View Full Version : NARUTO MMORPG thoughts....

Wed, 06-02-2004, 02:12 AM
So i've given it a LOT of thought.. and the prospect of an MMORPG in the Naruto Universe would be PeRfEcT!

Ok given that the company who makes Naruto would agree to giving permission on the creation of this game, It would be something like this.

Character creations would be dependent on 2 things: Sex, Hidden Village.
Your customization would be like City of Heros: broad range of design with some basic sets.
You all start the game as a New Genin of whichever Hidden Village you are at.

The game progresses like any mmorpg meaning that the world doesn't change until the creators choose it to go through a change. Until that point all the villages are at a sort of stand still. None are really allies but think they are.

Now what I'd like to do instead of the standard boring leveling system they've been using, is base ones abilitys not on stats primarily but on the players abililty.. Not like a FPS, but that the user has more control in battles. meaning they can counter on their own with conbinations of key strokes. Also combo their attacks the same way.

For things to do in game, you could either take up missions from your -Kage of the village based on your rank. Your rank would go up as you go up in the game.. Thus your level would be your rank... Now you can be an apprentice of specific NPC Ninja's of each village. doing so would increase certain "jutsu's" or gain more ability's for you. Now with everything you gain, there are also things that you could NOT get. Meaning that nobody can gain every form of Jutsu... unless they get so far to learn an imortality technique which i will think up someother time.

As I was saying there would be missions from the -kage, or you could go around town to various npc characters to get them to give you jobs or to train you.

Now you could wander around the world as you wish, however you would have to be on the look out for other nation ninja's.

I'd set it up giving other nations the ability to attack you.. players that is. But you cannot PVP your own nation members w/o suffering consequences.. either you must agree first and it's not to the death. or you can attack and instantly be on a "Hit list" of the village and be a renagade ninja which would probably die pretty quickly.

I'd set up all the administators of the game as ANBU members.



thats a thought of mine.. If I had the funds to do so and enough people experience in programming.. I'd do it. needs work, but it's a basic.

Wed, 06-02-2004, 03:26 AM
Naruto mmorpg would be cool. Except for the fact that game designers usually screw up games based on big properties like naruto just so they could get it out quicker. Now if they made it a ninja game loosly based on naruto (having the same elements like class of ninjas, ninjutsu, gen and tai. Then having chakra etc) but they put it in another part of the world where nothing intertwines with naruto. Then they wouldnt rush it and it would have a chance. The only problem i could see them really having is that ninja fighting is supposed to be fast. Something of that speed has never been done in an mmorpg when it comes to fighting, would they be able to pull it off. The only way I could see it working is if they made the action and controls somewhat like the 2nd naruto fighting game. With customizable move sets that you have to learn and train with.

Oh, they could also do bloodline limits like they do jedi slots in starwars galaxy. You train certain areas and if you happen to have a limit it comes out (in galaxies its extremely tough to get the jedi slot open). They could do jutsus on a backpack type system where you may have a certain amount that you can learn. Gaining new abilities, gaining chakra, controling chakra better and becoming higher ranked ninjas could opens more jutsu slots to you. Or if you have certain bloodline abilities (i.e. sharingan) you could learn a greatly increased number of jutsu, plus get your own for the bloodline.

It could actually be pretty good if they did something along those lines. Maybe I will bring it up to a company when I graduate college if they dont already have it. Hell, I am in the digital media track that is specified towards internet and games.

Wed, 06-02-2004, 04:36 AM
I'm a bit of an ameteur game programer and we have a little saying that goes like this:
"You won't make an MMORPG so stop thinking about it"
I agree done correctly a naruto MMORPG could be nice but you can't just say you've got an idea and instantly rally round people to work on it for free. Even if a proper development studio made one it wouldn't be the best idea because where are the children that watch naruto going to get enough cash to stump up for there new naruto style everquest addictions?

Wed, 06-02-2004, 04:59 AM
Awesome ideas. Brings a tear to my eye that it will never be done though.

