View Full Version : Game: Mass Effect 3
Sun, 12-12-2010, 02:07 PM
my body is ready guys
"Earth is burning. Striking from beyond known space, a race of terrifying machines have begun their destruction of the human race. As Commander Shepard, an Alliance Marine, your only hope for saving mankind is to rally the civilizations of the galaxy and launch one final mission to take back the Earth."
The player's choices in the previous games are expected to have a much more significant impact on the plot than the choices in Mass Effect had on Mass Effect 2. As Mass Effect 3 is the end of the planned trilogy, the developers are not constrained by the necessity of allowing the story to diverge, yet also continue into the next chapter. This will result in a story that diverges into wildly different conclusions based on the player's actions in the first two chapters
The story between Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 is planned to be told through DLC for Mass Effect 2. The Lair of the Shadow Broker downloadable content is the first piece of DLC to begin to expand the story in preparation for Mass Effect 3.
source: ME-wiki
Sun, 12-12-2010, 06:00 PM
Fuck yeah!
I'll just need to do a proper re-play of ME2 before 3 comes out... been a while since i played it...
This is going to be awesome!
Sun, 12-12-2010, 08:02 PM
I should probably get around to finishing that Insanity run I've been keeping off for awhile now...
Mon, 12-13-2010, 06:47 AM
This and the new Elder Scrolls next year...
My interest in video games will be revitalized. :D
Mon, 01-16-2012, 11:50 AM
So... ya'll heard the news that Origin is required to play any PC version of ME3 ( ?
Mon, 01-16-2012, 01:14 PM
Seems to be the way of things as EA tries to get in on the online distribution market. Still, ME3 looks like it's very much worth playing.
Mon, 01-16-2012, 02:35 PM
So... who cares?
Mon, 01-16-2012, 05:03 PM
Exactly. I play it on the xbox360, so I really don't care.
But I won't miss the opportunity to make an argument. ;)
I know there is this big anti-Origin circle-jerk campaign (usually in favor of steam), which I still don't understand, because steam does the exact same things, but seriously, Origin is not that bad. You're either locked into one Publisher/Vendor or a different Publisher/Vendor. They both spy on you. Valve lures you into impulse purchases for quick cash via promotions that really don't get you much aside from coupons for more impulse purchases. Origin needs some UI work.
ME3 is on Origin because of Valve's success. What it isn't on Origin for is the reasons that Dragon Age 2 got kicked off Steam. Steam is one of the only ways that DRM works to prevent initial release piracy, and works (reasonably) well. Lots of developers use Steamworks DRM, and they are happy with it. EA wants in on that kind of protection, but due to selling their DLC within their own games (which works nice, at least Bioware's games anyway), they're certainly not going to use Steamworks. That's why ME3 requires Origin.
All that really matters is: FemShep >>>> MaleShep, and Adepts > All Other Classes.
Thu, 01-19-2012, 12:12 AM
When BF2 and MW3 came out i had to make a choice on what to get. Most of my friends wanted to get BF2. But then i heard about EA's potential abusive ULA. That somewhere in there it said that Origin can and will scan your ENTIRE computer. By installing Origin you give them this permission. I certainly don't want EA snooping around in my private stuff. And i also pirate a lot of games. Many of them EA's titles. Later EA went out and said that it only scans for info regarding Origin games. Gathers statistics on how/how much/when you use them. But they didn't change the ULA to state that it only scans for this. Instead it still states that it will scan your ENTIRE computer. It has permission to scan for anything and everything. That is not cool in my book. I haven't heard anything about the subject since then and i haven't really been looking either. So they may have changed it by now. But until i hear otherwise i won't touch Origin without a hazmat suit. When something can be abused it will be. It will do whatever you imagine and go beyond that just because they can.
Thu, 01-19-2012, 07:09 AM
6) I’ve seen reports that Origin is spyware. Is this true?
Origin is not spyware, and does not use or install spyware on user’s machines. In order to allow Origin to install games and their patches for everyone to use, Origin implements a permission change that results in Windows, not Origin, reviewing the filenames in the ProgramData/Origin folder. This is an ordinary Windows function, not an information-gathering process.
Thu, 01-19-2012, 10:35 AM
I'm still not going to install what is essentially a second Steam client, except its shitter.
And the fact that you're forced to install and use it to play the game, even if you buy the game from yer local Gamestop or whatever, is even more annoying. (Maybe this is the case with some "Steamworks" games awswell? not sure, i only buy games digitally these days.)
I am also pretty sure it will eventually get released on Steam anyway tho, they can keep telling people it won't but it probably will, considering like 90% of people either dislike or outright hates Origin.
It's just silly that they do this to try and promote something no-one wanted in the first place, and they will likely lose fucktons of money on this, because while it will probably sell pretty well anyway, it would have sold fucking LOADS more if it was on Steam.
Not to mention that since so many people hate Origin, the piracy rate for this game will be boosted even more than it would have been otherwise.
Thu, 01-19-2012, 11:51 AM
the origin release was alot better than expected
not much to hate about it, doesn't scan, works great on my PC
pretty much like a Battlenet account, with EA games however.
don't see anyone hating bnet anymore.
Thu, 01-19-2012, 12:23 PM
Did they call Origin something else before? I've seen a lot of people saying it's actually like 7 years old and they recently changed the name to Origin
edit: checked Wikipedia and apparently it was EA Downloader, then EA Link, then a combination of EA Store and EA Download Manager and now it's Origin.
It also says "The constant changes in the software and branding is criticized for being hard to follow."
No kidding, i had no clue either of those existed prior to Origin lol
Thu, 01-19-2012, 03:11 PM
Exactly. I play it on the xbox360, so I really don't care.
But I won't miss the opportunity to make an argument. ;)
I know there is this big anti-Origin circle-jerk campaign (usually in favor of steam), which I still don't understand, because steam does the exact same things, but seriously, Origin is not that bad. You're either locked into one Publisher/Vendor or a different Publisher/Vendor. They both spy on you. Valve lures you into impulse purchases for quick cash via promotions that really don't get you much aside from coupons for more impulse purchases. Origin needs some UI work.
ME3 is on Origin because of Valve's success. What it isn't on Origin for is the reasons that Dragon Age 2 got kicked off Steam. Steam is one of the only ways that DRM works to prevent initial release piracy, and works (reasonably) well. Lots of developers use Steamworks DRM, and they are happy with it. EA wants in on that kind of protection, but due to selling their DLC within their own games (which works nice, at least Bioware's games anyway), they're certainly not going to use Steamworks. That's why ME3 requires Origin.
I agree with everything except.....
All that really matters is: FemShep >>>> MaleShep, and Adepts Vanguards > All Other Classes.
Fixed. (
Thu, 01-19-2012, 03:41 PM
That's so funny epyon...but only because of an inside joke between me and ryll ;P.
And Penner, there is absolutely no reason to hate origin; remember that it's still beta and pretty much just an evolution of EADLM+Store and even then it does a few things a lot better than steam like much less memory usage and the ability to choose wherever you want to install your games.
The only thing steam has over origin atm is a larger selection of games and the steam overlay in game.
And yes the whole steamworks DRM works exactly the same way if you get the game retail; after install you will need steam to run it, it's the exact same situation.
People are hating for no reason at all.
Thu, 01-19-2012, 05:51 PM
It's just silly that they do this to try and promote something no-one wanted in the first place, and they will likely lose fucktons of money on this, because while it will probably sell pretty well anyway, it would have sold fucking LOADS more if it was on Steam.
Yes, I too wish for only one place that I am forced to buy all my games from, and where they can do whatever they want and force developers to comply with their terms, fees, and restrictions.
This post screams steam fanboy. Choice is GOOD. EA is selling ME3 on pretty much every service except steam, because they and Valve have a disagreement on how content is managed.
And the fact that you're forced to install and use it to play the game, even if you buy the game from yer local Gamestop or whatever, is even more annoying. (Maybe this is the case with some "Steamworks" games awswell? not sure, i only buy games digitally these days.)
And yes the whole steamworks DRM works exactly the same way if you get the game retail; after install you will need steam to run it, it's the exact same situation.
People are hating for no reason at all.
I bought Fallout: New Vegas retail. I was infuriated it required steamworks. Had that been better advertised, I would have just bought it on steam in the first place. Origin and Steam work exactly the same ways.
Hate both, or neither.
Fri, 01-20-2012, 05:30 AM
Hmm, i didn't know certain games required Steam even when bought from retail stores aswell, i have to admit that sucks.
One exception though is if the game you buy is primarily a multiplayer game and uses Steams or Origins servers, kinda like Left4Dead, in that case i can understand the need for Steam/Origin to be installed with it.
People shouldn't have to use Steam or Origin if they don't like it, and forcing people to use either for a singleplayer game is bs.
Back on topic to ME3: are you guys going to play the same class in ìn your first run through of ME3 as your primary char in ME2 was, or you going to switch it up?
(sorry for kinda derailing the topic in the first place :P)
Fri, 01-20-2012, 12:39 PM
Was ME2 your first ME game or something?
Fri, 01-20-2012, 05:43 PM
It was not.
Wed, 01-25-2012, 04:57 PM
I'm so going to need a ME2 savegame, tali romance, pretty much paragon throughout the whole game with all ME1+2 characters alive (at least for 1 of course) and no romance in the first game
Does ME2 uses Steamcloud on steam? if yes, too bad I didn't get the game on steam but as a retail version... all my savegames are gone (new pc :()
Wed, 01-25-2012, 05:22 PM
Wed, 02-08-2012, 11:12 AM
Guess i'll get one of those, i didn't manage to save my crew in my old save >_>
The playable characters all lived though
Tue, 02-14-2012, 05:35 PM
Demo is out which means:
Multi-motherfuckin-player son.
If you're playing it on PC, I'm EpyonNext on Origin. Lets get some peeps together and ruin some Cerberus shit.
Tue, 02-14-2012, 05:37 PM
People use Origin?
Tue, 02-14-2012, 11:04 PM
MP is only for people that got BF3 for now.
Anyway some gameplay I recorded:
Link (
Tue, 02-14-2012, 11:49 PM
BTW i decided i wanted to try the Demo. So before i installed Origin i decided to search for how Origin scans your ENTIRE computer and collects data.
