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Sun, 10-04-2009, 02:03 AM

Genres: comedy, romance

Plot Summary: Junpei Kōsaka is a second-year high school student who despises cats and has an allergy to them. It just so happens that his high school crush is Kaede Mizuno, a girl who adores cats. One day, while walking home from school, Junpei kicks an empty can and unfortunately beans the local neko-jizō-sama (guardian deity of cats). He finds he can now understand what cats are saying, including his family's own ill-tempered cat, Nyamusasu. However, if he does not grant 100 wishes from cats, he will turn into cat himself. -ANN

Links: ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=10686), AniDB (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=6428), Official Site (http://www.tbs.co.jp/anime/nyankoi/)

gg - Episode 01 (http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_01_%5B8AD5A7E9%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sun, 10-04-2009, 10:43 AM
I had a good laugh from this episode, so I'll be keeping up with this series. I always thought of Junpei as a delinquent from his looks, but he's actually a pretty nice guy (aside from his outbursts of the cats talking to him).

Sun, 10-04-2009, 11:38 AM
It was better than I expected. I wasn't expecting the cats to have such a consistent and solid role but rather the series to go quickly through lots of cases. Better this way of course.

I'm not sure I'd have even recognized Jun Fukuyama as the shrine's cat if I hadn't beforehand checked out the voice cast. He has two quite distinct modes in voice acting, the Lelouch/Lawrence one and then the one evident in this show. I recognize better the former one.

Sun, 10-04-2009, 01:26 PM
That was a lot more funny and interesting than I expected.

Sun, 10-04-2009, 04:54 PM
The first episode was good fun. I'll try to keep up with this series. I'm a cat guy so that may also have something to do with it. :)

Did anyone else have trouble with the gg HD version? Seemed like it slows down/hangs at the title of the episode, right after the opening. It then fast forwards until getting back in sync. If I skip that part (episode title), the episode plays fine though.

Sun, 10-04-2009, 07:27 PM
It made me smile, then laugh.
And the cat's VA is exceptionnally awesome ( The Major : GITS)

Mon, 10-05-2009, 08:08 AM
Wow.... talk about retarded settings

I'll give it a try, but i'm not expecting much

Mon, 10-05-2009, 08:23 AM
First off, i watched Himitsu's release, since I was figuring, why the fuck not? Font was legible, translation was accurate (did have one issue. did anyone else who saw the other release have the main's friends calling him a "mommy's boy" when he first told them about his hearing cats?). They had karaoke too. they even had a useful translator note right after the OP (and a generally useful one at the end, just explaining standard anime terms like Tama's 'onee-san'), in the space where they do the verbal sponsor advertising. naturally, it referenced something that happened later in the episode, but it was nice to see a translation note done that way, as it makes a ton of sense, especially if it's not going to spoil anything. they also color coded the font used for each main cat, which i thought was a real nice touch.

caught totally off guard by the first cat speaking in the very first scene before the OP. figured they'd save that for the commercial break, make it a little more dramatic or humorous. but, well

my, that OP just about sums up the 'niche harem' feel that i expected. but seems the main's got his heart set on one particular girl...

lot of the standard anime tropes. the main's characters are just about the spitting image of "those two guys". shameless expositional explanation. but it was a pretty enjoyable, and surprisingly competent, intro episode. was surprised by the girl turning out to be the accidental cat-abuser. nice twist, even if it is done alot

one of the things i liked is how they kept doing sudden shifts from 'strange, funky anime culture' to normal Japanese. Juunbei shouting to himself in the library, then immediately apologizing for the racket, and the coffee-stain apology (even if it was a setup? but, why? ). those two scenes stood out. i don't see that often in a show.

Thu, 10-08-2009, 09:13 PM
Did anyone else have trouble with the gg HD version? Seemed like it slows down/hangs at the title of the episode, right after the opening. It then fast forwards until getting back in sync. If I skip that part (episode title), the episode plays fine though.

That happened to me as well. Loved the cat-radar.

Thu, 10-08-2009, 11:40 PM
Yeah, I ran into that problem as well. It wouldn't play properly in vlc or mpc, so I'm going to give this Frostii 720p release a try.

[Frostii]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 01​ [213A3BB3].mkv (http://a.scarywater.net/frostii/%5BFrostii%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_01_%5B213A3BB3%5D.mkv.torrent)

Thu, 10-08-2009, 11:45 PM
I don't really mind since I end up skipping the OP more often than not these days anyway, but I'll definitely consider Frostii for archiving if gg's release keeps having this problem. Too bad I can't rely on the former for a timely release each week.

Thu, 10-08-2009, 11:48 PM
Hmm, I didn't have any problems with the HD version.

Thu, 10-08-2009, 11:50 PM
Hmm, I didn't have any problems with the HD version.

Really? After the OP, the picture will still be on the title slide while the sound is already talking about the weather.

It's definitely not due to a lack of processing power.

Thu, 10-08-2009, 11:51 PM
It seems that the gg slow down is caused by the subtitles. I disabled the subtitle stream and it played smoothly.

I think I'll also give Frostii a go. Didn't like the cutesy font Himitsu used.

EDIT: BTW, the gg stuttering happened to me ONLY at the title screen after the opening. The rest of the episode played flawlessly.

Thu, 10-08-2009, 11:53 PM
Really? After the OP, the picture will still be on the title slide while the sound is already talking about the weather.

It was actually quite consistent throughout the episode for me, although if I turn the Saturation up, it starts to delay; however, it's not as bad as you've described it.

Fri, 10-09-2009, 01:31 PM
I liked the first episode, i'll be watching this

By the way, has anyone here ever watched "100 deeds for Eddie McDowd (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_Deeds_for_Eddie_McDowd)" ?

Sat, 10-10-2009, 08:46 AM
gg Episode 1v2 patch (lag fix) (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wi1nymyunqz)

gg - episode 02 (http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_02_%5B028D0D49%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sat, 10-10-2009, 09:37 AM
I've always had a soft spot for Ryoko Shiraishi voiced tomboys. A lot of people probably associate her with Hayate the Combat Butler, but she'll always be Chiaki from Tenjou Tenge to me. (Rin from Airantou and Kaede from Negima too). That said, Kanako is probably my favorite for now, she's cutely possessive of Kosaka.

