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Fri, 09-17-2004, 02:16 PM
Kyuzo is such a level headed guy, he might win due to better determination and concentration. However, I am going to vote for Kanbei. I mean, Kyuzo does not appear to have a purpose in life yet. His only reason for existence right now is to fight Kanbei. If he defeats Kanbei, then, what's next?

Kanbei appears that he needs to survive to repent for his past sins. Most likely what will happen is that they both end up killing one another. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Fri, 09-17-2004, 02:51 PM
I still think Kyuzo got the upper hand since Kyuzo have 2 swords while Kambei have 1.

Fri, 09-17-2004, 03:01 PM
wat is the ending song's name?

Fri, 09-17-2004, 03:33 PM
@ Vocaltalentz: Fuhen

to Animefread: so what you saw the last battle the two had, and Kanbei had no problem with fighting against two swords.

Fri, 09-17-2004, 03:58 PM
i thought that fight at the end of epi 4 (i think) between kanbei and kyuzo proved that they were equals.

Fri, 09-17-2004, 08:22 PM
they were kinda like equal until Kambei say something about that he is no match for kyuzo rite now...or something like that, unless he just holding back.

Fri, 09-17-2004, 10:34 PM
The way Kyuso slice the bandits in ep 9 show that he have a lot of experience.

I think it will be a truce between Kyuso and Kambei

Sat, 09-18-2004, 05:14 AM
Originally posted by: animefreak
I still think Kyuzo got the upper hand since Kyuzo have 2 swords while Kambei have 1.

just coz you have 2 swords doesnt necessarily mean you have the upper hand... if you're not skilled then having more weapons can disadvantage you... so for instance... if you just happen to slip or something... you don't have a free hand to break your fall, so therefore injury MAY be higher. i guess that was a bad example... either way what i'm trying to say is that it's not numbers but skill.

thundrakkon i'm still not satisfied with that answer... i mean, he got shot in the friggin leg! like, when you think about it out of context it sure as hell makes sense... but i think i'm just biased coz katsushiro pisses me off that much...i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif

Sat, 09-18-2004, 09:11 AM
yea....i guess that make sense, but still Kyuzo is a skill fighter he possibly do alots of training using 2 sword so i wouldn't think he will injury himself even though he slip....for instance he can either drop the sword and pick it up again or threw the sword at kambei to remain balance. Thundrakkon when u say he got shot in the friggin leg who was it again cuz kambei and kyuzo both got shot....

Sat, 09-18-2004, 01:19 PM
jimmymasaki, as I mentioned before, it's the mentality that is important. The reason why Kanbei did not choose so many of the other Samurais in city was because of their attitude and heart, as well as their skill. Another thing that was important was their battle experience, too. Katsushiro had the right heart and attitude, the potential to be skilled, but what he lacked was experience. That was why Kanbei didn't chose him at first. Kanbei did not know what Katsushiro would do in a real battle and might be killed easily. Katsushiro had a few fights, not always successful, before that arrow incident. When he was finally prepared to lay down his life to protect someone, that was when Kanbei acknowledged him as a true samurai. It's the idealogy, not as much as the consequence of his actions.

animefreak, I was referring to Katsushiro.

Sat, 09-18-2004, 03:18 PM
i'm against Katsushiro of becoming a samurai....he doesn't even know y he wanted to become a samurai in the first place and here he is thinking about joining the samurai to fight a armies of bandits who were once fight as samurai. I bet he can't even last 5 min against the bandits....surely he have the potential of becoming a samurai but he's still lacks experience and skill, face it he can't even kill one of the bandit face to face on episode 11...he were able to kill cuz he was attacking from behind.

Sat, 09-18-2004, 03:26 PM
Everyone lacks experience at some point... so if lack of experience is what prevents him from becoming a samurai then no one should become a samurai...

And his lacks of skill roots from his lack of experience... for some reason he wants Kambei to tutor him....

He is not full of himself believing that he is the "God of Fighting"... he knows that he lacks skills and he has the right motivation to improve himself

Sun, 09-19-2004, 12:02 AM
*sigh* yeah i noe ur gonna b sick and tired of me saying this... but seriously.. the scent of blood just coz he protected someone.. doesnt cut it.
it's more the mindset of putting your life on the line that as you say got him in. but honestly, putting your life on the line for someone (i think) should NOT make you a samurai.. but oh well. it's just an anime.
i'm not against katsushiro being a samurai. i'm just not satisfied with the reasons as to why he was recruited.. see, if he was just this guy who lacked experience instead of being super-ultra annoying as well, i would probably not feel this ultra hatred towards him... but i guess it's good that they have a character who i really hate, coz it shows that the writers have actually put thought into conveying like... argh i'm not good with words today. either way, it shows that there's some depth to a character is what i'm trying to say which allows the audience to judge. it's not like i hate katsushiro because he's a pretty boy or nething... if that makes sense??????
neway, it doesn't matter if it was from behind or from the front... it was the stupid bandits fault for turning his back and underestimating him.. PLUS death is death.. doesnt matter how it came about... but i can see what you're trying to get at animefreak

Sun, 09-19-2004, 12:22 AM
kanbei needed someone who will give it their all to protect the village. katsushiro demonstrated that he can and will protect the ppl and the village.

