun, 07-24-2005, 07:20 PM
Man Guts entrance pose was so cool,seeing it was soo worth the wait.
I feel sorry for the tiger beast now that Guts is his opponent.
Sun, 07-24-2005, 09:17 PM
Yeah, that pose was awesome, with what he said.
Finally Guts will show what he is capable to these little noble bitches.
Mon, 07-25-2005, 12:15 AM
I just wish a few more of them had gotten chewed up before Guts showed up to put an end to it all, but oh well. It would have made me feel a little better about waiting for the next chapter depressing
Mon, 08-01-2005, 10:01 AM
God damn it, after finishing reading the manga once again, I just can't help it, I need the next chapter i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif (sob)
Mon, 08-08-2005, 01:17 PM
can't wait for friday!
Mon, 08-08-2005, 09:56 PM
Gatts is about to eat some bones.
Thu, 08-11-2005, 11:45 AM
It's coming out on Friday?!?!?!?! WOoohoOooO
Thu, 08-11-2005, 09:50 PM
Damn, chapter 260 was good, get to see Guts killing, and chopping, mwuhahahaa.
goto, there is also a translation there.
Fri, 08-12-2005, 08:04 AM
Where did you say that translation was? Can't find it together with the ch.
Fri, 08-12-2005, 11:30 AM
Damn need translations!! Can't wait for Aug28th.
This is too cruel! Have to stop amidst battle!
Fri, 08-12-2005, 11:50 AM
The translations are posted on the skullknight forums, you narbs.
Wed, 08-24-2005, 11:05 AM
Here's a little something for Guts to slash open.
Thu, 08-25-2005, 09:38 PM
Uploaded Berserk 261 here (
and here's the translation
page 5
noble 1: he has the strength of four men, a real monster!!
noble 2: incredible, we should recruit him into our army...!!
noble 1: we really need him...
noble 2: yes, he must recruit him...
noble 3: yeah, with such a skilled knight, we'd get an advantage over Tudor&!!
noble 3: wha!!
page 6
nobles: what is this thing!?
Isidro: haha! game over, time to die tigerpuss!
Isidro: (...i must impress them to build my reputation)
Puck: im taking the donations for the saving of your lives
Puck: i think so far you owe only 3 millions, I am charitable!
Puck: now who wants to be the first saved?
nobles: bugs!? what is that... fairies!?
nobles: so cuuute!
Ibelera: hot stuff!
noble: donate how much!?
Puck: just empty your pants.
noble: this isnt very charitable
nobles: what little monsters&
page 7
noble ladies: ahhhhhh!
Farnese: sensei!
page 8
Farnese: what&?
Schierke: magical thorned snake totems.
Ibalera: cat pricked itself?
Schierke: i kept them in case we would need them. good for attacking and tying up evil opponents if they have physical selves, it follows their odo (ki???).
Schierke: you can control them with this ring&
Schierke: Farnese, do you want to try it?
Schierke: here:
page 9
Schierke: now you can control them, use emotions from your heart
Schierke: just concentrate Farnese with your mind and visualise your target
Farnese: &..hmm
Schierke: yes. doing well Farnese, go on like that.
Ibalera: good with reptiles for a beginner.
page 11
Magnifico: Roderick!
Roderick: take that thing!
Roderick: hey. how do you know lady Farnese?
Guts: i'm a friend. no time for talk.
Roderick: well then, time to fight as a captain
Roderick: shes mine
page 13
Roderick: aaaa
Roderick: Farnese, whaddya!?
Farnese: the weakness.... you can hurt it with the silver Roderick!
page 14
Roderick: wha& silver&
page 16
Guts: looks like that guy did his job this time
Schierke: ¬ yet
Ibalera: hes flying around...
page 17
Isidro: what? theyre all stopped and trembling?
Schierke: i used a spell to stop them in their place
Ibalera: simon says no move.
nobles: whoa..wu..not moving.. stopped.. wow
page 18
Schierke: you did a good job
Ibelera: cute girls power
Farnese: sensei
Guts: i came here to get you, because we need your help
page 19
Guts: will you come along with me?
page 20
Farnese: i realised that this group isnt the right place for me. such a castle of stone i know so well calls up for me again, now is the time. ill just miss you from times to times. thats all.
Fri, 08-26-2005, 12:10 PM
Damn.. can't download. Lousy Rapidshare. I hate that program. Sigh.. gotta either wait for the translated, or from skullknight
Fri, 08-26-2005, 12:14 PM
oops. skullnight is out, good. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Fri, 08-26-2005, 10:56 PM
Well, both the translation and the chapter I got from skullknight.
Fri, 09-09-2005, 05:22 PM
262 is out; look for the torrent on
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:04 AM
Damn, I didn't see Ganishka coming in like that or just him sending out a fog like effect, awesome!!