I wasn't planning on watching this, but the humor is pretty good.

Sat, 10-10-2009, 02:25 PM
That was a total cliché episode, i could have told you exactly how it was gonna end the moment "childhood friend" popped up, but it was still pretty entertaining with great animation and humor.

Just one thing, what exactly is a mamba?

Sat, 10-10-2009, 04:12 PM
"Manba involves devotees wearing dark tans, white make-up around their eyes and hair that is often a combination of neon colours. Manba in Japan is also known as ganguro, gonguro, yamamba and mamba." BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8132726.stm)

You've probably seen most characters that use it referred to as ganguro or Kogals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kogal), though the latter is more specific and loosely ties into ganguro. Trashy looking girls with badly dyed hair, excessive tans, or outright use of blackface. Mamba or Manba is a subset as well, just the one that takes it to excess.

Sat, 10-10-2009, 09:41 PM
Hahaha, this episode was pretty humorous, from start to end, but all I can say is, Kanako sure looks better without that mamba make-up.

Sat, 10-10-2009, 10:09 PM
So Junpei's acquired immunity to cats now? Inconsistency or not, it's for the better. I wouldn't be able to stand him sneezing every time he sees a cat, and the story will just drag if they keep emphasizing the distance he has to maintain from them.

Kanako's alright, but I still prefer Kaede. Can't wait till they introduce the twins.

Sun, 10-11-2009, 01:49 AM
I'm not altogether sure out of my memory alone, but I don't think Junpei was right next to cats indoors in this episode. It was always outdoors and they weren't exactly clinging to him either. That would explain the lack of sneezing.

Not a very surprising episode but the ganguro girl was spooky enough that it worked.

Sun, 10-11-2009, 06:32 AM
Indeed, it's not that he's not allergic anymore but he just constantly kept a safe distance from them and never mentioned it out loud, possibly so they don't overdo that joke

Sat, 10-17-2009, 07:40 AM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 03​ [AEE77D9E].mkv (http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_03_%5BAEE77D9E%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sat, 10-17-2009, 08:40 AM
Ah, Kanako is so much better than the other girls, even if she had such a small part this episode.

It looks like while the other girls will be present throughout the series, the main rivalry will be between Kaede and Kanako. Junpei likes Kaede, Kaede thinks he likes Kanako (but secretly likes him) and Kanako obviously is very possessive of Junpei. Still deeply praying for a Kanako win, but it looks like her drive for it is just going to become recurring comedy relief.

He's turning into quite the player anyway.

Sat, 10-17-2009, 08:47 PM
Heh, Junpei helped a lot of cats this episode, and it looks like he has a rival for Kaede! Quite an enjoyable episode when Junpei kept running into "bad lucks" while helping Chizuru.

Sat, 10-17-2009, 11:51 PM
Cute Mizuno > Tsundere Kanako for me.

I totally didn't recognise the monk coming out of the club. Made it all the funnier.

The whole thing about the mailwoman being a mailwoman despite her nonexistent sense of direction seems to foreshadow that Junpei will end up doing something about cats voluntarily, despite his cat allergy.

Sun, 10-18-2009, 05:28 AM
Tsundere Kanako
I'm going to ask it.

Is Kanako really a tsundere, or is she just another victim of being labeled with the second most abused* term in anime?

I contest that Kanako isn't a tsundere. She wasn't one before she became a manba, and there really isn't any development from her one side to the other since she was never really cold to him before. She isn't melting into a dere dere type, she was covering it up more with what had always been a tomboy personality. She's still a tomboy, still the same, and there hasn't been any real evolution from one to the other as we see with characters like Rin from FSN or the very subtle changes in Senjogahara in Bakemonogatari.

It seems like she is being called a tsundere simply because she went from manba to pretty. She had gotten embarrassed around him before she and Junpei smoothed thing back over, given the right circumstances. That's not tsundere, that's normal.

I've been thinking "tsundere" is overused lately, and that's not just because of the rapidly increased popularity of the character type starting a few years back. It seems like every series has a character that somehow is suddenly described as "tsundere."

Someone else wrote a more in-depth description (http://assessingtheanime.blogspot.com/2009/08/degradation-of-term-tsundere.html) of the overuse, and probably described it a lot better than I.

In the end, Kanako has never struck me as a tsundere character.

*the first being moe

Sun, 10-18-2009, 05:58 AM
Yeah. I never thought she's a tsundere. I just thought she's a character type called freak when she appeared in that ganguro painting. After that she's just a rough girl.

It annoys me as well how every character showing a bit of violent nature is called a tsundere.

Sun, 10-18-2009, 06:15 AM
Good points guys. I actually don't know why I said that now that I re-read that post.

That word was probably the first term that came to mind as I posted on the fly. Anyway, I'll leave it in so everything makes sense.

Sun, 10-18-2009, 07:51 AM
I love this anime

Lol at the preview, we're already getting yuri at episode 4? /me highfives the director

I just wished Kanako had more screen time, even though i know Jumpei is clearly going for the harem ending

Sun, 10-18-2009, 10:47 AM
Lol at the preview, we're already getting yuri at episode 3? /me highfives the director

Hmm, I really don't see the yuri in episode 3.

Fri, 10-23-2009, 11:01 AM
Isn't Kanako way hotter in the manga?


Fri, 10-23-2009, 11:24 AM
Isn't Kanako way hotter in the manga?


:eek: :eek:

AIC..what have you done....

Sat, 10-24-2009, 10:46 AM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 04​ [B6D42B78].mkv (http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_04_%5BB6D42B78%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sat, 10-24-2009, 11:54 AM
Even though the whole boy/girl thing was pointless since she was in the opening i still got some lulz out of the confusion

Again, the manga made her look more masculine and without a voice actor or opening to guide me along i bet i would have fallen for it too

http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/3807/t03rf.jpg (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/8059/t03r.jpg)

Sat, 10-24-2009, 01:22 PM
I guess it's not so easy always to find a voice actress that can sound both an adult male and female. This one didn't really sound like a man from the beginning and it took me a while to realise Junpei believed she's a man. That kept confusing me for a while.

A good episode all in all. The last classroom scene was pretty funny with Ichinose declaring she has already heard the lesson.

