View Full Version : Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

Sat, 10-04-2014, 03:56 PM

"Shirou Emiya finds himself an unwilling participant in a deadly competition where seven Mages summon heroic spirits as servants to duel each other to the death. They compete for the chance to make a wish from the Holy Grail, which has the power to grant any wish. Shiro is unskilled as a mage and knows nothing of the Holy Grail War, but he and his servant, Saber, enters into a temporary partnership with another Mage, Rin Tohsaka." -ANN

Links: AniDB (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=9977) | ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=10981) | Official (http://www.fate-sn.com/)

Download: Episode 00 720p (http://nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=605369) | 1080p (http://nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=605380) - HS

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I doubt this show really need any introduction. My favourite route of the FSN VN, with Rin as the main girl as this 00 episode, Rin's episode, demonstrates. My most awaited show of the year, and this first episode didn't disappoint me. Unlike the movie, this one isn't a slide show of action scenes, although the action scene we did already get was brilliant. While I was actually happier with the movie's character design and music, it's not like this would be bad either. The director and script writer succeeded very nicely with Rin's introduction, giving her the correct kind of image. There also was surprisingly little lecturing, just a few short ones (not that explaining stuff with Kirei's voice would bore anybody). That's probably due to the fact most people watching this already know their stuff from the previous shows and movie.

This decision to tell the beginning twice (I assume), from Rin and Shirou's point of views is rather interesting, but I reckon this serves Rin very well. It also might serve the format of a TV series better, to keep up the dynamics better, rather than to go back there in flashbacks or something.

I'm 100% assured to watch this through all the hardships till the end. This and the old show from years ago are like Heaven and Earth in visuals. Time has really been generous with Type-Moon.

Sat, 10-04-2014, 10:41 PM
Delicious. RinXArcher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Archer is like the most humble servant ever.


OMG I have lost all eloquence after being slammed with 40 minutes of awesomeness.

The first 5 minutes were better than the UBW movie.

@Kraco - This art style is actually more consistent with the VN.

Sun, 10-05-2014, 12:33 AM
The art style is a little too geometric on faces at times. But overall the visuals, background and animation smoothness are at the top end of anime I watch. I hope this is the basis for the season and not a one shot, because 00 is considered a movie/OVA.
For some reason, that intro to the universe was a lot easier to understand, with many subtle implications and all. But it might only be that I'm back to an universe I've been immersed in a lot of time.

It's been a long time since I played the VN, but that ep felt like an animated version of the beginning of that route, with no scene cut and no detail forgotten.

As for the Saber intro, it's a lot less powerful than Shiro's route. Just thinking about it wets my eyes a little.

Sun, 10-05-2014, 02:48 AM
@Kraco - This art style is actually more consistent with the VN.

The art style is a little too geometric on faces at times.

This was my problem with it as well. As expected, a Frenchman could describe the core of the artistic problem easily. It didn't show all the time, just during some moments.

Sun, 10-05-2014, 05:05 AM
With the updated art, Rin's usual outfit of the red sweater and miniskirt looks really out of place.

I realize that after years of updated art for Kara no Kyoukai, Fate/Zero, and even Prisma Illya that FSN's art has ended up a little...simplistic. Rin and Lancer's outfits stick out the most as being outdated. It's always been a problem of inconsistency though, since Archer, Berserker, and Saber are much more detailed than Lancer or say...Rider. Even Caster is often little more than a hood and a cape (except in this arc).

Maybe it was just the art style making it stick out more. There were scenes were Rin's ass would suddenly look huge (and she's no Sakura or Tohsaka Aoi!) and then back down to her slender normal size moments later.

Sun, 10-05-2014, 01:29 PM
Seriously, those of you who are still nitpicking are pretty sad. This was an amazing first episode and the battle scenes were excellent. Not to mention the UBW adaptation is finally here. To say anything other than "fucking awesome", I'm convinced you would find something to complain about regardless.

Sun, 10-05-2014, 01:52 PM
Seriously, those of you who are still nitpicking are pretty sad. This was an amazing first episode and the battle scenes were excellent. Not to mention the UBW adaptation is finally here. To say anything other than "fucking awesome", I'm convinced you would find something to complain about regardless.


this is like...perfection, at least close to that
not kidding, this episode was as good as it can get, especially for the first one in a series.
Its so typical for Gotwoot to do that.

I'm not mad about it, no ones really *that* dissatisfied with this episode or the animation, I give you that. So don't mind me too much.

From what I heard the first 2 episodes will have a different artstyle than the rest
At least thats what my friend said who watched this preview episode which aired in Nuremberg last week. I'm kinda disappointed already if thats true, it looks so good right now.

Sun, 10-05-2014, 02:09 PM
We've all played the game about 3 times. What do you expect?! There's not really much to discuss about the prologue for the lot of us, it is essentially verbatim.

So yeah, we're gonna nitpick.

Sun, 10-05-2014, 02:14 PM
I've played the game too, watched the movie, the original and the prequel, even played some of the fighting games, there's still no reason to nitpick. Might as well accept the goodness and keep the trap shut because there is *nothing* to cricitise this adaption for.

Sun, 10-05-2014, 02:41 PM
Roll expressed it right.And it's not like what I said is either a bad thing or false. And I enjoyed every second of it ;)

Sun, 10-05-2014, 02:48 PM
Did anyone notice the sound when Archer took care of the "landing"? It felt like I was sitting in the cinema, really cool stuff.


Sun, 10-05-2014, 08:34 PM
An excellent premiere. It being labeled as 00, did it not air on TV or something?

Mon, 10-06-2014, 06:03 AM
It follows the prologue from the game - Rin viewpoint of early days. ep 01 will follow shirou.

Mon, 10-06-2014, 09:02 AM
Tohsaka Rin is back! I would die of happiness, but then I can't buy any more Rin figures, so I'll hold out.

I don't believe it's so much nitpicking as just making observations. Things such as geometric faces were quite obvious, and imperfections are more obvious when they're put next to excellence (which in this case is everything else). I would argue that for a non-F/S_N initiated person evaluating this episode on its own, there could be too much exposition here. Indeed, Ryll's recent "show, not tell" could apply. Given the nature of the story though, it can't be helped. I by all means endorse this over the movie approach. One can learn to bear with overexposition, but missing information will ruin what little is displayed.

I didn't really notice anything (bad) about Rin's ass though, but more so the glow of red on her and archer. Light seems to behave differently on those shades of red. I'm sure it's purposely done to highlight them.

@Krayz33: yeah, that landing sound effect.



@Ryll: Sakura and Rider's assets may blind you from seeing others', but Rin's really isn't half bad. At the very least, I believe she's more bottom-heavy.


Fri, 10-10-2014, 02:18 PM
Buff, it isn't even close.

Sakura: B85/W56/H87
Rin: B77/W57/H80

Saber: B73/W53/H76
Rider: B88/W56/H84
Caster: B86/W57/H84

Gilgamesh: B94 W73 H93

For comparison:
Aka Saber: B83/W56/H82
Ciel: B85/W56/H88

Rider is the most buxom of the FSN characters, Sakura the most voluptuous.
Leysritt doesn't count, she's barely in it.

Source (http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_characters_by_statistics)

Fri, 10-10-2014, 06:30 PM
B73 niceeeee.

Fri, 10-10-2014, 07:26 PM
Pfff Gilgamesh has dem hips.

Fri, 10-10-2014, 07:54 PM
Sakura: B85/W56/H87
Rin: B77/W57/H80


The FSN gods must have made it up to Sakura.

Sat, 10-11-2014, 06:32 PM
Episode 1 - HS (http://nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=608374)

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Damn, this was good. I've got absolutely no complaints. The pace felt just right. Not too fast, so it built sufficiently Shiro's normal life that was shattered for good, yet not too slow either to lose the dynamics and get boring. I especially liked how some "noname" characters got a bit of screen time, as, to be honest, playing the game it always felt like the school had only a few students (Sakura, Rin, Shiro, Shinji, Issei, and Ayako) and then a gray, faceless and nameless mass in the background. This episode made it feel more like a real school.

The visuals are really great. Normally with most series I'd now say that they will severely drop towards the end, but with a Type-Moon show, I trust they will remain good. Lancer's noble phantasm could have been done either in a minimalistic way (because, honestly, when explained it actually is really simple) or in the flashy way we saw here, and I don't think either would be a bad choice. I suppose the flashy way would suit this show with the fights overall being so full of movement and light effects. Shiro's fight against Lancer was really nicely made, and like Lancer said, his last defence was particularly good.

I'm gleefully waiting for all the Rin goodness in the coming eps. Ryll may appreciate more Sakura's perfectly womanly shape, but Rin's personality and stunts are much funnier.

Sat, 10-11-2014, 09:20 PM
The visuals will remain good not because it is a type moon story, but because it's a ufotable series.

WTF? That was fucking horrible.

Sakura said "Senpai" 6 fucking times in the span of 50 seconds since her introduction.

Shirou's eyes look too fucking big.

It wasn't fucking oyster sauce but Worcestershire sauce.

Rin's face in the ED isn't fucking correct in terms of proportion.

Kiritsugu was fucking smiling? That made no sense.

Why the hell were Shirou's bones not fucking broken to pieces after being kicked that hard?


Sun, 10-12-2014, 02:34 AM
'Those Visuals though...holy fuckkkkkk! I need to go rewatch the original fight scenes and compare them, I don't remember them being anywhere this awesome.