Well it seems things will be getting underway, the port is in flames, Kushan is right there, about to attack, can't wait for 263, but it's going to be an even longer wait
Guts is really pissed now, an Apostle has come in front of him, but he doesn't know if he's under Girffiths, but it wouldn't really matter anyway.
October 14 for chapter 263.
Tue, 09-13-2005, 01:38 PM
Yeah Guts wanna destroy every apostle.
The face Guts made when he felt an apostle presence it was so cool,like the good old days where guts made faces like that all the time i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Now let the war start, hope Guts starts going in killing spree with his anger for the king i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Wed, 09-14-2005, 09:31 AM
I saw this and just had to post it.
Thu, 09-15-2005, 06:59 AM
man the coolest looking Guts cosplay ever!
Specially the hair is very similer to Guts.
Fri, 09-16-2005, 01:33 AM
yeah all he needs is the little white streak and he's golden, hehe. But that image looks straight out of the photoshop fires to me, and if it is who cares, still a pretty sweet pic.
Mon, 09-19-2005, 01:00 PM
I just recently got around to reading the berzerk manga. I've read up to volume 26. Can any of your recommend a good site where I can go and download the next volumes/chapters. Also another quick question where is berzerk published is it only released in volumes or does it come out on a weekly basis serialized in some magazine?
Mon, 09-19-2005, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
I just recently got around to reading the berzerk manga. I've read up to volume 26. Can any of your recommend a good site where I can go and download the next volumes/chapters. Also another quick question where is berzerk published is it only released in volumes or does it come out on a weekly basis serialized in some magazine?
Here ya go mag try here
Mon, 09-19-2005, 09:39 PM
Go here and download berserk
Berserk is released on every 2nd and 4th friday of every month. Well, we are waiting for October 14th at the moment, as that's when the next chapter will be out. It's released by Young Animal. It's basically a bi-weekly release.
Tue, 09-20-2005, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by: kAi
Guts cosplay.
Wow, that's pretty good. But needs to be taller.
Tue, 09-27-2005, 01:58 AM
Anybody got the date when's the next one out?
Tue, 09-27-2005, 12:32 PM
My last post has the date.
Wed, 09-28-2005, 04:05 AM
Isn't it.. wait.. oh thanks.
I seem to be losing track of time. I thought it's October the 28th. *knocks head*
Sat, 10-08-2005, 12:09 AM
Berserk Volume 29 LQ done by Hawks. (
Thu, 10-13-2005, 11:40 AM
Very nice preview
Just read 263, need a translation,
download at
Episode 263: Invasion of the Pishacha
page 1
Crowd1: Look! The port's on fire!?
Crowd2: The Kushan attack at night? This is no accident?
Crowd3: What's going on?
Knight1: Move it! Move it!!
Knight2: Clear the way!!
Crowd4: Hey!! Guard, what's going on there??
Crowd5: We are going to confirm that ourselves right now!! Let us pass!!
Crowd6: Even at best effort, it's hard to move in this fog..!!
page 2
Crowd1: Hiiii
Crowd2: What is that!?
page 4
page 10
Guard1: Report!
Sun, 10-16-2005, 08:20 AM
wonder what will happen if they rest of the crew finds out he was of the hawks band
Sun, 10-16-2005, 08:39 AM
Well, the crew are bound to find out sooner or later, I don't think any of them heard it then, seems it's soon time for them to know who he was.
Sun, 10-16-2005, 09:00 AM
oh yeah, Evil Genius version out at Go grab it right away.
Edit: Woooohooo, finally we might be getting somewhere in the story...
Finally the long-awatied trip to Elf"Hell" i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif and finally might we be able to see the expressions on the group finding out that Guts is really the great Raider Commander of the Band of the Hawk i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Wahooooooooooo.....
Kai, When is the next chap due arrival?
Sun, 10-16-2005, 09:21 AM
Yeah, should be getting over to that Elfhelm place soon which is good, been waiting to reach that destination for a LONG time now, be good for them.
I think we'll be seeing a few more fights here and stuff, not too many but a few, then get back once they reach Elfhelm, Guts should be able to have his wound completely heal.
Next chapter is the 28th.
Sun, 10-16-2005, 09:37 AM
Same day as my second exam i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif Might prove to cheer me up a bit i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 10-16-2005, 10:51 AM
THe day after my FINAL PAPER!!!
my exams start tomorrow though.
The final quote "Excuse me sir, might you be the Leader of the Band of the Hawk Raiders?" ... Got my blood running. Shit.. I must calm down.. calm down.. calm down.. It's only Macroeconomics2 paper tomorrow.
