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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 61

  1. #1

    Naruto Shippuuden Episode 61

  2. #2
    Good episode...seemed faster.

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    So I suppose this means Sora is a jinchurriki. I had suspected that back when they showed all the monks staring at him the same way people stared at Naruto, but.....

    Ugh introducing a jinchurriki in a filler arc?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #4
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    For a second there I actually wanted the kyubi to come out and beat the crap out of her while she was sucking naruto is soul/chakra. But instead we got a half assed reaction to the evil chakra by the women.

    I don't think Sora is a jinchurriki, he was probably just born that way instead of being used as a container like Naruto. I don't know, maybe one of his ancestor was a monster, who tentacle raped a women, she got pregnant and gave birth to his grand father or something..

  5. #5
    first carrots, now potatos

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    One of the best epsiodes ever made in naruto (it was by far the best filler episode I've seen).

    The woman naruto has fought is hot, cool, hot, sexy,awesome, hot, strong, hot, scary.... and hot!

    Just when everything got *really* interesting (sora + naruto vs those guys) the celling collapsed and destroyed everything

    Man I really wanted to see they kyuubi this time. I like the filler-characters

    Soro is really interesting, and so are the villains this time (especially that red-haired medusa-woman ^^)

    Next Episodes seems to be less good, but at least funny.

    ah, btw... the animation-quality did rise a few levels imho.

  7. #7
    ahhh finally.. they put in another jinchuriki..??
    i wonder what this one looks like..
    woo think about it... theres 9 of em right..?? and we only know three...
    that gives us alot of ground to cover.. i wonder which ones are bad :P

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I feel bad for Bleach right now because its obvious that whoever they got to write the very good Bounto arc for them they have writing this arc now, apparently leaving Bleach with Naruto's old filler writers.

    Cause this arc's been great so far.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was a pretty good episode. The main villain with Zoro's VA seems interesting (and the potato scene was splendid - kind of reminded of the crazed FMP villains), as he isn't from the usual big bad bully (filler) stock of villains but could be deeper. The underlings certainly are far more regular but at least they are powerful and didn't get beaten right away. Naruto was as awful and pitiful as ever but at least Sora doesn't suck. Let's hope they will continue to give him more screentime and reduce Naruto's.

  10. #10
    I hated the very beginning of this episode but I immediately warmed to the main bad guy after he took a bite out of a potato in the middle of schooling Sora. Naruto's slutty opponent was surprisingly fun, while she is hot she also uses lots of different techniques, something that most people in the main storyline don't seem to do so it was great to watch her toy with Naruto using so many different techniques.

    While Naruto did look terrible against her he did manage to hold out for quite a while against a vastly superior opponent so I can't fault him too much. A melee focused meathead like Naruto would only have a chance against a mid-ranged technique user like her if he was fast enough to get in close and pummel her before she could slip away. Since speed was never Naruto's thing he's doomed to be outclassed until he either changes his fighting style or learns some tricks to effectively sneak up on people. His shadow clone/rasengan combo is a good start but it's just not enough to fool any actually decent opponents.

    Sora replacing Sai is a bit ironic since he's obviously going to go through the exact same cycle as Sai. Good guy who turns bad, then turns good again when confronted by Naruto's special power of friendship.

  11. #11
    Was the rasengan created by the fourth?... I thought Jirayja created that.

    Also, good thinking of Naruto for using his kage bunshins in a useful way for once... Was a great scene though

    If Sora's also a jinchuuriki, it seemed like he could "communicate" with Naruto's Bijuu, something Gaara couldn't do? We'll see if he's actually one
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    4th created it, Jiraiya picked it up from him.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    btw... did that guy use the sealing technique?

    How was it called...hmmm... I can't remember. The same thing orochimaru used I think (or maybe it was the other seal, which was used by jiraiya or someone else, I'm not sure)

  14. #14
    Fuujin no jutsu or something
    One thing I'm sure, it's a five part seal
    I don't really remember the importance of it being an odd or even number
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  15. #15
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Ah yeah that's right.....further proof that Sora's a jinchurriki
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #16
    This seal was used by Jiraiya to unseal the 5 Elemental Sealer, given to him by Orochimaru. It is perform by drawing chakra from 5 fingers and suppressing to unseal the odd and even numbers that prevented Naruto from molding his normal chakra correctly. The technique use is exactly like Orochimaru.

    This is the seal Jiraiya used on Naruto. It's exactly the same as boss dude form the filler used.

    More on the seals
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    Fuujin no jutsu or something
    One thing I'm sure, it's a five part seal
    I don't really remember the importance of it being an odd or even number
    There is no significance here, with Naruto the seal placed by the fourth was an even seal so an odd one screwed up the flow of chakara. Since Sora doesn't have a seal to begin with (at least he better not...) it shouldn't cause him to be out of wack like it did with Naruto.

  18. #18
    Well, not long after the unsealing was performed, Sora did go junchuuriki beserk...
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I'm not going to assume Sora is a junchuuriki until they explicitly state it. That's going pretty far, even for filler.

  20. #20
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well lets be logical about this, it's obvious that akatsuki is going after all the jinchuriki in the world and even the manga reader said they never saw sora before so there's little chance that he's one of them

    Maybe he does have a monster inside him but it doesn't necessarily have to be a bijuu, then again that might just be a bloodline limit ( a very strange one)

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