"Shirou Emiya finds himself an unwilling participant in a deadly competition where seven Mages summon heroic spirits as servants to duel each other to the death. They compete for the chance to make a wish from the Holy Grail, which has the power to grant any wish. Shiro is unskilled as a mage and knows nothing of the Holy Grail War, but he and his servant, Saber, enters into a temporary partnership with another Mage, Rin Tohsaka." -ANN
Links: AniDB | ANN | Official
Download: Episode 00 720p | 1080p - HS
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I doubt this show really need any introduction. My favourite route of the FSN VN, with Rin as the main girl as this 00 episode, Rin's episode, demonstrates. My most awaited show of the year, and this first episode didn't disappoint me. Unlike the movie, this one isn't a slide show of action scenes, although the action scene we did already get was brilliant. While I was actually happier with the movie's character design and music, it's not like this would be bad either. The director and script writer succeeded very nicely with Rin's introduction, giving her the correct kind of image. There also was surprisingly little lecturing, just a few short ones (not that explaining stuff with Kirei's voice would bore anybody). That's probably due to the fact most people watching this already know their stuff from the previous shows and movie.
This decision to tell the beginning twice (I assume), from Rin and Shirou's point of views is rather interesting, but I reckon this serves Rin very well. It also might serve the format of a TV series better, to keep up the dynamics better, rather than to go back there in flashbacks or something.
I'm 100% assured to watch this through all the hardships till the end. This and the old show from years ago are like Heaven and Earth in visuals. Time has really been generous with Type-Moon.