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Wed, 06-11-2014, 09:09 AM
They can't just chip away at the wall, so an en masse attack would be useless.
I do not understand. Do you mean that a non-en masse attack would be useless?
If so, chipping away at the enemy is not the point of testing the defenses. Now they know that a giant can lift the gate. Now they know how high the scythe is and its range. They even know the maximum range of the arrows. All this information gained from that attack can serve to improve the next attempt, and yes, this time, en masse. They lose a few in the first try but save much more overall. That is the logic behind testing a fort's defenses.
From what I remember of the books, the Giant's attack on the gates was crucial to Mance Rayder's plan and it was actually another character that helped to seal the gate during the fight (Grenn isn't supposed to have died).
The show portrayed it differently, as if this attack was a trial. Snow, who saw the forces that are about to invade them when he was captive, even explicitly mentioned that this was a test of the defenses, and that more giants will come.
Thu, 06-12-2014, 12:53 AM
The wildlings aren't exactly a disciplined army. Even if Mance was a great tactician, it's not as if the different groups would all do as he says outside of the most basic commands. I thought the fire was supposed to be used as the signal for the raiding group south of the wall, but there are some inconsistencies there... even if the warg is killed, they'd still be able to hear the start of the battle.
The backdrop of all of this is that the wildlings are really only at the wall because they're running from the white walkers, not because they decided to make a concerted effort to invade and plunder. Many of the 100,000 aren't fighters since whole families etc. are there, and of the fighters I'd expect most of them to be self-serving. We're seeing the attack from Jon's point of view, but things should look pretty desperate from the wildling's point of view as well.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 06-12-2014, 02:52 AM
So at this point we should be cheering for Mance and his wildlings to succeed and bring war to Westeros which is ruled by the evil Lannisters.
yes, and then danyers and her unsullied will take westros from the wildlings, and the whole things turn into a giant simpsons reference that fits really well because we have already been waiting for winter to come and kill everybody.
Thu, 06-12-2014, 06:59 AM
yes, and then danyers and her unsullied will take westros from the wildlings, and the whole things turn into a giant simpsons reference that fits really well because we have already been waiting for winter to come and kill everybody.
What Simpsons reference would that be? If it's after circa season 15, I probably haven't seen it.
I wonder if it will be the wildlings or the white walkers that will greet Danaerys and her army in the west.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 06-12-2014, 09:18 AM
it's the usual simpsons quote, about the lizards
Our top story, the population of parasitic tree lizards has exploded, and local citizens couldn't be happier! It seems the rapacious reptiles have developed a taste for the common pigeon, also known as the 'feathered rat', or the 'gutter bird'. For the first time, citizens need not fear harassment by flocks of chattering disease-bags.
Later, Bart receives an award from Mayor Quimby outside the town hall. Several lizards slink past.
For decimating our pigeon population, and making Springfield a less oppressive place to while away our worthless lives, I present you with this scented candle.
Skinner talks to Lisa.
Well, I was wrong. The lizards are a godsend.
But isn't that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we're overrun by lizards?
No problem. We simply unleash wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the lizards.
But aren't the snakes even worse?
Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.
But then we're stuck with gorillas!
No, that's the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.
The family head back to the car.
search for the episode "Bart the mother".
Thu, 06-12-2014, 12:15 PM
it's the usual simpsons quote, about the lizards
search for the episode "Bart the mother".
That's awesome, especially with winter killing everything.
Thu, 06-12-2014, 12:20 PM
Winter only kills the gorillas.
Thu, 06-12-2014, 12:40 PM
Not once global warming does its thing and the winters get worse and then the events of The Day After Tomorrow come to pass.
Fri, 06-13-2014, 11:08 PM
Argh, I'm getting sick of all the Game of Thrones hype. It used to be that you could visit a typical GOT review and find people talking about the things that happened -- like what goes on here, mostly. Now all you see is "GREATEST SHOW EVA! PERIOD."