Among other things it will do so search for EA games and check if the serials and file versions are correct. This to fight piracy. Since i had both DA2 and ME2 pirated i now have to uninstall them IF i want to use Origin. Or i could just wait to the release and pirate ME3. It's all a question if i want to play online or if i will be satisfied with single player. I will install it now to play the demo because i can't wait, but after I'm finished I'm gonna uninstall it and rethink if it's really worth the raping.
Wed, 02-15-2012, 04:27 AM
From what I could tell from the demo:
high risk as always, but also highest HP and offensive king skills; melee does a lot of damage.
Doesn't really need to be explained, melee a bit slow but does massive damage.
Fastest melee, biggest range on melee and other skills provide lots of battle control.
well rounded
Tech armour makes this class a walking tank, but lacks any super offensive skills, good melee with good range too.
again, fast melee, and lots of battle control.
The class that let's others fight for him with turrents and drones, kinda bad melee.
Cloak oriented gameplay, terrible melee.
Again, can control the battle really well.
So it seems for people just starting out, Adapt is prolly the best class to choose. The melee alone is incredibly useful since it's range is so incredible and it activates so fast.
Wed, 02-15-2012, 10:22 AM
Vanguard is fucking sweet with his new charge combo, charge+nova. Although you don't want to do that with many enemy's alive since you remove all of your shield. But was fun as hell. Adept got so much control, much thanks to Singularity. But the strongest and most OP i played so far is definitely my engineer. Maxed that turret so it got a flamethrower and i just threw that at a group of enemys and camped behind a wall.When the cooldown was finished i just threw out a new one just to reposition it. It killed faster then anything i tried so far, well maybe except Adepts Grenade Toss thingy that i killed the big boss mecha in like 10 seconds but it's restricted to needing to pick up grenades which make it a worse skill IMO).
Wed, 02-15-2012, 02:09 PM
Krogan soldier is a fucking monster. I just wade right in and start running people over. I don't even have to use a gun, I just walk up and curb stomp everything but an Atlas.
Wed, 02-15-2012, 11:12 PM
Spend some more time on the demo and here are some small revisions based on some testing.
high risk as always, but also highest HP and offensive king skills; melee does a lot of damage, fastest melee, and only class with running melee.
Second fastest melee, about the same speed as sentinel, biggest range on melee but it recovers a tiny bit slower than the sentinel; other skills provide lots of battle control.
well rounded
Tech armour makes this class a walking tank, but lacks any super offensive skills, good/fast/cool melee with good range too.
Fri, 03-02-2012, 01:54 PM
I want this so badly now
Fri, 03-02-2012, 01:57 PM
Saw this earlier, had to change my pants.
Need to change pants again.
Mon, 03-05-2012, 05:08 PM
I had no idea the multiplayer had opened up for everyone. I just installed the demo last night again because i got tired of waiting for the release which is the 8th in Europe while NA has the release the 6th (and they wonder why people pirate stuff). And i just tried to press multiplayer and i got in. Shocked at first but no need to stare a gift horse in the mouth. So played a little and managed to unlock Asari Adept (just the thing i wanted to play the most). So i quickly maxed out Stasis (added the bubble effect) and played it with a sniper rifle. Man oh man is that the most OP class in multiplayer. Stasis then headshot (which is 1shot). To bad they didn't let you play whatever you wanted (wanted a Krogan Adept and a Quarian Vanguard).
I also played the class i have played through all ME-games, the Vanguard. And i must say he offers the most fun. Maxed charge and Nova with a 25-50% (forgot what the exact % was) chance to not trigger a CD on charge and 25% to not use up any shield on the nova. Also i chose the option for nova to only use half the shield so you could use it twice. This made me a teleporting nuke. I was porting around the entire battlefield decimating everything in my path. However even though it offers the most fun you die more then with the others since you are deep in enemy fire all the time without cover. And the turret the enemy sets up is Vanguards bane. But so much fun in one package.
I will love to play MP. The MP demo made me decide to buy it so i pre-ordered it. Now i just have to wait to the 8th before i can play it. Only thing i had a problem with is that it uses players as hosts for MP and it doesn't do a ping check to determine who becomes the host. Instead first one in the game becomes host and if that person lags the entire game will lag like shit.
Mon, 03-05-2012, 05:20 PM
I can already tell you the most OP classes in MP are the krogan soldier/sentinel(this one will never ever die), Salarian infiltrator and human vanguard; I killed 1 atlas, 1 normal guy, 1 centurion and 1 shield guy all at the same time, by just spamming charge/nova, all 4 couldn't do anything until they died.
The other classes are good, but they don't compare to how good those 3 are.
A group of 2 vanguards and 2 infiltrators will never ever lose.
Though I'm basing all of this on the demo and thus the cerberus enemies, the full game should have a much wider range of enemies; the other classes will prolly shine more against those.
Tue, 03-06-2012, 05:13 PM
So...colossal bug importing faces from characters you started in ME1. Now acknowledged by Bioware ( Basically, if you started ME1 and ported the character through to ME2, you have to either remake the face completely in ME3, or struggle to get the face-code out and then tweak what is missing. Either way, it's not going to look right (see the examples in the bioware forums threads).
As absolutely insane as it sounds, that ME3 face import bug is so demoralizing that I think I'm just not even going to bother playing it today.
I put in the serial codes for all the collectors edition stuff and DLC, I put in the Online pass code, I've rebooted the game three times without starting to play it (roughly 30 minutes), and then I import my character, and it tells me that I have to re-create the face. I check online, everyone has this issue, not just 360 players.
Not worth it. The fact that an issue of this magnitude never got caught before the game went gold (not to mention never caught before it shipped) is pretty much unbelievable. WTF happened to QC Bioware?
Tue, 03-06-2012, 10:15 PM
Wow, talk about concern over trifling little issues. I hope Daniel Tosh decides to wear turtleneck sweaters on his next season of Tosh.0 or I'll totally not watch.
I plan to get ME3 this weekend because it's Spring Break next week. Rather than sitting on a beach with hot chicks and douchebag frat boys killing brain cells with alcohol and getting cancer, I'll spend a good part of the week at work and then playing ME3.
Wed, 03-07-2012, 04:26 AM
[Some totally useless garbage, yet again]Lo, Animeniax, defender of the weak and oppressed on the internet! I really don't think Bioware is going to have sex with you because you're protecting them. But I'm certain that they're very gracious you're doing your best to mitigate this issue for them. Maybe they'll give you an honorary vice-presidency at the company!
Call it a "trifling" issue, but it should be a huge embarrassment to Bioware. A mistake like this is immediately apparent upon starting the game. How it ever made it past beta testing should be alarming for a company of Bioware's experience and reputation.
It doesn't hurt PS3 players who started with ME2, doesn't hurt late adopters who followed the hype and started with ME2, doesn't hurt players who don't give a shit and just play with the defaults, it only hurt the players who have supported the series from the very beginning on PC and xbox and used the customization features that Bioware games are known for. It hurts their devoted fans, and that's why it is a significant issue. The fact that they never caught this problem before the game went gold, that's a big issue.
Wed, 03-07-2012, 09:26 AM
I'm not defending you or your trifling issues so...
Sorry that you feel the need to place yourself as the main character like you're actually living the game and saving the universe. I've never felt the need to live vicariously through my video game characters. But I hope it all works out for you and you get a $5 rebate on your next Bioware game.
Dark Dragon
Thu, 03-08-2012, 04:15 AM
Ever since ME1 came out, Bioware had been billing the whole series as "Everything you do matters, so be careful cause it'll matter in the next game." They've been telling people to keep their save datas for the previous 2 games because it'll make a difference in the end. If i'd bothered to keep my saves data and something like this happened, i'd be pissed too.
I don't see why you can't seem to understand that it's possible for someone to be upset over this. It might not seem like that big of a deal, but Bioware completely dropped the ball on this one and screwed up on one of their main selling point for the ME series.
Thu, 03-08-2012, 07:24 AM
I can understand them being annoyed over it, but talk about your FWPs. It's the skin for your character, not a major character attribute or ability that affects gameplay or the storyline. Your decisions and plot choices from the previous games will still be in effect.
Bioware just has to release a patch and problem solved.
Dark Dragon
Thu, 03-08-2012, 09:49 PM
I think the main thing that upset people is that Bioware is notorious for ignoring bug reports and customers complaints. The Bioware forum is pretty draconian and any criticism toward Bioware is often met with a ban.
For example, there have been a large amount of report that certain copies of the PC version of ME3 will not play any sound because there's some incompatibility issue with Realtek sound drivers. There is still no official response from Bioware regarding this issue, which is pretty unacceptable considering this is such a big game release. The fail character transfer is just another thing on top of all of these other issues.
Sat, 03-10-2012, 01:15 PM
Soooo i'm at the very end of the game, i'm not gonna spoil what they are but theres 4 "final" choices... and both the Paragon and the Renegade options was fucking GREYED OUT.
Edit: To clarify, what i'm referring to are the final conversation options, not the "ending selection" options (for lack of a better name).
Sat, 03-10-2012, 03:11 PM
Man, I'm thinking of reloading a save game 12 hours back, simply because I'm now back at the citadel after the tuchanka mission....and well I reallllllllly don't like what I told a certain someone last time I was here..this fucking sucks.
I think I'm just gonna play some MP for the rest of the night now...
Sat, 03-10-2012, 03:45 PM
Soooo i'm at the very end of the game, i'm not gonna spoil what they are but theres 4 "final" choices... and both the Paragon and the Renegade options was fucking GREYED OUT.
I'm about 12 hours in, and I've seen maybe...two paragon/renegade persuasion options at all. Kinda disappointing. I've had a few more quick-time ones, but generally, there hasn't been much.
I do wonder about the reputation system. Before, you could level up one of the powers that would give you a substantial (typically vital) boost to persuasion options. That's not really the case here. It boosts overall. I also get a lot of "reputation" points...which I guess boosts both gauges, which are now stacked on top of each other. you have to go all Renegade or all Paragon? Or do you get more access to Persuasion choices because the bar is larger as a whole? Because my bar is substantially more Renegade than Paragon, but both of the persuasion choices I was allowed were Paragon (no renegade persuasion option for those convos).
Sat, 03-10-2012, 03:54 PM
Btw, i think that whole "war effort" system sucks ass, i would have preferred it if they just scrapped that altogether and made more missions or added more to the story or something.
