View Full Version : Naruto Shippuuden Episode 61

Thu, 05-29-2008, 07:49 PM

Thu, 05-29-2008, 09:03 PM
Good episode...seemed faster.

Thu, 05-29-2008, 10:04 PM
So I suppose this means Sora is a jinchurriki. I had suspected that back when they showed all the monks staring at him the same way people stared at Naruto, but.....

Ugh introducing a jinchurriki in a filler arc?

Thu, 05-29-2008, 11:10 PM
For a second there I actually wanted the kyubi to come out and beat the crap out of her while she was sucking naruto is soul/chakra. But instead we got a half assed reaction to the evil chakra by the women.

I don't think Sora is a jinchurriki, he was probably just born that way instead of being used as a container like Naruto. I don't know, maybe one of his ancestor was a monster, who tentacle raped a women, she got pregnant and gave birth to his grand father or something.. :o

Fri, 05-30-2008, 12:02 AM
first carrots, now potatos

Fri, 05-30-2008, 04:01 AM
One of the best epsiodes ever made in naruto (it was by far the best filler episode I've seen).

The woman naruto has fought is hot, cool, hot, sexy,awesome, hot, strong, hot, scary.... and hot!

Just when everything got *really* interesting (sora + naruto vs those guys) the celling collapsed and destroyed everything :(

Man I really wanted to see they kyuubi this time. I like the filler-characters

Soro is really interesting, and so are the villains this time (especially that red-haired medusa-woman ^^)

Next Episodes seems to be less good, but at least funny.

ah, btw... the animation-quality did rise a few levels imho.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 06:35 AM
ahhh finally.. they put in another jinchuriki..??
i wonder what this one looks like..
woo think about it... theres 9 of em right..?? and we only know three...
that gives us alot of ground to cover.. i wonder which ones are bad :P

Fri, 05-30-2008, 07:53 AM
I feel bad for Bleach right now because its obvious that whoever they got to write the very good Bounto arc for them they have writing this arc now, apparently leaving Bleach with Naruto's old filler writers.

Cause this arc's been great so far.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 08:44 AM
This was a pretty good episode. The main villain with Zoro's VA seems interesting (and the potato scene was splendid - kind of reminded of the crazed FMP villains), as he isn't from the usual big bad bully (filler) stock of villains but could be deeper. The underlings certainly are far more regular but at least they are powerful and didn't get beaten right away. Naruto was as awful and pitiful as ever but at least Sora doesn't suck. Let's hope they will continue to give him more screentime and reduce Naruto's.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 10:11 AM
I hated the very beginning of this episode but I immediately warmed to the main bad guy after he took a bite out of a potato in the middle of schooling Sora. Naruto's slutty opponent was surprisingly fun, while she is hot she also uses lots of different techniques, something that most people in the main storyline don't seem to do so it was great to watch her toy with Naruto using so many different techniques.

While Naruto did look terrible against her he did manage to hold out for quite a while against a vastly superior opponent so I can't fault him too much. A melee focused meathead like Naruto would only have a chance against a mid-ranged technique user like her if he was fast enough to get in close and pummel her before she could slip away. Since speed was never Naruto's thing he's doomed to be outclassed until he either changes his fighting style or learns some tricks to effectively sneak up on people. His shadow clone/rasengan combo is a good start but it's just not enough to fool any actually decent opponents.

Sora replacing Sai is a bit ironic since he's obviously going to go through the exact same cycle as Sai. Good guy who turns bad, then turns good again when confronted by Naruto's special power of friendship.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 12:58 PM
Was the rasengan created by the fourth?... I thought Jirayja created that.

Also, good thinking of Naruto for using his kage bunshins in a useful way for once... Was a great scene though :p

If Sora's also a jinchuuriki, it seemed like he could "communicate" with Naruto's Bijuu, something Gaara couldn't do? We'll see if he's actually one

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:09 PM
4th created it, Jiraiya picked it up from him.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:16 PM
btw... did that guy use the sealing technique?