I hope HBO doesn't lower their standards, now that the audience's standards are so much lower, by the sheer weight of low IQ's.
Sat, 06-14-2014, 11:01 AM
I wonder if it will be the wildlings or the white walkers that will greet Danaerys and her army in the west.
It will be Stannis. Stannis will greet her. For King's Landing is dark and full of pastries.
Mon, 06-16-2014, 07:26 AM
Time for some Game of Thrones season finale action!
Awesome! Loved everything, except for what happened to Sandor :/
Now i'm super excited to see what Arya's new adventure is going to be next season, and what will happen with Tyrion.
Shit, season 5 is looking really damn promising!
Death BOO Z
Mon, 06-16-2014, 10:00 AM
I laughed so hard at this episode...
mostly at the fireballs, though.
and I can't see what stannis plan for the north, unless he plans to enlist the wildlings as his army.
Mon, 06-16-2014, 01:14 PM
Death BOO Z
Mon, 06-16-2014, 01:59 PM
I didn't want to spoil the episode for my FB list, but i couldn't resist (making and) posting this:
Mon, 06-16-2014, 03:20 PM
All around good episode, unfortunately its mostly downhill from here as far as excitement goes. Unless they cover the elements concerning Rhaegar Targaryan in the next season and include the actual Iron Islands content.
Mon, 06-16-2014, 06:49 PM
Or maybe RR will start writing for the show first, and the books second.
Tue, 06-17-2014, 11:50 PM
LOL, I seriously hope so.
I love it when heroes fall into despair. Both Arya and Tyrion fall into that category now. Now I just have to prepare myself for GRRM to kill them.
Thu, 06-19-2014, 08:28 AM
I finally saw the Red Wedding episode... brutal, brutal. The way the guy attacked Talisa's unborn child was particularly gruesome, plus how they killed Catelyn Stark (spoiler: though if you've read the book, you know it's not the end for her).
I really wanted to see Edmure Tully get killed, but maybe that's for a future episode.
Here's an article about some unfortunate possibilities for the franchise:
Thu, 06-19-2014, 11:37 AM
Unfortunately i've already been spoiled about the thing you mention in your spoiler warning(and a few other things as well) thanks to all the book-readers who lost their fucking shit all over the internet because the tv-show apparently removed some important book-stuff from the final ep in season 4. >_>
Here's an article about some unfortunate possibilities for the franchise:
I'm always worried about what they will do when they eventually catch up to the books, and how they will deal with the child actors rapidly out-growing their characters.
Nerver really been too worried about the productions costs tho, since i always thought the insane popularity of this show made it earn back the money it cost to make.
Also, I strongly doubt that the fans/actors would start "dictating the plot" and the studios would cave under the pressure and start making massive changes from the books.
Thu, 06-19-2014, 12:50 PM
Unfortunately i've already been spoiled about the thing you mention in your spoiler warning(and a few other things as well) thanks to all the book-readers who lost their fucking shit all over the internet because the tv-show apparently removed some important book-stuff from the final ep in season 4. >_>You mean season 3? I'm going to watch the final ep of season 3 soon.
I'm always worried about what they will do when they eventually catch up to the books, and how they will deal with the child actors rapidly out-growing their characters.
Nerver really been too worried about the productions costs tho, since i always thought the insane popularity of this show made it earn back the money it cost to make.
Also, I strongly doubt that the fans/actors would start "dictating the plot" and the studios would cave under the pressure and start making massive changes from the books.
GoT is one of the most pirated franchises in the history of the internet, so I don't know how much return on investment HBO or the production companies are getting. I've personally DL'd all the seasons, and purchased season 1 on Bluray. Season 2 is $70 on Amazon for some reason.
Like the article mentioned, if someone like Tyrion or Danaerys or Jon Snow died in the books, the show might diverge drastically because they'd hate to lose stars like Dinklage or Clarke.
