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Thread: About anime that center around Cards

  1. #1
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    About anime that center around Cards

    I was just wondering why some anime are based around cards? I mean, theres Yu-Gi-Oh (which would be a good anime if it wasn't so damn obessesed with friendship), Cardcaptor Sakura, Duel Masters, and others. Is there a reason in Japanese mythology or something?
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  2. #2

    About anime that center around Cards

    first of all think about poker every gambler is obsesed with it ..ok now think lil kids wif poker there u go ur answer

  3. #3
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    About anime that center around Cards

    cards are sellable objects, you can push about a thousend packs of them in a small box...
    unlike pokemon dolls or gameboy games, cards can be bought by ordinary kids at thier cafeteria in the school half-an-hour break.

    Cards are more profitable than other sorts of merchendise crap, that's about it...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  4. #4

    About anime that center around Cards

    Yup, its one of those "Gotta collect em all" kind of things. These marketing ploys have been around for ages. "magic" cards, Beanie Babies, pokemon cards...

    I enjoy buying these fad items and then selling them to kids for profit. You'd be surprised how much parents will buy these things for thier kids.

  5. #5

    About anime that center around Cards

    thanks for the ebay scam

  6. #6

    About anime that center around Cards

    Originally posted by: dragon
    thanks for the ebay scam
    hey its not a scam! I prefer to call it a "Get in, Get out" situation. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Honestly it isn't my fault if a parent becomes impulsive and buys stuff a tad overpriced.

  7. #7
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    RE: About anime that center around Cards

    Oh, so its all about the market I guess. I was thinking like it was in Japanese mythology where the hero used cards to banish a demon or something like that. And Everon, tsk tsk, I expected better of you man. Lol, jk.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  8. #8

    RE: About anime that center around Cards

    Hehehe...sorry to see you so disappointed but today even for japanese people money is everything (although lets say means alot) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

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