How was it called...hmmm... I can't remember. The same thing orochimaru used I think (or maybe it was the other seal, which was used by jiraiya or someone else, I'm not sure)

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:23 PM
Fuujin no jutsu or something
One thing I'm sure, it's a five part seal :p
I don't really remember the importance of it being an odd or even number

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:28 PM
Ah yeah that's right.....further proof that Sora's a jinchurriki

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:32 PM
This seal was used by Jiraiya to unseal the 5 Elemental Sealer, given to him by Orochimaru. It is perform by drawing chakra from 5 fingers and suppressing to unseal the odd and even numbers that prevented Naruto from molding his normal chakra correctly. The technique use is exactly like Orochimaru.


This is the seal Jiraiya used on Naruto. It's exactly the same as boss dude form the filler used.

More on the seals

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:35 PM
Fuujin no jutsu or something
One thing I'm sure, it's a five part seal :p
I don't really remember the importance of it being an odd or even number

There is no significance here, with Naruto the seal placed by the fourth was an even seal so an odd one screwed up the flow of chakara. Since Sora doesn't have a seal to begin with (at least he better not...) it shouldn't cause him to be out of wack like it did with Naruto.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:38 PM
Well, not long after the unsealing was performed, Sora did go junchuuriki beserk...

Fri, 05-30-2008, 03:44 PM
I'm not going to assume Sora is a junchuuriki until they explicitly state it. That's going pretty far, even for filler.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 03:57 PM
Well lets be logical about this, it's obvious that akatsuki is going after all the jinchuriki in the world and even the manga reader said they never saw sora before so there's little chance that he's one of them

Maybe he does have a monster inside him but it doesn't necessarily have to be a bijuu, then again that might just be a bloodline limit ( a very strange one)

Fri, 05-30-2008, 04:06 PM
Then why the unsealing?
I would find it strange to if Sora is a jinchuuriki, owuldn't be the brightest thing to do for a filler. But if you look all the facts...

Hateful eyes from bystanders
Usage of an unsealing jutsu similar like Naruto's
Responds to the Kyuubi inside Naruto
Ow yeah, the big ass monster hand we saw :p but that on a side note

Fri, 05-30-2008, 04:08 PM
If Sora is a jinchurriki, then this also means he's going to be around in the series for a while...because obviously akatsuki will be after him as well.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 05:02 PM
Maybe he gets killed later in another filler by akatsuki.

btw was Yamato looking @ Sora or @ Naruto when he said "they arn't after him, but...."

Fri, 05-30-2008, 05:12 PM
Maybe he gets killed later in another filler by akatsuki.

btw was Yamato looking @ Sora or @ Naruto when he said "they arn't after him, but...."

It would be excellent if we later indeed got a filler with Akatsuki killing Sora. It would have at least a bit of an impact if Sora is now becoming a semi-permanent character (for the duration of this filler spree).

Since they thought at first the villains were after the leader of the monks, Yamato now concluded they weren't in fact but were targeting Sora from the beginning. I suppose that's why he wants to keep an eye on Sora and take him with them to the hidden village.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 05:18 PM
Me finks Yamato was thinking about Sora. At first he thought it was the monks, then his own team, but at the end he concluded it's Sora

Fri, 05-30-2008, 05:20 PM
Well if we consider the information yamato is basing on wouldn't he be thinking about naruto? Or did he figure out that there was something strange about Sora because of his strange jutsu?

Edit to below: Yep you could be right

Fri, 05-30-2008, 05:25 PM
Maybe the reaction of the three when they saw Sora barging in?

Fri, 05-30-2008, 06:36 PM
First post :)

I enjoyed this episode because it had it all, really fun and exciting fights to watch, some character and plot development and a new jinchuuriki

Really great episode

Fri, 05-30-2008, 06:42 PM
Well, theres already 2 Bijuu Akatsuki has that they didn't show.

If there are any more in the manga that they captured without showing it, maybe this filler will show it instead.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 09:23 PM
Well, theres already 2 Bijuu Akatsuki has that they didn't show.

If there are any more in the manga that they captured without showing it, maybe this filler will show it instead.

I suppose this might be ok, anything else would be bad.

As for if he was thinking they were after Naruto that isn't possible, there was no way they would know that Naruto's team would go to help the fire temple if they started to rob graves. It has to be Sora with out a doubt.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 09:31 PM
OK... I'm finding this arc to be the most interesting in Shippuuden so far. While the story is not obviously better, the fact that they don't stretch things like they did before (really, this particular ep would have lasted for months!) makes it flow pretty well. So far so good.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 02:46 AM
As for if he was thinking they were after Naruto that isn't possible, there was no way they would know that Naruto's team would go to help the fire temple if they started to rob graves. It has to be Sora with out a doubt.