Thu, 06-19-2014, 02:39 PM
No, i mean the season 4 finale, the one that aired this past Sunday.
I got some things spoiled for me simply because the showrunners decided to remove/change a bunch of "important stuff" that apparently was in the books, and as a result of them not showing those things, all the book-readers went nuts and on damn near every site i went to there were people talking about/comparing what in the episode was removed/changed from the same scenes in the books...
I haven't read any of the books, but i assume you have since you posted that spoiler warning? (unless someone had already spoiled that thing for you, and that's how you knew it?)
Death BOO Z
Thu, 06-19-2014, 03:47 PM
I just finished book three, so it was a shock to see that character back.
And despite what the cracked article insists, I don't feel as if there's that much of a difference. sure, some people from the book never show up,and some named characters turn into one person, but I don't feel as if it's about to turn into something ground breakingly disastrous.
and as for seasons... well, there's still at least one season to get from book four (maybe even two) and another two seasons out of book five.
the rising costs might kill them, though. even if they limit themselves to one army scene in every season, all these remote shooting have to be expensive.
Thu, 06-19-2014, 04:28 PM
There will always be people who hate it when adaptations do not follow the source as closely as possible, even if those changes actually make the story better, like in most cases for GoT.
Thu, 06-19-2014, 06:34 PM
No, i mean the season 4 finale, the one that aired this past Sunday.
I got some things spoiled for me simply because the showrunners decided to remove/change a bunch of "important stuff" that apparently was in the books, and as a result of them not showing those things, all the book-readers went nuts and on damn near every site i went to there were people talking about/comparing what in the episode was removed/changed from the same scenes in the books...
I haven't read any of the books, but i assume you have since you posted that spoiler warning? (unless someone had already spoiled that thing for you, and that's how you knew it?)
Wow season 4 is already over? I skipped the last page of this thread so I wouldn't see any spoilers. Even though I've read the books I don't want to be spoiled on what happens in the show.
I've read through the first 3 books. I got book 4 but never finished it because alot of my favorite characters had died by then and the book only covered half the stories.
I just finished book three, so it was a shock to see that character back.
And despite what the cracked article insists, I don't feel as if there's that much of a difference. sure, some people from the book never show up,and some named characters turn into one person, but I don't feel as if it's about to turn into something ground breakingly disastrous.
and as for seasons... well, there's still at least one season to get from book four (maybe even two) and another two seasons out of book five.
the rising costs might kill them, though. even if they limit themselves to one army scene in every season, all these remote shooting have to be expensive. It was one of the things that turned me off the series, but I think at that point in the books the art had not been covered with the other practitioner (possible spoiler: I don't remember if Beric Dondarion's repeat resurrections were revealed in the book prior to Catelyn's resurrection. I recall Catelyn was the first to return from the dead so it was a bit of a shock to me too.)
I agree with you, the Cracked article was too pessimistic about how many seasons could be covered with books 4 and 5. I think they could easily fill 3 more seasons with the material from those 2 books.
Also, if the show producers worry about running out of story, why cut out characters and minor stories from the books?
Mon, 06-23-2014, 03:19 PM
So, we talked earlier in the thread about how the actor who plays 'The Mountain' was 25yrs old...
I just now found out that the guy playing Jojen is 24.
These guys are one year apart in age... jesus christ, lol
Mon, 06-23-2014, 10:43 PM
There will always be people who hate it when adaptations do not follow the source as closely as possible, even if those changes actually make the story better, like in most cases for GoT.
That's funny you say that, because literally everyone I know who hasn't read the book (most of the people I know who watch GoT) has noticed a substantial drop in quality this season.
Mon, 06-23-2014, 11:10 PM
That's funny you say that, because literally everyone I know who hasn't read the book (most of the people I know who watch GoT) has noticed a substantial drop in quality this season.
Drop in the quality of what? The story, the acting, the overall production?
I'm about to start season 4 so hopefully they're just being too critical of the show they've come to expect so much from.
