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Wed, 08-17-2005, 09:30 AM
... need more murrue and mwu *goes into a seizure*

Wed, 08-17-2005, 08:15 PM
*final episode scene*

Kira: "Hurry Lunamaria, you must hit the reactor core before it fires and wipes out all life on Earth!"
Lunamaria: "Roger"

*Lunamaria fires at the huge reactor, and misses*

Lunamaria: "Oh sh--"

Wed, 08-17-2005, 11:23 PM
Destiny with WOL activated is EQUAL with SF speed
the proof is when shin use his anti ship sword, and then he open his WOL, and he ran onto SF and they just keep on striking each other on equal speed

Thu, 08-18-2005, 02:38 AM
and a pair of shoulder-mounted beam boomerangs that can also extend to become beam sabers. In addition, it has some unusual equipment: palm-mounted beam cannons, a pair of beam shield generators on its knuckles, and "Hikari no Tsubasa" ("Wings of Light") beam wings that are used as a propulsion system, enabling the Destiny to move at very high speeds. In conjunction with a form of Mirage Colloid technology, this system causes


Also look at the episode 42 where before Shinn ran out of power from his MS's massive power consumption, and look at how Kira reacts. He basically moves one space and Shinn moves 3 spaces in circle around him. A dog chases its tail because it thinks its being surrounded by something faster than itself but it turns out its still just its tail; some of it is true when you compare their difference in speed. In a spinning disk grooved disk with many separate concentric swirls with 2 dots on the same line extending from the epicenter of the disk, its true the the outer dot rotates in the same #'s of rotation per minute as the inner disk but does that mean they're the same speed per distance traveled, miles per hr? Shinn was the outer dot and Kira was the inner dot. The galaxy might move like this too and objects that falls out of gravity pull turns into a slingshot although most objects are roaming independently as they wish. Shinn was slinging himself around Kira despite Kira MS's speeds.

Shinn is faster than his opponent by an extent at which he can joust him and all Kira could do was stand his ground. If your move is one step behind your opponent and you're always defending then you will eventually run out of pawns. In a fight the one that takes the innitiative, is better/faster player in a timed game, and makes good decision wins with alot of time left and score the most points. Its not the one that takes defend stance. Its not the one that attacks underestimating your opponent. We know that Kira is holding back from killing but does the facial expression of the beseized Kira look like he's confident and relaxed or one that faces an opponent that is faster and have a better MS and cornering him with just WOL and Mirage Colloid and a regular beam gun vs beam gun jousting game? What is Himat? It's an older generation propulsion that's the same one in the previous Freedom. It has not been improved much and you can clearly see so in episode 43 when Shinn charged at Kira with his palm mounted cannon from afar and basically closed the gap in a blink of an eye and you can see Shinn when he's in his seats and look out the window seeing only the blur of the skies. This is the difference between what you see viewing thru Kira's pilot windows (normal) vs Shinn's(blurred and MS's movement is unreal) and why WOL > SF's wings. You dont 'charge' at someone unless you know you're faster than them. An unhorsed soldier might be able to 'charge' at a mounted knight but he won't ever match his sheer overall speed and thus usually at a tactical disadvantage thus rely on other 'tricks' to stop him such as long polearms and pointed weapons to dismount him and engage on equal grounds. This is not something that Kira could do with Shinn. Himat is a physical wing and can be damaged while WOL is not. WOL is better and faster than most current MS's wings.

Thu, 08-18-2005, 03:30 AM
HiMAT stands for High Mobility Aerial Tictacs errr... Tacits errr... Tactics!
It is allows Freedom, Justice, SF and IJ to track multiple targets and aim each of mobile suit weapons at one designeted target. Sort of aimbot really. Well, jokes aside - it is multitarget tracking and aiming system.
Also works when aforementioned mobile suits are docked with METEOR system. HiMAT has nothing to do with suits propulsion. Nuclear-powered Gundams are faster because you can devote more power to thrusters without worrying that you will run out of power soon. Destiny can move fast using it's WoL propulsion system, but it drains Destiny's hybrid reactor's power faster than suit's reactor can replenish it. And seems, Destiny and Leged can't use Minerva's Deyterion beam to charge suit remotely. Destiny is faster than SF in raw speed but only for a short time. Compare Destiny to cheetah - it can run very fast but for short distances. Useful only for charge-in type attacks. Once your attack misses you have to turn off ultra-speed or you will find yourself running out of energy.
It is pointless to use HiMAT mode against ONE mobile suit because system won't allow you to aim all weapons at one target - you can easily do it manually, but that will make one concentrated beam blast which Shinn will block or dodge. Only way for Shinn to kill Freedom is:

1. Gang up on SF with all 3 of Minerva's Gundams, but they should also take IJ into consideration this time it will be alot harder than first time Shinn took out Freedom.
2. Use tactics!!! Again - twice as hard now with upgraded Freedom and IJ covering SFs back...