A thought to consider though, even though Gatts and his crew are running away, Griffith and his army is camped outside no? They should be pouring down the hills to protect the city and Big Papa Vandemioin should be rather safe, unless Griffith decides to take power from him. Which he can easily because the Queen of MIdlands is there beside him. At the moment, the only one who can stop the evil Kushans is Griffith and Griffith's army alone. So might as well Big Papa Vandemion back Griffith's army up.
Tue, 10-18-2005, 05:32 PM
Griffith wanna become a hero again before he takes over the power.
I only hope Guts fights against Ganeska(sp?) or some other apostle before they leave town.
Roderick is the biggest fool of them all to think he can take Farnese under Gutts nose.
Death BOO Z
Tue, 10-18-2005, 06:00 PM
I never cared for farnese anyway, she's better than the witch, but since she got all spiritual on us... just bad.
now, what we need is a bit of grifftithing, some of that 'prince of perscia' ninja guy with his mooshy apostle spy, and then a big dose of guts ass kicking the kushans from one side and the neo hawks from the other side.
by the way, there's the berserk pilot chapter up in EG. check it out, it's quite good.
Tue, 10-18-2005, 10:37 PM
I think Rodericks good for Farnese imo. He'll be the 'eventual' winner of her heart. Seems more perfect that way. But this show is never always nice.
I wonder when they going to pair up with Azan. Or will Azan join their group or Griffith's?
Wed, 10-19-2005, 05:06 PM
Roderick is a prick that wants her only for her family name.
I miss Prince of persia.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
I never cared for farnese anyway, she's better than the witch, but since she got all spiritual on us... just bad.
now, what we need is a bit of grifftithing, some of that 'prince of perscia' ninja guy with his mooshy apostle spy, and then a big dose of guts ass kicking the kushans from one side and the neo hawks from the other side.
by the way, there's the berserk pilot chapter up in EG. check it out, it's quite good.
What, Farnese ala. S&M was better you mean? Getting off while whipping herself and getting off while burning people...... Well hell, now that I think about it, at least she got her womanly plesures fullfilled i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif No, even if she acts like a kid and is constantly nervous I still like her much more now, she has cleansed her heart and npw walks a straight path to become yet another one of Guts puppets/slaves (cough cough) i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Muhahahahahaha
Sat, 10-22-2005, 01:38 AM
Seek Help. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 10-23-2005, 09:33 AM
Muhahahaha, you bet.
Mon, 10-24-2005, 09:58 PM
264 preview, pretty lame preview at that.
Tue, 10-25-2005, 03:59 AM
Maybe he is someone important?
Thu, 10-27-2005, 05:42 PM
Well, it was the pope afterall.
I liked this chapter, i was hoping that the group would overhear Guts' talk with Owen.
The art for this chapter was awesome.
No translations as of yet.
Fri, 10-28-2005, 02:15 PM
264 will be out on mondays according to EG.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 07:20 PM
nah its already out, but i forgot where i got it from. i only have the raw thogh so i have no idea what was said.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by: Wren
nah its already out, but i forgot where i got it from. i only have the raw thogh so i have no idea what was said.
EG is a scanlation group , thats what he meant
Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:43 PM
Heh yeah thats what i meant, who cares about the raw we cant read it.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 12:40 AM
That's why you get the translation which is out.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by: kAi
That's why you get the translation which is out.
lies! deceit!
Sun, 10-30-2005, 09:59 AM
I dont understand why you read translation when you can wait a day or two for the scan.
Mon, 10-31-2005, 08:48 AM
Because i'm a real Berserk fan!!!!
Do you do it for Bleach? Naruto? any other manga out there?
Mon, 10-31-2005, 03:57 PM
is it out yet?? i almost forgot about it....
Mon, 10-31-2005, 04:17 PM
Not by [EG] at least on tokyotosho. but otherwise...
Thu, 11-03-2005, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by: kAi
Because i'm a real Berserk fan!!!!
Do you do it for Bleach? Naruto? any other manga out there?
Naw i dont do it for other mangas cause i dont want to spoil for myself and specialy not Berserk who are my fav of them all.
Thu, 11-03-2005, 06:56 PM
Well, now, as much as I would like to look at the raw and read a separate translation simultaneously, I'd rather save my eyes the inevitable wear and tear by just reading the scanslation.
Speaking of which, where is the next chapter that I was waiting for since last week?
Thu, 11-03-2005, 08:06 PM
Well it should be out by now, but I guess [EG] is slacking off or they must be very busy with something that is more important than Berserk (are there such things?).
Every day that passes by without me getting [EG] i feel more and more inclined to read the separate translation...
Plz save us oh great [EG]!!
Thu, 11-03-2005, 08:15 PM
Reading a seperate text translation and raw isn't spoiling in anyway, i just like to read berserk as soon as it comes out.