Sat, 10-24-2009, 05:00 PM
I've seen her play enough masculine roles that it wasn't a problem catching that Junpei and Kanako both though Nagi was a man. It was kind of obvious from the end of last episode and the preview that Nagi was really a girl, so I didn't really have much of a disconnect.

I still loved the episode. The Ikkitousen sequence between Kanako and Nagi when she felt Kanako up was really good, and it really helps that she has a resemblance to Hakufu (light colored long hair, large breasts, sweater uniform).

The part I really enjoyed was the foreshadowing of Nagi's weakness. She had one of those declaration lightning flashes at the 6:40 mark, and right in the middle of it, she crouched down in fear temporarily. Junpei and Kanako didn't seem to notice it, and they even flashed back to it later on in the episode. She's afraid of imaginary thunder too! Understandable if her grandfather was struck by lightning inside the house and at least three other times outside.

Did I see it wrong or can Mizuno perform a 2 meter high jump from a standing position?! She took just two steps and flew cleanly over the pole. Of course, she jumped like 3.5 meters at the very start of the episode (the world record is 2.09 meters for women).

Sat, 10-24-2009, 10:09 PM
Next episode: Pony Tails!? Twins!?

This is going to be a long week....

Sun, 10-25-2009, 10:25 AM
Next episode: Pony Tails!? Twins!?

This is going to be a long week....

And i'm pretty sure one of them i gonna be a tsundere too

Tue, 10-27-2009, 01:20 AM
[Nipponsei] Nyan Koi! OP Single - Nyanderful! [Sakakibara Yui].zip (http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/%5BNipponsei%5D%20Nyan%20Koi%21%20OP%20Single%20-%20Nyanderful%21%20%5BSakakibara%20Yui%5D.zip.torr ent)

[Nipponsei] Nyan Koi! ED Single - Strawberry ~Amaku Setsunai Namida~ [Imai Asami].zip (http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/%5BNipponsei%5D%20Nyan%20Koi%21%20ED%20Single%20-%20Strawberry%20%7EAmaku%20Setsunai%20Namida%7E%20 %5BImai%20Asami%5D.zip.torrent)


This series has really grown on me. It's my second favorite behind Kimi ni Todoke. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of impact the twins will have on this series.

I loved Nagi's scared/crying voice. It was really cute.

Thu, 10-29-2009, 08:10 AM
i dont ever watch eds or previews, so i was actually just very confused when i realized Paku(i stand corrected, below) was voicing Ichinose. i ended up being way too engrossed and entertained by the fourth episode (comedic Yakuza and reverse traps in one episode? priceless) to put much thought into the gender thing until the twist came.

i didn't really get all that much into the mailgal third episode, but this one was greatly enjoyed.

Thu, 10-29-2009, 03:31 PM
i dont ever watch eds or previews, so i was actually just very confused when i realized Paku was voicing Ichinose.
Ichinose is voiced by Yu Kobayashi (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=16095) (Maria+Holic, Candy Boy, Umineko).

Romi Paku (assuming the Paku you meant) doesn't do the male/super girly extremes as well as Yu Kobayashi does.

Thu, 10-29-2009, 03:55 PM
Lol, to be type casted as a girl that sounds like a dude... kind of a rough category

Thu, 10-29-2009, 11:29 PM
Holy shit, this episode was awesome! I've never laughed so much before, although I really thought Nagi was a boy. I guess her interests don't swing that way, but rather admire them. Junpei is really slowly building up a good harem, I must say.

Fri, 10-30-2009, 09:48 AM
Ichinose is voiced by Yu Kobayashi (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=16095) (Maria+Holic, Candy Boy, Umineko).

Romi Paku (assuming the Paku you meant) doesn't do the male/super girly extremes as well as Yu Kobayashi does.

Yu Kobayashi...that explains that weird picture at the end of episode 1 and 2.

Yu's artwork (http://kotaku.com/5336385/beautiful-woman-scary-drawing)
More from Yu (http://kotaku.com/5381256/another-horrible-horrible-drawing-from-that-pretty-lady)

Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:35 PM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 05​ [865F8765].mkv (http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_05_%5B865F8765%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sun, 11-01-2009, 05:50 AM
~Mizuno Kawaii!! +1

While I acknowledge Kanako's feelings for Junpei, I can't help but think "Get lost, D-cup!" whenever she intervened. That's how pro-Kaede I am. The ferris-wheel call was (annoyingly) well played, I admit.. I did find some humour in seeing her jealousy bar go through the roof, so it wasn't all bad for me.

Despite what Nagi said about marrying Junpei if he didn't get Kaede by the end of the day, I'm expecting her to be supporting Junpei in the future rather than going back to rival-mode.

I like that a lot. It gets boring after a while when it becomes a humongous harem where it's every-woman for herself. It's a lot more fun when relatively minor characters who don't have a chance in the first place like Nagi turn around instead to help out another's romance. It gives the (often) useless male lead a kick in some direction, allocates screentime towards relationships that actually matter, and creates funny plot/scheming episodes like this one that can spice things up.

Talking about spicing things up, those jailbait miniskirts twins are really getting me anticipating. They must be the priest's daughters or something.

Sun, 11-01-2009, 06:54 AM
~Mizuno Kawaii!! +1

While I acknowledge Kanako's feelings for Junpei, I can't help but think "Get lost, D-cup!" whenever she intervened. That's how pro-Kaede I am. The ferris-wheel call was (annoyingly) well played, I admit.. I did find some humour in seeing her jealousy bar go through the roof, so it wasn't all bad for me.It looks like Kanako lost some serious points to Kaede this episode.

So being a firm supporter of Kanako's, I did not enjoy this episode. At. All. It hurt to watch her lose so much ground. It absolutely sucks when characters like her never even get a chance because there is some gentle, kind, cutesy OMEGA-KAWAII girl instead.

Sun, 11-01-2009, 09:47 AM
Strange enough, while I usually hate characters that are like her, I prefer Mizuno over the other two ladies vying for the guy's affection. I don't really know why though. It is probably an issue of character design.

Sun, 11-01-2009, 11:20 AM
Although this episode wasn't as funny as the last one, I still enjoyed it. Strangely enough, even though I usually dislike guys that have a hard time confessing, Junpei doesn't bother me at all. I guess I've already liked his character before up to this point.