Sun, 10-12-2014, 03:45 AM
Despite some minor less than awesomely done scene, the overall quality is nice.Also, knowing so much about the show steals some of the fun.
I think I read here, or somewhere else, that the quality we have in 00 and 01 might be different from the rest of the season. We'll see when it happens.

For the moment, it seems the anime really follows the Visual Novel as a script. But it might be my memory isn't that good and I'm being a little too optimistic.

Strange how the Crunchy sub wrote white instead of red for Archer... I guess quality check isn't that easy, I don't remember when, but there's at least another mistake, a word forgotten... And probably others. I wish there were some serious quality fansub for that show. I guess we'll have to wait.

Sun, 10-12-2014, 04:07 AM
I was worried about spending a whole 50 minutes doing the same days with Shirou, but it turned out okay.

That Lancer vs. Saber was great. Gae Bolg visualization was amazing.
As always, the "Maybe its a bow" line is funny.

The flashback with Kiritsugu in the hospital was super awkward with all of the other kids staring at them.

Sakura said "Senpai" 6 fucking times in the span of 50 seconds since her introduction.

Senpai, do you want breakfast senpai? Senpai, don't worry senpai, I'll take care of it for you senpai!
Worst character. As Shirou suggested, she should go hang out with her friends (the worms).

Why the hell were Shirou's bones not fucking broken to pieces after being kicked that hard?

Avalon solves all problems!

I also think it is funny how in this one he stops Saber with a command seal and she's like "How could you use a command seal for this?"
He's like "I don't know what the heck you're even talking about!?"

Sun, 10-12-2014, 04:20 AM
Well, you remember all of the story, their stare has weight. I can't spoil you since everything has been presented at least once, but I won't tell anymore because it wouldn't be fun otherwise.

Sun, 10-12-2014, 04:23 AM
Oh yes, I remember where all the orphans end up.

Really though, they're just staring at him because they're like "Seriously? Gonna talk about how you're adopting him in front of the rest of us?"
Pretty messed up, really, that Kiritsugu acts like they don't even exist. He's obviously super traumatized, but still.

Sun, 10-12-2014, 04:45 AM
I guess Shirou is the only one Kiritsugu actively saved, he didn't have any contact with the others before. So they are like strangers to him. Also, he probably has his mind like in a tunnel due to the shock and he can only see Shirou right now.
Last but not least, he felt Shirou has some mage powers in him, so he's the only one he can interact with since normal people must stay out of the grail and mage worlds.

Sun, 10-12-2014, 05:41 AM
maybe you've forgotten HOW he saved him?

now about this episode:
1) missed scene with fujimura falling and getting woken up by TAIGA shout. i kinda wanted that one :(
2) the Tohsaka fan-club trio was a nice addition.
3) great touch that they used F/Z music(remixed) for things that happened in the past.
4) Sakura got more lively which is nice.
5) Issei VA was horribad.

Mon, 10-13-2014, 02:41 PM
The visuals during the action scenes are stunning..
I like how they animated the "healing scene", you could tell that they often use the same angles and scenes from the VN, which is cool by itself, but they made it look alot better - the new music, the sound effects, everything fits so well together. My hopes are that they can keep this up, I doubt that the animation quality will stay this good throughout the series but it would be nice if they are able to keep the spirit and atmosphere. A fine job so far

Please don't ruin it now!

Mon, 10-13-2014, 03:57 PM
My hopes are that they can keep this up, I doubt that the animation quality will stay this good throughout the series but it would be nice if they are able to keep the spirit and atmosphere. A fine job so far

Please don't ruin it now!

I don't recall Fate Zero becoming bad at any point. UBW also has plenty of parts where they don't need to burn yens like crazy. It's basically the fights they really need to pay attention to, and a few other atmospheric scenes, and even those have more and less important ones. Based on these two long eps so far, I reckon the director knows what he's doing.

Mon, 10-13-2014, 04:35 PM
I'm sure the budget for this is huge. They know it's going to sell like hotcakes anyway.

Mon, 10-13-2014, 08:55 PM
If I recall, there are far more fights in F/SN than F/0, so the animation concern may be legitimate.

Sat, 10-18-2014, 11:12 PM
Fate Stay Night 02 - 1080p - HorribleSubs (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=611291)

The Berserker Cometh!~

Sun, 10-19-2014, 01:44 AM
I was going to say this had been cut more aggressively than the intro eps, but then I decided to check the game and noticed not so much had been scissored after all. Although at the same time it has to be mentioned that something did meet that fate, and it's a bit troubling it was specifically the lines of Shirou being impressed of or admiring Rin. At least we did get a single Rin tsundere moment! Maybe this show won't be purely action oriented like the movie, even if the cutting in general is.

Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to the literally heavy action with Berserk now!

Sat, 10-25-2014, 04:34 PM
Fate Stay Night 03 - 720p - HorribleSubs (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=614880)
Fate Stay Night 03 - 1080p - HorribleSubs (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=614885)

He has arrived!

Sat, 10-25-2014, 10:15 PM
And people were worried that the action in the rest of the episodes won't be as good as 00 and 01.

Sat, 10-25-2014, 11:42 PM
It's clear that the eye candy awesomeness levels were quite high in that ep.
Even knowing all of the story, it remains an enjoyable watch.
Somehow, good animation must be a little cheaper. Because this year's UBW and Bahamut are very nice.

Sun, 10-26-2014, 06:59 AM
Fuuuuuuuck that was just epic.

Sun, 10-26-2014, 12:10 PM
Wow... I'm speechless. H-How? How much money did... I can't even..

Yay! This is so nice to look at. I'm not 100% sure but the "Rin vs Illyasviel" fight didn't happen in the game. right? Such a refreshing addition! *Nice*. Lasers!

Sheesh! Why is Anime so expensive, I'd totally buy the Blu-rays but no amount of eye-candy can justify those prices

obligatory comment on why I will most likely not be able to buy this despite its level of quality- check.

Sun, 11-23-2014, 02:16 PM
So we are at EP 07 now

Archer is such a beast, yeah its "his" route and he was a badass in the VN, too, but this cleary tops it.
Assassin was a lot stronger than I remember and .... extremely bored? No, thats not the right description. I don't know, he's this certain vibe to him like "what am I even doing here... My life sucked, I had nothing better to do than killing swallows."

I remember that he was looking for a good fight, but he is somewhat annoyed this time around, it's funny.

Sun, 11-23-2014, 02:43 PM
Amazing episode. The fight sequence when Saber grabbed Assassin's sword was amazing. The Caladbolg shot was also awesome. Heck, every single fight in this series is better than 95% of the stuff out there.

Sun, 11-23-2014, 04:50 PM
With each VN picture as a keyframe basis and the script closely following the route, it's clearly a great start for an adaptation.
Then, there's eye candy where it matters.
Too bad I know most of the details of the story, so it somehow decreases the fun provided by surprises, but it remains an excellent watch.
Regarding Assasin, I remember liking him more in the VN. But it might also be because I know what's to come.

Sun, 11-23-2014, 05:05 PM
I feel like the VN covered a bit better how Saber survived Assassin's killer technique. But of course it was a nicer watch in this episode, with the juicy animation. Archer kicking ass and conflicting with Shirou is always a nice watch as well. I'm also thankful for the kind of little scenes with Shirou and Saber we got at the end, knowing what fate has in store for them in UBW.

Mon, 11-24-2014, 12:38 AM
I feel like the VN covered a bit better how Saber survived Assassin's killer technique. But of course it was a nicer watch in this episode, with the juicy animation. Archer kicking ass and conflicting with Shirou is always a nice watch as well. I'm also thankful for the kind of little scenes with Shirou and Saber we got at the end, knowing what fate has in store for them in UBW.

I think the explanation comes later, for how Saber escapes Tsubamegaeshi

Mon, 11-24-2014, 11:08 AM
Core mechanic for her dodge are the same, it was just presented differently.
Assassin's character was slightly more rude and energetic compared to VN one.

Fri, 11-28-2014, 05:58 AM
Core mechanic for her dodge are the same, it was just presented differently.
Assassin's character was slightly more rude and energetic compared to VN one.

My imagery from the VN gave me a different idea, but I'll see if they cover it before discussing any differences in case I jump the gun here.

Sat, 11-29-2014, 01:52 PM
Episode 8 - HS

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The beginning of this ep worked really well. From Saber sulking when Shirou got better by copying Archer, not her, to the interaction with the other classmates, and finally Rin tsuntsun. There wasn't anything particularly wrong with the rest of the ep either. Even the fights with the mob bone golems was entertaining enough, but it was quite annoying the effects of the life sucking boundary field were so censored. Compared to people's flesh melting, just drooling, slobbering, and lying unconscious didn't really justify Rin's shock. It certainly didn't create the appropriate constrast with Shirou seemingly able to walk among the dying unfazed, yet Rin not able to do anything but stare and shudder, despite the fact she fancies herself the real mage of the two. Even if the director decided not to show melting flesh, he could have made the people bleed or something. Now it was just stupid, which is a big pity. Rider's end, however, was done nicely, even if the neck straightening itself with a full revolution was B-movie comical.

Rin and Shirou make such a nice pair, inside and outside of action. They values are very similar on the surface.