Tue, 06-24-2014, 09:57 AM
Pacing, almost nothing happens each episode. Only 25-50% of it is actual content from the books, the rest of it useless filler. You rarely get the vibe that you "have to see the next episode" because each one is so drawn out.
Tue, 06-24-2014, 10:01 AM
Half of the episodes are filler and not canon? Is that an exaggeration?
Tue, 06-24-2014, 10:22 AM
Pacing, almost nothing happens each episode. Only 25-50% of it is actual content from the books, the rest of it useless filler. You rarely get the vibe that you "have to see the next episode" because each one is so drawn out.
Weird, I was thinking it wouldn't be as bad as people say, but then I saw the last episode of season 3 where Ramsay is torturing Theon and I thought, "this has to be filler" and "man this scene is kinda long and drawn out for no reason." Prior to that I thought they could lengthen some scenes and not make it suck, like Jon escaping Ygritte or Sam meeting Bran and Jojen. Those scenes were too short and could have easily been expanded.
Death BOO Z
Tue, 06-24-2014, 03:04 PM
I think that part of the problem is that a big chunk of plot is stories about the past;
there's jojen telling bran the story of his people and their hero, and then there's the same story being told to sansa or tyrion or dannierz. and it eludes to something that happened before the series started, and another story about katelyns' dad, and the deal with the boltons in the north and the tyrells in the capital being huge dicks...
the 3rd season took most of the action beats, and the 4th season couldn't adapt all the background stories about politics and history to make engaging television.
Tue, 06-24-2014, 04:01 PM
There was a lot of action in the 3rd season. Maybe now they realize they're running out of book story so they're delving into prior history? The books had references to ancient history throughout, the show not so much. It'd make viewers unhappy to spend too much time recounting old tales of Westeros, but there may not be any other option for the producers besides to deviate from the story more, which would suck worse.
Wed, 06-25-2014, 11:26 PM
Just watched the first episode of season 4, amazing stuff going on. I think people are being too critical either because they have to wait each week to see the next episode or because of changes from the book. I thought this first episode was awesome. Things slow down a lot now that the War of the Five Kings is over.
Looking back at some of the complaints posted in this thread, I have to say a lot of it is a bit nit-picky.
The Thenns being cannibals made them all the more frightening and it makes sense since they live north of the wall where food is scarce (never made sense how 100k wildlings fed themselves for years).
The change in actors does throw you off a little, but it's not that bad. Kinda surprised there's a new Daario Naharis.
Thu, 06-26-2014, 08:08 AM
Finish the season and then judge it, the first two and last two episodes are the only ones done relatively well.
Sat, 06-28-2014, 10:15 AM
Saw the episode where Joffrey gets his due. I'd forgotten how it went from the books, but I'd have preferred something more gruesome and agonizing for such a colossal twat. It sucks though that the guy who plays Joffrey seems like a nice guy and a good actor, but wants to give up acting because of the "rigors" of the profession. I think it comes down to the amount of hate he gets for portraying Joffrey.
edit: I don't know if this has been revealed in the rest of season 4, but something I'm discussing elsewhere online is the conspiracy over who killed Joffrey. [possible spoiler]People think it's Littlefinger and Lady Olenna and maybe Ser Dontas. If true, why would Lady Olenna have to be so circuitous and secretive about smuggling poison in via Sansa's necklace? Would the king's guard pat everyone down and check for poison vials? As family of the bride, why couldn't she have just brought the poison in a jar in her purse?
Wed, 07-02-2014, 10:53 PM
F*cking awesome Honest Trailer for GoT. Warning, spoilers for seasons 1-3:
Wed, 07-09-2014, 10:10 PM
Finish the season and then judge it, the first two and last two episodes are the only ones done relatively well.
I'm through episode 7 and I admit I watched every episode this season with your words in mind... but I've loved every episode so far. Important developments happen in each episode, and even though I know what's coming because of spoilers or having read the books I am still amazed and thrilled with most every scene and twist.