Sun, 11-01-2009, 11:53 AM
I smell a tsundere...


I wonder if the yin and yang twins will both fall for Junpei or if he's just gonna win the tsundere over as all main harem characters are obligated to

Sun, 11-01-2009, 02:21 PM
I was a little surprised this new girl already knew about the curse. I thought they would be introduced like the rest with no initial connection to Junpei. More interesting this way, of course.

I'm supporting Mizuno for the simple reason the feelings there are mutual.

Sun, 11-01-2009, 02:48 PM
I support everyone but Mizuno for the simple reason that she's the obvious choice

I like to be surprised, so i'm rooting for Kanako and Nagi at this point but i'm sure i'll be supporting at least one of the twins by the next episode

Sun, 11-01-2009, 04:09 PM
I support everyone but Mizuno for the simple reason that she's the obvious choice
Agreed. Personally, I'd like to see him end up with the reverse trap, just because it would be something different. I really like Nagi. She seems to be a really good wingman.


PV for the ED theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usJXOff-frI)

Mon, 11-02-2009, 07:50 PM
In the harem anime world, the busty girls almost always lose. It pains me.

Sat, 11-07-2009, 02:59 PM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 06​ [4C4BF856].mkv (http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_06_%5B4C4BF856%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sat, 11-07-2009, 07:18 PM
The episode wasn't as interesting as i hoped it to be but the twins are pretty entertaining

The whole thing felt a bit rushed and i could do without another tsundere but now that the harem is complete i'm hoping that they develop the relationships a bit better instead of just jumping from one girl to another

Also, although i like her character, Nagi's voice actress is starting to profoundly piss me off. Whatever, the next onsen episode should wash all my worries away

Sat, 11-07-2009, 08:55 PM
The episode wasn't as interesting as i hoped it to be but the twins are pretty entertaining

I thought this episode was great. I loved the interaction between the Akari <-> Kotone and Junpei. The Tama-missile was a good laugh.

I do think what made this episode refreshing was the focus on the cat's relationship. We've delved into the cat world before, but most, of not all of the other cat-requests so far that we actually saw in detail concerned humans. More specifically, the cat problems were more or less a tool to get Junpei with a girl.

Helping out Tama/Noir was largely inconsequential towards Junpei's harem status (until the outburst anyway). That kicked Junpei (and humans) out of the picture pretty much, and after 5 episodes, I was able to enjoy something where Junpei wasn't the overwhelmingly large deciding factor. The tail hug was very sweet of Noir.

Talking about tail hugs, I'll confess here that I greatly enjoy the tail-helix *bump* in the OP.

Every. Single. Time.

Sat, 11-07-2009, 10:01 PM
I loved this episode, too. It kind of felt rushed, but it was pretty fine the way it was going. I love the part where Noir and Tama were so loud that Junpei exploded, only to forget that Mizuno was right in front of him. The dog's expressions were pretty priceless, too.

Sat, 11-07-2009, 10:56 PM
I loved this episode, too. It kind of felt rushed, but it was pretty fine the way it was going. I love the part where Noir and Tama were so loud that Junpei exploded, only to forget that Mizuno was right in front of him.

When Noir and Tama were talking, I was actually trying to make out what Kaede was trying to say as well, despite the lack of subtitles. In the end, I had no idea if it was gibberish or not, which only means the point hit home

The dog's expressions were pretty priceless, too.

Every expression in this show is awesome, IMO. (so I agree).

The dramatic (http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/9650/nyankoi02large29.jpg) outbursts (http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/1056/nyankoi04large14.jpg) and (http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/3073/grab26607.jpg) facial (http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/6016/nyankoi05large29.jpg) expressions (http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1637/nyankoi06large03.jpg) are what make this show so awesome. (or even the lack (http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/9441/nyankoi03large26.jpg) of (http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/5198/grab26975.jpg) facial expression, for that matter).

In this episode, the stalker twin's mischievous (http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/3130/nyankoi06large21.jpg) grin (http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/571/grab29300.jpg) at sister's deredere side was one of my (many) favourite ones.

(67% of screen-caps taken from randomc.)

Sun, 11-08-2009, 03:18 AM
The twintails twins were interesting. Much different from what I was expecting in a good way. Junpei's wrecked nerves also caused another funny scene when he shouted the shut up command. You'd think the guy would learn already...

Sun, 11-08-2009, 03:45 AM
really a little disappointed that gg has stopped distroing avis of their releases. not sure what there is about this show that necessitates sparkling mkv encodes, but my craptop can't run them.

and i was getting to enjoy this show a lot.

Sun, 11-08-2009, 06:17 AM
really a little disappointed that gg has stopped distroing avis of their releases. not sure what there is about this show that necessitates sparkling mkv encodes, but my craptop can't run them.

and i was getting to enjoy this show a lot.

Don't let that stop you masa.

[gg]_Nyan_Koi_-_06_[XviD_LoReZ].avi (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=97354)

Low-res (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=search&term=nyan+koi+lorez&cat=0_0) avi encodes can be found all over the place. Just give nyaatorrents a search (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=search&term=lorez&cat=0_0).

Sun, 11-08-2009, 12:57 PM
Btw, is anyone else still archiving gg?

I've personally been stocking up on frostii goods since they decided to get rid of QC for all their shows

Sun, 11-08-2009, 02:38 PM
torrents indeed. good looks buffalo

the twin tails were a bit of a surprise, aside from the typical night!day personality differentiation. an absolute staple of the overused twin tropes. i loved that the "nice one" had a weird obsession with misfortune. it sorta cracks me up. and it came as a real surprise that their father was the mon

and speaking of cracking up, everything that Trap Girl does is absolute comic gold. the awfully placed, random English is one of my favorite on going gags in this show..

the more of this show i watch, the more the love story actually gets to me. its rare, but the fact that the main character has a simple, clear cut love interest who is almost an exact mirror of his feelings (mutual affection but too awkward/scared to do anything about it) really works. it works because it is so painfully awkward and wholesome that you can't help relating to it.

this is my favorite comedy right now, a great big surprise that i am thrilled to have.

Sun, 11-08-2009, 07:39 PM
Btw, is anyone else still archiving gg?

I've personally been stocking up on frostii goods since they decided to get rid of QC for all their shows

gg is still good here.