Sun, 11-30-2014, 12:03 AM
Compared to people's flesh melting, just drooling, slobbering, and lying unconscious didn't really justify Rin's shock

Did that happen in the VN? I don't have a clear memory of it, but I don't think there were any deaths. Flesh melting sounds pretty irreversible and fatal.

I forgot Rider died so.. easily. I keep getting my routes mixed up so I was actually expecting some more Rider booty and fighting. Naturally I was disappointed when she just died.

This adaptation, while very good, doesn't do enough about how much Shirou admires Rin (as commented before). He's as dense as he was in the Fate adaptation, which isn't a good thing.

Sun, 11-30-2014, 01:40 AM
Rin thought that at least some of them were dead, so she was shocked.

Shiro has seen worse, so he managed to stay calm.

Shiro is simply so much more likable in UBW than in the previous FSN anime. They even changed his design for that purpose, including his jacket.

Sun, 11-30-2014, 04:22 AM
Did that happen in the VN? I don't have a clear memory of it, but I don't think there were any deaths. Flesh melting sounds pretty irreversible and fatal.

My bad. It wasn't the flesh melting but the skin melting.

Most of the students are unconscious, convulsing, foaming at the mouth like it's a bad joke.
...The few others...
A few students have other things happening to them,
...Their skin is melting.
The human skin is slowly melting like mud sliding off of plaster.
The way the melting skin drips onto the floor makes me picture a giant stomach.

Didn't see anything like this in the episode. Rin shouldn't have been so shocked without this ghastly visage.

Sun, 11-30-2014, 11:21 AM
It makes her cuter I suppose. They made up for it by having her step all over Shinji's crotch during her interrogation.

Sun, 11-30-2014, 11:28 AM
They are going out of their way to make Emiya more heroic, which is something I like. Seeing dead people is enough reason to shock a young mage who has never seen a dead body before.

Remember how panicked she was when Shirou got hooked by Rider? Shirou on the other hand hardly gave a shit that his arm had a hole. He is broken but better because of it.

Sun, 11-30-2014, 11:34 AM
Rin is clearly miles above Shirou as a Mage, she's a lot more skilled and probably also is smarter.
But Shirou on the other hand clearly is more experienced and efficient on the battlefield. He can't do much, but does it well, with the right timing and is incredibly lucky too. And there's the fact that he heals damn fast, even from a weapon piercing his arm through the bone, having his back sliced or whatever.

Sun, 11-30-2014, 11:43 AM
I fully agree. Shirou has enough faults that he needs all the strong characteristics he can get. All the better if it makes him look cooler in Rin's eyes.

One problem is that Rin already encountered a scene that was similar to this (HS #4, 20:10), if not worse. Her reaction was closer to anger back then, and she just walked to open a window to let Caster's fumes out. Yet now in this episode she was shocked motionless, even though it didn't even look so bad. Dunno. Maybe she was in a bit of a dere mode in Shirou's company and was acting more like a normal girl would without realising it?

Sun, 11-30-2014, 11:50 AM
I think an entire classroom full of convulsing and unconscious people has more impact than what she saw before. There's also the fact that she sensed the magic circles activating, making her think of the worst. She became calm soon enough. Shirou simply beat her to the punch.

Sun, 11-30-2014, 01:12 PM
I fully agree. Shirou has enough faults that he needs all the strong characteristics he can get. All the better if it makes him look cooler in Rin's eyes.

One problem is that Rin already encountered a scene that was similar to this (HS #4, 20:10), if not worse. Her reaction was closer to anger back then, and she just walked to open a window to let Caster's fumes out. Yet now in this episode she was shocked motionless, even though it didn't even look so bad. Dunno. Maybe she was in a bit of a dere mode in Shirou's company and was acting more like a normal girl would without realising it?

They were strangers.
Now schoolmates are aching everywhere. Although she's the ice queen and won't involve with anyone of them, she still cares a lot.
I even think she in fact has to repress any bond that might form with anyone at school out of fear they might someday be harmed because she's a mage. So this was like a worst case scenario and she needed more time to get out of it. The other difference might also be that the spell was a lot stronger this time. I guess she was thrown into her emotions deeper and her intellect was shut down till the moment she threw that jewel bomb.

Mon, 12-01-2014, 02:32 PM
[19:11] <Archie> There are many different versions of fsn in many different form of media with different directors and points of view
[19:12] <Archie> But the one rule through all that is: Shinji is a fucking tool
[19:14] <&Kraco> He has an evil laugh if nothing else.
[19:18] <Archie> That's not even evil
[19:18] <Archie> It just sounds ridiculous
[19:19] <Archie> Shinji was made for the purpose of being hated
[19:23] <&Kraco> And they didn't fail.
[19:30] <Archie> They're really selling the fact that Shirou is as broken as Kiritsugu was
[19:30] <Archie> Just in another way
[19:30] <Archie> The other anime and movies never really went there
[19:31] <Archie> Just the ocasional "lol ur weird ;P"

Mon, 12-01-2014, 09:06 PM
Ataraxia super vague not really a spoiler spoiler:

Ataraxia actually redeems Shinji a little in a very comical way, but I haven't finished it yet so I might be wrong.

Sat, 12-06-2014, 06:38 AM
The way Saber was summoned, oh my god I love slow motion while the camera circles around object/people.

He's as dense as he was in the Fate adaptation, which isn't a good thing.

But he *is* dense in all routes, I'm not arguing for the sake of having a different opinion but I thought he handled this situation alot better than he did in the VN and his sense of justice, while still strong, is more plausible and not as "fanatical"
I'm pretty certain he hesitated to summon Saber when I played it.. could've been the Fate route though. It was even a decision with a possible bad end if I'm not mistaken.
This time around he didn't waste a single second once they encountered an opponent with thoughts running through his mind like "Wuuuh... I can't summon saber into this, she'll be in danger"
He didn't hesitate to send Saber to deal with the servant alone either.

I always remembered him trying to do stuff by himself, attempting to shoulder everything. He seems to rely on others too this time around.

I forgot Rider died so.. easily. I keep getting my routes mixed up so I was actually expecting some more Rider booty and fighting. Naturally I was disappointed when she just died.

I'm actually glad that I forgot that :D
I can't remember who killed her in UBW.. and she met a really horrible death. That neck of hers was twisted around 2-3 times? Gross! (and exciting)

Sat, 12-06-2014, 09:26 AM
I was strictly speaking in terms of romance in that quote.

Mon, 12-08-2014, 05:01 AM
Teacher was likely the one who killed Rider. Probably has Caster's familiars/clones following him while she works at the temple. Caster probably enchanted him, then he sent her familiar to go occupy (and/or kill) Shiro and Rin so they couldn't uncover his identity. Even in the older FSN series he didn't go about trying to kill them, he actually remained in secret until they uncovered him. Quite possible that he's just that strong in this one.
Honestly, other than the animations, I kind of enjoyed Fate Zero more, the interactions seemed more genuine and it's more of an actual scramble for the grail rather than FSN's "save the children" approach...

Mon, 12-08-2014, 12:59 PM
you are theorizing on a show with all details known? :O
heck, we even had a movie that covered this, not only the VN.

I am sad that best scene will probably be in s2 of this... also i just get it that we'll get ANOTHER emiya remix.. and i kinda miss one song in this adaptation

Mon, 12-08-2014, 01:32 PM
Hey, some people haven't seen anything Fate related prior to watching this. Cut him some slack.

Sat, 12-13-2014, 04:04 PM
Episode 10 - HS

- - - - -- --

The significance of Kuzuki's own, peculiar martial arts was kind of skipped in this fight, and Caster's magic emphasized. I suppose it's not altogether wrong since he wouldn't stand a chance against a servant without the buffs. On the other hand it might have been hard to concentrate on it too much within the limited time. Regardless, one more good fight. Saber losing didn't look too weird, though it's yet another sign of Shirou's poor quality as a master that the strongest servant would lose against a human.

A few more eps till we hit the season long pause. I wonder how dramatic a scene they will choose to send us off to the waiting land.

Sat, 12-13-2014, 10:31 PM
Saber didn't really lose though. She got downed, but who knows how things would've turned out. Her luck stat is abnormally high, after all.

Shirou performed awesome in this episode. Granted that Kuzuki underestimated him like Saber did Kuzuki, he managed to keep an opponent who hurt his servant even for just a few seconds at bay. It's quite funny how Kuzuki did not listen to his own advice. Some masters can stand in the front lines.

Rin's decision to keep Archer away was retarded. Sure, she didn't want Archer to meet Caster because of the crap that he said, but had he been there, Kuzuki and Caster would be jerky. A single Noble Phantasm arrow would disintegrate Kuzuki.

Rin is weak as hell. It doesn't help that she talks big. "I just have to keep you away, ugh, defeated."

What I am not happy about was how they translated (at least horriblesubs) the intro. It was in Japanese, but they used the English Archer chant, which means something completely different. I took a stab at the translation, for those interested:

His body is made of blades.
His blood is iron, and his heart glass.
Undefeated after traversing countless battlefields.
Never retreating, never understood.
Always alone on the hill of swords, he is intoxicated by glory.
Therefore, his life is meaningless.
His body, surely, was made of blades.

Sun, 12-14-2014, 12:51 AM
Ermm... HS does not translate, someone does for CR though.

Sun, 12-14-2014, 03:02 AM
What I am not happy about was how they translated (at least horriblesubs) the intro. It was in Japanese, but they used the English Archer chant, which means something completely different.