Sun, 09-19-2004, 12:51 AM
argh!" i dont wanna create an argument or nething but i dont think protecting one person and protecting 10 people really scale well. like i've been trying to say, all i don't like is the reason that you people give me (and which are probably correct) as to why he was recruited.
like i typed, it's only an anime. the downfall of humans won't be so apparant here and he'll be strong enough (mind and body) to protect the whole village instead of just the chick he likes. i guess i'm thinking to realistically and with too much bias (also stated)

Sun, 09-19-2004, 12:55 AM
well, kirara is part of the village. IMPORTANT part of the village. she's the miko of the village.

i'm sorry u didn't get the answer u want.

Sun, 09-19-2004, 01:09 AM
dunno if that's sarcastic... but it's cool. being part of a village, and being the village is another matter.. u get down to it.. and social status (i'll just call her status as miko of the village higher class even if it's kinda P.C) shouldn't matter.. coz you boil it down.. and she is just one person. like... she is just one life. the value of someone's life is no different to the value of another person's life... be it they're evil or not... so like... erm... can you understand my point?

Sun, 09-19-2004, 01:36 AM
i wasn't being sarcastic. i felt bad cuz u seem very unsatisfied w/ the answers.

uhm...u say her life is less important than the village. the village is more important. is that what ur saying?? (sorry if i got it wrong) if he's willing to protect on resident of the village then he can protect the village. ppl can say they can protect the village but will they really? the other samurai (not the 7) r portrayed as selfish ppl who just want rice. u see them take the rice and not agree to help them. what i'm saying is that kanbei finally saw what he wanted to see in katsushiro. i'm running out of things to say.

Sun, 09-19-2004, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by: Eurasian
i wasn't being sarcastic. i felt bad cuz u seem very unsatisfied w/ the answers.

uhm...u say her life is less important than the village. the village is more important. is that what ur saying?? (sorry if i got it wrong) if he's willing to protect on resident of the village then he can protect the village. ppl can say they can protect the village but will they really? the other samurai (not the 7) r portrayed as selfish ppl who just want rice. u see them take the rice and not agree to help them. what i'm saying is that kanbei finally saw what he wanted to see in katsushiro. i'm running out of things to say.

oh man i'm so glad that you're so willing to try and help me understand. i'm really grateful.. before i joined i thought the majority of people seem to just speculate or just have arguments so i'm quite glad that it's not friggin like that.
neways, i'm not saying she's less important.... all i meant was that one life is the same as another (well it should be in reality i mean) so like, it shouldn't matter who he's protecting be it kirara or the villagers... but in this case it does..
argh, i think i'm confusing the hell outta you and i think i'm starting to confuse myself. but you noe he was one of the first to agree to protect the village (can't think of what it's called... keep on thinking konoha.. stupid naruto! i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif ) so if that was the reason then why didn't kanbei just say, hey... you're a good guy.
and yes, i noe it was coz he didn't have the smell of bloodshed on him.. but then if that's the case shouldn't he have been accepted AFTER he killed that no-buseri? i mean, taking an arrow is hardly bloodshed... it's like a mother trying to protect it's young (well, some mothers), it's instinct...

uh, please comment to this if u think i've honestly lost the plot...

i mean, i can accept that katsushiro's one of them.. coz i mean, it's already been done. it's just that the reason is really fuzzy to me.. it just doesnt make sense!!i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif

Sun, 09-19-2004, 01:02 PM
jimmymasaki, as mentioned before, it is a compilation of things that added up to Kanbei accepting Katsushiro. Think of it as this: When Katsushiro just started, he was green. He has never seen a live life and death situation or experienced anything close to real battle. He had the heart, but he wasn't ready. Kanbei realized that and did not want him to be killed so easily. As the story progressed, he experienced more battles, participated in a few (unsuccessfully), saw a bunch more, and began to be experienced. Kanbei knew he wanted to be Kanbei's apprentice, but Kanbei wanted him to prove himself first.

Taking the arrow meant that he truly was about to give up his life to protect. It is just one more sign for Kanbei to accept him. Also, it is not instinct. If it was, then that farmer guy with them on the boat would have done it, too. Any of the other "samurais" in the city would have not done it.

So in conclusion, it is a compilation of events, his increase in experience, that special event that pushed it over the edge, and Kanbei's acceptance that lead to Katsushiro becoming recognized as a samuai.

Here is a definition from Webster's Dictionary I have for you:

samurai - a military retainer of a Japanese daimyo practicing the code of conduct of Bushido.
Bushido - a feudal-military Japanese code of behavior valuing honor above life.

So if you take the definations into consideration (except of the daimyo part), Katsushiro is a samurai now.

Sun, 09-19-2004, 02:26 PM
As far as bushido goes, samurais greeted every single day as if that would be the day that they died. Hence it would be hard for one to become a samurai without having a proper respect for death and all it entails (first the fear of death and then the sin of taking life).

