View Full Version : Game: Final Fantasy

Wed, 07-27-2005, 06:17 AM
Ok its like this i love rpg and i think the best games ever made is final fantasy but there are diffrent games so my favourite is ff 10 couldent get enogh out of it was playing night and day but hey it was my first ff game. then i started to hear about other ff games and started to play them to no i have ff7 to ff x2 i like kingdom hearts to well you can say it is like a ff game squaresoft are the ones that made it with disney so here comes my top 5 list

1.FF10 (liked the summons)
2.KH (donald and goofy rocks)
3.FF7 (loved the story)
4.FFx2 (the grafics was awsome)
5.FF9 (haha what can i say, ViVi)

It will come a new FF7 with Vincent Valentine as the main charcter what do you think ?

And know FF12 will come out im sure it ill be a bis succsess ?

Wed, 07-27-2005, 10:36 AM
It's good to see another FF fan here, but some how I'm a bit amused and bewildered by the reasons you gave for your top 5 games. You like KH because of Goofy and Donald? FFX because of the summons and FFIX because of Vivi? Hmmmm.....

My fave is FFX. Loved the story between Tidus and his father Jecht, and how he came to acknowledge him although he thought that he was abandoned a decade ago. Excellent gameplay provided over 99 hours of game time for me, trying to get/do everything.

Wed, 07-27-2005, 10:55 AM
1. FFVII: The Story kicks ass.. Cloud is the coolest main character (also best looking) and Sephiroth is the best game character ever (The coolest villian, coolest looking and great OST)

2. FFVIII: I think the chemistry between the character's is the best in this game.. The only bad thing about this game was the "draw" and "Junktion"-system..

3. FFX: Great graphics, a big world and i found no problem with Tidius (nether the voice or the character)

4. FFIX: Big towns, Went back a little to the old occupation-system.. Everyone had there specific roll to play.. Also that bad guy on the dragon was cool.. And some cool cinematics of the Aeons destroying towns and stuff..

5.KH: Well i didn't like the fact that Donald and Goofy was in this game.. But it was awsome that FF-characters was in it.. And i really like how Sephiroth is the hardest boss in the game.. I tried him once and he kicked my ass (i was to low level to even stand a chance) and i gave my PS2 away before i was able to improve and go back and try to beat him..

Wed, 07-27-2005, 12:48 PM
1. FFVII: oh look i think i may be a cloud fanboy i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif but seriously, this game rocked, with the story and all
2. FFX: I love playing...DAMN what was that underwater game that was a cross of soccer and football? anyway auron kicks ass too.
3. KH: I loved having the FF characters, riku was cool too. funny how this was the first 1 of FF series i completed.
4: FFIX: this game was just great for me. For some reason, i never get tired of it...time to go play right now! And YES ViVi is a perfectly good reason to love this game. The only thing i didnt like was the final battle, it was boring, the fight against kujo was more fun.
5. FFVIII: This game was good with most things, especially the GFs. Shiva kicks! i liked how until you got lionheart sword, you needed skill to land a good damage shot (the trigger with the gunblade) i wish there was more Squall vs. Seipher battles but, he was pretty weak anyway.
6. FFX-2: I never got around to finishing this, the whole "changing clothes to skills" thing was fun at first, but soon it got annoying. Lulu in Warrior was great though i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Wed, 07-27-2005, 01:07 PM
Yay another ff fan!

Final Fantasy 5 - Loved the crystal morphing into different classes. Storyline was great.

Final Fantasy 6- What can you say? Surprising Storyline and man it sucked though, Cid can live if you give him the bigger fishes i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif.

Final Fantasy 7- #1 on my list of the best RPG games ever. Best storyline in the world.

Final Fantasy 8- Yah your right, it had a good chemistry system between Squall and Rinoa. Junction system was alright, took me maybe 15 mins just to get 99 of 1 Magic.

Final Fantasy 9- It was a good game, not the best. Vivi, was a cool char. But I thought Zidane was alot better.

Final Fantasy 10- 1st FF on the ps2 system, Graphics astounded me. Storyline was cool until I found out that Tidus was just a "Dream" made up by the gods.

Final Fantasy 11- Don't know haven't played it.

Final Fantasy 12- It is going to look amazing, looks like a movie to me.

Wed, 07-27-2005, 01:26 PM
The Final Fantasy games eh... man, I owe these a lot.