Yeah. I don't know more Japanese than a bunch of random words, but that same thing still bothered me as well. I'd be bold enough to guess that whoever is translating this at CR isn't a Type-Moon fan at all but just some random person who didn't think anything of this.

Sun, 12-14-2014, 09:26 AM
By the way, Ataraxia goes into full detail about Kuzuki's past. The same goes for Lancer, Caster, and Rider (!!!).

Sun, 12-14-2014, 10:04 AM
I'm really thinking of just waiting for the BDs for this show. It deserves a higher bitrate with all those dark scenes (and now it seems, deserving of a better translation).

Fri, 12-19-2014, 08:24 PM
There was a part in UBW where they used the English chant already right? Can't remember now...

Sat, 12-20-2014, 12:45 PM
(and now it seems, deserving of a better translation).

Which group will pick them up though? THORA and UTW seem to be dead and the only groups for the TV release are Commie and Hatsuyuki so far.
Commie doesn't bother to translate it correctly either (if they translate it themselves)
Hatsuyuki is even worse than me with grammar.
I doubt that the english BD script is going to be any better.

Sat, 12-20-2014, 12:53 PM
If somebody releases BD rips with HS subs, I can just fix this one thing myself...

Sat, 12-20-2014, 01:17 PM
I'm dubious about the correctness of their translation in general whenever something like this comes up.

For example, when Shiroe talked to Kuzuki, Hatsuyuki translated it along the lines of: "You are just an ordinary human8"
while in Commie's it says: "You are a decent human being, right?"

Hatsuyuki's translation suggest that he is unable to resist and probably just a puppet, because he's just a teacher and not a magus.
Commie's translation suggest that he couldn't have known/been willing to do it because he is a nice person.

Minor differences like these in every 3rd/4th sentence add up and you'll get a different episode by the end of it.

Sat, 12-20-2014, 02:09 PM
Episode 11 - HS

- --- - - -

Archer speech was heavy, and he certainly sounded like somebody who had went through it himself. A finely executed scene, just like most in this show. Shirou and Rin growing closer, and Rin noticing the wrongness in Shirou's personality were good as well. I'm happy they spent a whole episode on everything that happened in the ep, including how Shirou tried to hide the numbness and Saber only gradually noticing it.

Too bad we have to wait several months to see if the best scene is included or not.

Mon, 12-22-2014, 03:09 AM
This episode was full of the lovey-dovey Rin/Shirou banter I've been wanting!

Mon, 12-22-2014, 03:38 PM
Their conversations are a lot of fun when Tohsaka is in control. Reminds me of Holo and Lawrence.

Mon, 12-22-2014, 04:24 PM
Their conversations are a lot of fun when Tohsaka is in control. Reminds me of Holo and Lawrence.

You really hit the nail on the head there, they really are very similar.

Sun, 12-28-2014, 08:12 AM
[HorribleSubs] UWB 12 [1080p] (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=639350)
Oh yeah, double episode. Things did go differently from source material but this looks better.

I know there are a lot of Rin fans but there were so many cute Saber moments in this one. Like her trying to figure out where to begin eating the Takiyaki.

Sun, 12-28-2014, 08:55 AM
Saber is more feminine in this series than in any other Fate version. She speaks very softly and acts a lot less macho. That really cute white and blue dress helps.

Sun, 12-28-2014, 12:05 PM
Shirou's must save everybody attitude is really paying off here. Even Archer didn't bother to comment on it anymore.

Despite being a Rin fanboy, I have to agree Saber was cute here. I guess it's partially because she had no pressure on her, especially from Shirou's direction. She was just the third wheel, and being sort of naive, she was simply happy to hang around with the others and get some new food and exercise.

It's going to be a long wait till April.

Sun, 12-28-2014, 02:20 PM
I remember in the VN that Saber was in full servant mode, watching for any kind of threat and then got caught in the date Rin organised for her and Shirou.
It still felt like Rin did just that, just it wasn't mentionned and Saber was in easy mode from the start.

A gripe I had in the ep, was Kojiro standing with his rib cage open (or with multiple blades in his torso) and speaking like it is nothing.
I understand he's a servant and not to be compared to human reactions, but then why have that scene in the first place?

I also liked the taiyaki reaction :D

Sun, 12-28-2014, 06:58 PM
Great ep. I had the same issue as David on the ribcage thing. I wasn't sure exactly what to make of that, I mean to my knowledge Servants still are affected by injuries. Unless they are hinting that Caster's mana level ensures a Servant under her control is practically invincible...
Other than that, greatly enjoyed Saber's awkwardness as well during the date, and Shirou's naturally unnatural interactions as well. I might have to get to the movie or VN to pass the time til April. Or at least til February when I get Walking Dead back haha.

Anyone have good sources for the VN or movie by the way before I start picking through torrents?

Sun, 01-11-2015, 02:54 PM
I tested a new player for this show, because it has so many dark scene in it which lead to me having banding issues

went from MPC to MPV


I should've switched sooner, the difference is so huge. Just wanted to share, maybe some of you have the same problem. I always thought MPC was good enough

Mon, 01-12-2015, 02:05 AM
I don't see banding issues in that comparison. The wooden beams of the house are rendered better in the mpv scene, while at the same time it looked as if it had lower contrast.

Mon, 01-12-2015, 05:25 AM
I have used madVR as a renderer in MPC-HC for so long that I don't even remember what stuff might have looked like before it.

Mon, 01-12-2015, 12:05 PM
I don't see banding issues in that comparison. The wooden beams of the house are rendered better in the mpv scene, while at the same time it looked as if it had lower contrast.

isn't what you just described caused by banding? It's (the colour progression, can't find the word right now)not as smooth as it should be, especially in the very dark corners (very bottom, or at the left) Even the roof tiles (especially the ones on the right) and ornaments look like they are "dirty" because of that. It's as if the colours start to mix up.

Anyone have good sources for the VN or movie by the way before I start picking through torrents?

you should not watch the movie. It's horrible.

Mon, 01-12-2015, 03:24 PM
you should not watch the movie. It's horrible.
But it sure is pretty...

...Is what I was going to say, and then I loaded it up again.

The backgrounds are really nice at least. As were a lot of the promotional images.

Play the VN (how else will you experience Heaven's Feel any time soon?), don't download the UBW movie.

Mon, 01-12-2015, 05:15 PM
I'd actually suggest to simply wait for the next season. It'd be a tough wait, but you get the best version.

Wed, 01-14-2015, 12:46 AM
isn't what you just described caused by banding? It's (the colour progression, can't find the word right now)not as smooth as it should be, especially in the very dark corners (very bottom, or at the left) Even the roof tiles (especially the ones on the right) and ornaments look like they are "dirty" because of that. It's as if the colours start to mix up.

If the banding was due to reduced colour resolution, there shouldn't be a reduction in contrast. I'm not sure how to say it, but there should be a technical difference. (edit: on closer inspection, the white halo around your clouds are more pronounced.)

Here are two comparisons of my own (one in 720p, the native resolution of my download, and one blown up to FullHD in case there's some difference there). I see no difference.



Wed, 01-14-2015, 11:59 AM
Didn't use MPC-HC :D
maybe that's why

Thu, 01-15-2015, 06:32 AM
Playing the VN now.

Out of curiosity, is there any explanation on Taiga/Kiritsugu's relationship? Or is it pretty much left with they were friends and Taiga was appointed guardian and the viewer is left to fill in whatever they think of it?

Thu, 01-15-2015, 12:54 PM
I do not remember Taiga's background being explained.

Thu, 01-15-2015, 06:00 PM
Taiga's backstory is almost entirely from supplemental materials and interviews.

She's a little bonkers, skilled at traditional Japanese martial disciplines, met Kiritsugu, miraculously became an English teacher, and now mooches off Shirou while claiming to be his guardian. That's really all there is to it.

She's comedy relief, like Class 2-A's Track Girl Trio.

Thu, 01-15-2015, 06:06 PM
She was pretty hilarious in Ataraxia. Go and read that if you want tons of supplemental info.

Thu, 01-15-2015, 06:16 PM
She's probably the strongest human swordfighter in the franchise. The authors claim she is as skilled as Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai. Actually the other way around. Shiki is as strong as, "the legendary swordswoman from Fuyuki." Taiga is a fifth dan.

Saber is just that much better, but that's still saying something.

One can deduce that since Taiga is 24 years old, she has been promoted in Kendo rank at the earliest opportunity for each rank, ever since she was 13.

Fri, 01-16-2015, 04:43 AM
She's probably the strongest human swordfighter in the franchise

I find that heard to believe, unless Kotomine sucks with swords or something. As far as I know, he was human in F/Z at least.

Fri, 01-16-2015, 05:59 AM
I find that hard to believe as well. She has only sporty match and practice experience, with wooden or bamboo swords to boot. That's a far cry from someone who has fought for their life and taken lives.

Fri, 01-16-2015, 04:41 PM
That's why I said sword fighter.

Kotomine uses daggers.

You'd think the two of you would know this.

Fri, 01-16-2015, 05:46 PM
And I'm guessing Ryll is restricting it to kendo, which is different from kenjutsu or magic. Kotomine uses magic like reinforcement to be as imbalanced as he is.