You guys have to wait a week longer it seems before you get the new chapter., while next friday, i'll be reading the new chapter.
Thu, 11-03-2005, 08:17 PM
dude, plz give me a link to the translation and raw. I'm tired of waiting.
Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:52 PM
EG team leader has real life issues so the chaps will be out soon but not right now.
Normaly EG chap is out max three days after the raw.
So you are telling you dont read EG at all?
Fri, 11-04-2005, 11:35 AM
DUDES, it's out... get it at
***Spoiler***: And as suspected, no truth about Guts past was shed upon the small lives of his companions.. And by the way, how come so many people are following Guts? He has told of no reason to fight, he has not been kind to the people following. They follow him because they see the truth in everything he does or what?
Sat, 11-05-2005, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by: Gundam_Strike
***Spoiler***: And as suspected, no truth about Guts past was shed upon the small lives of his companions.. And by the way, how come so many people are following Guts? He has told of no reason to fight, he has not been kind to the people following. They follow him because they see the truth in everything he does or what?
Well, some of them follow Gatts for their own reasons.
*Caska - Because Gatts want her to come along, but she needs help
*Farnese - Following little witch, and also follows Gatts, she believes that he would show her the way, the truth.. etc, bla bla bla. Practically, she's screwed up in the head. But Imo, being in the eye of the storm of whats happening in the world might be the safest place.
*Serpico - I think he personally hates Gatts and is scared of Gatts. All he cares is Farnese's safety. He probably has some incestrous feelings for her. But truly loves Farnese to protect her. Hence, he hates Gatts, not only that demons come at night will attack them but the berserker. That when the berserker armour is on, he knows that there will come a time that they will fight again. Like Farnese's mother said, "You must be screwey in the head too I guess" i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Spot on.
*Little witch - Masters orders. Simple as that.
And the other boy wants to be a swordsman. Simple.
Sat, 11-05-2005, 06:35 PM
Yes of course, but to me those reasons all seem superficial. I don't know if I'm only trying to dig deeper than the pit will actually allow me to but, oh well.
Sat, 11-05-2005, 10:04 PM
Well, either than that, it'll probably be some of those 'destiny' talks. How Griffith is supposed to be King, and Gatts is outside the laws of casualty yada yada.
Sun, 11-06-2005, 04:04 PM
In the case of "destiny," I can only imagine what will happen to Guts' merry band of friends.
Isn't it the case that pretty much anyone that Guts ever has contact with will get screwed someway or another?
Mon, 11-07-2005, 01:43 AM
Heheh.. true. I think so too.
I have a very very deep feeling, the final end to Berserk Manga would never be a happy one. It just wouldn't be 'right'. Probably end up everyone dying.
I'm still sticking with my theory that Gatts is the ultimate bad guy of the berserk series. Not a evil bad guy, but the misunderstood bad guy of the world.
Griffith is destined to be the King of the world, bring mankind and monster together destroying all enemies and probably reigning in peace. And the only one who would eventually stop him is Gatts, because he is the berserker.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 06:31 AM
Originally posted by: bagandscalpel
In the case of "destiny," I can only imagine what will happen to Guts' merry band of friends.
Isn't it the case that pretty much anyone that Guts ever has contact with will get screwed someway or another?
A few cases where this is untrue. Erica, Rickert, Godou and the little girl who's friend became an evil elf.
Stoopider: I came to the same conclusion when watching the anime series once more. But not a bad guy, rather that the world is fucking messed up and don't see the truth in the good that he does.
Kai: So the next chap we'll see this week on friday?
Mon, 11-07-2005, 08:12 AM
So you are telling you dont read EG at all?
Sometimes, I like SK's translations, and the raws they get are of high quality.
Kai: So the next chap we'll see this week on friday?
Now, that the pope is wanting to be with Griffiths, he's going to get alot more people behind him. All those religious people will be following him now, gets a new army.
I'm also wondering why the Owen and Guts talk was brought up, a reason could be for the people that are with him now to find out that he was indeed the Raiding Commander of the Hawks, can't think of anything else at the moment. Although it was most probably a way of bringing Owen in, and to know that he's wanting to get in with Griffiths which will happen soon.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 08:28 AM
I think Owen's looking for Griffith. I remember Midland capital is conquered, hence Laban is there. Lord Owen's looking for people to join his army. And considering Gutts is there, he might think Gutts is part of Griffith's army still. And the prophecy keeps on talking about the white hawk who would save them all.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 01:07 PM
A few cases where this is untrue. Erica, Rickert, Godou and the little girl who's friend became an evil elf.
Well, I put in the "pretty much everyone" as a safeguard because, like you, I remembered that Godo died a peaceful death in his cottage in the company of Erica and Rickert. But then, I also remembered the tragedy of Colette and her father, the rest of the Band of Hawk, and Griffith.