Final Fantasy 6 is the best game ever made period. I can't even begin to explain how much this game means to me, how many times I've played it and how it helped me to survive the lonely period that was my childhood. I might sound like some kind of elitist, but my relation to this game is immensely wide and while of course it's hailed as a wonderful game, the days of my youth when I played FF6 remain my happiest memories. Again, the best game ever made. I'd trade my soul for it.

Final Fantasy 7 took my eyesight (this is a long and weird story). Suffice to say I played and loved this game too much. I never had a PSX, but when Square released it for the PC I thought I was going to die of happiness. Good days. I was in love with Aeris i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif And Vincent is my favorite character.

Final Fantasy 8 was a fair game, not at all as bad as some people would have you think. Different, though. But I liked it.

I never played FF1-3, 5 didn't do so much for me (even though I digged Faris) & I never bothered to finish 9.

10 looks bland and I didn't play it too much. 11 is online and after that the series got fucked up. I feel absolutely nothing for 12.

EDIT: Can't believe I forgot 4. That was another good game, I didn't like how you couldn't change your party manually but the story was great. So many sad deaths, just the way I like it.

Wed, 07-27-2005, 01:46 PM
FF4 - Pretty good in its way. Didn't like how the party was constantly changing.
FF5 - It died pretty easily for me. Didn't like the game very much, although I liked the job system.
FF6 - Awesome awesome game. Each character has a special ability as well as their own story. Plus, you gotta level them all to assault the last place, just awesome i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
FF7 - Another awesome game. Story and characters are well-made, along with the fighting and materia system.
FF8 - A pretty good game. Story became a lil weird as it progressed. I liked the junction system, but it was waaaaaaaay too easy to abuse.
FFX-2 - An alright game. I loved how they brought back the job system with a couple of twists, but the story wasn't as strong as I would like it to be.

Wed, 07-27-2005, 01:57 PM
FFVII- # 1 RPG and game in my list. The awesome and also very deep storyline that made you want to continue until your eyes fell off from their sockets. I still awe at the Knights of the round table summon.

FFTatctis- Started playing a while ago but I can say that it reached my top 2. Again, great storyline and the battle system is very unique although it took me a while to get used to it.

KH- It was good to see the old FF characters and the Aries resurrection. Cloud looked so badass in there and the VA weren't half bad for the FF characters. Except for Lance Bass as Sephiroth. Damn them.

FFX- Good storyline also. I enjoyed how Tidus slowly came to realize how much his father cared for him gaining Tidus respect for him. The battle system also was a good improvement. Being able to change characters based on what they're good at like long range, healing, strenght, etc. The thing that I didn't like was the leveling up sytem.

Looking forward to getting FFVII with Vincent, Advent Children(not an RPG but its an RPG based movie), and KH2(Auron is in there!)

Wed, 07-27-2005, 02:46 PM

Someone else respects the majesty and kick-ass that is Final Fantasy Tactics.

This game will knock your socks off with its storyline and some of the characters and lines are classic!

But ff7 will always hold a special place in my heart because it was one of my first RPGs and really is responsible for turning me into the semi-nerd that I am today.

1. FF7 - Cid curses so much. Tifa's tits are huge. Cloud is an enjoyably fucked up main character. Good battles, music and graphics (for its time) as well as a riveting story and an intricate but not overcomplicated equipment and Materia system. I really hope they remake this game! SEPHIROTH OWNS YOU ALL
2. FFT - A game where you need to plan your shit ahead of time and actually use your brain in battle. I believe I got stuck in Dorter Slums for almost a full week if not more! (I won't speak of the travesty that made me restart my whole game at Riovanes Castle...) Excellent excellent battle system that is not like most RPGs. Got to love the class system. And the story. "Don't blame us. Blame yourself, or God." BOOYAH! And Cloud is in it too!
3. FF6(3, whatever) - great music and some incredible scenes. Truly one of the best of all times. "The reaper's always one step behind me." Kefka is a deliciously insane villain.
4. FF9 - sometimes a little slow and some really annoying characters who "persevere" in pissing you off all game long. Nice use of CG cut scenes and I loved the huge towns and tons of equipment and side-stuff.
5. FF4 - Yes the graphics suck! But still, a great main character and fairly strong in all aspects.
6. FF8 - hmm hmm hmm... Sometimes a great game, sometimes a PIECE OF STINKING DOG SHIT. Characters range from the worst crap to mediocre. Story was totally forced and I felt like they cut some corners with certain scenes. Some ideas and events were just way too trite and boring for me to ever care about.
7. ff10- the game where you get an option to use a minimap to help navigate your way in what is mostly a straightline path and are interrupted every now and then by a random battle. I thought this game was good on the minigames (my Blitzball team have been champs many times over!) graphics and music and enjoyed the battles immensly. But the rest of the game was too bare and the fact that you're so limited in movement for most of the time really pissed me off. No world map? I thought they were playing a cruel joke! Fails in the classics, gets a B in the new twists and gizmos.