You know how I tend to dissect and criticize most work, but I'm loving this series even more than I thought possible. I've even started reading book 4 again and tearing through it. Maybe it's just the effect of watching an episode almost every other night and not having to wait a week or two between episodes, but maybe if you buy the BR/DVD and marathon it, you'll get a greater appreciation for this season.
Fri, 07-18-2014, 08:21 AM
Finished season 4, wow I'm a little surprised at who all died. It kinda spoiled some things in the book for me, since I'm only 1/3 through book 4. The problem with watching while reading is that the show contains events from books 4 and 5. Since Tyrion isn't in the 4th book, you don't get to read his side of the events from the season finale.
I don't think Sandor Clegane is finished. Arya left him wounded but something tells me he'll survive and reappear at some point.
I think the show might diverge from the book with the treatment of Gregor Clegane. He might survive as well.
Fri, 07-18-2014, 11:23 AM
edit: I don't know if this has been revealed in the rest of season 4, but something I'm discussing elsewhere online is the conspiracy over who killed Joffrey.
Two things: they didn't want to get caught. So they framed somebody. And also, they want to divide the Lannisters. So they framed a Lannister.
Fri, 07-18-2014, 11:53 AM
Two things: they didn't want to get caught. So they framed somebody. And also, they want to divide the Lannisters. So they framed a Lannister.
Yes getting caught would mean death for the conspirators, or at least a return to war considering one of the Tyrells is involved. They didn't exactly frame anyone though, since no one really knows who did it, but of course will suspect Tyrion and Sansa. Part of my question was answered when they found the necklace Sansa had been wearing, but did they even know it was hers? Plus Olenna could still have brought poison instead of relying on Sansa to bring it via the necklace, which could go wrong in so many ways.
Sun, 04-12-2015, 12:45 AM
Eps 01 - 04 of Season 5 have leaked. Rumor is that up to 7 will be leaked. Go find at your torrent site of choice.
Sun, 04-12-2015, 01:04 PM
I read about this, and it appears all of the leaked eps are in SD(480p?) quality, so unless they manage to leak some 720p or better ones, i'm just gonna wait and watch them as they come out normally in actual HD quality.
Sun, 04-12-2015, 01:47 PM
Yeah I watched these. They are SD - good enough to watch. I couldn't take not watching while knowing there are 4 episodes sitting there for me. At least I won't have to worry about dodging spoilers for a whole month.
Sun, 04-12-2015, 10:19 PM
Yeah I watched these. They are SD - good enough to watch. I couldn't take not watching while knowing there are 4 episodes sitting there for me. At least I won't have to worry about dodging spoilers for a whole month.
Have you read the books? Can you say if this season's episodes diverge a lot from the books? I heard they would. I'm halfway through book 5 and would rather not be spoiled by the show.
Sun, 04-12-2015, 11:15 PM
Haven't read the books.
Mon, 04-13-2015, 08:44 AM
You're missing out. Though a lot of the 4th and 5th books are bloated with unnecessary detail, characters moving around, and some characters that probably could have been omitted. Personally though I think the show producers messed up and cut out too much from the books. If they had followed the books more closely they could have 10 seasons of canon material easily.
Thu, 04-16-2015, 10:41 AM
I saw the first episode of season 5 and it's still largely faithful to the books. It covers events from early in book 5 and late book 4.
I'm still boggled by how much the show cuts from the books.
Mon, 04-25-2016, 03:02 AM
Well, it's that time of year again. Season Six is out.
I can't wait to see Wildlings break those guys at Castle Black. The only thing better would be if the Undead came attacking and the Wildlings just sat back and watched.
Mon, 04-25-2016, 08:08 AM
Arya's story is as slow as hell.
And Denny went all Bleach on us. Carbon copy arc ftw!
Mon, 06-13-2016, 06:24 AM
This never made sense: why was the many-faced-assassin captured in the first place? Arya's real story started after she rescued him, but as if he should have ever needed rescuing in the first place.