Speaking of Griffith, it's still hard to determine whether his actions are "good," and for the benefit of the world, or just purely evil. That being said, the only time I could see him as "evil" would be his brief existance as Femto...
Mon, 11-07-2005, 05:14 PM
In my rightful mind, I can not really relate with anything that has to do with demons wanting to eat humans live together with them as good.
Tue, 11-08-2005, 07:05 AM
Wait a second? Isn't Griffith still femto? Just because he's been reincarnated back on earth dosen't mean that he isn't one of the godhands. My guess is that should griffith defeat the kushans, (or al queda as I like to call them) that he will then instituite his own reign of power and terror like none before bringing about the apocolypse. Don't they keep on referring to the prophecy about the the hawk bringing about the world's end and a new age of darkness like none before.
Oh is it just me or does it seem like the manga's been signifigantly toned down ever since gatts got his merry band of companions to roam around the countryside with. Not nearly as much rape and pillaging as there was before. Completely different tone then the other arcs. Although I do admist seeing something positive happen is a nice change of pace from the norm. Also seems as if gatt's is calming down in his old age (white spot in hair) and becomming more docile as opposed to his more brutal savage self. Oh also I'm just wondering wanted to throw out my theory of the armor and see what you guys think.
Armor serves as a very unique visual literary device. I quite literally serves as a point of manifestation for gatt's unquealchable rage. Throughout the entire series we've seen bits and pieces of gatts rage which makes him almost a greater monster then the one's he's foced to fight. His sheer rage is something that threatens to consume him in battle. I guess that's why I really like the armor.
Oh one last question. Just wondering do the first three volumes serve as events that occured during the two year time lapse between Gatt's first encounter with the eclipse and the part in the manga where it takes place two years after with him hunting fighting the evil fairy girl and being tracked down by the knights of the holy chain?
Tue, 11-08-2005, 08:43 AM
Griffiths was reincarnated back to flesh from his God Hand form, he's still a god hand, but just flesh.
The tone down just goes with the arc really, well that's how I see it, it isn't a brutal part, it's more of a get to a certain place also with Guts being injured from Slan wasn't a good thing either. Also, Guts is only like 22 years old.
and your last question is correct.
Tue, 11-08-2005, 11:01 AM
Yeah, that is something that most people forget... Guts age. Most people seem to think that just because he got a few grey straws on his head, he is 40. I counted the years a little while back, and as Kai says, he is around 22-25 years old.
He is still far from the perfected warrior berserk and he knows it. He has also learnt that being a warrior does not only mean being able to kill a 100 demons in one night but also being knowledgable and understand politics and psychology.
A Berserk is good, but being cold and subtle is better.
But damn why is this arc moving so slowly??? Kai, when is the next chap due arrival?
Wed, 11-09-2005, 01:04 PM
Hehe why would Guts need to understand politics? Its not like he lives in thier world. In his world there are two things his friends and getting rid of Griffith and his apostles.
According to a timeline in skullknigt he is 23 or 24.
About toning down it wouldnt be so good if the manga was brutal as before all the time. Guts and his band must have thier moments before the horrible things happen again.
When he gets rid of Casca current problem,then hopefully it will be more battles cause sometime he has to face the apostles again.
Wed, 11-09-2005, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Hehe why would Guts need to understand politics? Its not like he lives in thier world. In his world there are two things his friends and getting rid of Griffith and his apostles.
Guts and Griffith's weapons (and the way they fight) symbolize how they deal with the world.
Guts isn't that stupid, he's got a very good head for tactics, but he makes remarks somewhere in the series how much he hates politics. All backstabbing and no honor I suppose. I think somewhere else he tells Serpicio that he'll kill him face to face. (or I might be getting confused with Ares. Too much manga recently.)
The Dragonslayer symbolizes that. It a huge sword that allows for no subtlety, just like Guts. He can use it far more fluidly than anyone thinks any human could, mostly through spins and such. Just like facing Guts, when the Dragonslayer comes in, you know exactly what's coming at you, but you also know there's really no way you can stop it.
Griffith on the other hand uses a fine long sword, and he fights a lot more like Serpicio, using finesse instead of raw power. He'll use whatever political means he can, like his *cough* fundraising practices. We rarely see Griffith actually fight, he's usually involved in some intrigue or leading the troops. That sort of quick thrust fighting is the same as how he operates politically, where Guts avoids it all together, preferring the direct approach.
Wed, 11-09-2005, 07:23 PM
Well said.
However, where would Guts' arm cannon, crossbow, and bombs fall into this?