And this game is not a Final Fantasy but still is oneof my favorites of all time:
Not Xenosaga BULLSHIT. Xeno-fuck-you-up-burn-the-church-rape-your-dog-Gears
A seriously disturbing game (especially when I was just 13) with some majorlly fucked up characters and events that will leave you speechless. Some good anime cutscenes and I loved developing your characters' skills and outfitting the Gears at the same time.

It was also unfortunatley released before they could really finish it... So umm... yeh, disc 2 sucks hairy monkey balls and doesn't let you do much at all (ALMOST NOTHING AT ALL) but press X until right before the end of the game. But the story is still engrossing in this part and that is what made the game for me.

Wed, 07-27-2005, 02:50 PM
Not that good at ff but i have only played ff 8 and ff crystal chronicles .
... Chronicles is not like the other ff games diffrent play style and multi player i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
... ff 8 didnt play that much so nothing to say about that game i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
... KH was fun did play half of the game i gues . did like Goffy i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif donald not that much ^^

Wed, 07-27-2005, 03:14 PM
oh i forgot about tactics...: (i only played it on GBA does it still count?) i'm not sure if the final fantasy tactics on GBA was the same but, it was still a great game that involved strategy, not just pressing "attack" masamuneehs i might have not played the same version but, where was cloud in FFT?

Wed, 07-27-2005, 03:43 PM
my fav FF game is betwwen FFVIII and FFV11 because the first one i ever played was 7 and i rocked, i wasn't crazy about 9, and 10 i was O.K. i didnt even buy X-2 but yeah FF is by far the greates RPG games ever made

Fri, 07-29-2005, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
oh i forgot about tactics...: (i only played it on GBA does it still count?) i'm not sure if the final fantasy tactics on GBA was the same but, it was still a great game that involved strategy, not just pressing "attack" masamuneehs i might have not played the same version but, where was cloud in FFT?

The GBA game is called Final Fantasy Tactics:Advance or something along those lines.

It is in no way the original Final Fantasy Tactics for Playstation 1. Cloud is in FFT, but I've never played the GBA Tactics so I can't make a judgment call on that one.

Anyone who has a PS2 or a PS emulator on their computer should play Tactics for Playstation. Rocks your socks.

BTW, Chaoskiddo: How was the story line in FFT:Advance for GBA?

Fri, 07-29-2005, 07:16 PM
I LOVE FINAL FANTASY!!!!!11 haha Good stuff. I own Final Fantasy 1-2, 4-10, X-2, and Tactics. My favorites though are

1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Final Fantasy Tactics
3. Final Fantasy 10
4. FInal Fantasy 8
5. Final Fantasy 9

*Kingdom Hearts is NOT a Final Fantasy game* I LOVE Kingdom Hearts it is one of my favorite PS2 games and I reallly really look forward to KH 2. BUT It is not a FInal Fantasy game it is its own game and it is called Kingdom Hearts = P lol.

Sat, 07-30-2005, 12:10 PM
there isnt a storyline for FF tactics, its alright only if your the patience gamer if you aint your gonna have hell completing this game. the battle system is so slow... but other then that its fine ^^. i own FFVII and FF:tactics but ive played FFX man there so cool xD

Sat, 07-30-2005, 06:10 PM
My favorite would have to be Final Fantasy VI by far. Yes, I consider it the absolute pinnacle of the series due to a number of factors.

The Villain.

Kefka was truly a villain and not the standardized "gloomy pretty boy with a grim past." He was beyond all redemption. He was a coward, a thief, a liar and a murderer without any pride, honor or purpose other than wanton destruction and appeasement of self. The moment when he poisoned Doma river had to have been the boiling point. After that, I just utterly despised the clown. No villain since then has ever really made me feel the same way Kefka did. Oh, and the way he killed Leo was just too fucking disgusting.


I really can't remember myself ever crying more than I did when Celes decided to jump off that cliff. It was just such a touching moment portraying utter despair and hopelessness perfectly. She's easily one of the most memorable protagonists ever to me.