Sun, 11-08-2009, 07:43 PM
gg is still good here.

Really? Episode 5 was laughably bad

Sun, 11-08-2009, 07:44 PM
Really? Episode 5 was laughably bad

Do point out the details. Non caught my attention.

Sun, 11-08-2009, 07:45 PM
Do point out the details. Non caught my attention.

I'm waiting for confirmation on my suspicions ( meaning frostii hasn't released ep 5 yet ).

Sun, 11-08-2009, 11:30 PM
I'm waiting for confirmation on my suspicions ( meaning frostii hasn't released ep 5 yet ).

So it's a translation error you suggest, as opposed to grammatical/spelling.

Sat, 11-14-2009, 06:57 AM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 07​ [606AEABC].mkv (http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_07_%5B606AEABC%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sat, 11-14-2009, 05:01 PM
I love Kanako to death but damn girl, get a clue already the dude just isn't that into you. Talk about a third wheel...

Final thoughts: Not enough Onsen

Sat, 11-14-2009, 05:12 PM
I'm actually surprised I still enjoy this series so much after 7 episodes. Was skeptical about how far they could keep this cat theme interesting but so far they've done a great job.

Sat, 11-14-2009, 05:16 PM
I'm actually surprised I still enjoy this series so much after 7 episodes. Was skeptical about how far they could keep this cat theme interesting but so far they've done a great job.

They kept it interesting for 1 episode and then went all out on the harem, that's why you're still enjoying it

Junpei was next to 5 cats in that last part and he didn't even cough

Sat, 11-14-2009, 06:10 PM
The harem parts not even that big a focus. It's all the misunderstandings, trouble, and weird coincidences from said harem girls that make it interesting. Not to mention Junpei's hilarious reactions.

Sat, 11-14-2009, 09:11 PM
Not enough Kotone at all.

I thought I'd still enjoy Akari more, but Kotone's weirdness is just addictively cute (and creepy), while I'm starting to get desensitized to the tsundere card.

Perhaps the biggest thing I didn't like about this episode was that it didn't get anywhere. Besides fanservice, Onsen episodes tend to bring out something about the characters' romance, if not an outright confession.

They kept it interesting for 1 episode and then went all out on the harem, that's why you're still enjoying it

I thought there was more focus on cats than harem in this episode.

Sat, 11-14-2009, 11:18 PM
Come on, Junpei! You can do it! Only like 50 more cats to go! I'm guessing Chizuru won't be getting much screen time, only a slight appearance every now and then.

Sat, 11-14-2009, 11:39 PM
Come on, Junpei! You can do it! Only like 50 more cats to go! I'm guessing Chizuru won't be getting much screen time, only a slight appearance every now and then.

It's half-done already? I wonder what happens to Junpei when he finishes all these requests. The standard thing to do would be initially rejoice at the lack of burden, only to feel lonely and void when he can no longer communicate with the cats he's learned to get along with. assuming he loses his ability once the curse is lifted.

Similarly, standard "happy endings" would have him accidentally beheading Jizou again and feeling the exact opposite, conflicting feelings.

While I'd be fine with that, I'm hoping that he'd voluntarily kick Jizou or something, just for comedy's sake.

Sat, 11-14-2009, 11:44 PM
Oh, I was only estimating. :o

It would be quite an ending for Junpei to lift the curse, rejoice happily, and suddenly knock the Jizou's head off once again in his excitement and start his adventures all over again. I would actually appreciate that kind of ending, but I'm more for whoever Junpei wants to end up with.

Wed, 11-18-2009, 04:21 PM
[Nipponsei] Nyan Koi! Insert Song Single - Neko Neko Ondo [Various].zip (http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/%5BNipponsei%5D%20Nyan%20Koi%21%20Insert%20Song%20 Single%20-%20Neko%20Neko%20Ondo%20%5BVarious%5D.zip.torrent)

Wed, 11-18-2009, 04:43 PM
Reset endings won't ever make me happy so I won't hope for one of those. Besides, I'm not so sure accidentally knocking the head off again would bring him a similar curse twice. That would show a distinct lack of imagination on Jizou's part.

Wed, 11-18-2009, 04:50 PM
Reset endings won't ever make me happy so I won't hope for one of those. Besides, I'm not so sure accidentally knocking the head off again would bring him a similar curse twice. That would show a distinct lack of imagination on Jizou's part.

I hope something comes out of it romantically, but the image I had in mind was Junpei voluntarily kicking Jizou so he can talk to cats again. He'll just shrug at the curse (be it worse than before or not).

[Nipponsei] Nyan Koi! Insert Song Single - Neko Neko Ondo [Various].zip

Haha, that's crazy funny. The only song I recognised was the last one though. Pretty sure I remember that being played in the background during Kaede's little Kimono/umbrella act.

I'd love to get a hand on a translation of the other two just to see what they're saying..

Wed, 11-18-2009, 05:54 PM
I hope something comes out of it romantically, but the image I had in mind was Junpei voluntarily kicking Jizou so he can talk to cats again. He'll just shrug at the curse (be it worse than before or not).

I don't, i'm sure i won't approve of his choice if that happens

Sat, 11-21-2009, 10:34 PM
It's all the misunderstandings, trouble, and weird coincidences from said harem girls that make it interesting.

this is really very true, and i was surprised to agree with you, because this is usually the exact thing i despise about romantic comedies...

i thought it was nice to see a dysfunctional cat family, and i loved the hot springs scene with Junpei yelling at the guys not to peep, then giving in to temptation himself. i am a bit bored of the tsundere character though. christ, take a hint is right...

there can never be enough of Ichinose and all her yakuza retainers.

this show gets bonus points for having most characters ACTUALLY act like high-schoolers. Mizuno and Junpei are believable, and i think that's a lot of the reason why the romance story in this keeps me interested. (also, Junpei's buddies (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThoseTwoGuys) have to be the most accurate depiction of Japanese high-schoolers I have ever seen. their stupid antics were a nice distraction for me in the rather generic "ruined bonding time" scene)

Sat, 11-21-2009, 10:53 PM
Ichinose's awful and random Engrish always cracks me up. It's so nonsensical and out of place, I just can't help but laugh.

The anime does facial reactions well. Most of them are hilarious.