SFs wings are just DRAGOON bits - they also have nothing to do with propulsion, they are in essence additional beam rifles (i think their power are comparable to beam rifle) which can be separated from mobile suit and controlled remotely to attack designated targets or used with HiMAT system for multi-target blast.

Thu, 08-18-2005, 10:02 PM
Aimbotting or sheer unmatched aiming skill? This isn't some shooter game where over 50% of players cheat.
To summarize Kira's Himat from wikipedia.org

One of these suits is the ZGMF-X10A Freedom. It is the second suit in the series, and features a 10-wing HiMAT (High Mobility Aerial Tactics) mode for superior speed and agility.

Next is the controversy over Shinn's hyper-power plant MS. Its not hybrid. Its hyper! I dont see anything hybrid about it. Even if its hybrid it because it uses batteries then i'll explain why batteries are important and why hybrid is better.

Most modern nuclear subs need to resupply and require maintenance every few years and they have massive batteries and there's little to no leg room. The difference is the hyper capacitator in Legend and Destiny. This is superior to conventional fission reactors such as ones in Freedom and Justice.

The hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor is a hybrid system created by ZAFT which combines a nuclear fission reactor with a deuterion beam system. The mechanics of this system are unknown, but hyper-deuterion reactors are more powerful and efficient than conventional fission reactors, but require a hyper capacitor battery and recharging, which effectively makes it having a shorter operation time. The hyper-deuterion reactor is currently used by the ZGMF-X42S Destiny and ZGMF-X666S Legend only. The "G.U.N.D.A.M" acronym for mobile suits with a hyper-deuterion nuclear reactor is Gunnery United Nuclear-Deuterion Advanced Maneuver.

Even Freedom requires batteries to store left over heat & electricity generated from fission energy to power its beams, its movement, beam shields. A nuclear core can power steam and turn it into direct thermal propulsion such as in nuclear subs that turn the fins of the sub but how will a nuclear sub provide long term electricity efficiently without wasting nuclear material and when its nuclear reactor has to be shut down? Through charging its batteries, a nuclear sub can allow its crew just that. Thus Freedom does have a battery to store electricity or else it will deplete its nuclear fuel extremely fast. If Freedom does not have an internal battery then it would mean it would either A) always be using its fission fuel extremely moderately and constantly monitor its output and keep it at an absolute minimum and power just its propulsion for example or B) Keep its output high and deplete itself in a fashion faster than even Destiny and results would be inconsistent with how Kira is currently using Freedom and S. Freedom.

A nuclear power plant, diesel, or fossil fuel power plant, solar, or hydro-electric all have one thing in common; they're constantly monitoring their customer load and if there is a spike in usage such as how random a MS in GSD would be then they'd have a sever system overload and have to shut everything down such as a power line down or natural disasters that causes flux in electrical output. A power plant does not require battery but its output is closely monitored on a large scale and output is simultaneous depending on the time of day and the output is constantly controlled. On a smaller scale such as a MS, heat and unspent electricity is constantly an issue, so this is just not the case and there is no excuse not to control such a reactor when you're sitting on a ton of nuclear material and your consumption varies greatly.

Shinn's Destiny is like your laptop which is so energy efficient compared to the desktops of the older generations and it will only be a matter of time before laptops become faster than desktops of similar cpu, hd, video card etc. Besides their fundamental differences such as the desktop's wattage consumption is substantially greater, a Laptop is limited in speed by its video card, hard drive, ram, technology, and cpu but otherwise its much more efficient than a desktop of the similar speed, video card, hd, ram, etc. and even its cpu use less watts than desktop cpus as advertisers on Ebay love to point that fact out and one other advantage is it can store energy on a battery and require less energy and operate in long periods of black out (3-6 hrs depending on the battery size) longer than a battery power backup for desktops which can only last a mere 30 minutes or so, long enough to shut down your desktop. Without a battery, then good luck running your desktop in black outs. This would be why Freedom would be at a disadvantage if it in fact does not use a battery and the other downside is how you would explain its energy consumption of fission material if both Destiny and Freedom uses nuclear fission cores. This is why Destiny's core is superior to Freedom's except for its hyper capacitator part which is one of its down-side.