Mon, 06-13-2016, 11:50 AM
Gang bang.
Wed, 04-03-2019, 01:18 PM
Who's looking forward to the final season? I felt this show went off the rails when it derailed from the books for a while, but then it got amazing and exciting again.
I heard that all of the final eps are going to be like movies.
Wed, 04-03-2019, 01:39 PM
I'm looking forward to it, but I also can't remember too much about what's happened to date. My personal summary is "Everyone's now on the same continent and they're about to fight some necro dragons. Let's see who's alive after that. Maybe they'll be king."
Thu, 04-04-2019, 10:25 AM
I basically only remember Daeny and Jon hooking up.
Sansa is back in Winterfell I think, and literally can't remember anything else, but I think it will all come back when the series starts!
April 14, just 10 more days.
Thu, 04-04-2019, 01:40 PM
I'm looking forward to it but with tempered expectations. A lot of what happened in the last few episodes last season made utterly no sense.
Fri, 04-05-2019, 12:30 AM
Care to remind us?! We can't remember LOL
Fri, 04-05-2019, 09:28 AM
While trying to escape from the white walkers in the small island surrounded by a frozen lake, John Snow decided to move away from the dragon and continue fighting, getting farther and farther away for no reason, resulting in him getting left behind.
John Snow fell into a freezing lake with armor on but somehow managed to swim back out (impossible, really), and then got put on a horse and delivered back to civilization alive without dying from hypothermia despite being in soaked clothes and armor and outside the wall.
These unbelievable "exciting" twists seem to not be in line with the realism the books usually deliver.
Sun, 04-14-2019, 07:52 PM
For everyone who needs a last second recap!
Dang I forgot a lot of stuff that had happened.
One of my favorite story lines are the Jon Snow/Daeny storyline.
Tue, 04-23-2019, 02:37 AM
lol @ Arya looking more keen at killing white walkers than having more sex with blacksmith boy.
Tue, 05-14-2019, 11:13 AM
I felt like eps 1-3 were terrible, and 4-5 were better.
Was not expecting Dany to straight up burn the whole town in a zig zag though lol
Tue, 05-14-2019, 12:44 PM
Episodes 1-3 were indeed terrible. 4 was somewhat terrible. 5 was good. The dragon was finally used properly. I love the city burning part.
"Burn those worthless peasants (and nobles)!"
Tue, 05-14-2019, 12:55 PM
I felt like eps 1-3 were terrible, and 4-5 were better.
Was not expecting Dany to straight up burn the whole town in a zig zag though lol
Gotta write her initials as part of her claim.
Wed, 05-15-2019, 01:46 AM
Haha I guess her initals are ZZZZZZZZ
(to represent her literally burning every inch of the town line by line.
Wed, 05-15-2019, 04:48 AM
I disliked this episode.
Dany snapping is fine, but the Scorpion defence system (through sheer numbers + improvements) was implied to be superior to her dragons. Now she just swooped in and killed everything. During the barracks CGI scenes most of the crossbows were static and didn't even attempt to track her movement - that's their sole job. At least have some soldiers comment on their aiming speed being too slow or something.
Arya running around like a scared little girl really didn't add anything to the story.
Sandor's fight felt unsatisfying.
The only bit I liked involved Varus. He's the real MVP in this show.
Wed, 05-15-2019, 06:30 AM
I actually liked Arya running around because it finally gave us Children of Men 2 and showed the horrors of what Dany was doing to the common people. Random white horse was pointless and unnecessary in my opinion though!
I was telling Janice & Yuki that Winterfell and nigh the entire continent should have been completely decimated during the Battle of Winterfell and the last few episodes should have been like a guerrilla war in a post-apocalyptic climate.
Yup about the scorpions, other people have been commenting that they suck way more than described. Apparently the dragon was flying at a low altitude or a way where it's hard to hit with the scorpions. But it's dumb that one of her dragons got so easily pwnd in the previous episode.