Unlike the DS, the arm cannon isn't that conspicuous, unless you knew it was already there. And for the most part, Guts' foes only see the fake arm.
Wed, 11-09-2005, 07:38 PM
265 Preview, looks pretty damn cool to me, seems to have some good action this chapter.
Just finished with chapter 265, no translation as of yet, I'll post a link when it's up.
Nice action, Guts and co are straight into the action, and nice big suprise at the end of the chapter. Didn't think it would be so quick.
Wed, 11-09-2005, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by: bagandscalpel
Well said.
However, where would Guts' arm cannon, crossbow, and bombs fall into this?
Unlike the DS, the arm cannon isn't that conspicuous, unless you knew it was already there. And for the most part, Guts' foes only see the fake arm.
As I see it, the fake arm cannon has been his last resort when he is in a pinch. But the fake arm, the throwing knives and the crossbow isn't a part of him like his sword, like he says at the end of the series. His sword is more than a dream, it is himself in a lot of ways.
This chap looks aweseome, but it will probably end right before anything ever happens.
Wed, 11-09-2005, 09:46 PM
hehe has the chapter up.
Thu, 11-10-2005, 10:03 AM
just the raw?
Thu, 11-10-2005, 10:22 AM
probably, since EG is probably the first to sub, and when it comes out, we will know.
Thu, 11-10-2005, 10:55 AM
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it needs to be said.
December 22 is when chapter 266 will be released.
265 text translation, hurry and read.
Millennium Falcon arc
Chapter of Falconia
City of the Pishacha
page 1
Knight: Don't falter!!
Don't fall back! Defend this district with your lives! !
So this is Kushan *sorcery*...!!
Don't fall for their trickery!!
Crowd: Uwahhh, they're coming!!
page 2
Crowd: Commander!! Those (things) are no deception...!!
Knight: R..Reinforcements!?
page 4
Guts: Tch! We promptly ran into them,huh?
Schierke: I'm sorry but it's difficult to read the Od because of the chaos inside the city..
Ivarella: A new species,again?
page 5
Guts: Oh well, we might as well force our way through.
page 6
Crowd: W..Who is that man!?
He (slays) those monsters with one swing..!!
Schierke: Guts, watch it, if you're being rash, the power of the armour will again...
Guts: This can't be compared to the competition with Serpico
Farnese/All: Eh?
Isidro: Shaa! (I think) i'll also get a bit violent then!
Puck: Make no mistake.
Roderick: Oi! Is that really alright? Aside from that swordsman Guts, those two...
*Nevertheless, they're (just) brats.*
page 7
Farnese: I think it's alright.
Because it's always like this.
page 8
Puck: Let's go!! Teacher & Student Attack!!
Isidro: Ah!
Puck: Charge!
Puck: Puck Spark!
Puck: Follow me, Padawan.
Isidro: Well, that's okay..
page 9
Crowd: H..He flew..!!
Crowd: He cuts them down without them even touching him!!
Crowd: The enemies burst into flames..!?
Roderick: That's..!?
Ivarella: Aren't you stupid? It's magic, of course.
Magnifico: Magic...
Ivarella: Look! Get them out! Ivarellas'! (note: in case you have already forgotten, it's a word-play: ibarera no (Ivarellas') : ibara no hebi (Serpents of Thorns).
Ivarella: That smarts really good.
page 10
Farnese: Yeah
Ivarella: It's magic.
Roderick: Farnese. What are you people..?
Ivarella: Schierke,Ivarella and their group of (loyal) servants.
Schierke: ! Guts!
page 11
Serpico: We disposed almost all of them, right?
Isidro: You're late with locating, witch.
Guts: Let's hurry!
Schierke: Let's go, if we linger around too much, we could probably be attacked by enemies again.
Ivarella: Well, (they) were frightened here,right?
Roderick: ..Amazing! Your little sister and her company!
Magnifico: A..A witch from House Vandimion...
page 12
Crowd: They don't fear those monsters as opponents at all. Such a skillful way of fighting...
Crowd: Who are those people that accompany him?
page 13
Ivarella: How awful..
Guts: Just like a battlefield.
Schierke: *It's just like Sonia showed it to me...*
Roderick: If we escape through that warehouse area, we will reach the port! Let's hurry before that fire rolls over us.
Guts: Wait!
page 16
Isidro: Another one appeared!!
Puck: Hanagon (note: a bit tricky, i think it's a contraction of hana "nose" and kon, which is the term for a big,mythical fish..maybe i'm thinking too hard on that one. Suggestions are welcome!)
Roderick: T..That's...!?
Serpico: So, it wasn't just this one (from back then).
Magnifico: Hiiii!!
page 17
Magnifico: H..Hiii! (They come) from here as well!!
Schierke: That's not good!
Serpico: That's quite a bother!