Ryougi Shiki does use a katana, but I believe she is far more proficient with a knife. It's her default weapon, after all. If Shiki used her eyes, only servants would be able to stop her.

Fri, 01-16-2015, 05:52 PM
If Shiki used her eyes, only servants would be able to stop her.
That and Kokutou's warm smile.

Fri, 01-16-2015, 05:59 PM
You guys should play Battle Moon Wars. I found it hilarious how they kept mentioning how Tohno Shiki looked a lot like Mikiya Kokutou, causing Ryougi Shiki to be kind(er than usual) towards him.

Sat, 04-04-2015, 03:28 PM
[HorribleSubs] Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works - 13 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=673942)

It's that time again! =D

Sat, 04-04-2015, 10:28 PM
OP was just okay. ED was just bad. F/Z simply destroys UBW music-wise.

This episode would have been much better if they took low shots of Saber('s waki). Glad they kept the pose no matter how nonsensical it looks in animation. I hate seeing her suffer though.

I don't remember all this plot armor nonsense being this annoying in the VN. Okay, let's just keep letting our enemies go! Archer should have given that condition BEFORE he got stolen. It would've been far more believable.

Rin's tsundereness came off a little too exaggerated. All in all, I wasn't that impressed with this opener. I do like how the romance is established early on, giving room for development and conflict later. Shirou just one-upped all other harem protagonists by confessing to his target as early as halfway into the story.

Sun, 04-05-2015, 12:38 AM
I don't remember all this plot armor nonsense being this annoying in the VN. Okay, let's just keep letting our enemies go! Archer should have given that condition BEFORE he got stolen. It would've been far more believable.
True, but don't forget that Caster is a romantic at heart, and someone who takes betrayals very badly. Cruel as she is, harsh as she is, she doesn't mind a valiant would-be hero rescuing a damsel (after Kuzuki changed her outlook), and equally loathes oathbreakers like Archer (from her own past). She would feel sympathy toward betrayed, idealistic girls like Rin.

I honestly believe she respects Rin quite a bit.

Sun, 04-05-2015, 02:52 AM
First 3 episodes (saw them at Sakuracon) were pretty good.
They definitely changed/added a few things from the game, which I think turned out pretty neat.
You guys should look forward to the next episodes, though I don't think the big upcoming fight will come until maybe 16 or 17.

Sun, 04-05-2015, 04:50 AM
I don't remember Caster and Lancer fighting as shown in the OP though.

Sun, 04-05-2015, 08:08 PM
I think the OP is just "cool-looking stuff".

Mon, 04-06-2015, 04:02 AM
I thought the OP was pretty good. I need to download the full version.

Wed, 04-08-2015, 05:07 AM
I don't remember all this plot armor nonsense being this annoying in the VN. Okay, let's just keep letting our enemies go! Archer should have given that condition BEFORE he got stolen. It would've been far more believable.

I think it works better to do it after. In a way he's already sealed the deal and makes Caster look like a bitch if she didn't give him something for his otherwise unconditional surrender. As Ryll says, the psychology works better this way.

I don't remember Archer being betrayed by his ideals as a servant as per this episode's explanation. Servants are also not supposed to hold memories of each summon, removing the idea that they can become regretful through such summoned experiences. Saber is unique in that this doesn't apply to her.

Wed, 04-08-2015, 08:23 AM
Caster kills tons of people to suck mana from them. Looking like a bitch (which isn't even true in this case because Archer is a traitor) in front of his enemies is the last thing she should be worried about.

Wed, 04-08-2015, 08:43 AM
Caster kills tons of people to suck mana from them. Looking like a bitch (which isn't even true in this case because Archer is a traitor) in front of his enemies is the last thing she should be worried about.

It's a gamble either way.

But by doing it this way, Archer has

1) gained a bit of her trust by going to her side (despite what was said this episode)
2) allowed him to be in her favour somewhat. Caster knows how difficult it is to control a servant. Trading off some ex-masters' lives for a compliant servant is a win in her books.

Caster doesn't mind looking like a bitch for her goals, but killing the two accomplishes nothing - which is why it was so easy to comply.

Wed, 04-08-2015, 09:30 AM
Accomplishes nothing except killing future enemies?

It's a ridiculous trope that exists in tons of fiction but most crudely implemented in anime. When you have enemies, you kill them when you can. Archer can get indignant, but if he's really as pragmatic as he claims, he would still obey caster even after the two are dead. If he doesn't, Caster still has the command seals.

I also think it bears repeating that Caster did this twice, the first time biting her in the ass because Shirou showed up in this episode.

I understand the excuse, and I know it's mostly for the plot, but I wish they simply didn't resort to it. It feels like a cop out.

Wed, 04-08-2015, 09:40 AM
I understand the excuse, and I know it's mostly for the plot, but I wish they simply didn't resort to it. It feels like a cop out.

I don't know, I'd do it (if I was Caster, or some other big boss). That's because I'd believe that no mage could take me down, and with such a large army of physical combatants already I'd feel like having a little mercy.

Wed, 04-08-2015, 01:52 PM
And you'd be defeated in the end just like them.

It almost feels like these characters never read fiction.

Sun, 04-12-2015, 06:21 AM
[HorribleSubs] FSN - UBW 14 (http://nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=677009)
[Commie] (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=677085)


Caster, best woman obviously. ♥

I'm glad they are making her slightly more sympathetic a character, while also showing off more of her abilities. She's a fearsome opponent indeed, and if she ever had a proper master she'd have been a true threat to all but Saber. A nice expansion on her storyline. She seemed to be overall quite helpful with him initially, trying her best at least, but he opted to betray her simply because she casually showed him how much better she was. Of course she's better at magic than her summoner. If Medea says your magic workshop sucks...listen to her.

The scene where Shirou only got zapped a little by Ilya while Rin got blasted back a good 3 meters was very funny. It makes what happened shortly thereafter so much worse. I don't remember Sella and Leysritt having much of a role in the game aside from a single one of the bad ends, seen, but almost never heard. I assume their role here was much expanded on thanks in part to Prisma Ilya.

Sun, 04-12-2015, 06:32 AM
Casters background was good. Different from the VN if I recall it correctly but nice none the less. Sure the workshop was inefficient in her eyes but was it just me or was the main thing she disproved of the use of children? She even let the others go. I think that's a nice touch to show she isn't as ruthless as she seems to be at times. At least not to kids.

From what I recall Gilgamesh never fought them in the VN. If you can even call that a fight. Pretty sure they were given these few minutes because of what you said. Prisma Ilya.

Now I'm hoping that since they are expanding a bit, that they will show the full battle between Berserker and Gilgamesh. From what I recall from the movies it was hardly a fight.

Sun, 04-12-2015, 06:42 AM
I don't think Medea has a problem with using children. It was more that the way he was using children was inefficient and wasteful.

He uses 6 bodies to make a tiny crystal that Rin could make in a just few hours on her own, and then Caster uses whatever mana/prana that was just left over in the room around them and makes a huge one.

When did she let any of them go? I don't think the clones were really even conscious to begin with. I assumed she disposed of them. You couldn't see anything behind the shattered glass when she burned the lab.

Sun, 04-12-2015, 07:12 AM
Hmmm you're right. She says it's unwise to throw away lives and that she can't abide a workshop that generates a loss. But she did say that the children were unnecessary so she freed them. Though I suppose killing them could have been a freedom in some eyes. But what made you say they were clones? They never stated that did they?

Sun, 04-12-2015, 07:54 AM
They just looked like clones to me.

I probably was mistaken.

Sun, 04-12-2015, 08:33 AM
@Ryll about best woman - Only because they killed Rider off so early :(

Medea freed them, I think. I don't think they're clones but kids kidnapped outside of the city. Caster's master was about to explain their origins but only got as far as revealing that. Medea's background makes her ridiculous decision to let Shirou go twice make much more sense. Kotomine's comment about her master's reading of her past also suggested she was never a traitor to begin with. She was never cruel or evil, just forced by circumstances to act so. Excellent work, Ufotable.

I love Sella and Leysritt in Ataraxia, where they were developed a lot. However, Gil's lines and graphic cruelty made up for the loss of those two. "In the end, humans are incapable of rewarding your purity." It was an amazing scene. I'm impressed so much of the maids' personalities shined through in the few minutes they were on screen.

Gil's OPness is awesome to watch. The annoying brat we saw in the original FSN anime is totally gone. What we have left is the king of heroes F/Z delivered.

Sun, 04-12-2015, 10:01 AM
I don't see how Caster could have fallen for Kuzuki so hopelessly if she had been capable of slaying Shirou and Rin without a second through after Archer's plea, especially after Shirou obviously and heroically endangered his own life to save the girl. If that hadn't affected her at all, then her love and devotion for Kuzuki would most likely be purely false as well. And we do know it's not false. She can't be the kind of heartless villain Shinta was looking for.

I don't mind the additions in this episode. They seem to fit in well enough with the story and give some flesh to the villains of the arc. Although I'm going to be majorly pissed off if the extra minutes spent here remove the best scene in a later episode. But then again, seeing how Shirou's smooth operator speech was included, I doubt that scene will be cut for a second time in a UBW adaptation.

Sun, 04-12-2015, 01:05 PM
I wasn't looking for or even expecting a heartless villain. I read Ataraxia.

I was only commenting strictly about the anime content. That's why when they fleshed it out, I praised Ufotable for its execution. They knew people (like me) would notice that Caster was being too soft and inserted this story right after.