Mon, 09-20-2004, 01:50 AM
mmm, i have an argument against what ya said thundrakkon.. but i think you need to see my side of the argument and i can see that you don't really want to so i'm not going to try...
sorry for being a pain in the arse to ya, you've gotten you're point across and as i've said, i accept that he's on the team.. the reason as countless numbers of people... (actually two of you) have given me are all really good and have been explained well. it's just me being nit-picky and see like a microscopic hole to the argument.. eitherway he's on the team now... and kirara has respect for him now. well, dunno if it's called respect, but i'm happy that she's erm.. dunno the word. something along the lines of taking care of him coz she realises that she's kinda lead him to this path of killing people
erm,... empT3 i don'T get what you're commenting to... but yeah i noe that they greet every day as if it is their last... but if samurais valued life as a whole then i don't think they'd be killing people... i think it's more the value of the lives of good people... which i guess isn't a bad quality to have coz it shows loyalty and blahblahwoofwoof

Mon, 09-20-2004, 06:02 AM
Let me put it to you in simpler terms... if Katsushiro wasnt picked as a Samurai... then who? It's not like Kanbei had a lot of choices to pick from.... And there is no reason not to accept a helping hand when fighting the bandit (unless he didnt want to see him get killed).... no reason really needed for him to form part of the group.... there are in need of a helping hand and Katsushiro is available

Mon, 09-20-2004, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
Let me put it to you in simpler terms... if Katsushiro wasnt picked as a Samurai... then who? It's not like Kanbei had a lot of choices to pick from.... And there is no reason not to accept a helping hand when fighting the bandit (unless he didnt want to see him get killed).... no reason really needed for him to form part of the group.... there are in need of a helping hand and Katsushiro is available

dude, unless you think i'm that dumb (or unless you can't read), i've already stated a coupla times that he has been accepted and i can't change that..
and if that was the simple reason, then it wouldn't make the other 'complicated' reasons make sense...
either way the simple reason that bud's given me is much each for me to accept then the whole risking his life and the scent of bloodshed conpuzzling stuff.

EDIT: okai, in response to the quote, i meant that i've accepted that he's the only samurai around and i can't change that he was the one who was accepted.

Mon, 09-20-2004, 11:31 AM
Well what can i say... the Lord works in mysterious ways and Kanbei also...

So let's leave it at that because this discussion is going nowhere...

Tue, 09-21-2004, 01:14 AM
i agree, sorry if i've disturbed (or should i say annoyed) everybody...

which comes to me asking another question (though i think it's been asked...) is komachi a girl? coz she talks like a boy.. but the name is girlie... AND her friend...okara.. it SOUNDs like a boy... but then shichirouji calls him/her cutie and shim blushes...

just want an opinion... (man that paragraph above made me so confused as i typed it) i'm pretty certain they're both girls...

Tue, 09-21-2004, 01:40 AM
Na' you didnt annoy.. it was just that the conversation was at a point where it was going round and round, going nowhere

Yeah... im pretty sure they are both girls.... Though listening to your description makes me doubt...

Tue, 09-21-2004, 02:04 AM
Ok, so I skipped 439578628765 other posts because it looked like a bunch of bickering over someone's hair or something... I don't know.

Anyways, I love this show. I saw something called Kaze no Yojimbo while I was out, which I understand is another retelling of another Kurosawa work. Has anyone seen it? Recommendable? What's the theme/difference between the show/movie, aside from the fact that it is animated whereas the original was live action? =b

Tue, 09-21-2004, 02:18 AM
Kaze no Yojimbo... great series... not finished fansubbed though... only up to episode 23....

Dvd rips are coming out though... so it will be finished...

Thu, 09-23-2004, 05:18 AM
Shouldnt this anime have it own forum cause it very populer and serier that have own are over a time like Gungrave.

Thu, 09-23-2004, 08:33 PM
i think ppl already suggested that in the suggestion section.

Thu, 09-23-2004, 08:36 PM
Kaze no Yojimbo....where u guy dl that?

Thu, 09-23-2004, 08:47 PM
irc... but i think www.anime-4ever.org has the first few episodes on torrent

Thu, 09-23-2004, 08:51 PM
no...i check. The anime is not in www.anime-4ever.org sound like a popular anime...hope i can find a dl site.

Fri, 09-24-2004, 01:44 AM
i haven't found a dl site for it.. and i've been looking for it for ages... !-.-) neways, i don't really know what the series is about coz i'm not into it with great gusto... but the title says the wind bodyguard... or the bodyguard against the wind... dunno realli. but yeah, maybe someone should make a new thread on this... (unless they have... sorry if they have)
EDIT: just realised that eurasian said it's already been suggested. my bad

Fri, 09-24-2004, 01:52 AM
Eurasian was saying that Samurai 7 should have it's own forum... and yeah sorry for going of topic... last post on that topic...

just learn how to use irc... and go to the respective group channel and find someone serving it

Wed, 10-06-2004, 12:26 PM
Episode 13 is out by inuyasha for ever

get it in mirkx

Wed, 10-06-2004, 10:20 PM
yes, finally someone continue the sub.

Thu, 10-07-2004, 08:06 AM
hmm... can i have info on where to dl samurai 7 other than irc?

Thu, 10-07-2004, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by: shinichi69
hmm... can i have info on where to dl samurai 7 other than irc?

IY-F is the only group still subbing it

you should be able to get all 13 eps from there, however if you can get the akeep subs for 1-12 they are a bit better

however 13 from IY-F was supprisingly good, I guess now that inuyasha is done that can put mnore work into their other projects

Thu, 10-07-2004, 08:09 PM
hey thanx so much buddy...

Sun, 10-10-2004, 11:22 AM
just wacthed episode 13. i think its obvious what is gonna happen in the next episode.

Sun, 10-10-2004, 07:51 PM
another good episode 13... cant wait for 14... and yeah it's obvious what's gonna happen if you saw the preview

Wed, 10-13-2004, 03:58 PM
Samurai 7 episode 14 is out


Wed, 10-13-2004, 04:10 PM
I dont know if this was put up here yet but the song "Unlimited" was redone by the artist (to accomadate the opening) so now its better and different, so just click the link and it should start the dl

The Real Opening (http://torrents.theppn.org/downloadtorrent.php?id=18291&name=Aikawa%20Nanase% 20-%)

Wed, 10-13-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by: kupalmaru
Samurai 7 episode 14 is out


Yeah they have it but is down hope they get back soon

Wed, 10-13-2004, 06:55 PM
by FAAAAR...

no more comments..."