Ivarella: An overbite festival.
page 18
Guts: I'll leave the small ones for you while i'll smash the big one.
Schierke: B..But Guts...
Guts: No problem.
Guts: ...But..In case something goes wrong, i'll leave it to you. (note: he actually says something around the lines of "when i'm crippled/crawling" ..whatever, i think it meets his thought^^)
Schierke: I understand (thoroughly).
page 19
Isidro/Guts: Well then
Guts: Shall we begin?
Thu, 11-10-2005, 12:51 PM
Awesome! Damn.. December 22nd!?
Thu, 11-10-2005, 04:04 PM
December 22nd, huh?
I'm currently dying on the inside due to this bit of news.
Thu, 11-10-2005, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Hehe why would Guts need to understand politics? Its not like he lives in thier world. In his world there are two things his friends and getting rid of Griffith and his apostles.
Guts and Griffith's weapons (and the way they fight) symbolize how they deal with the world.
Guts isn't that stupid, he's got a very good head for tactics, but he makes remarks somewhere in the series how much he hates politics. All backstabbing and no honor I suppose. I think somewhere else he tells Serpicio that he'll kill him face to face. (or I might be getting confused with Ares. Too much manga recently.)
The Dragonslayer symbolizes that. It a huge sword that allows for no subtlety, just like Guts. He can use it far more fluidly than anyone thinks any human could, mostly through spins and such. Just like facing Guts, when the Dragonslayer comes in, you know exactly what's coming at you, but you also know there's really no way you can stop it.
Griffith on the other hand uses a fine long sword, and he fights a lot more like Serpicio, using finesse instead of raw power. He'll use whatever political means he can, like his *cough* fundraising practices. We rarely see Griffith actually fight, he's usually involved in some intrigue or leading the troops. That sort of quick thrust fighting is the same as how he operates politically, where Guts avoids it all together, preferring the direct approach.
Thats cause Guts and Griffith are totaly diffrent. Guts uses the direct approach cause he has the raw power for it while Griffith has to have an army and be political cause he doesnt have Guts streangth and Griffith have things that Guts doesnt have.
Damn... its almost 2 months left we have been spolied lately by almost biweekly chaps.
Tue, 11-15-2005, 12:20 AM
Just had a thought.
Though Griffith surely does not possess the raw power that Guts has, does he, as the reborn Millenium Falcon, still possess Godhand power? (i.e. can he still crush variable amounts of space and manipulate objects just by willing it?) It's been shown that he can dodge arrows with relative ease.
Tue, 11-15-2005, 06:12 AM
Maybe he does not have all the power like a femto since he must be restricted in some manors with a human body. But he has indeed powers beyond that of an average human.
I'd say Guts would have quite a hard time fighting Griffith, or there would be nothing more to the story really. If he just beat him like in the snowfield when he left the band of the hawks there would be no struggle.
Thu, 11-17-2005, 02:16 PM
He cant have the God hands power, an evidence of that can be that Zodd is his bodygourd. He is still stronger than Guts since he isnt human anymore but he woulndt hurt Guts just by being near him as when he was Femto.
Thu, 11-17-2005, 04:51 PM
Well that was basically what I said.
Thu, 11-17-2005, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
He cant have the God hands power, an evidence of that can be that Zodd is his bodygourd. He is still stronger than Guts since he isnt human anymore but he woulndt hurt Guts just by being near him as when he was Femto.
Zodd chooses to be his bodyguard.
Also, Guts' starts bleeding out the back of his neck when he see's Griffiths, I think it didn't hurt him at the time simply because of the rage at the moment, and then fighting Zodd, but it does hurt Casca though.
Sat, 11-19-2005, 05:17 PM
My question is this if Griffith has been reincarnated did he lose his godhand powers. What exactly is he now? Is he still a godhand member and if so why the hell dosen't he use his demonic powers to simply crush Al Queda, opps I mean the Kushaan army. Is he mortal and why would he want to be reincarnated as opposed to being one of the supreme beings? So many questions so few answers. Also if Gatts met up with Griffith or Zodd would he win considering that he has the armor which buffs up his stregth considerably?
Sat, 11-19-2005, 05:38 PM
I believe he is still a god hand, it's just that he is in fleshly form, he still has some of his powers, how much i don't know but he does have them, his dream is to have his own kingdom/country which is the reason he took fleshly form. I also think Griffiths can be killed, I think God hands can be killed.
Tue, 11-22-2005, 07:48 PM
God hands can be killed otherwise why would the brand protect Femto when Guts tried to attack him the first time he saw him as Femto.
Sat, 12-03-2005, 09:42 AM
I just finished watching the anime, but the ending left such a void that I have to read the manga. I just want to make sure I have the right stuff.