Sat, 11-21-2009, 11:54 PM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 08​ [A9ABF3C7].mkv (http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_08_%5BA9ABF3C7%5D.mkv.torrent)

Sun, 11-22-2009, 02:00 PM
Lol, Metal Gear Neko.

Sun, 11-22-2009, 04:27 PM
I want to write about how awesome this episode was... but i want to write about how much more awesome the next episode seems to be a whole lot more!

Lets see:

- Pool: Check
- Tits and lolis: Check
- Swimsuit accidents: Check
- Girl on boy rape: Check


http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/1379/36516066.jpg (http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/1379/36516066.jpg)

Fap fap fapidy fap folks!

Mon, 11-23-2009, 01:03 PM
Micchi turned out to be quite a tomcat.

Tue, 11-24-2009, 08:34 AM
highlight of episode 8 was Micchi's pathetic confession, complete with waterworks and an inane English language usage. this show really likes it's funky English.

i wasn't so down with the random coincidence to clear Junpei's name, but the funny appearances by the delivery chick, the fact that the twin tails were around so much this episode, and a rather humorous new cat character made this all worthwhile. i still can't believe Junpei and Mizuno's completely awkward moments aren't getting scoffs out of me yet.

I will admit, for a show that has some smoking hot characters (and i don't go in for the fanservice very often), that one shot of Kaede laying on her bed is absolutely freaking bonerific. My favorite gal is the cute but twisted twintail sister, but, man, Kaede showing skin. SHA- WING!!!!

archangel summed it up, next episode looks pretty damn awesome.

Tue, 11-24-2009, 11:29 AM
Chizuru's random appearances were pretty funny this episode, along with Nagi's voice acting.

Tue, 11-24-2009, 11:52 AM
Nagi may be non-existent in my romance scenarios, but comedy-wise, she's the bomb.

Her random ~Kaede appearance cracked me up plenty.

Mon, 11-30-2009, 04:02 AM
Frostii - Nyan Koi Episode 09, version 2 (http://a.scarywater.net/frostii/%5BFrostii%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_09v2_%5BA71DB7BF%5D.mkv.torrent)
never saw version 1, so i dont know what the fix is. i like frostii's work on other projects enough to say they're a suitable watch.

regarding the episode, i can't help but feel some people are going to be a little disappointed with the pool scene, as it was short and we really only got intense shots of Sumiyoshi (she is absolutely hot though).

the more i see of her, the more my dislike for Sumiyoshi is tempered by pity/empathy. The poor girl is the only one with her head screwed on anywhere close to straight, and this episode felt heavier than usual for me, because we saw her suffer so much. For every time I react with "take a hint you fat boobed bitch!", I also have a moment where I understand where she is coming from, and why she won't stop trying.

i got a little annoyed with the random inserts of the letter carrier girl. i understand we need to have our episodic quota, but the puns just didn't do it for me, and it felt like it broke up the episode with forced fanservice.

the next episode preview is sure to have people here sweating bullets until next week...

Mon, 11-30-2009, 07:23 PM
Heh, I wasn't annoyed by Chizuru's random inserts. They were pretty entertaining in their own right, but they did break up the episode by a little. Regardless, Kanako love spread all over, but too bad she's too shy to actually initiate.

Mon, 11-30-2009, 08:26 PM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 09​ [37FAC9C0].mkv (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=101397)

Tue, 12-01-2009, 02:35 AM
Frostii - Nyan Koi Episode 09, version 2 (http://a.scarywater.net/frostii/%5BFrostii%5D_Nyan_Koi_-_09v2_%5BA71DB7BF%5D.mkv.torrent)
never saw version 1, so i dont know what the fix is. i like frostii's work on other projects enough to say they're a suitable watch.

regarding the episode, i can't help but feel some people are going to be a little disappointed with the pool scene, as it was short and we really only got intense shots of Sumiyoshi (she is absolutely hot though).

the more i see of her, the more my dislike for Sumiyoshi is tempered by pity/empathy. The poor girl is the only one with her head screwed on anywhere close to straight, and this episode felt heavier than usual for me, because we saw her suffer so much. For every time I react with "take a hint you fat boobed bitch!", I also have a moment where I understand where she is coming from, and why she won't stop trying.

My only issue/hate with her before was during the theme park episode where she kept interrupting Kaede and Junpei's moments simply by destroying rather than selling her own appeal. In retrospect, I guess she does have the right to do that since Nagi deprived her of her chances in the first place.

Since then she's been steadily growing on me for the sheer fact that she does actively try to do things for Junpei. Kaede is nice, but where Kanako beats her is that she's willing to do just about anything for Junpei, whereas Kaede's still kind of stuck in the "me likes me, and I like him" mentality without doing much. (Well, she would have delivered the note to him but Kanako stole that chance. I wouldn't have expected her to cook porridge though, that's definitely more a Kanako thing).

Kotone was the other major attraction this episode. Sexy finger twiddling Junpei's back?


the next episode preview is sure to have people here sweating bullets until next week...

Yeah. Hell yeah!

Tue, 12-01-2009, 04:38 AM
I'm just happy Kanako finally is starting to admit it's Kaede Junpei already likes and there's nothing she can do about it. There are too many series where the various girls or the story never admit that till the end. I do hope Kaede was more active, though. She's basically doing very little to get closer to Junpei, and Junpei himself is almost every time intervened by something (a cat) or someone else when he tries.

Tue, 12-01-2009, 05:37 AM
But we can already see the situation developing where Kanako suspects that Kaede likes Junpei and Kaede is starting to not believe Kanako's protests that she doesn't like him that way. The two are nice enough girls that they would each be willing to back off for the other.

Kanako might know that Junpei likes Kaede, but if it isn't mutual, she wants to be there instead. Conversely, Kaede doesn't realize how much Junpei likes her, so if her feelings are unrequited, she'd be willing to push him to Kanako.

Tue, 12-01-2009, 06:22 AM
Kanako might know that Junpei likes Kaede, but if it isn't mutual, she wants to be there instead. Conversely, Kaede doesn't realize how much Junpei likes her, so if her feelings are unrequited, she'd be willing to push him to Kanako.

But Nagi did tell Kaede that Junpei saw her as more than just a friend, or do you think Kaede just thought she was joking about that?