This is what the guy IY4ever said

Wed, 10-13-2004, 08:08 PM
hey, how u guys dl episode 13 and 14? i when to iy4ever, click on the samurai 13 to dl but is say page cannot find. I even try to save taget as...still didn't work.

Thu, 10-14-2004, 03:30 AM
i thinks it's down.. dunno bout 13.. but yeah someone's already pointed iy4ever is down

episode 13 wasn't that bad. but i dont get how people thought ep14 was predictable... i had no idea what the preview was going (flashing) on bout

EDIT: i don't really want someone to tell me what they anticipate... i like the fact that it's unpredictable to me i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Sat, 10-16-2004, 09:28 AM
If you haven't seen 13 and 14 yet, do yourself a favor and DL them, very good stuff.

*** Spoilers to 13 and 14***

I got both form IY4ever, no problems for me. And, damn, better than I had hoped. They really did lovely battle scenes, with the nobusari falling form the collapsed bridge and all of Kyuuzou's scenes. The ballista was maybe a little TOO big, but it was still cool.

I was a little surprised they decided to make Katsushiro a berzerker. After his fight in the holding cells the others were like, "Uhhh.... Let's just go." And Kirara seemed a little freaked out about it too. I loved when Kikochiyo's body waves at his head, and his head on a stick starts yelling to trash the place (poetic liscence by the translators, I'm sure, but nice), and Shichirouji has automail? Anyway, good stuff.

Sat, 10-16-2004, 11:29 AM
yes, finally i could dl it. the site possibly down during the time...but they fix it now.

Sat, 10-16-2004, 08:44 PM
i like katsushiro now. more and more every time he starts killing. nice.

Sun, 10-17-2004, 03:09 AM
i just saw 15, 16 raw... i can't believe he dies. that pisses me off.

Sun, 10-17-2004, 08:07 AM
I just saw the raw too...

Sun, 10-17-2004, 08:59 AM
Good, because maybe more will people see how wrong it was to make Mut a Mod...

Sun, 10-17-2004, 09:32 AM
I just seen ep 14 and it rocks. They have a good fighting scene

I hope Mut is lying

Sun, 10-17-2004, 09:40 AM
@ ?igma: I know exactly what you mean\

I did see the movie(some of it) and from what I could gather stuff happens, but Im not giving anything away

Sun, 10-17-2004, 11:45 AM
keep crying about it guys. if you keep it up, maybe something will happen.


i just saw 15 subbed...

katsushiro (or whatever, the green haired troll): what if i spy
badass kyuzo: you'd die


Tue, 10-19-2004, 07:57 AM
15 is out subbed now, of what Mutt speaks sadly is true

Wed, 10-20-2004, 06:45 PM
No spoilers, please. And thanks for the link, although I have bittorrent.

** Spoilers ep 15**

Not too much happened, but the kids playing samurai were cute. And Kyuuzo saying "you'd die" was the best line. Next ep looks like it will be a fight during a storm, nice.

Sun, 10-24-2004, 07:37 PM
is it episode 15 that's katsushiro died, cuz he's still alive in 15. Unless, you means episode 16?

Thu, 10-28-2004, 11:56 PM
can someone tell me... as far as i know only iy4ever is still doing samurai 7

but i never can download their 15...

something is wrong

Fri, 10-29-2004, 01:45 AM
010577, i can't dl it either. =(

i can't recall any other groups other than inu4ever subbing samurai 7.

Fri, 10-29-2004, 01:52 AM
im pretty sure that a superior group will release 15 soon... you can wait for it i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Fri, 10-29-2004, 01:58 AM
I got 15 from IY4E, now I need the other one... 3? Have 17 and 18 already? Damnit, and I still need this. =(

Fri, 10-29-2004, 09:12 AM
yeah i got round to watching eps 14 and 15 today...

erm... mutata mentioned katsushiro died and crap... quite confused.. and disappointed
katsushiro still pisses me off... he SHOULD die! damn.. stupid idiot.. thinking he's so tough now that he's killed people... (i mean, not like i ever would kill someone.. but just coz u kill people doesn't make you tough) neways.. stupid idiot!!!!!! but i guess because of him.. then heihachi could like be great and then he kinda explained why he went beserk at manzou (and yes to everybody it was because of a previous event.. pats on the backs to all of youse!)
the stupid okara-chan and komachi piss me off.. them boy-girl children!!! i've decided they're tomboys.

Fri, 10-29-2004, 09:31 AM
Kyuuzo remains to be the only one that I like. Katsushiro kills people now, but nothing about his attitude has gotten any better. He's still a loser.

Fri, 10-29-2004, 09:37 AM
yea, i don't think he considered himself a tough guy. I bet he's feeling remorseful for those he had killed. It's like one those feeling like your big brother's pissed you off and you feel a instants to punched him in the face.

Fri, 10-29-2004, 10:33 AM
ok great

at least we are on the same page

Tue, 11-02-2004, 12:36 AM

you can dl samurai 7 from that site...it's kinda complicated...but they have up to epi 16 subbed...