Cersei sniffling into Jamie's shoulder and worrying about him being hurt after she ordered his assassination grossed me out a little.
Agreed Varys was the MVP!
A lot of people are complaining that Dany acted out of character, but I can see how they have been setting her up to do something crazy for the last few seasons and how a cascade of things sort of happened to her right before that (Jon denying her booty and presenting her threat, allies dying and betraying her...) It's just WAY more overboard that I ever imagined. But I also realize that's the deal with some people, they'll show small signs of doing something over a long period of time and finally do something extremely huge when it looks like they can get away with it.
Wed, 05-15-2019, 09:54 AM
You guys don't understand. The scorpions are slow to aim, limited in rotational and ballistic range, static "anti-air" weapons. Of course they wouldn't be able to hit a flying anything, much less a dodging dragon.
Then you may ask, why did 3 whole shots hit their mark in the previous episode? That's because they were guided by Ghost's direwolf olfactory aiming system. Ghost wanted that dragon dead and temporarily defected. Remember, those shots were launched before the dragons could even see Euron's fleet. That means the fleet couldn't see the dragons either but still got three arrows to hit from beyond an island, further proof of Ghost's betrayal because his super smell is not hindered by line of sight.
After the dragon that tempted Jon is dead, Ghost returned north to pretend he was not involved at all, waiting until Jon comes to his senses and fetches him again. That's why the scorpions couldn't hit a damn thing in the latest episode.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 05-15-2019, 11:03 AM
i whole heartily agree with this theory.
i think it's not about the story anymore, even the execution seems sloppy.
you want her to be totes crazy? sure. but have the people aiming the scorpions look like real people, have them run away rather than shoot, the chains snap, be too slow... whatever.
want arya to be in a war movie? sure. but what good is the horse right now?
want john snow to be a hero? sure, but having him save a peasent from being raped while the dragon burns everything around, seriously? who tries to rape anyone in this situation?
want cercei and jamie back? go for it, but don't waste ten minutes of having him killed if you're going to do a 'rock falls, everybody dies' total party kill.
it's not just bad plot decision, it's shoddy direction. and the production values are usually really good, so it's jarring.
Wed, 05-15-2019, 03:36 PM
Yeah, the rape and pillaging usually come after the battle is over, not during the battle...
Wed, 05-15-2019, 06:46 PM
Fuck it, ghost theory it is lol
Yeahhhhh I wonder how many of her own people Dany burned?
Thu, 05-16-2019, 12:21 PM
A lot. I mean, I'm not sure if anyone was left in the end except Arya.
Mon, 05-20-2019, 02:27 AM
Thoughts now that the finale is over.
Yeah, I think I was actually happier with the last episode than any other episode this season. I didn't predict what happened, but I also wasn't pissed off about any of it, and a lot of the denouement stuff I thoroughly enjoyed. That Small Council is pretty great.
I was honestly surprised by Bran being made king, because he seems like he doesn't even care about the mortal world anymore, now that the Night King is dead. I was half-expecting the Seven Kingdoms to break up into 7 separate kingdoms again.
And I definitely laughed when they laughed at Sam for suggesting Democracy.
If I can armchair show write for a minute, there's a few small changes I would have made to improve various aspects of this season:
Two changes I would have made to the battle of Winterfell:
1. I would have had the White Walkers actually, you know, participate in the battle. All those important characters with Dragonsteel weapons would have mattered a bit more if they'd killed something more than zombies. Give a few characters like Jorah, Hound and Brienne a kill against a WW and make them matter.
2. I woulda had Arya disguise herself as a White Walker that she killed in order to get close to the Night King. You know, make all her fancy magic assassin powers actually mean something.