And FYI, the "Galactic Readiness" bit in the 'War Effort' stuff will NEVER go above 50%, UNLESS you play Multiplayer. Which is total and complete bullshit.
Sun, 03-11-2012, 07:43 AM
good thing I played MP first with my brother before I did anything else.
Sun, 03-11-2012, 09:49 AM
Is anyone using a game with a Liara Romance in the first ME? I exported my save from the PC to the 360, but ever since she showed up they never really talked about their relationship so i'm wondering if i screwed up.
Sun, 03-11-2012, 10:11 AM
Did you rekindle that romance in the ME2 Shadow Broker DLC? I'm guessing that that segment would import any romance options for Liara.
But I wouldn't get too worried yet. I imported a Kaiden-romance campaign, and he's been a little distant because he's still upset about the whole, "working for Cerberus," thing.
Sun, 03-11-2012, 10:15 AM
Nope, and i didn't keep it in ME2 either. Went for dat ass instead.
Sun, 03-11-2012, 10:44 AM
Well then you didn't have a liara romance, you broke it off idiot.
Tue, 03-13-2012, 05:21 PM
I tapped Liara in the first and then Miranda in the second and i was able to rekindle my romance with Liara. It will take some time before there is some time to speak about such things. Was a little heartbreaking to turn down Miranda. Almost wanted to slap my Shepard but then i realize I'm the one that made him do that. Well Liara feels much more worth it.
I have had no problems with the game so far. Thought the game was top notch except for the ending. Very anti-climactic to go though all that awesomeness to get those crappy endings. The ending felt very rushed. Bet it's EA thats to blame as usual. Probably wanted the game to be released a certain date and didn't care if it was ready or not. Just like DA2. I still can't believe EA got as big as they did when they only make crappy decisions and almost all games they do are shitty and everything they touch turns to shit.
Tue, 03-13-2012, 06:51 PM
It's disappointing but I found out ME3 isn't an open world game. I thought with the galaxy map and quest list you could pretty much go anywhere and do anything you want, like Skyrim. But it turns out you're pretty limited as to what you can do beyond the main quest.
Tue, 03-13-2012, 07:18 PM
It's disappointing but I found out ME3 isn't an open world game. I thought with the galaxy map and quest list you could pretty much go anywhere and do anything you want, like Skyrim. But it turns out you're pretty limited as to what you can do beyond the main quest.
Not that it wasn't obvious from your other woefully misinformed dumbass posts in this thread, but it's pretty obvious you never played a Bioware title, let alone a Mass Effect game before.
Tue, 03-13-2012, 07:24 PM
Not that it wasn't obvious from your other woefully misinformed dumbass posts in this thread, but it's pretty obvious you never played a Bioware title, let alone a Mass Effect game before.
Didn't Bioware make the Baldur's Gate series? That's an open world type game, if not quite as open as Skyrim, though the elements of openness are the same. That is, there are areas you wouldn't want to visit at lower levels because you would die. Case closed.
Tue, 03-13-2012, 07:36 PM
Just stop, before you humiliate yourself further.
Baldur's Gate is restricted in exactly the same way. You can't go to Baldur's Gate itself before you solve the issue with the Candlekeep, which you can't get back to without dealing with the Bandit Camp, which you can't get to without dealing with the iron mine, etc. The locations literally don't appear on the map until you've progressed the main storyline.
If you're talking about BG2, you only gain access to class-specific-quest related areas, but you can't get to the special city, which you can't get to until you've gone through the underdark, which you can't get to until you've gone to the asylum, which you can't get to without ending the thieves guild war, which you can't start until you have enough gold.
By the way, both games auto-level your opponents in any given area, so you can visit any of the accessible areas at any time, in any order. The challenge will be appropriate. (edit: So no, you don't die at lower levels.) But again, they're only unlocked with story progression.
Wed, 03-14-2012, 05:28 PM
Started the SP few days ago and now 19 hours later I *think* I'm nearing the end. (
for me ME3 is the best in the series... for the first time it really felt like my decisions are having an impact somewhere and somehow. I had a nice amount of Paragon/Renegade options too... probably around ~5-6 quicktimes (or more, didn't count) and ~7-8 renegade/paragon answers.
I'm full Paragon btw and I was able to choose between both options all the time.
that aside, I can't believe how much they fucked up Tali's-no-suit picture though... oh damn, that was so disappointing
to sum it up, the game was totally worth buying, the MP is decent enough for a few hours of fun, maybe DLC will make it better.
the SP is very climatic and it certainly had it moments where I was close to shed tears. I believe ME2 really did a good job in making you care for what is happening in ME3.
God I was *so* happy to see Garrus again, I can't even express how much I loved that bottle-shooting scene on the Citadel.
*I'm Garrus Vakarian and THIS is now my favorite spot on the Citadel"
awesome <3
Wed, 03-14-2012, 05:42 PM
Lets try and keep the spoilers to a minimum please, it's a wonder i haven't spoiled myself for the endings yet.
Wed, 03-14-2012, 07:43 PM
Lets try and keep the spoilers to a minimum please, it's a wonder i haven't spoiled myself for the endings yet.
Agreed. It's only been out for a week in the US, and less in Europe. Give some time for the completionists to get there. It's really a 35-40 hour game, and not all of us have the liberty to play it all day long.
It's bad enough I have to avoid every game news site article on ME3 because I know the comments are loaded with spoilers.
Sun, 03-18-2012, 05:11 PM
Well I finally got back from a 2 week field exercise(That's military for "play in the woods") and sat down to play this.
Long story short: I laughed, I cried, I smiled, and sighed. I couldn't have asked for anything better outside of whats being ranted on round the internet.
Best part of the game for me? The soundtrack. My God, even without Jack Wall they outdid themselves. They even got The Faunts to do a song for the credits. Badass.
Sun, 03-18-2012, 06:01 PM
I haven't really noticed the soundtrack in-game, but I guess that means it's working (like in DBZ before the Freeza Saga).
Something that's bugging me are the bugs in some missions. I can't tell if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a bug, so I end up searching for it online and sometimes get spoilers. One I've found for sure is the Hanar diplomat side quest. Supposedly if you leave Citadel before completing the mission, you lose the ability to complete the quest. That's not really a spoiler, just a warning.
I may have found another bug but it's minor, finding someone on Citadel who needs turret parts I found on mission.
Sun, 03-18-2012, 07:15 PM
Finished the game in 39 hours with everything done, and around 6000 EMS. Endings sucked, OST was good. Favorite has to be Leaving Earth (
Mon, 03-19-2012, 12:00 PM
Yeah, I couldn't complete the Hanar-quest either
I may have found another bug but it's minor, finding someone on Citadel who needs turret parts I found on mission.
what do you mean?
you can't find him? or the parts?
the guy is @ commons and for the parts...well I can't remember.
Endings sucked
the only problem I had with the ending was the normandy part.
and the green ending in general (doesn't make sense... at all)
thanks god that I chose the orange one as my first, got both "secret" (if you want to call them that) endings because of that too.
Mon, 03-19-2012, 12:43 PM
Yeah, I couldn't complete the Hanar-quest either
what do you mean?
you can't find him? or the parts?
the guy is @ commons and for the parts...well I can't remember.
I found out you have to wait until after another major event before you can complete the turret parts mission. That same major event clears the Hanar diplomat mission from your queue. Later, there's another "find the terminal" mission... not sure if that one is not completable if you leave the Citadel like with the Hanar diplomat mission, so I finished it before leaving the Citadel.
Wed, 03-21-2012, 03:30 PM
For those of you that has finished the game, and/or are aware of the reaction most people had to it, this might be an interesting read. (
Wed, 03-21-2012, 04:25 PM
not sure if want
even though the normandy part during the end-cinematic is totally retarted, I liked the orange/blue ending
would love to get additional explanations about the reapers though, I still don't know who or what created them.
and it's extremely weird that they themselves are AIs....if you consider their purpose.
by their own logic, they too, are bound to rebel against their creators.
Wed, 03-21-2012, 04:26 PM
I thought the green ending was awesome, i'm just sayin.
Wed, 03-21-2012, 04:42 PM
the green one doesn't make sense in my book
its extremely far fetched, pure fantasy, thus unrealistic (yeah I said it...) and poorly explained.
if they are going to change the ending, I wouldn't mind if they go for the indoctrination theory.
it would bring Harbringer back into the game, which I always thought as shepards archenemy.
Wed, 03-21-2012, 05:11 PM
Ending Parody video. So, yhea, if you havent guessed: SPOILERS.
Thu, 03-22-2012, 06:39 AM
Everyone who has beaten the game should watch this
I do really, really hope they intended all of it and are going to make it a little more obvious for the player. It would be enough to get the explanations *after* you made your decision (blue/red/green).
The way it is now, is simply not enough
that little video, made by a fan, is so much more intense than everything you encounter story wise in the game.
Thu, 03-22-2012, 09:40 AM
Everyone who has beaten the game should watch this
I do really, really hope they intended all of it and are going to make it a little more obvious for the player. It would be enough to get the explanations *after* you made your decision (blue/red/green).
The way it is now, is simply not enough
that little video, made by a fan, is so much more intense than everything you encounter story wise in the game.
Around 40% of that made sense, the rest reads like a conspiracy theorist's wet dream.
I considered the hypothesis of it all being in his head simply because of the dreams and the catalyst's avatar, the boy only Shepard could see. That said... i dunno, it's hard to tell if they're going somewhere with this or if it's just pretentious ambiguity.
Thu, 03-22-2012, 10:49 AM
That video is stupid long, I didn't even bother watching the first 10 seconds; watch this one instead:
Thu, 03-22-2012, 11:10 AM
That video is stupid long
but a lot better enacted and explained than that short one.
and its missing a lot of stuff too.
wouldn't mind having that 25minute video rolling on my screen after the credits (without the text below it of course)
Thu, 03-22-2012, 12:35 PM
the video is good, but I feel the 7 minute one conveys the exact same message; especially for people with short attention spans.
Thu, 03-22-2012, 04:18 PM
If people have managed to play through 3 ME games (maybe even multiple play-troughs) and get the ending they did i think they can get trough 21 minutes of awesomeness that gives you an speculated version of what was really happening. One that will make you satisfied with the ending you got if it turns out to be true.