El Duende
Wed, 06-02-2004, 09:45 AM
Darklocke, I donīt have much time, but i would be glad to contribute, iīm studying ingeniering in computer systems... mativs@hotmail.com thatīs my mail


Wed, 06-02-2004, 11:17 AM
engineering i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Wed, 06-02-2004, 11:19 AM
There is already a Naruto mmorpg in the making with all those ideas.

Wed, 06-02-2004, 11:49 AM
about that mmorpg thats already in the making.. If it's the 2d one I found ... it's junk. I mean for the sake of the game designers they are atleast great for getting where they are with it - props to them - but I think a 3d game would be much more enjoyable.

now all I'm saying is that this is what I'd love to see/do... it's not an offer for people to come to me and join me to make it.. It's - here are my thoughts... enjoy them, but it's not gonna happen.

i think before we see an mmorpg of this, it would need to either come to the states, or be made by the japanese... and to my knowledge the japanese haven't made that many MMORPG's... And If it would be made by like square-enix... i think it would be another final fantasy XI... too repetative and level grind.

Most mmorpg have their ups and downs... most downs are the level grind.. and I belive that if you take that out of the game it would either be a very interresting game or a terrible flop.

giving a characters ability's levels and experience gained per use would be what I'd go for. Train your skills and you will be better... meaning someone who has been in the game for 1 month could be killed by someone who's been in the game for 2 days given that the 1 month person went all out on one thing but lacked something else like speed, where as the other one was starting all out speed/dodge...

ok i'll leave with this thought..

who here wouldn't want to use 1000 years of pain on another player...

Wed, 06-02-2004, 01:18 PM
Well, with all the new mmorpgs coming out its only a matter of time till at least one ninja one appears. So it might be kinda like a naruto one.

El Duende
Wed, 06-02-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by: Hinata-chan
engineering i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif


Wed, 06-02-2004, 08:27 PM
can u give me the site of the ppl that are making Naruto game???

Wed, 06-02-2004, 08:53 PM
I've been thinking a lot about a Naruto MMORPG, as well. And it actually could work and be very enjoyable. But for that, it would have to include a few controversial aspects such as Perma Death and Aging. I for one could just not see a Naruto MMORPG work without these. Also another tricky aspect would be character customization. Should we really get to decide what powers we are born with? Won't everyone just be a genius from birth that way? I think a randomized system in which you only got to pick gender would work much better here. As said, controversial.

Thu, 06-03-2004, 07:43 AM
not really cos 99% of people would plump for sharingan more than likley. and in a game at least there cant really be a single class that blows everythign out of the water, so it woudl more thna likley go in swings, like at first youd get loads of sharingan then youd get loads of the weakness to sharingan showing up, then youd get loads of the weakness to the weakness to sharingan appear and so on. of course you could always restrict bloodline limits to people who do extraordinarliy well, like if one person RP'd well or had a major idea in contribution to the game then they could be given a bloodline ability as a reward for a new character to use.

Fri, 06-04-2004, 08:20 PM
Very nice idea. If they did come out with this I would at least join for a couple of months.

Fri, 06-04-2004, 08:24 PM
IF possible, let me be a beta tester i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif .

This whole thing about a MMORPG, seems exciting, and the things on the guideline seems to be perfect for a RPG. Well hope you guys get finshed with it somehow. MSG ME SO I CAN BE A BETA TESTER!

Fri, 06-04-2004, 09:25 PM
The problem with that is, well, they dont fight like that. A ninja is supose to sneak up/trick someone and kill them quickly. And ninja fights are very fast paced so to make it an rpg would slow it down and not be a "true" naruto game.

EDIT: oh, I would still play it though.

Fri, 06-04-2004, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by: rdkenshin
The problem with that is, well, they dont fight like that. A ninja is supose to sneak up/trick someone and kill them quickly. And ninja fights are very fast paced so to make it an rpg would slow it down and not be a "true" naruto game.

EDIT: oh, I would still play it though.

You better Or i will use. Force to play game Jutsu, and then i would finish it by using, brainwash jutsu