While I agree it was Sora they were after, your statement is still not entirely accurate. These ninja were from the same Fire Country, so they could have easily had an insider in the hidden village supplying them intel, including who's in the team. They might have counted on Naruto being in. After all, this kind of mission is still the best one to give to Naruto; no need to travel to distant lands when the trouble still resides within Fire Country.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 04:13 AM
But for the anime creators they have to be pretty damn sure that Kishimoto won't talk about the other jinchuuriki's. I take it they talk with him first

Sat, 05-31-2008, 05:26 AM
While I agree it was Sora they were after, your statement is still not entirely accurate. These ninja were from the same Fire Country, so they could have easily had an insider in the hidden village supplying them intel, including who's in the team. They might have counted on Naruto being in. After all, this kind of mission is still the best one to give to Naruto; no need to travel to distant lands when the trouble still resides within Fire Country.

That is a bit of a stretch, the best mission to give to Naruto as stated by everyone else is none at all. Asuma's team would have been ready to go unless they happened to plan this out with Akatsuki. These kind of assumptions don't seem to fall under a master plan, but with this anime I suppose anything is possible.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 06:21 AM
But for the anime creators they have to be pretty damn sure that Kishimoto won't talk about the other jinchuuriki's. I take it they talk with him first

Well i'm guessing they run all fillers through him before actually making them

But yeah, maybe Kishimoto had a spare jinchuuriki laying around that he wasn't going to use and gave him to the anime.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 06:34 AM
That is a bit of a stretch, the best mission to give to Naruto as stated by everyone else is none at all.

Oh, really? And what do you think would happen if they just tried to let Naruto sit and rot back in the village doing nothing? Either he would disturb the life of the whole village beyond redemption or he would wander out on his own seeking trouble. Nah, psychologically and practically this is the best kind of mission: Something real because Naruto always wanted hard enough missions, yet it's still relatively close to Konoha should something happen, like Akatsuki appear.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 06:36 AM
Talking about missions, they made us quite aware that Team Asuma goes on a mission around the same time Team Kakashi did. There won't be a point unless it's connected to this somehow.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 06:40 AM
Talking about missions, they made us quite aware that Team Asuma goes on a mission around the same time Team Kakashi did. There won't be a point unless it's connected to this somehow.

Well, Asuma was one of the super bodyguards right? My guess is that the dude with the white hair is one of them too and we do see both of them fighting in the new opening so they'll cross paths eventually.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:17 AM
Asuma will definitely get in the picture, in the opening song you saw him fight, and of course the link between Asuma and the monk

Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:57 AM
Well, Asuma was one of the super bodyguards right? My guess is that the dude with the white hair is one of them too and we do see both of them fighting in the new opening so they'll cross paths eventually.
Asuma will definitely get in the picture, in the opening song you saw him fight, and of course the link between Asuma and the monk

I was also thinking that. I was just wondering what relevance his current mission has to this one. Probably something to do with the Feudal Lord would by my guess.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 09:22 AM
Oh, really? And what do you think would happen if they just tried to let Naruto sit and rot back in the village doing nothing? Either he would disturb the life of the whole village beyond redemption or he would wander out on his own seeking trouble. Nah, psychologically and practically this is the best kind of mission: Something real because Naruto always wanted hard enough missions, yet it's still relatively close to Konoha should something happen, like Akatsuki appear.

The dude is supposed to be doing his training that is so important that Kakashi would develop this new training method so he could accomplish in a week what would take him about 20 years. That is what he is supposed to be doing. This filler really just screwed up the timing and pacing of the story not to mention various other things. There were a few events that was supposed to happen before Naruto's training started that made his training and especially the time it would take very important.

Sora = Jinchuuriki. It would be one hell of a stretch but they definitely could do it if they wanted to. It wouldn't fit with the manga at all but its not like they actually cared about that since Shippuden started. But making him one would take alot of work thats if they are interested in doing it properly plus that would have to mean that some time in the future they would ofcourse have to make Akatsuki capture him and seriously things are bad enough already. This filler isn't bad but it really messes things up and it doesn't compare to what was supposed to be happening .