Now If we're going to further explain science fiction of nuclear energy and assume GSD is saying nuclear fusion is already in place in that universe then still there is no explanation why nuclear fusion is inferior to nuclear fission as no one has been able to commercially utilize fusion and there is no evidence to say that fusion is any worst then fission. Our sun is explanation enough. It has been burning for 4 and a half billion years which is incomprehensible in our short life span of averaging 70-80 years.

So in summary hybrid does not neccesarily mean its worst or better; you can learn about hybrid motors' strengths and weaknesses by link below. The hyper capacitator found on Shinn's suit has its upsides and downsides. Finally, would you make a 2nd generation nuclear reactor after it's been banned and go all out to break rules, do a half arse job of utilizing it, and then make it worst then conventional nuclear reactors?

Understanding nuclear subs (http://people.howstuffworks.com/submarine3.htm)

Thu, 08-18-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by: XwingRob
*final episode scene*

Kira: "Hurry Lunamaria, you must hit the reactor core before it fires and wipes out all life on Earth!"
Lunamaria: "Roger"

*Lunamaria fires at the huge reactor, and misses*

Lunamaria: "Oh sh--"

Jesus, that is so funny. Seriously. Someone should make a caption of that somehow.
I can just picture Luna's expression, and then it'd zoom in on everyone, ending with Luna saying "Oh sh--"


Fri, 08-19-2005, 06:54 AM
why hasn't haro2 and tori2 released their subs yet?

Fri, 08-19-2005, 07:34 AM

Fri, 08-19-2005, 07:43 AM

*rightclick save*

Fri, 08-19-2005, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by: alukard

Finally, would you make a 2nd generation nuclear reactor after it's been banned and go all out to break rules, do a half arse job of utilizing it, and then make it worst then conventional nuclear reactors?


...sequels suck...

...sophmore albums suck...

...for along time american made automobiles got worse every generation...

...also just because you are trying to innovate does not mean your end result will be better than the original design...clearly Records are better than tapes...

plus on wikipedia it says...

While Destiny and Strike Freedom seemed fairly evenly matched, Shinn was eventually ordered to retreat due to having lost several weapons and his hyper capacitor running low on energy. Whether this is a sign of the hyper-deuterion reactor being inferior to standard fission reactors or simply of Destiny having unusually high power consumption requirements is not yet known.

finally whatever the writers say is the truth...is the truth...and according to them they don`t know yet...and even after they have decided...they can always change it again.

Fri, 08-19-2005, 10:40 AM
I would suggest takinging everything in wikipedia with a big grain of salt.
It is not some kind of Universal Source of All Knowledge.
There are no quality checks in wikipedia.

Fri, 08-19-2005, 11:33 AM
There are quality checks on Wikipedia...It's the people of the Internet.

If you have a dispute with the information they've posted, let them know.

Generally speaking I find it to be quite reliable.

Of course it is never my only source, when I research topics; however, where else are you going to find as vast a resource for information pertaining to Gundam Seed Destiny as wikipedia.

I think they've done a fairly good job gathering information.

Fri, 08-19-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by: Psyke


Fri, 08-19-2005, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by: XwingRob

Originally posted by: Psyke



And I used to like Luna to. Now she's just sad.

Fri, 08-19-2005, 05:48 PM
What I can't understand is why they didn't send out Lunamaria with a long-range rifle or larger beam cannon? She always used to use the big heavy cannon, now they give her the standard dueling shield and smaller rifle? (And ORB sends no long range units either...)

I also tend to trust Wikepedia. Answers.com is decent too. Then again, trusting ANYTHING, Internet, written, spoken word 100% is idiocy.

Fri, 08-19-2005, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
What I can't understand is why they didn't send out Lunamaria with a long-range rifle or larger beam cannon? She always used to use the big heavy cannon, now they give her the standard dueling shield and smaller rifle? (And ORB sends no long range units either...)

I also tend to trust Wikepedia. Answers.com is decent too. Then again, trusting ANYTHING, Internet, written, spoken word 100% is idiocy.

Well, as for Orb, they sent the units they had. It was either Murasames or Astrays. Akatsuki was damaged and had probably already been taken somewhere for repairs so it wouldn't be able to launch quickly, and SF and IJ were busy playing with Legend and Destiny. Of course I don't think IJ could have gone anyways considering Athrun's condition.

Though now that I think about it, Akatsuki's backpack is supposed to be detachable so maybe they could have sent that by remote.