BTW this means my Shepard lost to the indoctrination >_<. I might have to replay the ending and choose the "red" ending instead :P
Thu, 03-22-2012, 06:16 PM
Warning: Vague Spoilers
(Sooner or later we should be able to discuss it openly though.)
It was pretty obvious which color you were meant to pick. Even before I heard the Indoctrination theories, everything just seemed off about what was implied by the Catalyst. It was too cut and dry, too concise, too simple. Plus, I didn't spend the last 117 hours so I could make peace with the Reapers.
Sure I felt a little bad, but this was the only way to "win." The reward of the extra little scene aside from the Stargazer was worth it.
Screw the cycle, embrace chaos. It's that unpredictability that made Shepard successful in all previous endeavors. The drive to not simply follow what you are told, that what others tell you is always true, it is this that got Shepard promoted to Spectre in the first place! Otherwise everyone would have continued to believe Saren. If you picked any other ending besides Red, you were spitting in the face of your own Shepard.
Thu, 03-22-2012, 07:14 PM
No not really. I don't like to play games with others lives as the stakes. In this case the Geth and any synthetic would die. If the Geth had been evil i could have made en exception but as it turned out they where not. It was not my right to end the Reapers at the cost of dooming the Geth (and anyone else that was synthetic including all the people that was full on implants of different kinds because of medical procedures). So my Shepard chose to control the Reapers instead and send them to the edge of dark space to never return.
At my choice if Legion would upload the Reaper code to the Geth to give them true intelligence i chose to let him do it. I prepared myself for the fact that it might end the Quarians. After all it was the Quarians that was the aggressors. Even when you went there to help them so they could back off, they still attacked. So if they got wiped out it was their own fault. But since i was a "Godly Paragon of Peace" i was able to stop them from attacking ^^. But i didn't do all that just so i could sacrifice them to end the Reapers.
But since i think like that I guess the Reapers managed to indoctrinate me good O_o
Fri, 03-23-2012, 11:21 AM
Warning: Vague Spoilers
(Sooner or later we should be able to discuss it openly though.)
If you picked any other ending besides Red, you were spitting in the face of your own Shepard.
Warning: Vague Spoilers
so you were spitting on the geth and EDI then... and maybe on yourself too.
I made my shepard work hard to make others believe that these machines have "souls" and a right to *live*, but in the end, I've forsaken them and wiped them out... at least thats what the end sequence shows me (whether it actually happened or not is uncertain)
in general the catalys tells you this:
You destroy synthetics, you won't die (he doesn't mention it though, but he doesn't deny it either)
Reapers are dead and can't "save" the organics anymore
you sacrifice yourself, you become the new "commander" of the reapers, always able to intervene if you want to... you'll die though, you'll turn into a ghostly being.
Fri, 03-23-2012, 02:52 PM
Warning: Spoilers
(not vague ones!)
...and you believed them? That's downright shameful. It's as equally likely that the Shepard-Ghost will get corrupted, just as Illusive Man did. To think that one existence can control a force as insidious as the Reapers is the pinnacle of hubris, and you fell for it. Just watch it. You look like you're getting turned into a husk.
As for who you lose in choosing the Red ending, I've made plenty of sacrifices throughout the trilogy, ones that I certainly didn't want to do. What's one more group for the sake of trillions?
ME3 is an entire game of hard choices. I already had to let the Quarians all die for their aggressions, despite my best efforts. I replayed that whole section just to see what I had done wrong, couldn't change it. Sacrificing the Geth for everyone else wasn't that hard, because Legion was already dead. It's hard to sympathize with the other Geth. EDI was a regrettable loss, but this game showed us plenty of times that you can't save everyone.
Fri, 03-23-2012, 03:36 PM
Oh please don't pretend now that you knew what was going on, you chose destroy because you believed it would destroy them...guess what, it didn't; you chose destroy because you believed it would be acceptable to sacrifice the geth and EDI (even though she's not synthetic life). Believing and choosing control is just as much as a valid decision if you believed and chose destroy.
Synthesis however is arguably even worse than the worst (4th) ending and everyone who chose that has betrayed everything shepard fought for.
You never cared for legion or what the geth had become, so ofcourse you chose destroy ending; everyone else that valued the geth as much or more than the quarians and believed in saving as many lives as possible and peaceful solutions (paragon shepard) however, couldn't possibly choose to throw them away, unless they were completely aware of what was going on...which you weren't, don't lie, we discussed this ;P.
So yeah cool that your complete emotional detachment from legion/geth made you indifferent to their supposed deaths, but basing your final choice on that (which you did), doesn't make it any more valid than the people who chose control.
Fri, 03-23-2012, 04:05 PM
Oh please don't pretend now that you knew what was going on, you chose destroy because you believed it would destroy them...guess what, it didn't; you chose destroy because you believed it would be acceptable to sacrifice the geth and EDI (even though she's not synthetic life). Believing and choosing control is just as much as a valid decision if you believed and chose destroy.
Synthesis however is arguably even worse than the worst (4th) ending and everyone who chose that has betrayed everything shepard fought for.
It's a perfectly cromulent argument. The catalyst doesn't want you to choose Destroy. It's very dismissive of that option, making the implication that the chaos that would come would be somehow worse than the chaos the Reaper presence has been causing ever since Saren found I'm going to believe something that is proud that it created the Reaper Cycle. Of course it doesn't want me to destroy its creations, it believed that the Reapers were the only solution.
It is the least trustworthy source.
I cared for Legion, just not as much as you did. I liked EDI too, like I said, that one I felt bad about (until I saw Joker flying the Normandy in a ME field, fleeing Earth at top speed...then I didn't feel so guilty). That means he wasn't killing Reapers in orbit like he said he would be doing!
Sat, 03-24-2012, 07:03 AM
Oh please don't pretend now that you knew what was going on, you chose destroy because you believed it would destroy them...guess what, it didn't; you chose destroy because you believed it would be acceptable to sacrifice the geth and EDI (even though she's not synthetic life). Believing and choosing control is just as much as a valid decision if you believed and chose destroy.
pretty much this
I went for red for only one reason: revenge.
if it turns out to be the right/paragon endingg, then even better
I didn't want to control them, for what reason would I want to control them, if I can wipe them out...especially since I have to give up everything else, I didn't want that
I wanted to be with Garrus, Tali and Liara even more. (man that last conversation with garrus, brings back a tear into my eye)
but killing the geth in the process made me feel guilty as fuck.
however, it never came into my mind that everything is just a dream when I stood infront of the device.
the only 2 things which were extremely fishy to me were
Anderson on the Citadel:
How did he get there, what the... he was not there..., how did he manage to reach the console before me, there was only a single way to reach that damn thing!
but I was like.. "meh poor writing"
Child-holo= Device
Why does it look like a random dead kid on Earth.. did it read my mind and manifested as something I know/knew?
and I don't believe anyone who says that they came up with the indoctrination theory themselves :P
(it's probably not even true in the first place)
Sat, 03-24-2012, 07:59 AM
Spoilers, obviously.
Not once have I ever said I came up with the Indoctrination theory on my own. I am just easily convinced by it given the plot holes left open in the ending. I stated explicitly that before I saw those videos (even with the myriad of flaws in some of their logic, like the stuff saying that Anderson isn't talking to the IM...right...) that everything felt off. Nothing specifically, just wrong. There are chatlogs on IRC to prove it, I thought the kid was a ghost of PTSD before DS sent me the link to the video (7 min version), I never considered Indoctrination as a possibility until I watched it (and described it as a "compelling" argument). The catalyst was manipulating you, but it didn't dawn on me that it was part of indoctrination, just simple, straightforward persuasive manipulation and lying by omission.
I believe the ending is the result of poor, last minute writing. One should always write a beginning, an end, and fill in the middle. Bioware has been pretty clear that they didn't do that. They were settling on an ending right up to the last minute. With all the odd statements coming out of Bioware regarding the uproar, perhaps it is by luck alone they left gaps enough for fans to come up with the Indoctrination theory, something that hopefully Bioware will adopt in their "clarifications" DLC.
The inky tentacles were more likely written to be the IM's full reaper-tech enhanced capabilities. Sure, he's indoctrinated, but all the Sanctuary, Collector Base, and other reaper tech he's found allowed him to turn himself into a half-assed Reaper, much like the ME2 human reaper was going to become. We know quite well that the smaller Reapers are controlled by the Dreadnought Reapers (such as Sovereign and Harbinger). Saren had similar levels of control over Benezia and the like, granted to him through Sovereign. His suicide (or dismay such that you get to shoot him) is just meant as an homage to Saren's, not some elaborately crafted allusion using Shepard's memories so Shep's subconscious can believe it has defeated the more obvious reaper indoctrination shadow to let his guard down.
The fact that Anderson gets there first? Sloppy writing to re-create the dramatic showdown scene. The parts of the citadel that remind us of previous things Shepard has done, similar to the way the Geth created a scene that Shepard could comprehend? Lazy reuse of assets. Something Bioware certainly has a reputation for by now (Both ME1 and DA2).
That nothing you did throughout the games is mentioned by the catalyst? The effect of last minute writing/coding. No time to pull in those flags and assets, since they ran out of time to write the ending (again, admitted by Hudson that they were going back and forth up to the last possible minute, and the game was delayed slightly anyway).
Sun, 03-25-2012, 02:21 PM
I chose the blue ending, maybe because I wasn't aware of the full ME story background and importance of indoctrination, maybe because I liked the idea of controlling a vast reaper army to wage war on the universe. I didn't even realize there was a third option.
I'm not sure why so many people question how Anderson gets to the console before Shepard. Clearly he's in much better condition than Shepard at that point (Shepard is bleeding and dragging ass, meanwhile Anderson seems unhurt), so movement would be easier for him.
Sun, 03-25-2012, 02:23 PM
its because there is only a single way to reach that console, and shepard is bound to see him when he's moving towards it.
that aside, he shouldn't be on the citadell in the first place, he wasn't with you when you charged towards the beam.
for the third ending, you'll only be able to choose it if you managed to get a certain amount of war assets.
Sun, 03-25-2012, 02:36 PM
The way Shepard described what he saw while talking to Anderson on the radio made it sound like Anderson was just way ahead of him in getting to the console. He mentions seeing areas that Anderson already talked about on his trek through the Citadel. Anderson charged in with everyone else, it was an all-out assault to get to the beam. I don't see why Anderson wouldn't have been charging too, though he's old and in command.