Tue, 12-01-2009, 07:07 AM
But Nagi did tell Kaede that Junpei saw her as more than just a friend, or do you think Kaede just thought she was joking about that?

first (but not very seriously), would YOU believe anything Nagi told you?

second, i do think Kaede knows that Junpei has feelings for her. But (correct me if I'm wrong), we never got to see exactly how Nagi broke the news to Kaede, and since then Junpei has been at the center of several very embarrassing "misunderstandings", so I can see why Kaede is hesitant.

besides, Kaede is a female Japanese high schooler. She is NOT going to make the first move. Never. It all comes down to Junpei being unable to initiate.

Tue, 12-01-2009, 07:19 AM
first (but not very seriously), would YOU believe anything Nagi told you?

second, i do think Kaede knows that Junpei has feelings for her. But (correct me if I'm wrong), we never got to see exactly how Nagi broke the news to Kaede, and since then Junpei has been at the center of several very embarrassing "misunderstandings", so I can see why Kaede is hesitant.

besides, Kaede is a female Japanese high schooler. She is NOT going to make the first move. Never. It all comes down to Junpei being unable to initiate.

No, but i'm not sweet innocent and highly gullible Kaede Mizunu

Consider yourself corrected, we did get a small flashback on episode 5 saying ( according to gg ) :

- "Sorry for bringing this all of a sudden, but Kousaka thinks of you as more than just a classmate"

And she even asked her how she felt about him too, although the answer was never shown

It's like that everywhere isn't it...? That unspoken rule sucks btw, every time i ask a girl out it's like disarming a bomb that can go off at any moment unless i connect the right wires

Fri, 12-04-2009, 07:01 AM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 10​ [484A7BD0].mkv (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=101872)

Fri, 12-04-2009, 08:16 AM
Lol, wtf episode of the season?

Can't say i was too crazy about all the randomness but i'm sure twintail fans will enjoy this thoroughly

And what's this, the cat curse is finally working its way into the plot?

Fri, 12-04-2009, 09:04 PM
Lol, wtf FTW episode of the season?

Can't say i was too crazy about all the randomness but i'm sure twintail fans will enjoy this thoroughly

Then it makes sense that I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. :D

Despite how much this episode focused on Akari, I still found Kotone's scenes to be the best ones. Her actions when she's being pulled away by Akari and all the other creepy stuff she does is a pleasure to watch. It's not that Akari is a bad character, just maybe that the Tsundere card has been played so often in other shows now. I can't say I'm sick of it though.

/hums in a good mood~

Sat, 12-05-2009, 03:41 AM
It's not that Akari is a bad character, just maybe that the Tsundere card has been played so often in other shows now. I can't say I'm sick of it though.

... i can

/hums in a foul mood~

Sat, 12-05-2009, 06:27 AM
What you say and what your custom title says is quite different though.

Still, if you say she is an exception, I will nod in agreement even before you finish the sentence.

Sat, 12-05-2009, 06:44 AM
What you say and what your custom title says is quite different though.

Still, if you say she is an exception, I will nod in agreement even before you finish the sentence.

Your sig and title are also somewhat different are they not?

And to compare Hitagi to your textbook tsundere... 1000 deaths would not be enough

Sat, 12-05-2009, 07:14 AM
I believe I have already explained to you how my sig and title do not contradict each other at all. ;)

And I am not comparing her to textbook tsunderes. I even added a statement saying that I think she is an exception among those. Still, she is a tsundere card. she said so herself.

Sat, 12-05-2009, 07:18 AM
I believe I have already explained to you how my sig and title do not contradict each other at all. ;)

And I am not comparing her to textbook tsunderes. I even added a statement saying that I think she is an exception among those. Still, she is a tsundere card. she said so herself.

I also believe i didn't buy your explanation like... at all :p

And Hitagi is indeed especial <3

Fri, 12-11-2009, 03:01 PM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 11v2​ [7ECC487F].mkv (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=103476)

Fri, 12-11-2009, 09:34 PM
Imagine B- was nice. :D

Nyames being like 40-60 in cat years, while Kanako is a teenager despite them starting off their childhood together had a nice feel to it. It allowed Nyames to continue her motherly figure, but also depict her and Kanako's relationship as more of a childhood friend than just "she's a kid I've known for years"

The finale's looking good, and by the looks of things it seems we really might get a real conclusion to this curse business.

Fri, 12-11-2009, 09:36 PM
To this curse business yes, but i'm sure the harem business will still be up and running by the end of it

gg's version was mighty fucked up, a v2 is coming if their irc is to be trusted

Fri, 12-11-2009, 10:41 PM
Toum... Er, I mean Junpei is so awesome.

And rofl @ 20:37, the typo made me crack up "Hey, just dump! Don't worry!".

Sat, 12-12-2009, 12:46 AM
gg's version was mighty fucked up, a v2 is coming if their irc is to be trusted

gg - Ep 11v2 (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=103476)

Sun, 12-13-2009, 10:10 AM
[23:44] <masamune> but, lol, this episode of nyan is even better
[23:45] <masamune> EVEN a lightsabre
[23:47] <masamune> wait
[23:47] <masamune> stop
[23:48] <masamune> they actually got a way to involve the delivery girl in an episode that ACTUALLY revolves around plot events????
[23:50] <masamune> the coffee splatters on the 'camera'
[00:02] <masamune> but, goddamn. for a comedy, i certainly feel like crying alot when i watch this show. poor sumiyoshi... and, the ending! GAH!

this episode really struck a chord with me. we've seen how Sumiyoshi can be annoying, particularly for everyone rooting for Kaede and Junpei to get together. but, gosh, I just can't help empathize with the poor girl...

the first third or so of this episode was comedic enough to make up for the seriousity in the rest of it. Man, this show has to be the best surprise of the new season. I am seriously sad that there's only one episode left...

Fri, 12-18-2009, 01:40 AM
[gg]​ Nyan​ Koi​ -​ 12​ [B2D47F45].mkv (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=104442)

Fri, 12-18-2009, 11:37 AM
Totally. Awesome. (sorry for using this word so often, but it's hardly misused.)

Right off the bat, Kotone's weirdness made me grin, and that grin lasted from start to finish. (what better way to end the season than by announcing Season 2?!)

Second espionage mission didn't feel old at all. Kotone's acting was perfectly natural :p.