Change I would have made to the King's Landing battle:
They shouldn't have killed the 2nd Dragon in the previous episode. They should have attacked the city with BOTH dragons and had that one die during the attack. This would have accomplished two things:
A. Made the King's Landing defenses not COMPLETELY useless and unintimidating. While also not making Dany seem really stupid for doing the exact same thing this week that got a dragon killed last week, only to have it work out somehow.
B. Would have made Dany's turn a lot more understandable. Instead of seemingly flipping out over a friend dying days/weeks before, it would have been more like an in-the-moment reaction to one of her children dying. She's still a villain, because you don't stay the hero after burning a city full of people, no matter how good your reason, but at least the action would have made more sense.
You guys don't understand. The scorpions are slow to aim, limited in rotational and ballistic range, static "anti-air" weapons. Of course they wouldn't be able to hit a flying anything, much less a dodging dragon.
Then you may ask, why did 3 whole shots hit their mark in the previous episode?In all seriousness, it's because the other dragon still had a torn wing from the battle of Winterfell, which limited it's mobility.
Mon, 05-20-2019, 03:17 AM
2. I woulda had Arya disguise herself as a White Walker that she killed in order to get close to the Night King. You know, make all her fancy magic assassin powers actually mean something.
I'm mildly pissed off about that. The whole house-of-black-and-white just gave her an upgrade but it didn't have the impact I expected. I thought she'd go back to it after all this for closure.
Bran was a surprise, but an apt choice. Like what's been said about Jon before, he's a suitable king because he doesn't give a shit about power, amongst other things.
Thank fuck Dany died. That was required.
Frankly all the battles have been quite messy and unexciting. I much prefer the banter and politics.
Mon, 05-20-2019, 08:25 AM
Frankly all the battles have been quite messy and unexciting. I much prefer the banter and politics.
Because that's what this story was all about. The screenwriters sorta forgot that these last 2 seasons.
I loved the ending because it proved my ghost theory true. Ghost super smell guidance system is now canon, pun intended.
Mon, 05-20-2019, 03:08 PM
Bran was a surprise, but an apt choice. Like what's been said about Jon before, he's a suitable king because he doesn't give a shit about power, amongst other things.Granted, but you DO want your king to give a shit about the kingdom and it's people.
Bran's been giving off a real Dr. Manhattan vibe of "I live in all times simultaneously, so none of this actually matters because to me it already happened", type deal.
Half the time they're talking to him it seems like he wasn't even paying attention.
Mon, 05-20-2019, 03:37 PM
So...with the Three Eyed Raven being the King from now on, and the selection being made before the previous one passes...
Game of Thrones and The Giver take place in the same universe!
Death BOO Z
Mon, 05-20-2019, 03:58 PM
i was angry with the rest of the season, in this episode i'm simply... indifferent.
+1 to the thing about the dragon, by the way.
why did we have arya? to have some eyes on the ground when everything is fucked? that's it?
where do all the dotrhaki go? under which banner do the unsullied sail? does it even matter?
what's going on behind the wall now? still the land of the wildlings? yes? no?
does bran care? it didn't seem that he cared much about the nightking, so about a kingdom? he even exited the small council within a minute, i think that even joffery was more involved.
Tue, 05-21-2019, 02:44 AM
I don't even know what to say ya'll.
I agree with all of the above points you guys made at least.
Season 7 really felt like they were going to make an amazing season 8.
I have a feeling the book ending will be way more satisfying if it ever comes.
Thu, 05-23-2019, 03:36 PM
I didn't like the ending of season 7 either, really. Night King riding on the dragon was goofy as hell, and made me suspect he didn't actually have a plan for breaching the wall if not for Jon and Dany going there.
Fri, 05-24-2019, 10:38 AM
Wasn't said wall also completely intact when Jon went back to throw his Wildings Orgy at the end of this ep?
Fri, 05-24-2019, 01:09 PM
Welp, there goes like 9 years. Should have learned from Lost finale lol.
Fri, 05-24-2019, 09:08 PM
9 years? It was like a week to me. It's one hour per episode, after all.
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