Tue, 11-02-2004, 04:50 AM
The torrents on the site are raws, or at least they look like it. The files themselves call for you to download a file called Vobsub, which I'm not too familiar with. It also looks like Angelfire lists the torrents themselves, which they have a zero tolerance policy on that type of thing, I think. The site looks like it opened today, like moments ago. I personally am going to skip on these, heh.

Wait, those files are about 15k files... it's probably something that loads in on top of the raw. Still, requires downloading another program to watch it. I think I'll just wait on a proper sub. =/

Tue, 11-02-2004, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by: Eurasian

you can dl samurai 7 from that site...it's kinda complicated...but they have up to epi 16 subbed...

saw the website... can someone comment on quality and translation compared to iy4ever?

Tue, 11-02-2004, 08:09 AM
iy4e sucks... i havent watched the version in that site though...

#revquest will release some Samurai 7 episodes in a bulk soon enough... i suggest you wait for them, from what ive seen they have highquality subs and translations

Tue, 11-02-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by: KameronFrye
The site looks like it opened today, like moments ago. I personally am going to skip on these, heh.

AHAHAH cause it is...it was recently setted up.

Wed, 11-03-2004, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
iy4e sucks... i havent watched the version in that site though...

#revquest will release some Samurai 7 episodes in a bulk soon enough... i suggest you wait for them, from what ive seen they have highquality subs and translations

why do you claim that IYF sucks? IMO and expirence thay are right up there with all the other big subbers, Anub, Aone, Akeep... they do a great job, and when they arnt on vacation they do it pretty fast also

Sun, 11-07-2004, 02:04 PM
btw long time ago 15 of iy4ever is realeased and working

so go grab it if u haven't


Mon, 11-08-2004, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by: TheEvil1
why do you claim that IYF sucks? IMO and expirence thay are right up there with all the other big subbers, Anub, Aone, Akeep... they do a great job, and when they arnt on vacation they do it pretty fast also

if you haven't noticed... IY4E do really skip a lotta info. i'm not really going to complain too much about their lack of quality subtitling coz they're one of the few that are still subbing samurai 7 .. but trust me, they are nowhere near as good as ANBU or Aone

KATSUSHIRO NEEDS TO DIE!!!i/expressions/devil.gif everyone else can live and b jolly... but katsushiro is just an ass.

Fri, 11-12-2004, 11:59 PM
can someone tell me why katana fansubs has this wierd way for playing their subs?

Sat, 11-13-2004, 12:04 AM
samurai 7 episode 16 is out by iy-4ever.

Sat, 11-13-2004, 02:54 AM
download 16! it's worth it! although i was disappointed and sad by the end of this ep, it's a good episode (what episodes aren't?)

Sun, 11-14-2004, 11:49 PM
yeah this was a good episode i liked it very much, but it was most probably needed, it had to be someone and somewhere.

Sat, 11-20-2004, 09:04 PM
i thaught someone say katsushirou was going to died?

Sat, 11-20-2004, 09:40 PM
Katsushiro hasn't been killed yet, but hopefully he will soon.

Sat, 11-20-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by: TheEvil1

Originally posted by: Budweineken
iy4e sucks... i havent watched the version in that site though...

#revquest will release some Samurai 7 episodes in a bulk soon enough... i suggest you wait for them, from what ive seen they have highquality subs and translations

why do you claim that IYF sucks? IMO and expirence thay are right up there with all the other big subbers, Anub, Aone, Akeep... they do a great job, and when they arnt on vacation they do it pretty fast also

Dont like their translations for starters.... they misstranslate alot... no example i can give you at the moment because i dont have any of their recent subs.... but i remember i didnt like their elfen lied first episode nor their Samurai 7 episode 13 which was the last i saw from them if not mistaken

Sun, 11-21-2004, 03:22 AM
this might be considered a noob question, but what server and stuff are #revquest, and if they have a website what is it?

Sun, 11-21-2004, 03:36 AM
go here


and they are on rizon

Sun, 11-21-2004, 03:36 AM
rizon server on #revquest same server as #gotwoot
and website http://www.revquest.inner-fire.net/

seems i was just beaten.

Sun, 11-21-2004, 04:31 AM
it appears that revquest are releasing eps 15 and up. if this is true what is the best group to download, also is it possible to even get the ANBU ones now that theyve discontinued subbing the series

Sun, 11-21-2004, 04:35 AM
yeah you could get the ANBU ones most prob from IRC though.

Wed, 11-24-2004, 03:54 PM
ep 17 is out from IY-F

i have a direct link for it here

Wed, 11-24-2004, 09:43 PM
yawn. ep 17 = boring++

Sun, 11-28-2004, 06:04 AM
the torrents on inuyasha dont seem to be working for me :/

Sun, 11-28-2004, 04:56 PM
Revquest has released 13 and 14.... 15 and 16 will soon follow...

give them a try...

http://revquest.edwardk.info/Samurai_7_ep13_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5BA353E9B6%5D.torre nt

http://revquest.edwardk.info/Samurai_7_ep14_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5B2E4B2343%5D.torre nt

Sun, 11-28-2004, 10:36 PM
I already have my eps, but I wish the group good luck, of course,

The one thing I really noticed in the review ep was that the translations of the flashback scenes were different from what I remember reading in the earlier eps. In some cases VERY different. I guess I'll have to buy the DVD's when they come out to learn what they really said... but thoses DVD's would be nice to own anyways.