I liked Nagi's uniform along with her charismatic "way of the ruler" pose. But of course, it's not Nagi without a "D-cup, lemme in!". Despite that, the twins' winter getup was still my favourite.

Kousaka's cat form moments were really quite cute, and at times sympathetic (the awww type). Really, this has to be my favourite open-ending that actually had a conclusion.

Production, quality and comedy has definitely been well kept throughout this season. Great work AIC. Random outbursts and over-the-top facial expressions is arguably the best thing about this show. Along with plenty of likable characters, Nyan Koi! is a definite must watch of 2009.

Can't wait for another season of twintails <3!~

Fri, 12-18-2009, 12:36 PM
Fantastic episode, fantastic humor, fantastic characters, fantastic everything!

Can't wait for the second season :)

Sat, 12-19-2009, 07:55 AM
Was Kanako so angry that she didn't realize that she was wrestling with a completely naked Junpei?

I'm not a Mizuno fan (I don't hate her, I just don't prefer her over Kanako), so this episode didn't make me particularly happy. It's hit the point where you know that it is inevitable and that gets depressing. I'm tired of seeing tomgirl types like Kanako always lose to characters like Mizuno. Her archetype never seems to catch a break anymore, even in manga. That's not to say that Kaede wasn't ultra OMEGA cute this episode. She's is certainly one of the more deserving victors in the usual match up. There's plenty of justification for her to win here. I'm just getting weary of the equally deserving girl never having a chance in hell.

Aside from that, the episode was good. Plenty of Akari and Kotone. Akari sighing/smelling/snuggling into Junpei's clothes before getting embarrassed about it once she realized what she was doing was probably my favorite part. Kotone's boot heel Junpei Radar immediately after was good too, although her denpa performance in the post office was better.

Sat, 12-19-2009, 08:45 AM
Was Kanako so angry that she didn't realize that she was wrestling with a completely naked Junpei?

That could be true, but I had a different initial interpretation in that Kanako really isn't as embarrassed about seeing Junpei as Mizuno is.

Sat, 12-19-2009, 09:40 AM
victory, thriller! bad english for the win! what i really liked is that, after episodes of being fanservicy, the twintails finally stepped into the limelight and were essential to 7 parts out of 10 in this episode. i particularly liked how they and the cats cooperated together.

the ending. well, hell, in the end, i STILL can't decide if I want Mizuno or Sumiyoshi to win. Honestly, when I saw Sumiyoshi walking by and wishing to find a new love interest, and she saw Junpei buck naked, I thought for sure that she was going to dump him right then and there, and we ALL could have a happy ending...

instead, well, We (the viewers) get a happy ending, if there is a season 2, that is. (is there? where the fucking official news at?). I wasn't dissatisfied with the open ending. In fact, I think it's particularly fitting that nobody relented, particularly on Sumiyoshi's part (and Mizuno's, "I hope everyone is happy this New Year" moment was especially endearing). I just hope like hell that they keep Sumiyoshi in the running. Nobody likes a one horse race...

the dog speaker moment was weird. didnt get that reference at all. it also made my day to see the one dude from Those Two Guys dressed in drag, because it just confirmed the suspicion that i'd had that those two were also The Ambiguouly Gay Duo of this series.

this was, without a doubt, the biggest positive surprise of this season. i absolutely loved this show for the comedy, and got drawn in to the romance. and, really, that says a lot, because i usually despise high school romances.

[23:42] <masamune> where are people getting this news from?
[23:42] <+Buffalobiian> did you watch the ep?
[23:42] <+Buffalobiian> 12?
[23:44] <masamune> jesus
[23:44] <masamune> the japanese here is pretty vague but
[23:44] <masamune> in the letter
[23:44] <masamune> the father says
[23:44] <+Buffalobiian> all at the end
[23:44] <masamune> congratulations on "what seems like/sounds like/ i've heard" season 2
[23:44] <+Buffalobiian> they all but said "there's a season 2"
[23:45] <+Buffalobiian> there is none
[23:45] <+Buffalobiian> but the VA says
[23:45] <+Buffalobiian> ah, screw it
[23:45] <+Buffalobiian> believe what you will
[23:45] <masamune> which VA?
[23:45] <+Buffalobiian> sumiyoshi
[23:45] <masamune> she does say second season
[23:45] <+Buffalobiian> yes
[23:45] <+Buffalobiian> instead of second semester
[23:46] <+Buffalobiian> post ED
[23:46] <masamune> i saw it
[23:46] <masamune> but i cant find any official news on it
[23:46] <+Buffalobiian> >.>
[23:46] <+Buffalobiian> there IS none
[23:46] <masamune> it's almost like they're just begging people to beg for it
[23:46] <+Buffalobiian> meh
[23:46] <+Buffalobiian> well, in that case,
[23:46] <+Buffalobiian> you can think that
[23:46] <+Buffalobiian> I think it's just unofficial
[23:47] <+Buffalobiian> but there will be a S2
[23:47] <+Buffalobiian> and I'll keep believing that
[23:47] <+Buffalobiian> until I fail to see one several years down the track
[23:47] <+Buffalobiian> at which time I'd kill myself in protest
[23:47] <+Buffalobiian> now if you'd excuse me
[23:47] <+Buffalobiian> I'm resuming Railgun :P
[23:51] <masamune> gah
[23:51] <masamune> i just finished running through this japanese blog about the show
[23:51] <masamune> and it tells me NOTHING
[23:53] <masamune> all i see are cast/staff blogs thanking people for watching
[23:54] <masamune> encouraging people to buy the dvds when they come out january 20th
[23:54] <masamune> and that's it.
[23:55] <masamune> but, gah. there is, of course a perfect possibility that it's an unofficial agreement to air season 2, and we just are being teased to keep interest
[23:55] <masamune> and railgun totally sucks

Thu, 11-17-2011, 07:06 PM
So... no season 2? ;_;

Thu, 11-17-2011, 07:21 PM
Who cares? Generic shows like this don't deserve it. There are many more better titles that have yet to be animated.

Thu, 11-17-2011, 07:40 PM
Shush, Nyan Koi was awesome.

Thu, 11-17-2011, 07:48 PM
If Utsuro no Hako, Zero no Maria was ever animated (successfully), you'd retract that immediately.