Does the first chapter begin with Guts having sex with a woman/demon?
And also, do they still make berserk? (the manga)
Sat, 12-03-2005, 10:45 AM
The anime sucks compared to the manga mate, some things dont match with the manga (also the reason we havent got more anime episodes i believe, correct me if i'm wrong).
I dont really know where the manga starts since the first volume i got is volume 4.
and yes the manga is still going they're working on volume 30 atm so u got a couple of hours of reading to do i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sat, 12-03-2005, 11:35 AM
The anime starts where the manga starts, except that the manga includes the scene that you mentioned, the one with Guts and the fem-apostle.
The anime doesn't SUCK, per se. I believe it does an excellent job of animating the manga material with the exception of the omission of certain details, due to the fact that they would only serve to complicate things because the anime does only go so far...
Sat, 12-03-2005, 11:46 AM
forgot to mention the "imo" tbh i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif from what i can remember i found the animation quite sloppy compared to other animes and when i started reading the manga i only hated the anime more but this is my opinion i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sat, 12-03-2005, 01:45 PM
You do realize the anime was made in 1997, 9 years ago? I don't know whether or not you've been watching some of the older classics, but that was pretty much the standard of quality back then. Berserk's animation fits the manga just about perfectly, barring minor things eliminated to reduce the blood and rape to acceptable levels for airing on television.
If you think Berserk looks that bad, you need to rewatch Evangelion, the first season of Pokemon, and Slayers. They all look about the same because back then, they were all drawn by hand. Sure, the titles today look great, but Berserk was an incredible series for its time.
Sat, 12-03-2005, 02:00 PM
I actually really liked the anime. That's the reason I'm going to read the manga. I had no problem with the quality, maybe the coloring is a little crude but the animations are smooth. I have to say though, I tought the anime was much older. Like from the same time as Dragonball. When I saw that it is from 1997 I was a little surprised.
I have a theory as to why they stopped the show. The executives saw the last episode and though "omg this is too bloody and a demon having sex with a human woman, we can't show more of this". (I know that's not the reason, but who knows?)
@bagandscalpel: Thanks for the answer.
Sat, 12-03-2005, 02:58 PM
'97, huh?
Correct me if I'm wrong, since this is a longshot guess of mine, and I don't know where the manga was at during the time the anime was made, but...
I think, from the beginning, that the anime producers knew that if they were to animate Berserk from beginning to THE end, they would overtake the manga at some point or another. And if that's the case, heinous acts against humanity would ensue in the form of filler episodes (i.e. the death of the Ruroken anime and current decay of Naruto). Hence, they decided to purposely cut it short at the series' climax and cut out key characters/events (Puck and Skullknight). In conclusion, if this indeed was the case, then, this is probably a rare case of whoever-plans-these-things making wise decisions.
My theory on the brevity of Berserk, thank you.
Sun, 12-04-2005, 02:10 AM
The manga would've been about half what it is now, volume 15 around that area.
As long as the manga continues i'm not bothered if they don't do another anime.
Although, it would be good, but things need to be fixed up.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 12:33 PM
Imo, the anime has to be re... animated. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
It would be excellent if they redo it with cool graphics, and for once, follow the damn manga rather than changing it.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 07:20 PM
Nah, I liked the animation style and still do, I think it's the best look for something like Berserk.
Fri, 12-09-2005, 02:41 PM
i agree..the gritty look really works, and really enhances the subject matter
Wed, 12-21-2005, 05:12 PM
Chapter 266 raw is out, with translation.
After that long wait we get straight into some Guts action.
He fought down the beast well, and it seems the old Guts is back.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 09:23 AM
EG version came out two days ago.
Shinji Ikari
Sat, 12-24-2005, 07:44 AM
Man I am getting pissed, we waited quietly and this was all we got. And not only that, we have to wait until the 13th of januari.... No way, I quit... I will wait 1 year and then read again.
Mon, 01-16-2006, 08:41 AM
well 267 came out quite a while ago.
good chapter, need more
get to see Schierke do her thing, and Guts try to do his thing.
Mon, 01-16-2006, 02:20 PM
It's funny, but, why do I get the feeling that the reason the crew's taking so long to get ANYWHERE is because they've got one too many people?
Then I look back at previous chapters in, say, the Retribution arc, and Guts, by himself, is able to travel leagues upon end in one chapter.
Oh well, at least they're finally leaving Vritannis...
Mon, 01-16-2006, 09:31 PM
Thats what the problem with traveling with a group,Guts must protect them all the time. If he was alone,it would take much less time to kill these monsters and make a way for himself.
Thats something i miss,the old days when he didnt have to play a babysitter. I really really miss the lone wolf. Thats why i hope he dumps Casca and the others except Shierke who he needs.
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