Thu, 04-16-2015, 11:34 PM
I don't remember having Medea's master treason shown in the VN either. But it seems it allowed the scenarist to change her background enough that she's still a villain, but lovable one.
I'm pretty sure she didn't kill the girls, she might be a feminist too... I don't know why I feel that she might be though.

Changing our view on Caster allows to change the Villains chart a little, now Caster isn't as bad as Kotomine... she's in the Villains bracket too, but could have been saved at any time, while Kotomine is a plain bastard with nothing to save.

Sat, 04-18-2015, 01:48 PM
Episode 15 - HS

- - - -- - -

As expected, a well animated series doesn't make seeing Ilya's fate in the UBW any easier. The flashbacks before the fateful scene were quite nice, just like with Caster. Much more detailed and longer than in the game and made Ilya suffering after the previous war all the clearer. Although since the game had a forced play order, it gives the player the happier Ilya moments of the Fate route, so the impact is bigger than in this series alone. But looking at the bigger picture, we have had the Prisma Ilya shows, so we are certainly familier with her by now. Poor Ilya. Cursed Gilgamesh.

I think we should be getting the best scene in the next episode, so it's not all bad!

Sat, 04-18-2015, 04:50 PM
Meh...I was expecting something more awesome as a fight. I mean we all knew how it would end up but still...half of the episode was a extended flashback that wasn't in the VN. I'm fine with adding upon the original but to me it made the 'fight' less than it should have been. Maybe I just had a to high of an expectation for this fight. But I AM glad that they put in the part where he broke free from the Chains of Heaven, the supposedly unbreakable chain that no God or Demi God could escape from.

Poor Rin...doing her best to keep Shirou from getting himself killed.

Sat, 04-18-2015, 05:45 PM
Poor Rin...doing her best to keep Shirou from getting himself killed.

She would be dead herself if Shirou wasn't like that. But I suppose it's frustrating nonetheless.

Sat, 04-18-2015, 11:45 PM
Gilgamesh killed a loli.

Gilgamesh will die.

Sun, 04-19-2015, 07:53 PM
So this was the last episode that was previewed at Sakuracon a few weeks ago.

Normally after each episode, the audience breaks out in thunderous applause immediately.
At the end of this one, there was an air of hesitation in the room, and then applause shortly after.
Everyone was so sad. Poor Ilya.

Sat, 04-25-2015, 01:33 PM
Episode 16 - HS

- -- - -

Rin has such a tough time, being so tsun-tsun-tsundere. I'm exceedingly happy the best scene was there, and it wasn't suffering overly much from cutting. I guess there's no avoiding of dolphins, but at least this was handled well. Shirou's abnormality scene felt a bit hasty and I feel like the whole background wasn't covered adequately, but I guess it's okay.

Not overly much else happened in this episode, but I'm satisfied.

Mon, 04-27-2015, 06:56 AM
But I AM glad that they put in the part where he broke free from the Chains of Heaven, the supposedly unbreakable chain that no God or Demi God could escape from.

My interpretation from that scene was that Heracles was so devoid of life that all divinity had left him, allowing him to exploit the weakness of the chains (that they bind non-divine being less strongly than divine beings). That's given the way it was animated though. My impression when I read the novel may have well been the same as yours.

Mon, 04-27-2015, 08:35 AM
That's one way to look at it. But even Gilgamesh said that even after death Heracles broke through his limits. Since he was always given impossible tasks and completed them. If I recall that myth correctly.

Mon, 04-27-2015, 09:18 AM
It can be both.

Sat, 05-09-2015, 03:39 PM
There's a couple abrupt cuts in this week's ep (HS version)... anyone know if that's actually the episode or if it was a bad RAW or something?

Sat, 05-09-2015, 04:14 PM
There's a couple abrupt cuts in this week's ep (HS version)... anyone know if that's actually the episode or if it was a bad RAW or something?

Can't say I'd have especially noticed anything so out of place in the 720p version. Even if there was, I'm going to eventually replace these eps with BD rips, so it's not so critical at this point.

Sat, 05-09-2015, 09:02 PM
You mean the sudden end of UBW? Yeah, that was odd, but probably intentional.

Sat, 05-09-2015, 11:09 PM
Yeah Shinta that was weird. I thought maybe it was a break like the previous episode with Rin fighting Caster where they'd rewind to show a different angle or something, but nope. And there wasn't the normal pause like their ad breaks.

Sun, 05-10-2015, 02:21 AM
Now that you mention it, I suppose it could have been handled a lot better. It didn't look like a result from a corrupted file, though, just harsh cutting (to use inappropriate terminology since there's nothing to cut if nothing was animated there).

Sun, 05-10-2015, 03:55 AM
Saber face felt off too. But this is really for nipticking. Archer's grudge is hittings the dynamics we had in the last seasons a little, but all in all, the show remains solid.

Sat, 05-16-2015, 07:05 PM
ok, i just watched episode 19, coming from someone that didnt saw the original anime nor played the game(only saw fate/zero) i was a little confused last episode, i even tough that the 2 pendants thing was a translators error or something i didnt understood right!

but now its starting to come all together, loving the little time paradoxes they are throwing there (like the pair of swords that came from nowhere).

now i have a few questions (no spoilers tough as i am enjoying the series a bit too much right now):

is the timeline circular in this story? i mean does the emiya spirit always comes back to fight as rin's champion and gets to see his young self everytime or in the first timeline rin summoned someone else?

i understood that there are 3 different storylines in the game, is archer always emiya's spirit or only in the ubw story?

also in the game do they reveal that archer is emiya himself in the other storylines? or you only get to know that in the third replay?

Sat, 05-16-2015, 11:03 PM
You shouldn't think of the routes as timelines. They are simply routes in the game, completely separate storylines sharing the same setting and characters.

Archer is Hero Emiya, period.

The 3 routes are played in order, IIRC. UBW is the second one, so you find out in the 2nd route.

Sun, 05-17-2015, 02:14 AM
And once again the most luckless class falls to betrayal. I guess Rin couldn't keep it all inside despite likely knowing that Kirei was enjoying her outburst. But then again, she was sure of her own demise at that point, I reckon, so it matters little. Shinji getting smacked and sent flying by Lancer was very satisfying. That's pure nonsexual kind of fanservice.

Quite a long conversation by Archer and Saber (and Shirou). Looking at ForteCross's post, it seems like it wasn't wasted, after all. It was kind of hard to judge by myself at this point after playing the game a bunch of times and everything. I have seen people complain elsewhere (like in reviews) that the Archer/Shirou case is blown out of proportion because it really is quite simple, but on the other hand for those two personally it's a huge case. For Shirou it's his whole current and future life, for Archer it's the past full of regrets and basically a cursed existence at the moment. Dunno what else you need to make something a big deal.

Sun, 05-17-2015, 04:57 AM
I believe the conversation was necessary to understand Archer.
Without it you wouldn't even begin to see what Shirou awaits if he decides to follow "his" ideals.
UBW Archer is, so to say, Kiritsugu incarnated ... and the viewers, who watched Fate/Zero right before this, know what happened to him and what he felt when he came to realize what he has done.

I still have problems to decide who is in the right between the two.
It's also worth noting that Archer never says anything about having to fight his own self in the past.. as if it's the first clash between the two in the "loop"

What happened to Archer(Future Shiroe) during this/his Grail War? Won't Shiroe's (present Shiroe) life and fate change, after all, he "met" his regrets and might be able to change/overcome what will happen because of that.

I'm not sure if I'm reading too much into it ,but to me, after what happened in Fate/Zero:
Fate/Stay Night: Fate is the first loop, and Fate/Stay Night:UBW the second. (that's totally not a fact)

UBW-Archer knows alot more about Saber than Shiroe himself - Fate Shiroe had a very close relationship with Fate-Saber
Fate-Archer never really confronted Fate-Shiroe, he disliked him (alot) but not even slightly as much as in UBW.
Thus, Fate-Shiroe - and by that Future-UBW-Archer (this is getting complex) - realizes he has to stop himself after what happened to him. (after he turned into a guardian himself etc.)
and UBW is the loop where Shiroe has a chance to escape his fate(for example) by knowing what will happen and having Rin by his side... and if that's not possible, at least he can look at himself and have no regrets, because he *decided* to do it this way, fully knowing the consequences.

Sun, 05-17-2015, 05:02 AM
Without it you wouldn't even begin to see what Shirou awaits if he decides to follow "his" ideals.

That's why UBW is the best route for Shirou. Rin won't take that shit from Shirou and will see to it that he won't turn into Archer, as much as she liked Archer.

Sun, 05-17-2015, 05:16 AM
Shirou/EMIYA, Rin, and Saber only get full characterization across all three routes. Hell, even doofus Shinji.
You get fragments of their true motives and personalities from each. The different events result in those four reacting and showing very different sides to themselves.

(Illya's third route characterization is essentially repeated by Fate/Zero).

Shirou will become EMIYA any time he succumbs to despair and decides to continue to be a hero despite failing. Kiritsugu retreated from the world when he failed Iri and Illya. EMIYA just keeps carrying on because he's as much of an idiot as Shirou, believing his failures can be overcome by working more.