I had almost 100% war assets (only 50% galactic readiness because I didn't play MP), and completed every mission before the attack on Cerberus. The third option wasn't presented by the ghost boy, but I guess I could have walked into the beam anyway?
Sun, 03-25-2012, 03:42 PM
I had almost 100% war assets (only 50% galactic readiness because I didn't play MP), and completed every mission before the attack on Cerberus. The third option wasn't presented by the ghost boy, but I guess I could have walked into the beam anyway?Galactic readiness applies a multiplier to your war assets. 50% Readiness means you're going into the final battle with (War Assets x .5), effectively halving your strength. Or something like that. It's probably not that severe, but it is significant.
This is why people were a bit upset about MP's effect on SP. You're forced to play, or do every possible side quest to avoid the bad endings.
edit: Also that the number drops by 1% per day below 80%, and substantially faster above 80%.
Sun, 03-25-2012, 09:05 PM
you don't need to do every possible sidequest, you need ~5000 units with 50% or ~3000 units with 100%, I did everything I could while actually still missing 2 things and still got ~7000 units.
Sun, 03-25-2012, 09:08 PM
Aye, the boring stuff is totally skipable. That said, you're a bitch if you don't do your best to have all of the galaxy at your side for your battle against Marauder Shields.
Sun, 03-25-2012, 10:41 PM
edit: Also that the number drops by 1% per day below 80%, and substantially faster above 80%.
Chances are though if you took the time to play the 12-15 MP games that got you to 100% in the first place then you probably play regularly.
Also, the M99-Saber in Multiplayer is a fucking monster. It carries teams.
Mon, 03-26-2012, 12:22 AM
It's funny but if you use weapons, Cerberus seems like the easiest. If you use Salarian Infiltrator, Geth seem easiest due to being synthetic. And if you use biotic powers Reapers seem easiest.
I personally feel Black Widow owns M99. I know M99 is strong but i feel BW have M99 beat on all accounts except the clip size. Better damage, better armor penetration, better accuracy and attachment to see though smoke. Only once i chose M99 for is Sentinel (and warrior if i chose to play it sometime) and since they nerfed the Falcon it might be my new weapon for my Engineer too. But that is basically just because i feel those classes should not be played with a weapon that zooms. if i could chose to remove the scope on the BW i would probably just go with that on them too.
Mon, 03-26-2012, 03:12 AM
Chances are though if you took the time to play the 12-15 MP games that got you to 100% in the first place then you probably play regularly.
True, but it is a problem for people who can't play as regularly, like people with families for instance. I ran it up on a Saturday, then finished the game on a Sunday, and I could play it all day. There are a lot of gamers out there who can't play more than an hour a night nowadays. It's kinda hard to build it up for the SP finale when it keeps going down. It was a poor design decision to force people to keep playing MP. If it was like a week before it dropped, it wouldn't be a problem at all.
It's funny but if you use weapons, Cerberus seems like the easiest. If you use Salarian Infiltrator, Geth seem easiest due to being synthetic. And if you use biotic powers Reapers seem easiest.
Reapers are definitely easiest with biotics period, but I find Geth to be the hardest generally. Cerberus you need a mix of all three, mostly because of Guardians (most easily dealt with by biotic pull or statis) and overloads to quickly short Centurion, Nemesis, and Phantom shields. Guardians are a pain in the ass without a biotic, large sink of time and ammo to take out one unless you shoot through the mailslot or savage them with a M-300 point blank.
Geth on the other hand can be difficult even with techs. The mix of rocket troopers every wave and hunters nearly every wave make it hard for any team not actively and vigilantly managing their own defense. It can become trivial for the geth to get devastating crossfire on your team while hacking. Rocket troopers pin everyone down and then the hunters run through. Sure, super-solo capable Infiltrator makes it easy, but they make everything easy.
Mon, 03-26-2012, 11:23 AM
The black widow is great, but I still prefer the widow to everything else; the sheer damage on it is just crazy.
The N7 valiant is also an awesome sniper rifle which I prefer to the black widow, sure it doesn't have the crazy damage/penetration but it does have a lot of ammo, multiple clips in the round and a super fast reload.
I only tend to use assault rifles when I'm using the sentinel, otherwise it's just sniper or pistol; arc pistol/carnifex/paladin just wreck shit.
Also the salarian infiltrator and the asari adept are by far the 2 best classes in the game, those 2 have all the tools needed to ruin any enemy class. After that the human vanguard ofcourse, though that will probably change soon with the upcoming dlc that includes the krogan vanguard/geth infiltrator.
Mon, 03-26-2012, 12:09 PM
Reapers are definitely easiest with biotics period, but I find Geth to be the hardest generally.Sure, super-solo capable Infiltrator makes it easy, but they make everything easy.
*Quarian* infiltrator
sabotage pyro/primes/rocket trooper
G_G so much fun, especially if there are 2 around, Geth Primes are the weakest of all the huge enemies (Banshee/Atlas/Prime)
3-4 hits are enough to finish them off as infiltrator on silver.
2000/2200 points ea. kill
Cebrberus is a problem because of phantoms, and the turrets
you can handle the turrets somehow as long as you don't rush things, but phantoms are fucking broken
good to handle with sniper rifles though, but still damn broken
The black widow is great, but I still prefer the widow to everything else; the sheer damage on it is just crazy.
do they have different damage-stats?
Mon, 03-26-2012, 12:18 PM
Yes, the widow does more raw damage, the BW has more shots before reload; just like the paladin has more raw damage, but the carnifex has a bigger clip.
Mon, 03-26-2012, 12:50 PM
I prefer the Javelin to all the other sniper rifles. Sees through smoke and walls and penetrates walls/smoke by default.
Mon, 03-26-2012, 01:06 PM
isn't the smoke part scope specific and the penetration part also true for the widow?
Mon, 03-26-2012, 01:13 PM
No, the other rifles need the sniper scope mod for seeing through smoke, the javelin also has the highest penetration but it does less damage per shot compared to the widow, it also shoots slower; that little charge up before each shot bugs me. Also seeing through smoke is highly overrated imo.
Mon, 03-26-2012, 01:51 PM
I like the charge up. It keeps me from wasting a shot if the target jukes right before I fire.
Mon, 03-26-2012, 02:45 PM
how does that help, it could happen 0,5 seconds later and the charge-up would be the reason why you missed the target
I haven't used it yet (neither SP nor MP) but a sniper-user with the same timing as you should be faster because of that.
do you guys play MP often?
Its pretty boring imho... its hard to play more than 2 games in a row, its so repetitive, it takes too long to buy spectre packs (~-30-40 minutes on silver.. 2x15-20mins for around 30k credits each).
its difficult to motivate myself to unlock more stuff,even less motivating when the store fucks up again and eats up my credits.
they should've made more game-modes, or at least more objectives.
on the long run, the MP is really a poor excuse... I should be glad that there is a MP part in the first place, but I'm not.... they shouldn't have wasted time on this and go for a better ending.
hell, even another L4D-clone would be fine by me... but this? I was able to get a few hours of fun out of it, but now, what can I say, I expected more.
and I'm still annoyed by the fact that I spent so much time rescuing squads and ships all over the galaxy just so they would add to some numbers in the war-room.
where was my geth-prime-squad during the assault on earth, my asari biotic commando.
Oh man, I went to earth, *totally* expecting something along Dragon Age 1 where I was able to call in reinforcements when things got ugly.
but things did not get ugly, "hardcore" is as easy as "medium" in ME2, even though they said things are going to be one step more difficult as in ME2 (Medium becomes Easy, Hard becomes Medium etc.) and I didn't see any of the dreadnoughts, Squads, Fighters I rescued.
and seriously now
+ weapon damage on armor
+ weapon damage on passive skills
+ weapon damage on active skills
+ weapon damage on passive upgrades
+ weapon damage on weapon mods
+ weapon damage on squad-power-bonuses
+ health / armor / shield / barrier damage on ammo-powers?
I went for the Vindicator and there was not a single reason to ever drop that weapon again.
1-2 burst were enough to kill any normal enemy in the game.
now after seeing how well the Mattlock preforms in MP I don't want to imagine the pain it can deal in SP
Mon, 03-26-2012, 03:00 PM
G_G so much fun, especially if there are 2 around, Geth Primes are the weakest of all the huge enemies (Banshee/Atlas/Prime)
3-4 hits are enough to finish them off as infiltrator on silver.
I feel like it is class dependent. I've soloed Banshee's (while the rest of the team is doing other things, killing other things) with both Human Adepts and Human Engineers, the latter being substantially easier (did it at lvl 6 engineer). All you need is an SMG for the adept and a pistol for the Engineer, firing and backing away the whole time. Spam Warp once the barrier is down from SMG fire, or spam Overload while the barrier is up, and Incinerate when it's down. It goes faster if the Adept can get a biotic combo from some little grunt unit. Atlases are cake for the engineer too. Geth Primes aren't so much of an issue as the rocket troopers and hunters that always tag along. Their shields prevent hitting them with Singularity, and the Prime's drones catch the Overload more often than not.
Also seeing through smoke is highly overrated imo.
Yeah, but the feeling of nailing the Centurion in the head when he's prancing about thinking he's safe is worth it. The headless orange outline is priceless. :D
Tue, 03-27-2012, 12:09 AM
So are MP matches only vs computer? Are there free-for-all human vs human matches? I played four matches against computer waves of enemies, got my galactic readiness rating up to 64%. No my chances at winning the war at even.
Tue, 03-27-2012, 12:55 AM
how does that help, it could happen 0,5 seconds later and the charge-up would be the reason why you missed the target
I haven't used it yet (neither SP nor MP) but a sniper-user with the same timing as you should be faster because of that.
The charge up has saved more shots than it's cost me by a long shot. It also gives me time to realign the shot to the victims head if needed.
Right now I'm playing a Quarian Infiltrator w/ the Javelin(Barrel and Ammo mods) and the M99-Saber(Barrel and stability mods). I use the Jav for the first few shots of the round then switch to the M99 as the enemy inevitably closes. If I have good positioning on the map I can usually crank out 1-3 salvos of double head shots before going to the M99.