Sat, 08-20-2005, 01:06 AM
Well one other thing I didn't understand was the Murusames... don't they have air to air missiles... but ah... whatever.

Sat, 08-20-2005, 01:56 AM
I doubt there are ANY missiles that are fast enough to catch a shuttle in mid launch once it is up to speed. They would have just wasted the missles. With Earth's gravity, take-off speed has to be high.

Sat, 08-20-2005, 01:59 AM
The Murusames' speed dissapointed me though. You would think it's more aerodynamic than a gundam with arms and legs stickin out. Aye, I know that Impulse may have more power, but still...

Sat, 08-20-2005, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by: Curium
I doubt there are ANY missiles that are fast enough to catch a shuttle in mid launch once it is up to speed. They would have just wasted the missles. With Earth's gravity, take-off speed has to be high.
For low Earth orbit escape velocity should be at least 7.9km/sec
For Earth-Moon transit (where Djibril is heading) you have to achieve 11.2km/sec in order to escape Earth's gravity well. Of course shuttle could accelerate to 11.2km/sec after achieving low-Earth orbit.

Sat, 08-20-2005, 05:25 AM
wikipedia is maintained by people who know just as much as we do..so we really shouldn't take their words for black and white

Sat, 08-20-2005, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by: Marcis

Originally posted by: Curium
I doubt there are ANY missiles that are fast enough to catch a shuttle in mid launch once it is up to speed. They would have just wasted the missles. With Earth's gravity, take-off speed has to be high.
For low Earth orbit escape velocity should be at least 7.9km/sec
For Earth-Moon transit (where Djibril is heading) you have to achieve 11.2km/sec in order to escape Earth's gravity well. Of course shuttle could accelerate to 11.2km/sec after achieving low-Earth orbit.

Are you agreeing with me or arguing against what I said? It sounds like you agree, but I can't tell for sure.

Sat, 08-20-2005, 11:29 AM
Can someone tell me what happen to haro2 & tori2 with the release of phase 43 ????

Sat, 08-20-2005, 11:50 AM
ok, there must be something officially wrong with HaroTori. It's now Saturday, and the episode 44 raw is already out, but they still haven't released the subbed 43. Have they disbanded or something? if so, wouldn't they post an announcement on the website? I'm confused. Normally they have it out by wednesday or thursday, but last week they were also rather late too. What's going on with them?

Strike Freedom
Sat, 08-20-2005, 12:06 PM
They're in space....working on the doomsday weapon for the chairman in the final SEED-D episode.....why....why did they have to side with the girly looking guy?!!!

Sat, 08-20-2005, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by: Strike Freedom
They're in space....working on the doomsday weapon for the chairman in the final SEED-D episode.....why....why did they have to side with the girly looking guy?!!!

lol, u think Dullinal's girly, think Dijibril. He puts on PURPLE LIPSTICKS for god sake.

Sat, 08-20-2005, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by: addict4speed

Originally posted by: Strike Freedom
They're in space....working on the doomsday weapon for the chairman in the final SEED-D episode.....why....why did they have to side with the girly looking guy?!!!

lol, u think Dullinal's girly, think Dijibril. He puts on PURPLE LIPSTICKS for god sake.

It's may not be lipstick. His body may just not be getting enough oxygen. That would also explain his lack of sanity.

Sun, 08-21-2005, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by: Curium

Originally posted by: Marcis

Originally posted by: Curium
I doubt there are ANY missiles that are fast enough to catch a shuttle in mid launch once it is up to speed. They would have just wasted the missles. With Earth's gravity, take-off speed has to be high.
For low Earth orbit escape velocity should be at least 7.9km/sec
For Earth-Moon transit (where Djibril is heading) you have to achieve 11.2km/sec in order to escape Earth's gravity well. Of course shuttle could accelerate to 11.2km/sec after achieving low-Earth orbit.

Are you agreeing with me or arguing against what I said? It sounds like you agree, but I can't tell for sure.
I am... backing you up i think i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Tue, 08-23-2005, 06:52 PM
HaroHaro & Tori Tori 43 just release it!!!!


Board of Command
Tue, 08-23-2005, 07:00 PM
I'm surprised that Dulindal didn't know Lacus was in Orb the whole time. He knows just about everything that happened in the original Seed, which means he knew about Eternal. Well, Zaft just found and attacked Eternal recently, and unless Lacus is retarded, she probably escaped. He should also have known about her relationship to Kira, which means she will go to where Kira's sister is: Orb. Also, I don't believe the Eternal was shot down, so that eliminates the possibility of her being dead. I'm just surprised that Dulindal didn't prepare for an inevitable situation like this.