Mon, 11-29-2004, 02:17 AM
yay finally, i didnt realise they had been released, good thing the bit torrent wasnt working for me then

Tue, 11-30-2004, 05:20 AM
episode 15 has also been released by RevQuest... expect episode 16 pretty soon...

http://revquest.edwardk.info/Samurai_7_ep15_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5B147AA654%5D.avi.t orrent

Tue, 11-30-2004, 10:02 PM
epsiode 16 is released by RevQuest

http://revquest.edwardk.info/Samurai_7_ep16_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5BFD944AFE%5D.torre nt
or IRC #RevQuest@irc.rizon.net

ll Ec|iPsE ll
Tue, 11-30-2004, 11:28 PM
17 is at iy4ever.net

Wed, 12-01-2004, 01:00 AM
if you read the previous page you would know that.

ll Ec|iPsE ll
Wed, 12-01-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by: kAi
if you read the previous page you would know that.

bah sorri lol

Mon, 12-06-2004, 08:29 PM
iy4ever.net now has Episode 18 (http://iy4ever.ath.cx:8989/torrents/f56b6579c1b09afce33f5c927169848faac7e7eb.torrent)

Mon, 12-06-2004, 09:00 PM
been awhile.

Tue, 12-07-2004, 10:52 PM
Is it just me, but im having problem downloading ep 18

Wed, 12-08-2004, 01:48 AM
Its just you, try it again it worked fine for me.

Mon, 12-13-2004, 08:35 AM
after been away and just not having time to watch anime.... ep17 doesnt have any seeds out... this is just for the iy4e subs so if another group comes up with ep17 could someone give me a heads up?

Tue, 12-14-2004, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by: jimmymasaki
after been away and just not having time to watch anime.... ep17 doesnt have any seeds out... this is just for the iy4e subs so if another group comes up with ep17 could someone give me a heads up?

use IRC

Tue, 12-14-2004, 02:58 PM
(OMG, screwed up)

Wed, 12-15-2004, 05:32 AM
it's starting to get crap... wish katsushiro would just die... or seppuku like any man

Sat, 12-18-2004, 08:29 PM
Why does everyone hat Katsushiro so much? He seems fine to me...

ep 18 was ok... I like the design of the capital and the chibi guy in the tank.

Thu, 12-23-2004, 03:57 AM
i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif im still waiting on revquest for their super awesome sub for ep 17, although now that theyve finished the one piece movie they might get around to this now i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Sun, 12-26-2004, 11:28 AM
when I go to "scarywater...." "samurai 7" has no links..it is a problem?

Sun, 12-26-2004, 03:30 PM
samurai 7 is licensed, so scarywater wont have it up.

Revquest have started from episode 13
site: http://www.revquest-fansubs.com/
bt: http://www.revquest-fansubs.com/bittorrent/

and you should be able to find ANBU 1-12 at places like, lokitorrent, downloadanime.org, boxtorrents, etc

Sun, 12-26-2004, 05:17 PM

Mon, 12-27-2004, 07:00 PM
Does the torrents of eps 10 and 11 work for you from Apeople subs. I have problem with them,so im asking if the problem is my client or the torrent.

Thu, 01-06-2005, 07:09 AM
RevQuest have released eps 17 and 18.

http://www.revquest-fansubs.com/bittorrent/Samurai_7_ep17_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5BB19EC8EC%5D.torre nt
http://www.revquest-fansubs.com/bittorrent/Samurai_7_ep18_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5Bb316e5ac%5D.torre nt

have fun

Sun, 01-09-2005, 12:20 PM
Just saw the RAWS to 25 and 26 and.... whoa

Mon, 01-17-2005, 09:48 PM
Episode 19 (http://iy4ever.ath.cx:8989/torrents/c6d4eed9bd077276a3b1c905e8748a95b3101d9c.torrent) By Iy4ever

Mon, 01-24-2005, 01:47 AM
20 is out by katana fansubs

i dono how good they are, downloading now tho


Mon, 01-24-2005, 02:13 AM
ive heard that they are not reliable... but to each his own...

I havent tried them myself...

Mon, 01-24-2005, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
ive heard that they are not reliable... but to each his own...

I havent tried them myself...

you know of anyone else thats gonna sub it? IY-F is putting it on hold because they only have 1 translator currently and he/she cant do everything

Tue, 01-25-2005, 03:33 AM
we at #revquest are doing it...

19 and 20 should be release soon, hopefully within the following week

And from what im told those people (iy4ever and katana) are just making up lines that might mislead on what is going on the plot... i don't have the details now, just telling what i hear...

episode 19 apparently was a difficult episode to translate, hence why it seems to have many errors in translation (again i havent watched their versions myself)

Tue, 01-25-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
we at #revquest are doing it...

19 and 20 should be release soon, hopefully within the following week

And from what im told those people (iy4ever and katana) are just making up lines that might mislead on what is going on the plot... i don't have the details now, just telling what i hear...

episode 19 apparently was a difficult episode to translate, hence why it seems to have many errors in translation (again i havent watched their versions myself)

ahh i see, i beleive i have your channel saved on IRC, i will keep an eye out

I watched episode 19 from IY-F and 20 from katana, and the quality was good, i have no idea about the translation because i dont speak japanese, however it all went together well, nothing seemed blatently made up or anything

Thu, 01-27-2005, 04:53 AM
Revquest released episode 19 if interested...

Episode 19 by Revquest (http://revquest.edwardk.info/bittorrent/Samurai_7_ep19_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5B89c9d9af%5D.torre nt)

Thu, 01-27-2005, 09:05 PM
getting it now

im gunna watch 18 now.