Overall it's a trade off of what you want when it comes to the Jav, widow, and black widow.
The Jav plays better to my strengths and that's why I use it.
Edit: Well jav lost 50% of it's ammo today....but it got a 30% damage buff...WOOWOO.
Tue, 04-10-2012, 04:13 AM
Question regarding co-op:
I'm currently just about to finish ME1, bringing my save into ME2, eventually bringing that into ME3. That's the idea, right?
Anyway, I've bought ME3 now at a decent price so I can play co-op with friends in the meantime. I hope to take advantage of the benefits that playing co-op will give to you in ME3's single player. However obviously until I finish ME2 and import my save, I won't have an ME3 SP game to benefit at all.
So my question is, how does it work? Should I simply create a SP file in M3E despite not being up to it yet, play co-op for the benefits, and later on import my ME2 file when it's ready? Or is the only time I can import an ME2 file when I initially create an ME3 game, and thus all this time I'll be playing ME3's co-op on an empty SP file?
There appears to be no documentation on this from what I can see. :(
Tue, 04-10-2012, 04:35 AM
the co-op will benefit all your future SP campaigns in ME3 (and the ones you've already created)
you don't have to create a SP character first.
I played Co-op first for the 100% rating myself before I started SP
Tue, 04-10-2012, 06:32 AM
Thanks. I can see how it works now, actually loading the game after installing it *facepalm* although apparently your efforts deteriorate over time. I'd better hurry up then. :p
Tue, 04-10-2012, 07:46 AM
Thanks. I can see how it works now, actually loading the game after installing it *facepalm* although apparently your efforts deteriorate over time. I'd better hurry up then. :p
Is that what's happening? I get my galaxy readiness rating to 100%, then the next day when I log in, it's dropped a few points.
MP is fun, but I've been in some games where people don't work together, don't revive teammates, and just spend all their time getting all the kills.
Tue, 04-10-2012, 05:05 PM
Yea the readiness drops 3(or 6, don't remember) % per day between 100%-80%. Once under 80% it drops 1 % per day. But the readiness don't matter until the final attack on earth. So once you have done everything and is about to attack earth just go play MP to 100% and then go attack earth with a readiness of 100%.
If you play on bronze it's quite common that people don't work together if you have someone that is lvl14 or higher because if they specced their class right they can basically solo the entire game on bronze lvl so they don't care about what others do. Cerberus is the only threat on bronze with phantoms that nullify biotics, have crazy range damage and lethal 1shot melee. Other then that there is nothing to worry about. On silver you sometimes run to revive someone in a bad position but on gold it's just stupidity that makes someone die away from the team in the first place. If you die next to your team and they still don't revive, no matter the difficuly they are just assholes.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 12:20 PM
Still enjoying ME3 MP, but finding more people who won't bother reviving teammates. A couple games ago these two kids wouldn't revive me but when one of them was hurt the other complained on voice chat that I should revive him. After the match they voted to kick me. Dumbasses.
I don't like the 20 level limit but I guess the point of MP is to master fighting strategies, not build a character. But with 20 levels you can only max out 4 of the 5 powers.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 01:13 PM
That's the point.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 07:30 PM
It couldn't be both? Short-sighted.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 08:32 PM
Both what?
The point of the level 20 limit is so that different people have different builds of characters that aren't godly by themselves and rely on teamwork.
It's fucking called "co-op" for a reason, 1 person wins, every person wins; XP and money is completely shared, if you can't understand the "co-op" aspect of the co-op MP then you are just a fucking dumbass and you should just go back to playing mindless matches of COD instead.
You can either go 6/6/6/6/0 or 6/6/6/5/3, deal with it.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 08:48 PM
Both what?
The point of the level 20 limit is so that different people have different builds of characters that aren't godly by themselves and rely on teamwork.
It's fucking called "co-op" for a reason, 1 person wins, every person wins; XP and money is completely shared, if you can't understand the "co-op" aspect of the co-op MP then you are just a fucking dumbass and you should just go back to playing mindless matches of COD instead.
You can either go 6/6/6/6/0 or 6/6/6/5/3, deal with it.
Try some xanax, then some viagra. Wow you must hate life. Every little thing just sets you off on a tirade. If you don't want to answer the question, then don't. As is, your little rant just makes me think it's an even dumber system than I previously thought. Co-op MP isn't one thing for all people and all types of players. Sorry your world has to be so confined and exact or you get all bent out of shape. Some of us want other options in life and in a video game. They could easily make scenarios that are tougher for higher level characters. Guess what, that would still require some teamwork. Instead there's a shitty level cap so you have to play another class that isn't your style. It's not like teamwork is important in the SP. So you're whole point that MP is to teach kids how to work together is bullshit. GARSH!
Mon, 04-16-2012, 10:49 PM
It's hilarious how fucking retarded you are.
Try some xanax, then some viagra.
If you are trying to tell me to calm down then don't, my bloodpressure is 120/70 i.e. perfect.
Wow you must hate life. Every little thing just sets you off on a tirade.
No not really, I just hate the abysmal quality of your shitposts, and I'm not the only one.
Co-op MP isn't one thing for all people and all types of players.
Actually yes, yes it is; you are cooperating with multiple players for a common goal, I'm truly baffled by how the words "Co-op MP" can mean something entirely different for you.
Some of us want other options in life and in a video game.
Then go play a different game.
They could easily make scenarios that are tougher for higher level characters. Guess what, that would still require some teamwork.
Guess what, that's exactly what the silver and gold difficulties are for, most level 20 characters can easily solo a game in bronze (stop playing bronze idiot), and bronze is exactly the "scenario" for players to learn how the game plays.
So if you don't want teamwork stick with bronze and don't suck, if you actually want to play the game like it's supposed to, up the difficulty.
Instead there's a shitty level cap so you have to play another class that isn't your style.
Lol, every class is completely viable in it's own way chump, learn2play.
It's not like teamwork is important in the SP. So you're whole point that MP is to teach kids how to work together is bullshit. GARSH!
I never said anything about teaching anyone anythng.
SMH...SP is SP and MP is MP, but I have to say, you trying to compare the godlike one man vs the galaxy character in SP to nameless special forces who die all the time in said SP is quite hilarious indeed
Mon, 04-16-2012, 11:03 PM
It's hilarious how fucking retarded you are.
If you are trying to tell me to calm down then don't, my bloodpressure is 120/70 i.e. perfect.
No not really, I just hate the abysmal quality of your shitposts, and I'm not the only one.
Actually yes, yes it is; you are cooperating with multiple players for a common goal, I'm truly baffled by how the words "Co-op MP" can mean something entirely different for you.
Guess what, that's exactly what the silver and gold difficulties are for, most level 20 characters can easily solo a game in bronze (stop playing bronze idiot), and bronze is exactly the "scenario" for players to learn how the game plays.
So if you don't want teamwork stick with bronze and don't suck, if you actually want to play the game like it's supposed to, up the difficulty.
Lol, every class is completely viable in it's own way chump, learn2play.
I never said anything about teaching anyone anythng.
SMH...SP is SP and MP is MP, but I have to say, you trying to compare the godlike one man vs the galaxy character in SP to nameless special forces is quite hilarious indeed
Basically any post that doesn't agree with your microscopic worldview is a shitpost. But people think your posts are shit too, and unnecessarily assholish too boot. Think about your life and how good it is or isn't, then wonder why it sucks if you're right all the time and about everything. Of course you won't, so let's get back to the game.
Co-op MP doesn't mean each person has to be an exact complement to the other members of his team in order for them to be successful. Different methods work, even if two guys are rambos and the other two are sticks in the mud like you. You can win with 4 sentinels but you can also win with 4 vanguard characters. The goal may be common, but the methods to achieve those goals is different for each player. I'll often run off on my own, effectively drawing away several enemy units while teammates finish the objective. Or we can all sit at the objective and get rushed by the swarms of enemies. There are lots of ways to play, try some besides your usual safe plays.
Of course you think all the character types are equally viable but that's not the point. When you created your Shepard character, you're forced to pick a class that makes the character your own. But in MP you have to try other classes even if you don't care to because they aren't the type of fighter you'd be. It'd be like asking campwhore snipers to try playing assault or medic in CoD or BF.
Nice work pointing out the one grammatical error in my previous post. Your English ain't bad for a foreigner.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 11:23 PM
Basically any post that doesn't agree with your microscopic worldview is a shitpost. But people think your posts are shit too, and unnecessarily assholish too boot.
No not really, just your posts.
And yes I'm an asshole, I knew that already.
Think about your life and how good it is or isn't
My life is quite awesome, but thanks once again for assuming it isn't
Co-op MP doesn't mean each person has to be an exact complement to the other members of his team in order for them to be successful.
Reading comprehension failure
The point of the level 20 limit is so that different people have different builds of characters that aren't godly by themselves and rely on teamwork.
I never said anything about people being exact complements anywhere, please don't put words in my mouth (again).
Different methods work, even if two guys are rambos and the other two are sticks in the mud like you.
I'm a stick in the mud? Aww, and here I thought I was carrying teams filled with idiots like you...silly me
You can win with 4 sentinels but you can also win with 4 vanguard characters. The goal may be common, but the methods to achieve those goals is different for each player. I'll often run off on my own, effectively drawing away several enemy units while teammates finish the objective. Or we can all sit at the objective and get rushed by the swarms of enemies. There are lots of ways to play, try some besides your usual safe plays.
I don't recall ever saying anything that contested this, but thanks for the lesson.
Of course you think all the character types are equally viable but that's not the point. When you created your Shepard character, you're forced to pick a class that makes the character your own. But in MP you have to try other classes even if you don't care to because they aren't the type of fighter you'd be.
Uhm, what? There is no reason for you to play any class other than the one you want to play.
My soldier got to level 8 only because I kept unlocking XP in the spectre packs for it, meanwhile all my other classes were level 20; I only started playing soldier when I unlocked the Batarian.
So who is forcing you to play what class again?
Nice work pointing out the one grammatical error in my previous post. Your English ain't bad for a foreigner.
Haha I sincerely hope you don't think the internet is a nation that belongs to the US, otherwise I might just have to take offense by your use of the word "foreigner" ;D.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 11:50 PM
Yeah my posts are the only ones you get all whiny and angsty over.
