So i've given it a LOT of thought.. and the prospect of an MMORPG in the Naruto Universe would be PeRfEcT!
Ok given that the company who makes Naruto would agree to giving permission on the creation of this game, It would be something like this.
Character creations would be dependent on 2 things: Sex, Hidden Village.
Your customization would be like City of Heros: broad range of design with some basic sets.
You all start the game as a New Genin of whichever Hidden Village you are at.
The game progresses like any mmorpg meaning that the world doesn't change until the creators choose it to go through a change. Until that point all the villages are at a sort of stand still. None are really allies but think they are.
Now what I'd like to do instead of the standard boring leveling system they've been using, is base ones abilitys not on stats primarily but on the players abililty.. Not like a FPS, but that the user has more control in battles. meaning they can counter on their own with conbinations of key strokes. Also combo their attacks the same way.
For things to do in game, you could either take up missions from your -Kage of the village based on your rank. Your rank would go up as you go up in the game.. Thus your level would be your rank... Now you can be an apprentice of specific NPC Ninja's of each village. doing so would increase certain "jutsu's" or gain more ability's for you. Now with everything you gain, there are also things that you could NOT get. Meaning that nobody can gain every form of Jutsu... unless they get so far to learn an imortality technique which i will think up someother time.
As I was saying there would be missions from the -kage, or you could go around town to various npc characters to get them to give you jobs or to train you.
Now you could wander around the world as you wish, however you would have to be on the look out for other nation ninja's.
I'd set it up giving other nations the ability to attack you.. players that is. But you cannot PVP your own nation members w/o suffering consequences.. either you must agree first and it's not to the death. or you can attack and instantly be on a "Hit list" of the village and be a renagade ninja which would probably die pretty quickly.
I'd set up all the administators of the game as ANBU members.
thats a thought of mine.. If I had the funds to do so and enough people experience in programming.. I'd do it. needs work, but it's a basic.