Sun, 05-17-2015, 06:31 AM
The whole summoning heroes from the future is just crazy when you think about it. Paradoxes and stuff. The Guardians/Heroic Spirits exist outside of Time. So right from the first moment the Counter-Force had all the Heroic Spirits it would ever have even if the people such as Emiya haven't even been born yet. Not sure if I even got that right. Stuffs funny to think about.

Sat, 05-30-2015, 01:40 PM
Episode 21 - HS

- - - - - - - -

It's so satisfying to see Shinji suffer. If that had happened to Rin like Gil planned, it would have been a crime against all things moe, just like poor Ilya's death was. However, it happening to Shinji was justice.

I'm happy the long exchange between Shirou and Archer is finally over. I feel like the dialogue wasn't handled as well as it could have, though perhaps my memories of the VN are a bit dim as well, what comes to this particular scene. It was all blown out of proportion, possibly precisely because it took so long here.

I'm not looking forward to dolphins in the next ep, haha. Let's hope there won't be any! I am looking forward to Rin getting embarrassed.

Sat, 05-30-2015, 08:54 PM
The Archer vs Shirou episode should've been cut in half. The main content in this episode + some clips of the previous one should've been more than enough to explain Archer and Shirou's situation. So far, that's the only blatant error Ufotable has done in this adaptation.

The other problems are mainly from the source content. Again, we have the villain spouting death flags for himself and letting the heroes go. Again, we have heroes standing around waiting to be PWNed by Gil's magic portals. Again, we have Archer dallying like crazy even though he keeps screaming he wants to kill Shirou. The last 2 episodes felt as orchestrated as hell, but that's because of the script.

Shadow Skill
Sat, 05-30-2015, 10:17 PM
Is there any reason for me to watch this since I was satisfied with how Stay/Night ended and I am wondering is there a reason to watch this version and discard the first?

Sat, 05-30-2015, 10:33 PM
It's a different path so it's not really discarding the first even if you watch it.

That, and the animation in this one is incomparable to the first. It's like comparing crab sticks (which has no crab at all, btw) to real crab. You just can't.

Shadow Skill
Sat, 05-30-2015, 10:38 PM
Lol K. I may check it out. Thanks!

Mon, 06-01-2015, 09:32 AM
The Archer vs Shirou episode should've been cut in half. The main content in this episode + some clips of the previous one should've been more than enough to explain Archer and Shirou's situation. So far, that's the only blatant error Ufotable has done in this adaptation.

The other problems are mainly from the source content. Again, we have the villain spouting death flags for himself and letting the heroes go. Again, we have heroes standing around waiting to be PWNed by Gil's magic portals. Again, we have Archer dallying like crazy even though he keeps screaming he wants to kill Shirou. The last 2 episodes felt as orchestrated as hell, but that's because of the script.
it did felt way to long. the whole fight lasted 3-4 episodes for a series that wont have many episodes to begin with. also the battle itself was pointless, because they created a paradox that each time emiya and archer clashed emiya got stronger, but at the same time archer would get stronger too because emiya himself was stronger...

now the second half of the episode was brilliant, for me that i know nothing about the grail they finally explained wtf happened in fate/zero which puzzled me for too long!

Mon, 06-01-2015, 09:45 AM
That paradox doesn't make sense. Shirou slowly caught up to Archer, with Archer being his peak. Hero Emiya won't get any stronger because of that.

Tue, 06-02-2015, 07:06 AM
That paradox doesn't make sense. Shirou slowly caught up to Archer, with Archer being his peak. Hero Emiya won't get any stronger because of that.
it all depeneds on how the flow of time works in this series...

if there is a single timeline, then changing an aspect on the past would change that aspect on the future. in this theory if shirou learned something faster from archer than he would have if he had to do it alone, then shirou would have more time to learn new things AND would have died stronger than before, thus making archer stronger too... if the flow of time works like this then there is another time paradox present: the 2 swords they keep using, emiya from the future used them from the beginning because he knew how to create them, but emiya from the present copied them from himself, in the end "nobody" created them.

if there are multiple timelines, then changing an aspect on the past would create a new future altogether. in this theory if shirou learned something from archer, then it would created another future where a different hero emiya would be stronger so it would be possible for emiya to caught up to archer without any problem.

Tue, 06-02-2015, 08:18 AM
This was explained. Hero Emiya is ripped from time because he is a guardian. Archer isn't Shirou's state when he died. Shirou sacrificed a peaceful death in exchange for eternity, power (that he did not have), and yes, height. Saber even mentioned that killing Shirou won't do anything to Archer. Archer was just desperate and grasping at straws (and being an ass).

Tue, 06-02-2015, 06:19 PM
Lancer's lot in this grail war is just unfair. The guy is so much more honorable, fair, and just than Archer.

Even in this arc where he gets a chance to show off, he still somehow gets the shaft.

Fuck Emiya. The guy is a bitter douchebag. Lancer is the only true defender of justice. Even Saber is still selfish, she regrets pulling the sword from the stone, the flashbacks were clear enough. Lancer? He'll even betray his masters to save an innocent girl.

Tue, 06-23-2015, 01:47 AM
Episode 24

- - - - - - - - -

Is it just me or did they make the final Archer with Shirou's face on him look a lot better than the movie UBW and the VN did? It looked weird, feminine, and photochopped in the old UBW and VN but here Archer actually looks like both Archer and Shirou, very naturally, almost like it made you wonder if you just didn't see the resemblance until then. Kudos to the new artist for that.

Was nice to hear some of the original music as well.

Tue, 06-23-2015, 04:09 AM
Man, that Emiya vs Gilagmesh fight. So good.

No idea how they're getting a whole 20+ minutes out of what's left, but whatever. The original material Ufotable has made so far has been good, so I'm interested to see if they'll have anything new.

Tue, 06-23-2015, 04:52 AM
No idea how they're getting a whole 20+ minutes out of what's left, but whatever. The original material Ufotable has made so far has been good, so I'm interested to see if they'll have anything new.

I'll gladly accept some Rin+Shirou flirting!

Tue, 06-23-2015, 10:54 AM
Guessing next ep will have a bunch of Shirou monologue and perhaps a short view of what happens next. I mean in the VN if I recall correctly it was mentioned that: ((both he and Tohsaka go to London and he studies under her ( heh...under her.)))

Tue, 06-23-2015, 11:01 AM
I wish they do a uber happy disney ending.

Tue, 06-23-2015, 11:07 AM
Well I guess he could make her a Unlimited Disney Works.

Tue, 06-23-2015, 12:18 PM
I wish they do a uber happy disney ending.

Pretty hard at this point with Ilya dead and buried, with Saber and Archer gone from this world. Other than that, it is quite a happy ending. Big bro Lancer even spared them from the nuisance of confessing to each other.

Tue, 06-23-2015, 12:19 PM
Who cares about Ilya? She had a teeny role in UBW anyway. And techinically, she was an enemy.

Archer is better off gone. He was nothing but a dick and a show off. And technically, he was an enemy (for a good part of the story).

Saber resurrection FTW.

Sat, 06-27-2015, 04:21 PM
[HS] FSN - UBW 25 (http://nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=705710)

Sweet merciful heavens.


A Luvia appearance and this "self-defense class"? This episode was better than I could have possibly imagined it to be.

Dere Rin and all the stuff we expected to see is just icing on the cake. Whiny injured Rin also featured here was superior.

And that final sunset fade out before the credits was phenomenal. ufotable completely outdid themselves here.

The only actual criticism I have is Issei appeared.

Sat, 06-27-2015, 04:59 PM
This was a perfect epilogue. I didn't foresee this at all. I thought we would only get scenes in Japan, with barely any time jumps either. I wouldn't have dared to hope to see Shirou and Rin in London, which is something I always wanted to see. They even visited Saber's grave. Like Ryll already said, Luvia being there was a jolly addition, and the interaction with her was exceptional. I was joking earlier I would be happy to just see some Shirou and Rin flirting, but certainly when there was so much more than just that, it really did the trick. After the stretched parts in the second half of the show, this did wonders to repair the slight annoyance, leaving an aftertaste to remember.

Sat, 06-27-2015, 09:41 PM
The best thing Ufotable did with this adaptation was mixing Ataraxia so well into the narrative. I was waiting for that german suplex to end the bout, but I guess Rin fans would not be happy seeing her actually lose (she did even in this episode, but it was only implied).

I love the height increase and slightly deeper voice for adult Shirou (not the weird olive green jacket, but meh). Not a fan of Rin's new hairdo, but that's a minor gripe. The dialog at the very end about Shirou's resolve was the best part for me. I love tragic heroes, even more so if they are rewarded at the end.

They even connected this story to another near the middle.

I think the Issei part was a waste of screen time, but the only other thing I would've wanted to see replace it was Saber popping back to life.

Masterpiece. I called it.

I imagine marathoning this would further cement that evaluation. It seems to be the type of story that greatly benefits from that.

Sun, 06-28-2015, 02:32 AM
Not a fan of Rin's new hairdo, but that's a minor gripe.

As I recall, women have to move on from twintails after high school at the very latest. So, there's no helping it. Just like Fate didn't sport the style in Strikers or Vivid anymore.

Sun, 06-28-2015, 03:47 AM
It was a good ending. Loved the Shirou/Rin interactions. Now I just gotta find something fill up the void left by this.

Sun, 06-28-2015, 04:20 AM
Pretty fantastic ending, and an amazing job overall with the UBW storyline.