You can't even max out the stats on any of the MP character classes. Why not allow that at the least? And MP in any game works fine with higher level characters... just increase the power or number of enemies, same as in any MP game. CoD allows multiple prestiges and leveling up to 80.
Once your class hits 20 in ME3, you can maybe play the female or other race (once you unlock it by buying packs). Otherwise you're forced to play another class if you want the exp to be worth anything.
And talk about reading comp fail. You corrected me on an English grammar mistake, hence my comment about you being a foreigner with good English. Dumb foreigner.
Tue, 04-17-2012, 12:20 AM
Yeah my posts are the only ones you get all whiny and angsty over.
I don't get "whiny and angsty" about anything, don't let my foul mouth fool you; I just don't give a fuck ;D.
You can't even max out the stats on any of the MP character classes. Why not allow that at the least? And MP in any game works fine with higher level characters... just increase the power or number of enemies, same as in any MP game. CoD allows multiple prestiges and leveling up to 80.
Wow just wow....:godzillafacepalm:
How you managed to miss this is beyond me:
Guess what, that's exactly what the silver and gold difficulties are for, most level 20 characters can easily solo a game in bronze (stop playing bronze idiot), and bronze is exactly the "scenario" for players to learn how the game plays.
So if you don't want teamwork stick with bronze and don't suck, if you actually want to play the game like it's supposed to, up the difficulty.
If you want to prestige so badly,'s called promote
Once your class hits 20 in ME3, you can maybe play the female or other race (once you unlock it by buying packs). Otherwise you're forced to play another class if you want the exp to be worth anything.
if you care so much about XP in this game then you are once again completely missing the point of how the game is supposed to be played...(*hint* it has something to do with money).
And talk about reading comp fail. You corrected me on an English grammar mistake, hence my comment about you being a foreigner with good English. Dumb foreigner.
Wow just wow again, I really hope you are trolling, otherwise you are without a doubt the biggest retard on the forum.
Tue, 04-17-2012, 03:13 AM
I think it's pretty obvious why Ani isn't getting revived during matches.
Unless you are an infiltrator, running off in the other direction to "draw fire" while your teammates complete the objective is stupid. Like, really stupid. You ever notice that little ticker doling out xp every second while you all sit on the hacking areas? It increases substantially when all four are there compared to just three. As for the other objectives, the whole team had better be hunting the VIPs or you will fail (together on higher difficulties because it's always Banshees or equivalent), and there's no difference in the third type, but you can complete the objectives too instead of running around killing enemies, since the XP on the 4 individual hacks are also substantial.
On bronze, you shouldn't even get killed once if you're level 12 or above. It's called playing as a team.
If the rest of the team sucks, quit once the match is over and find someone else. Otherwise play Silver. If the team doesn't work together, you'll all be dead by round 4, so you can find a new team faster.
You can't max out the abilities because you are meant to compliment each other. Hell, I barely use two of the button-mapped abilities the majority of the matches.
Oh, and what's the highest reward each match can offer? Full Extraction. Stop running off and pretending you should solo, and you might get revived more often. Or play Bronze solo and save a spot on the good teams for the rest of us.
Tue, 04-17-2012, 05:45 AM
Lol you bicker like an old married couple. That hate and wanna kill each other that is. I feel like the level20 cap is good. It gives more options on building your characters. Lets take the Asari adept as an example. If you could max her out then the only option you would have is what weapon to use. But with the level 20 cap you get at least 5 builds that is strong. The glass cannon build 6/6/6/5/3, which can be played in two different ways. Either with a sniper/heavy weapon for accurate and high powered shots to use with Stasis field, or a heavy pistol for low cooldown. Then you have the 6/6/0/6/6 which gives you Stasis and warp combo that can get of Biotic Explotions on weaker enemys that can be trapped and crowd control and warp against the bigger once. This once can also be played with either a heavy weapon for 1hit headshots in stasis or a light weapon for fast cooldown. Then you have my favorite, the 0/6/6/6/6, with an Heavy Pistol for continuous Biotic Explosions spam that will melt the stronger ones.
Some classes i feel are more limited to begin with like the Sentinel. If you're not gonna pick Tech Armor why go with Sentinel at all. I have seen some Human Sentinels that go warp and throw. I guess it's for those that hasn't unlocked the Asari Adept but if you have every class that just isn't a viable spec in my opinion. So IMO this is limited to 2 different speccs. Either the 6/6/6/5/3 which i don't think is a good match because the Sentinel is a tank with his armor and the 6 points in HP-passive skill is needed to make him truly awesome. The other one being the 6/6or0/0or6/6/6. The Sentinel should always have a heavy weapon like Saber because he has a long cooldown to begin with because of his armor so even with a light weapon you can't depend on power damage to be your main damage.
I agree with most of what Ryll says but as for the hacking objective i find it much more safe to have only 2 standing in the zone and 2 taking up other positions outside (prefer Infiltrators and Adepts for this) clearing paths so the ones hacking only get enemys from one path. And if the get over run at the hacking zone the can retreat out to the safe path covered but the other 2. And then they can all 4 go in and clear the zone again. Team work baby ;)
Tue, 04-17-2012, 08:59 AM
MP bores me to death by now, I'm not touching it again until they add new modes.
the credit-eating-store doesn't help either
probably *lost* over a million credits by now. Didn't get the new character-package either
not to mention the "unlock reset"-bug which was going around during the early days when you tried to purchase stuff while being marked "ready".
the funny thing is, you probably have the most fun whenever you play bronze with 1 or max. 2 friend
as it is the only difficulty where you are able to move around freely without hugging cover 24/7.
the last 10 gold matches I had were nothing but sniping for heads from cover, over and over again.
the soldier class, which is one of the most fun to play, is (compared to others) just weak and useless (assault rifles are outclassed by heavy pistoles, shotguns and widows)
its a real shame and outrageous that Soldiers arn't even able to skill disruptor/piercing ammo or something like that.
Tue, 04-17-2012, 10:26 AM
They added a couple maps, but it's not enough to keep people interested. I'm surprised there are people with 300-400 games. One badass I played with on gold has 400 games and scored 100k points in the 9 rounds we survived. I'm at 80 games and still enjoy it enough but can't see how people play it that long. Pretty much you just keep playing so you can buy packs and hope for the best weapons and perks.
Agreed about the higher levels, you can't do much but stay in cover and snipe. You basically have to play infiltrator if you want to be able to move freely at all.
Tue, 04-17-2012, 12:39 PM
Whenever I play soldier/engineer/vanguard on higher difficulties I move around freely all the time, heck I was moving around freely with a level 8 batarian soldier on silver, with the krogans it's even worse since I can just run around and punch people in the face till like wave 6...soo dunno about this hugging walls 24/7 crap.
And human sentinel has another build: 6/5/3 or 6/3/5; just use powers with this build until you feel like you actually need the tech armour.
Tue, 04-17-2012, 03:50 PM
you can walk around freely when there are 3 phantoms and ~2 atlases on the field (and ya that amount is actually walking on the field, depending on the wave)
or 4 geth hunter, rocket troopers and 2 gethprimes, i don't think so, never saw anyone running around on gold and survive, in fact everyone who does will pretty much lose you the game.
Manguard might be able to do it, but thats because of their "invincibility" frames whenever they use nova/charge.
not to mention that they are the most boring to play of them all.
Tue, 04-17-2012, 04:34 PM
A krogan will kill any enemy that isn't a boss in 1 hit, even phantoms drop in 1 hit; Ravagers go down in 2 and I think brutes as well, maybe 3.
Which pretty much means krogan vanguard don't care, krogan vanguard don't give a fuck.
And I said move around freely, not move around solo; if you move around in pairs or with the whole team you can just keep moving while mowing down everything.
This was especially true when in my last game I played a batarian soldier and paired up with a salarian engineer, said engineer's decoy ability is absolutely freaking broken when paired up with a powerhouse like the boldier; we just walked around destroying everything in sight.
But yeah I said this is mostly true till like after wave 6, when things just get insane with 4 banshees and 5 brutes walking around.
People have actually solo'd gold with the krogan/asari vanguard and the salarian infiltrator. So if you just play smart you can move around as much as you want.
Oh and the Geth infiltrator is far far far more broken than the manguard, spec him for pure melee damage like a krogan and watch entire rooms just die when you use heavy melee.
Wed, 04-18-2012, 03:47 PM
I haven't played so much lately but i have gotten Batarian Soldier and Geth Engineer. Since i don't play Soldier because it's so boring it will take some time to try him but Geth Engineer is awesome. Love his heavy melee. As a first playthough I'm going with the flamethrower turret but I'm do gonna try out the shield restoring turret and play some gold when i get to level 14-16. Sounds like a godlike team ability. I want the Infiltrator so i can try out the Hunter Mode. Other then that i wanna try out the Krogan Battlemaster and Asari Justicar.
Wed, 04-18-2012, 04:16 PM
Geth engineer with shield restore + geth infiltrator spec'd for melee = broken beyond believe.
And hunter mode is great, I think I spec'd my engineer as 6/5/3.
Also the boldier is waaaay more fun than the normal soldiers, I think they are boring too (well the krogan is kinda fun, cause it's a krogan).
Ditch blade armour abilitly all together and just go 6/0/6 with the boldier and he's a blast to play with.
Also the Justicar is either a godlike team player (geth shield engineer + defensive Justicar is godlike), or a close range wrecking ball. Though for the close range build I prefer the a-adept instead.
Sat, 04-21-2012, 08:03 PM
A well played Justicar is like God mode for your team.
Thu, 05-24-2012, 12:00 PM
New classes confirmed (
Pretty stoked for the Phoenix vanguard and vorcha soldier, they look brutal, also phoenix adept seems to get "smash" which is something different than slam. I think it might be like push but in a wave form.
Tue, 06-26-2012, 10:43 PM
Ok so I just played through all 3 of the extended cut endings and I'm glad Bioware really didn't change anything at all.
Bioware advised to start out at the cerberus base to see all new content, but I really didn't see anything new up until you run to the citadel beam thing. So I'm guessing it's squad specific.
After that you do get to see something new and I advise you to take Garrus and your romance option with you, I took garrus and Tali, but Tali didn't say anything so just bring your romance to be sure.
For the conversation with the catalyst I noticed they removed the dialog where he says "including the geth"; they also removed something else but I forgot.