Sat, 05-31-2008, 10:00 AM
Aye, right now he should be doing his new training, but I was speaking in general terms.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 10:58 AM
I was also thinking that. I was just wondering what relevance his current mission has to this one. Probably something to do with the Feudal Lord would by my guess.

Isn't that kind of an important figure to be presenting on a filler?

Then again he doesn't really have anything to do with the actual story so i guess it would be ok.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 12:13 PM
was I the only one who got annoyed how they showed naruto in this one?
I mean he used the KB good but it was the same shit over and over again just like other fillers. Poor naruto, he gets it up the ass even in fillers lol.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 02:29 PM
Oh, really? And what do you think would happen if they just tried to let Naruto sit and rot back in the village doing nothing?

He could train. Seriously this kind of a plan leaves far too many things up to chance, if they go with that route I'll go ahead and be mad about how retarded it is no matter the justification they give at this point.

Edit: Didn't notice the new page when I posted so what I replied with has already been said, oh well.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 04:17 PM
the white-haired dude reminds me of jiraiya.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 04:19 PM
double-post-equals-permaban =]


Really? Except for using the same technique he did to bring out the bijuu and the whitish hair he doesn't resemble jiraya at all imho.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 06:21 PM
It's more his carefree attitude, and the way that the talks to Sora reminds you of how Jiraiya talks to Naruto.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 06:33 PM
It's more his carefree attitude, and the way that the talks to Sora reminds you of how Jiraiya talks to Naruto.

Who knows, maybe he's a pervert too :P

Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:19 PM
It's more his carefree attitude, and the way that the talks to Sora reminds you of how Jiraiya talks to Naruto.

yeah, that + white hair + how unexpectedly adds seal to stomach of little boy + mysteriousness

Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:44 PM
yeah, that + white hair + how unexpectedly adds seal to stomach of little boy + mysteriousness

What's so mysterious about the super perv? Except maybe for that scroll he always seems to carry around but never uses...


Sat, 05-31-2008, 08:39 PM
Cuz you like never know where he is or who he'll peep on next

Sun, 06-01-2008, 02:14 AM
What's so mysterious about the super perv? Except maybe for that scroll he always seems to carry around but never uses...

Isn't that the frog summoning contract scroll?

Sun, 06-01-2008, 06:14 AM
He did use it if I remember correctly.

I don't know where and when that was but I can remember him laying that thing on the ground and placing his hand on it, I think it was when he summoned the "frog stomach"

Sun, 06-01-2008, 08:14 AM
Only time I remember him using it is when he let Naruto put his signature in the scroll.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 09:36 AM
Ohh was that the scroll he used? Cool, but if it's only a contract scroll why would he carry it around wherever he goes?

It would make sense if he used it for some more powerful attacks like the frog stomach summon.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 09:43 AM
I guess as he's always moving around gathering information, he really doesn't have a place to put it. He's not real family with the other Sannin and the Third neither ( or outwardly shows it, so he probably thought it's safest by his side. I don't think he's wrong, neither.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 10:06 AM
Hmmm you do have a point, but then again wouldn't it be easier if he just summoned it instead of carrying it all the time? It's been shown that summoning inanimate objects is possible, but then again maybe he has some super secret attack hidden there :D ( i like to think so anyway )

Sun, 06-01-2008, 10:50 AM
No....I don't think that's the signature scroll. If I recall, the signature scroll was brought by one of his frogs. The only time I recall him using the scroll he carries with him was when he sealed the black flames Itachi left behind when he used Amaterasu.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 11:34 AM
Looks like Assertn's right about that one.

Ep 54, 18:20 for the frog summon.

Mon, 06-02-2008, 02:40 PM
Did anyone else notice that the guy Sora fought sounds like its voiced by the same guy who voices Roronoa Zoro?

Mon, 06-02-2008, 02:41 PM
Did anyone else notice that the guy Sora fought sounds like its voiced by the same guy who voices Roronoa Zoro?

Yep, we noticed it about 3 episodes ago :p

Mon, 06-02-2008, 03:01 PM
well...i feel sheepish