Tue, 08-23-2005, 07:03 PM
Someone already said it, but i'm to lazy to go and find the quote.
Whoever said it, said that maybe Dulindal thought the real Lacus was still in space. No one but the AA crew knew that Lacus was in Justice, hence how the all-knowing Dulindal was bitch-smacked.

Tue, 08-23-2005, 07:36 PM
eternal was being protected by kira and andrew, do you think they'd let it be shot down?

Tue, 08-23-2005, 11:41 PM
Lovely how now suddenly everything is okay with Neo/Mwu/whatever. Let's just forget the fact that he abused children and used them as war machines under Djibril and turn him into a flawless hero once more, one who will obviously die in the most heroic way possible in a few eps as he finally remembers everything.

I mean, I find it hard that a man who had no hesitation to break a vow and then send a young girl with the mentality of a five year to decimate a city and slaughter innocents would suddenly turn into a self-sacrificing superman simply because his body remembered her (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/Alceste/YouDirtyDog.jpg). Shit, it couldn't have been that good could it?

Anyway, I'm not too happy with this.

The fights were however very nice. I absolutely loved the music which kicked in when Shinn and Rey fought against Kira. And Lacus still sucks. Who wants to drop a zaku on her?

Wed, 08-24-2005, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by: Nai
Lovely how now suddenly everything is okay with Neo/Mwu/whatever. Let's just forget the fact that he abused children and used them as war machines under Djibril and turn him into a flawless hero once more, one who will obviously die in the most heroic way possible in a few eps as he finally remembers everything.

I mean, I find it hard that a man who had no hesitation to break a vow and then send a young girl with the mentality of a five year to decimate a city and slaughter innocents would suddenly turn into a self-sacrificing superman simply because his body remembered her (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/Alceste/YouDirtyDog.jpg). Shit, it couldn't have been that good could it?

Anyway, I'm not too happy with this.

The fights were however very nice. I absolutely loved the music which kicked in when Shinn and Rey fought against Kira. And Lacus still sucks. Who wants to drop a zaku on her?

Why waste a perfectly good ZAKU on her. Why not drop something old and out of date like a Ginn or a Mobius.

NOTE: I'm not really against Lacus, I just thought using a ZAKU in that situation was a waste.

Wed, 08-24-2005, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by: Curium

Originally posted by: Nai
Lovely how now suddenly everything is okay with Neo/Mwu/whatever. Let's just forget the fact that he abused children and used them as war machines under Djibril and turn him into a flawless hero once more, one who will obviously die in the most heroic way possible in a few eps as he finally remembers everything.

I mean, I find it hard that a man who had no hesitation to break a vow and then send a young girl with the mentality of a five year to decimate a city and slaughter innocents would suddenly turn into a self-sacrificing superman simply because his body remembered her (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/Alceste/YouDirtyDog.jpg). Shit, it couldn't have been that good could it?

Anyway, I'm not too happy with this.

The fights were however very nice. I absolutely loved the music which kicked in when Shinn and Rey fought against Kira. And Lacus still sucks. Who wants to drop a zaku on her?

Why waste a perfectly good ZAKU on her. Why not drop something old and out of date like a Ginn or a Mobius.

NOTE: I'm not really against Lacus, I just thought using a ZAKU in that situation was a waste.

or even better, have kira in freedom drop on her and then after that he can cry like a stupid retard again

Wed, 08-24-2005, 02:09 AM
... Or simply have Yzak blow up a shuttle with her in it in front of Kira.

The possibilities are endless. ENDLESS, I tell you!

And the ZAKU wouldn't have to be destroyed in the process. Just slowly crush the fucking bitch. In fact, I think I'd enjoy it even more that way.

Wed, 08-24-2005, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by: Nai
... Or simply have Yzak blow up a shuttle with her in it in front of Kira.

The possibilities are endless. ENDLESS, I tell you!

And the ZAKU wouldn't have to be destroyed in the process. Just slowly crush the fucking bitch. In fact, I think I'd enjoy it even more that way.

Thinking of all this makes me cry sweet tears of unrivaled joy.

Sun, 09-25-2005, 04:43 PM
Stop it, Lacus is one of the best Seed Characters.

Sun, 09-25-2005, 04:52 PM
You bumped an old topic just to flaunt your Lacus fanboyism?

And no she isn't.

Sun, 09-25-2005, 04:53 PM
lol why do u get angry at month old posts

Sun, 09-25-2005, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by: heero
lol why do u get angry at month old posts

My guess, no life.