Thu, 01-27-2005, 09:09 PM
I wanna start watching the series, but I'm not sure which fansub is the best to watch.
Any recommendations?

Thu, 01-27-2005, 09:58 PM
i recommend 1-12 form anbu-keep and 13+ from revquest

Sun, 02-20-2005, 04:32 PM
episodes 22 and 23 by Katana
Samurai 7 - 22 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/%5Bkatana%5DSamurai%207%20-%20episode%2022.torrent?info_hash=7417ed7466c77687 1309c6082b8e9ce1cb94ef9e)
Samurai 7 - 23 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_23katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=c0 b39be74154125760fee6de4ce8e9e06d085900)

Tue, 02-22-2005, 09:28 AM
episodes 24 by Katana
Samurai 7 - 24 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_24_katana_fansubs_.avi.torrent?info_hash= 6e7bea1d5c9dd5e49e716c05f457fef6fb369573)

Tue, 02-22-2005, 06:41 PM
My fav group aka anime-kraze started subbing ep 9+ and thats great cause i didnt like lunar versions.

Tue, 02-22-2005, 06:59 PM
how is Katana subs btw, I wanted to know while before I dl it

Tue, 02-22-2005, 08:28 PM
Their pretty good better than Iy4ever
How long is this series agiain?

Tue, 02-22-2005, 09:41 PM
its only 26 eps btw, and I heard the end was amazing(or so I hear), buts overall its been a good series

Wed, 02-23-2005, 02:26 AM
Yeah but did you notice that the quality went down compare to the first couple of episodes, especially the characters eyes.

Wed, 02-23-2005, 10:41 AM
Episode 25 by Katana
Samurai 7 - 25 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_25_katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=5 c6bc1a43da063a401aac7764818e12209a5363f)

Wed, 02-23-2005, 01:09 PM
in terms of translation, which among the following groups (revquest, iy4ever, katana) are the best? so far i've only watched upto episode 7 subbed by anbu-keep; but i continued downloading the succeeding episodes. From 1-12 i have the version of anbu-keep and starting from 13 and above i have IY4ever.
So i'd like to know from you guys which of the groups did the best in terms of translation? because after the series is over, i'm planning to keep only 1 version of each episode. please help me on this. need your opinion.

Wed, 02-23-2005, 07:57 PM
revquest but Katana is a very close second also AnimeKraze has done an exellent job also

Thu, 02-24-2005, 01:47 AM
The last Episode again by Katana
Samurai 7 - 26 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_26_katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=2 c8981c1c7aca7db13e5424b68c354ede53b09a1)

Thu, 02-24-2005, 08:19 PM
I'm not able to get Katana releases to connect, guess I'll have to wait.

Sat, 02-26-2005, 10:15 PM
Im gonna with revquest for 13+ since they are the best group judging by the posts in this topic.

Bud revquest is still doing this anime right? Just wondering if i have to change group after ep 19.

Sun, 02-27-2005, 06:48 PM
you guys skipped ep 21, where can you get ep 21?

Sun, 02-27-2005, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by: jing
you guys skipped ep 21, where can you get ep 21?

I was gonna ask the same thing.
I looked at tokyotosho, and hongfire was hosting ep. 21, but their torrent tracker is down for maintenance.
Hopefully, their is another way to get it.

Sun, 02-27-2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Im gonna with revquest for 13+ since they are the best group judging by the posts in this topic.

Bud revquest is still doing this anime right? Just wondering if i have to change group after ep 19.

yep still doing it... we had to retranslate some episodes when our translator's pc crashed... we should have a couple of episodes out soon enough

Mon, 02-28-2005, 04:49 AM
Can someone pls link me to the torrents? I'm still stuck on ep 19.... thanks in advance.

Mon, 02-28-2005, 09:39 AM
Samurai 7 - 20 (http://tracker.palesoul.us:8989/torrents/01b666dd52ade9428a7802dde955ae2fa78c51e7.torrent) by Inuyasha4Ever (only gruop who has subbed it)
Samurai 7 - 21 (http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=22713)
Samurai 7 - 22 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/%5Bkatana%5DSamurai%207%20-%20episode%2022.torrent?info_hash=7417ed7466c77687 1309c6082b8e9ce1cb94ef9e)
Samurai 7 - 23 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_23katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=c0 b39be74154125760fee6de4ce8e9e06d085900)
Samurai 7 - 24 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_24_katana_fansubs_.avi.torrent?info_hash= 6e7bea1d5c9dd5e49e716c05f457fef6fb369573)
Samurai 7 - 25 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_25_katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=5 c6bc1a43da063a401aac7764818e12209a5363f)
Samurai 7 - 26 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_26_katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=2 c8981c1c7aca7db13e5424b68c354ede53b09a1)
21 to 26 are by Katana

Fri, 03-04-2005, 11:41 PM
http://www.revquest-fansubs.com/bittorrent/Samurai_7_ep20_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5B8319a1f3%5D.torre nt
http://www.revquest-fansubs.com/bittorrent/Samurai_7_ep21_%5BRevQuest%5D_%5B9348f646%5D.torre nt

