View Full Version : About anime that center around Cards
Thu, 06-03-2004, 03:09 PM
I was just wondering why some anime are based around cards? I mean, theres Yu-Gi-Oh (which would be a good anime if it wasn't so damn obessesed with friendship), Cardcaptor Sakura, Duel Masters, and others. Is there a reason in Japanese mythology or something?
Thu, 06-03-2004, 03:14 PM
first of all think about poker every gambler is obsesed with it ..ok now think lil kids wif poker there u go ur answer
Death BOO Z
Thu, 06-03-2004, 03:32 PM
cards are sellable objects, you can push about a thousend packs of them in a small box...
unlike pokemon dolls or gameboy games, cards can be bought by ordinary kids at thier cafeteria in the school half-an-hour break.
Cards are more profitable than other sorts of merchendise crap, that's about it...
Thu, 06-03-2004, 05:39 PM
Yup, its one of those "Gotta collect em all" kind of things. These marketing ploys have been around for ages. "magic" cards, Beanie Babies, pokemon cards...
I enjoy buying these fad items and then selling them to kids for profit. You'd be surprised how much parents will buy these things for thier kids.
Thu, 06-03-2004, 05:52 PM
thanks for the ebay scam
Thu, 06-03-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by: dragon
thanks for the ebay scam
hey its not a scam! I prefer to call it a "Get in, Get out" situation. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif Honestly it isn't my fault if a parent becomes impulsive and buys stuff a tad overpriced.
Thu, 06-03-2004, 07:41 PM
Oh, so its all about the market I guess. I was thinking like it was in Japanese mythology where the hero used cards to banish a demon or something like that. And Everon, tsk tsk, I expected better of you man. Lol, jk.
Neko Sniper
Thu, 06-03-2004, 08:03 PM
Hehehe...sorry to see you so disappointed but today even for japanese people money is everything (although lets say means alot) i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
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