The endings themselves pretty much disprove the "indoctrination theory" full stop, unless shepard can somehow pretend he's other people (since others do the voiceovers for 3 of the 5 endings).
Also I'm glad I went with the control ending the first time since it becomes apparant that it's clearly the best one:
Control is the best one, overall.
Spoiler: (( Shepard "lives", but not in corporeal form; definitly the paragon ending))
Destroy is almost just as good; morally it's the best because...well you know. But at the same time it's morally not as good as control because of well....all synthetics (geth/edi) and all that.
Spoiler: ((Shepard lives, he still wakes up after the credits; true renegade ending now))
Synthesis is still the absolute worst, but it does have the most...profound epilogues of the 3; it's very 'inspiring' but at the same time completely wrong.
Spoiler: ((Shepard dies, he gets disintegrated; nobody cheers when the reapers get "defeated"; hitler ending.))
Also I'm unable to see the 4th, bad, ending because even at 50% galactic readiness I still have more than enough units (7100+).
I'm actually more intrigued to see if that one got an epilogue, since pretty much every thing died, earth got scorched and nobody exited the normandy.
There is actually a 5th ending now, which is basically bioware trolling everyone who wanted a completely new ending; just reject the catalyst's choices to see it.
This one even more disproves indoctrination because:
Spoiler: ((It takes place in the far future where the next cycle is fighting the reapers.))
Also there seems to be a stark difference between Paragon control and Renegade control.
Paragon was hopeful, noble, and humble....Renegade was threatening and dark.
I got someone to upload the bad ending to youtube, and it's actually pretty awesome.
Tue, 06-26-2012, 11:04 PM
I think Shepard being indoctrinated would be antithetical to the character and the entire story of ME. I'm glad they virtually disproved all of the rampant online speculation about it. I wasn't planning to play the DLC, but since Dawnguard doesn't release for Skyrim on PC until next month, I think I will.
Thu, 06-28-2012, 12:00 PM
the "good" destroy ending is still the best imho
the new refusal one is great too, even though its probably the saddest of them all
the Synthesis one is still the most illogical one for me, too much magic, and it seems "overpowered" in some way.
Thu, 06-28-2012, 02:04 PM
Most illogical is that Shepard believes everything the apparition tells him. What have it done to earn such trust. Most logical would be the refusal. Any other of "their" choices could be exactly what the reapers want you to do.
But if you trust his options I feel Control is still the right choice. At last since I'm paragon. Controls give victory without sacrificing anyone. Sure it doesn't kill any reapers but is that all there is to the war? To kill them off and get revenge? Control seems like the paragon choice.
Synthesis is similar except you force "evolution" on everyone. That feels very immoral to me. It also feels like it borders on renegade. It had the added bonus of making the reapers help the universe and share the knowledge they have gained so far. But you can't know that before so you can't say that is why you choose that option.
Destroy feels like the renegade option. Victory at all cost. "Someone have to make the though calls". So renegade Shepard chooses to sacrifice everyone synthetic to make sure you gain victory for the rest of the galaxy. However it is the only choice that guaranties that the reapers are gone for good.
Wed, 07-18-2012, 01:02 AM
So did anyone try it yet?
I managed to unlock the N7 shadows(infil)/destroyer(sol)/demolisher(eng) right away and I have to say these new classes are so awesome.
The shadow is basically a playable phantom with kasumi's shadow strike skill, but with the stealth it forgoes the handlaser thing phantoms have, seriously love this class.
Destroyer is another one that just makes you feel awesome, it's a suped up soldier with lots of shields, stagger resistance, increased fire rate/mag size and a freaking auto-firing shoulder cannon; this class puts the krogan soldier to shame when it comes to pure wrecking power imo.
Demolisher is a mix between a support and highly offensive engineer. You basically get to drop ammo/shield dispensers but at the same time carry around 7 arc/explosive grenades, which ofcourse refill if you just place another dispenser.
The 3 others I haven't unlocked yet are the N7 Fury(ad), Paladin(sen) and Slayer(van) but I have seen them in action.
Fury seems to be the most powerful adept in the game, she pretty much seems like a playable banshee...without all the ugly.
Paladin has a freaking riot shield and can instantly freeze enemies that get too close.
Slayer is the other playable phantom but instead of stealth, you get the handlaser; charge seems different too, it's more like a teleport slash now.
Oh and platinum difficulty is pretty freaking hard; you start off against your regular faction, but they will have champions right away.
After the second wave or so suddenly the other factions will you'll have to deal with banshees, primes and atlasses all in one wave.
Wed, 07-18-2012, 03:25 PM
since this is wave defense again I doubt anyone is going to bother, could be wrong though.
free dlc? or do you have to pay for that little
Wed, 07-18-2012, 04:26 PM
All of the MP DLC is says so in the trailer.
Wed, 07-18-2012, 10:05 PM
I'm actually surprised people still play the multiplayer. I guess it makes sense since it's required for "better endings", and there's been sales for ME3 and what not.
Wed, 07-18-2012, 10:40 PM
I'm actually surprised people still play the multiplayer. I guess it makes sense since it's required for "better endings", and there's been sales for ME3 and what not.
Ha I posted a similar comment on an fb post from ME3 about the new DLC. They had another multiplayer special mission weekend and it was successfully completed so I guess people do still play.
Wed, 07-18-2012, 11:11 PM
It's not required for better endings at all.
Wed, 07-18-2012, 11:17 PM
Isn't that for the player to judge?
Thu, 07-19-2012, 12:17 AM
Isn't that for the player to judge?
Thu, 07-19-2012, 12:22 AM
You stay classy, ds. And on topic. Stay on topic.
Wed, 08-29-2012, 02:50 AM
So has anyone played leviathan?
Took a few hours to finish and I really enjoyed it, though it implies that the destroy ending isn't that great either and control really is the only viable option (for now).
Thu, 10-04-2012, 11:13 AM
*sigh* I guess I really am the only person stil playing this..anyway EPIC MP DLC INCOMING! COLLECTORS ARE BACK
All of it looks stupidly good and that new turian soldier just ridiculously badass (jetpack).
Fri, 10-05-2012, 09:54 PM
The last weekend mission failed, so yes you are one of the few who still plays the multiplayer game (which was fairly redundant and lacking in features to begin with).
Fri, 10-05-2012, 10:48 PM
How is it possible that every single post you make is either completely wrong or just a shitshow?
The last operation did not fail, and since you clearly have no business in this thread, stop stalking me and GTFO.
Sat, 10-06-2012, 09:42 AM
Same as you manage to be such a sourpuss in every post... ie it takes very little effort. Sorry I don't keep up with all the goings on in the rich ME world (*chortle*) but the last fb post I got before un-liking ME3 was that the mission had failed. Maybe they changed it to a success to keep kids like you playing.
Sat, 10-06-2012, 03:25 PM
It never failed, especially not as hard as you failed at trying to save face just now; getting your hopes and dreams crushed by that clearly insane cop seems to have altered your perception of things, kinda like how being under the influence of weed made you believe lying to that insane cop was a good idea.
Now stop derailing this thread with your horsehit and GET THE FUCK OUT, you have no business here; stop e-stalking me like the sad person you are.
On topic, it seems the DLC will bring 16 new classes, but they will roll them out slowly, 4 at a time.
Sat, 10-06-2012, 07:45 PM
Way to hang your mediocrity on other peoples' setbacks. Like I said before, eventually I will achieve my goals. You will still be your mediocre self.
I'm sure they'll set the goals lower to ensure success of future missions to keep kids buying DLC for a game that failed to meet expectations in the first place. I might finish the single player at some point when I have nothing at all to do whatsoever and life is no longer worth using for meaningful things.
Sun, 10-07-2012, 08:41 AM
You haven't finished the single player? Sure it failed on a few aspects but overall it was the best single player of the 3. Only the ending failed big time and that was corrected to fail less then before. But without even finishing it i can't see how you can complain that much. Multiplayer was lacking in content. To repetitive. But i still enjoy playing it from time to time. Borderland 2 is everything ME3 Multiplayer should have been.
Anyways i haven't played in a while. Between IRL stuff, Mist of Pandaria, Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3(even though i haven't played for months), Heroes of Newerth, Starcraft 2, Borderlands 2 and a rerun of New Vegas (have all DLCs this time) there hasn't been much time. Finally got around to play Leviathan yesterday. Was great even though i always ending up feeling you got so little for so much. DLCs are usually to expensive for the amount of gaming you get out from it. Might do a rerun of the game soon as an Infiltrator. Just have to wait and see.
Sun, 10-07-2012, 08:45 AM
And once again you post shit; all of the mp dlc is free.
Sun, 10-07-2012, 12:00 PM
You haven't finished the single player? Sure it failed on a few aspects but overall it was the best single player of the 3. Only the ending failed big time and that was corrected to fail less then before. But without even finishing it i can't see how you can complain that much. Multiplayer was lacking in content. To repetitive. But i still enjoy playing it from time to time. Borderland 2 is everything ME3 Multiplayer should have been.
Anyways i haven't played in a while. Between IRL stuff, Mist of Pandaria, Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3(even though i haven't played for months), Heroes of Newerth, Starcraft 2, Borderlands 2 and a rerun of New Vegas (have all DLCs this time) there hasn't been much time. Finally got around to play Leviathan yesterday. Was great even though i always ending up feeling you got so little for so much. DLCs are usually to expensive for the amount of gaming you get out from it. Might do a rerun of the game soon as an Infiltrator. Just have to wait and see.
Well I finished the singleplayer that everyone was upset about. I didn't play any of the DLC with the "improved" endings or whatever they released later. I might get to those sometime but I was satisfied with the original ending and like you said there are so many other games and worlds to explore.
Sun, 10-07-2012, 12:04 PM
Language please.
Play the ball, not the man.
Tue, 11-27-2012, 06:33 PM
So has anyone played the Retake Omega dlc?
I just finished it and thought it was great, it wasn't as atmospheric as Leviathan was, but still very good.
It took me around ~2.5 hours to finish it, maybe less.
Also included in the dlc are the N7 Valkyrie assault rifle and a couple of weapon mods from MP, and after finishing it you get to use Lash and Flare.
I really hope flare makes it into mp, together with Aria's "biotic boss" passive tree.
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