RevQuest 20-21

Sat, 03-05-2005, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by: nests
Samurai 7 - 20 (http://tracker.palesoul.us:8989/torrents/01b666dd52ade9428a7802dde955ae2fa78c51e7.torrent) by Inuyasha4Ever (only gruop who has subbed it)
Samurai 7 - 21 (http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=22713)
Samurai 7 - 22 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/%5Bkatana%5DSamurai%207%20-%20episode%2022.torrent?info_hash=7417ed7466c77687 1309c6082b8e9ce1cb94ef9e)
Samurai 7 - 23 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_23katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=c0 b39be74154125760fee6de4ce8e9e06d085900)
Samurai 7 - 24 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_24_katana_fansubs_.avi.torrent?info_hash= 6e7bea1d5c9dd5e49e716c05f457fef6fb369573)
Samurai 7 - 25 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_25_katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=5 c6bc1a43da063a401aac7764818e12209a5363f)
Samurai 7 - 26 (http://www.point-blank.cc:7000/torrents/samurai7_26_katana_fansubs.avi.torrent?info_hash=2 c8981c1c7aca7db13e5424b68c354ede53b09a1)
21 to 26 are by Katana

Thanks a lot!

Sat, 03-05-2005, 03:24 PM
The ending IS amazing. It was sad. Saaad.

Sat, 03-05-2005, 05:01 PM
Yes finaly revquest version out agian.

Wonder how things will go down in ep 20 and 21.

Sun, 03-06-2005, 03:40 PM
Can someone seed episode 22, i've been trying to finish this ep for the longest time ever.

wow thanks whoever did it.

Sun, 03-06-2005, 07:06 PM
finally saw the last two eps(watched them together) and it was amazing, and at the same time sad b/c of what happened, but overall a wonderful end to a great anime

Mon, 03-07-2005, 08:36 AM
Just saw the last ep. Pretty good ending, found it a little weird how Katsushiro just left on his own and didn't get the girl or anything though.

Mon, 03-07-2005, 01:08 PM
I watched eps 21-26 last night and all I have to say is damn those were some great eps. Katsushiro gets the award for most improved throughout this series.

Mon, 03-07-2005, 02:46 PM
whow great epi's butt i did wanted 2 see kyuzo vs kashiro or somethin.

Sat, 03-12-2005, 05:06 PM
I just finished this series, fucking awesome...

Sat, 03-12-2005, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by: jing
I just finished this series, fucking awesome...

I loved everything of the series.

Sat, 03-12-2005, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by: Aeon
I watched eps 21-26 last night and all I have to say is damn those were some great eps. Katsushiro gets the award for most improved throughout this series.

I havent finished this show yet waiting for revquest 22-26 but i agree on Katsushiro improving most in the show.

I didnt like how week and unsamurai like he was in the begining but he became a real samurai after his first kill.

Became my fav with Gorobei.

Sat, 03-12-2005, 10:06 PM
I hate Katsushiro. That amature should die.

Sun, 03-13-2005, 11:18 AM
A charcther i didnt like was Kyuozo, i mean he faught good and stuff but im so tired of the silent hero.

Tue, 03-22-2005, 06:53 PM
Just finished it. I hate when someone has an enemy cornered but instead of just killing him pauses to chat, thus buying him time to escape (twice just in ep 25). But overall, excellent series. I wish they made more like this i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif

Mon, 06-06-2005, 07:24 AM
Ep. 25 by IY4eva

Ep. 25 (http://tracker.palesoul.us:8989/torrents/e2cbca99a17ff3f2194e44266e208bc402e0995c.torrent)

I don't even know if i should watch ep. 26.... kyuuzo is dead

Mon, 06-06-2005, 11:04 PM
lol come on revquest stop holding out on us, we know ur the best

i/expressions/brokenheart.gif i just wanna see the end of this series

Tue, 06-07-2005, 12:45 AM
why is most of the time the cool characters like kyuuzo always die?

Tue, 06-07-2005, 07:08 AM
my guess is... they're too cool to really give the story a resolution

Mon, 07-25-2005, 08:49 AM
hey i was wondering if one of the revquest guys that frequent this forum could give us some info on whats going on with this project

Thu, 11-10-2005, 02:38 PM
I just finished watching the series from our edited scripts (22+) So you can expect all to be released in the coming weeks...

Man, what a great series and a great ending... I'm kinda dissapointed that Katsushiro didn't get Kirara, or that no one got Kirara for that matter...

Edit: 22 is on our bot now!

Thu, 11-10-2005, 03:40 PM
Yeah, Kirara likes older men(Kambei) i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif.

Fri, 11-11-2005, 03:33 AM
Downloading now and thank you RevQuest i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Sun, 11-13-2005, 03:25 PM
23 is on the bot now...

24 and 25 should be up there soon if the final check passes...

Thu, 11-17-2005, 12:00 AM
24 and are up now on bots....

26 should be released in the coming days if it passes the final check

Thu, 11-17-2005, 10:29 PM
Sorry for the triple post, but last episode is now on bots... Now we can say that we finally finished our first project i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Fri, 11-18-2005, 06:51 AM
Thanks Bud i'm glad i finally got to see the end.

Wed, 11-23-2005, 04:11 AM
Just finished dling 1-26 of this anime and just watched ep 1. It looks pretty good so far.

Fri, 08-18-2006, 02:24 AM
Finally got around to watchng this anime after hearing so much about it from alot of people. All I have to say is " me likey. me likey very much". Different from your traditional samurai storys and at the same time the concept is still there. Wicked cool. The action was undenialably awsome. Something that leaves you wanting more. It was totally unrealistic and it was good.

Mon, 12-10-2007, 11:42 PM
I just finished this anime in a week. It was pretty good in that it kept me watching like Eureka 7, but nothing really that memorable.

I give it a 7.5 out of 10.