Lluvia was funny, and the spar was pretty good. Ponytail combat Rin ftw. Her other hairstyle, not so much.
Decent number of Ataraxia cameos.

Not sure what the Waver speech was supposed to be about. Is Waver a psychotic hero of justice too?

Sun, 06-28-2015, 12:16 PM
Wait...that dude was Waver?

Sun, 06-28-2015, 02:51 PM
Yea, you were supposed to be able to tell from the hairstyle, I think.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 06:16 AM
Not sure what the Waver speech was supposed to be about. Is Waver a psychotic hero of justice too?

Not sure either, but I think he's comparing Rider to Shiroe there... taking into consideration how both their goals are extremely idiotic and their will and ambition to see it through is equally strong.

And just like Rider didn't regret what he did in life, Shiroe says that he won't regret his choice either.

I didn't like the ending *that* much... the reason for that is that Shiroe will end up as Archer no matter what. We see him throwing his life away. Sure, it's nice that despite all that'll happen to him, "he still believes in what is right", but other than "Durr, I wanna be the hero" we get nothing out of him as to why he decides to go through hell instead of a heavenly life with Rin (she failed to stop him btw :/).

Well, maybe he does that because now he can say "I was not wrong" after everything he said to Archer in the end, right? Pah...

Now that I think about it, the saddest part about it is that, sooner or later, Rin will end up alone as a Clock Tower mage. She basically said so herself when she mentioned that she'll end her journey there, marking the end of their relationship before it even began.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 10:37 AM
I didn't like the ending *that* much... the reason for that is that Shiroe will end up as Archer no matter what. We see him throwing his life away. Sure, it's nice that despite all that'll happen to him, "he still believes in what is right", but other than "Durr, I wanna be the hero" we get nothing out of him as to why he decides to go through hell instead of a heavenly life with Rin (she failed to stop him btw :/).

You are forgetting we are talking about mages here, not some white collar office workers. In the Nasuverse, and many others, mages are people who are single-mindedly chasing some goal or ideal. The whole Grail war itself was such a thing for the Einzbern and a path to it for the other participants. For both Emiya it's the hero business. Rin is actually a sad mage as long as she doesn't have a goal, unless saving Archer Shirou really is her goal. If you take that goal, that dream, away from a mage, you don't get a winner, you get the biggest loser.

Well, maybe he does that because now he can say "I was not wrong" after everything he said to Archer in the end, right? Pah...

Now he simply knows it's a foolish goal after Archer's lecture, but it's still what he's living for as a mage, nonetheless. With Rin around, as a man he has also other responsibilities now.

Now that I think about it, the saddest part about it is that, sooner or later, Rin will end up alone as a Clock Tower mage. She basically said so herself when she mentioned that she'll end her journey there, marking the end of their relationship before it even began.

She'll just spend alone the times Shirou is out there saving the world. But he'll always come back, no doubt about it. Give him a child and he'll come back all the more frequently and quickly. He's in love with her, after all. It seems unlikely he would neglect his own child when he practically worshipped Kiritsugu as his own sorcerous father figure. I reckon as a mage she would even appreciate some time alone every now and then, to advance her research in peace.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 10:39 AM
Shirou's goal is beautiful. Enough said.

This ending reminds me of the OAV end for Rurounikenshin.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 03:37 PM
Shirou's goal is beautiful. Enough said.

not really, unless you consider death sentences and outcomes similiar to them beautiful.

As Archer himself put it: Saving all and saving the individual are mutually exclusive. He'll end up as a killer for hire and sooner or later he won't even hesitate to kill people for "justice"/order. Just like his stepfather before him and his future self.

At least thats his destination.

I agree that his "dream" however is indeed beautiful.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 04:09 PM
not really, unless you consider death sentences and outcomes similiar to them beautiful.

As Archer himself put it: Saving all and saving the individual are mutually exclusive. He'll end up as a killer for hire and sooner or later he won't even hesitate to kill people for "justice"/order. Just like his stepfather before him and his future self.

At least thats his destination.

I agree that his "dream" however is indeed beautiful.

His stepfather lost the person he loved, or actually a bunch of them. Shirou isn't losing Rin. I'm not sure he's planning to return as a hired killer to look after his wife and children. He might choose a more moderate way of doing things. Archer never had such bonds. Rin also promised Archer she will look after him, so if he's about to make a mistake, she'll help him stay on a better path.

You have no faith in love, KrayZ33! No romantic bone in your body.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 06:06 PM
@Krayz - You're arguments are right, just like Archer's, but it doesn't make Shirou's ideal less beautiful. It is terribly unrealistic and unattainable, but that is part of what makes it desirable. Not everything, especially one's ambitions, should revolve around pragmatism. It's not about what he can do, but what he wants to do.

You're mistaking the end result with the goal. Goal = dream. Result = destination (based on how you used this term, at least). Shirou's goal isn't to die a dog's death. That's just how he might end up while trying to reach his goal. And don't forget, Rin said that Shirou might go further than Archer with her help. That's the end note that ending was going for, obvious from Archer changing his red coat to Shirou's tattered cloak.

Thu, 07-02-2015, 04:46 AM
Archer never had such bonds. Rin also promised Archer she will look after him, so if he's about to make a mistake, she'll help him stay on a better path.

You have no faith in love, KrayZ33! No romantic bone in your body.

I do have that 8[, it's just that both sides (Rin and Shiroe) said that he'll end up as Archer and it's only a matter of time when and where it'll happen. As if saying "with my help you can get further than Archer, but you'll just end up sacrificing yourself and cursing your fate later"
That's giving up and accepting it in my eyes and as mentioned before, even Rin is aware of that, which is why she said she'll eventually end up in Clock Tower - where Shiroe is probably not welcome anymore, thats the only problem I have with this ending (because I wanted to see a super happy ending :D) the rest is beautiful... it's just that I'd like to have him struggle a bit more to not become Archer in the end.

But the real problem is his idiotic dream, the root so to say, if he can't fix that, it's hopeless anyway.
Always sacrificing yourself for others will indeed result in what we've seen.

The ending is both beautiful and tragic. His dream is pure, but his fate is/will be tragic. I just don't see him escape it from what they gave us in the last episode.

Thu, 07-02-2015, 05:29 AM
I do have that 8[, it's just that both sides (Rin and Shiroe) said that he'll end up as Archer and it's only a matter of time when and where it'll happen. As if saying "with my help you can get further than Archer, but you'll just end up sacrificing yourself and cursing your fate later"

Sure. When he's 85, with grandchildren and ready to die, he'll sacrifice himself for some greater good. I've always thought it's better to die with your boots on than in a hospital bed anyway.

That's giving up and accepting it in my eyes and as mentioned before, even Rin is aware of that, which is why she said she'll eventually end up in Clock Tower - where Shiroe is probably not welcome anymore, thats the only problem I have with this ending (because I wanted to see a super happy ending :D) the rest is beautiful... it's just that I'd like to have him struggle a bit more to not become Archer in the end.

Rin will not end up there for good, per se, unless she plans to retire there when she's old. Tohsaka are responsible for the Fuyuki City, and Rin takes such responsibilities exceedingly seriously and proudly. I don't also see how she could be planning to raise an heir in Clock Tower, either. And she will raise one because that's also a responsibility of a mage and, once again, she views such responsibilities with great gravity. Not saying she wouldn't enjoy making one if Ataraxia taught us anything.

Thu, 07-02-2015, 09:51 AM
The clocktower comment from Rin was not about the place. It was the affiliation with the mage association. The clocktower is the symbol for that. Settling in the clocktower means living her life as a mage and staying with the association, not physically residing in that place.

Fri, 07-03-2015, 10:29 AM
So having not looked at Ataraxia yet... from all the posts I'm guessing it's an extension of the UBW arc? And this Waver (hinted) was the same as the Waver in Fate Zero? Turned all cynical, looks like.

Fri, 07-03-2015, 10:42 AM
Ataraxia is a sequel to the FSN VN. It heavily takes after the Heaven's Feel route. If you haven't played the VN in full, you will miss a lot of references. The best part of it is Rider, Rider, and Rider, in all her different forms.

Sun, 07-05-2015, 03:10 PM
Ataraxia is a sequel to the FSN VN. It heavily takes after the Heaven's Feel route. If you haven't played the VN in full, you will miss a lot of references. The best part of it is Rider, Rider, and Rider, in all her different forms.

if you say there is a sequel to FSN, well then lets hope maybe next year we will get a new anime?

cant really stand VN anymore...

Sun, 07-05-2015, 03:37 PM
You don't like reading?

It's unlikely Ataraxia will get an anime because of the nature of the story and game. It is mostly made up of slice of life content and backstories of the characters.

Mon, 07-06-2015, 04:35 AM
You don't like reading?

It's unlikely Ataraxia will get an anime because of the nature of the story and game. It is mostly made up of slice of life content and backstories of the characters.

I have an already long backlog of games and books to read... Curse you steam sale and humble bundle

Mon, 10-12-2015, 10:14 AM
UBW Sunny Day OVA - Amatsuka (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=743520)

The other end from the UBW route in the VN. This one is the "Good end" as opposed to the "True end" the series itself presented. For obvious reasons we won't ever see the dozens of "Bad ends", har har.

This is just ~10 mins long, credits included.

Mon, 10-12-2015, 10:18 AM
And now I need Heavens Feel to be animated to get my Fate fix.