The Opera Scene.

The most gorgeous scene ever in a video game? I've yet to see anything even come close to this very epic piece.

Sat, 07-30-2005, 06:24 PM
ff7(awsome story, CLOUD!!!)
ff8( man the gf's were awesome, and squals lionheart!!)
ffx( pretty cool)
ffx-2( i loved those dances they did when they transformed i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif )

but for best rpg, none can top grandia 2 !!! ( omg grandia 3 looks awesome!! )

Sat, 07-30-2005, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by: Nai
My favorite would have to be Final Fantasy VI by far. Yes, I consider it the absolute pinnacle of the series due to a number of factors.

The Villain.

Kefka was truly a villain and not the standardized "gloomy pretty boy with a grim past." He was beyond all redemption. He was a coward, a thief, a liar and a murderer without any pride, honor or purpose other than wanton destruction and appeasement of self. The moment when he poisoned Doma river had to have been the boiling point. After that, I just utterly despised the clown. No villain since then has ever really made me feel the same way Kefka did. Oh, and the way he killed Leo was just too fucking disgusting.


I really can't remember myself ever crying more than I did when Celes decided to jump off that cliff. It was just such a touching moment portraying utter despair and hopelessness perfectly. She's easily one of the most memorable protagonists ever to me.

The Opera Scene.

The most gorgeous scene ever in a video game? I've yet to see anything even come close to this very epic piece.

Jesus fucking christ Nai, stop being in my head!
This is exactly what I feel too. I liked Kefka as a villain so enormously much and Celes is my all-time favorite female VG character for reasons that you've already written - as well as a myriad of other things. When I first saw the opera scene as a kid I was like "eh... that's odd", but replaying FF6 several years later I have also come to appreciate the beauty of it. Also, Kefka becomes more disgusting every time you play the game. Interesting really.

Final Fantasy Tactics ruled too! I remember playing it day and night with a few good friends, we'd control some characters each and throw the controller between us. Awesome days.

Sat, 07-30-2005, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs

Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
oh i forgot about tactics...: (i only played it on GBA does it still count?) i'm not sure if the final fantasy tactics on GBA was the same but, it was still a great game that involved strategy, not just pressing "attack" masamuneehs i might have not played the same version but, where was cloud in FFT?

The GBA game is called Final Fantasy Tactics:Advance or something along those lines.

It is in no way the original Final Fantasy Tactics for Playstation 1. Cloud is in FFT, but I've never played the GBA Tactics so I can't make a judgment call on that one.

Anyone who has a PS2 or a PS emulator on their computer should play Tactics for Playstation. Rocks your socks.

BTW, Chaoskiddo: How was the story line in FFT:Advance for GBA?

i guess it was different then because in Tactics:Advance it was pretty messed up, it started in reality with a guy named "marche`" with his friend "rita`" but then 1 day when they're reading a book at his house they get sucked into an alternate dimension (with his disabled brother too) and in the story you join a clan, you have to recruit people yada yada (i'm guessing this parts the same) but then when marche` meets up with some people he knew in the real world (like his brother and rita) he tries to get them to go back (you see they're in different clans) but they refuse because in the real word rita's hair is acctually snow white, so she dyes it pink so the kids wont make fun of her in the alternate dimension her air stays like that and marche's brother doesnt want to go home becuase he isnt handicapped in this world (and he becomes a prince) so marche has to pursuade them to join him (though i think he ends up killing is brother) and then there are these real enemies known as a "totem" which if you beat, they give you special powers and theres 1 totem that can penetrate your mind to display the image of someone they know you love so you cant bring yourself to fight it.

Sun, 07-31-2005, 01:03 AM
Tactics advance is nothing compared to FFT. Orlandu is the god of all pwn in any game heheh. Plus there are some awesome side characters you can get and toooooons of side quests. FFT has an awesome job system as well. I really wish they would make a new FInal Fantasy Tactics for a next gen systems...it would be awesome.

Sun, 07-31-2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by: darkshadow
ff7(awsome story, CLOUD!!!)
ff8( man the gf's were awesome, and squals lionheart!!)
ffx( pretty cool)
ffx-2( i loved those dances they did when they transformed )

but for best rpg, none can top grandia 2 !!! ( omg grandia 3 looks awesome!! )

HAha i like grandia 2 but like the first grandia game more, im also waiting for grandia 3 i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Sun, 07-31-2005, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo

Originally posted by: masamuneehs

Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
oh i forgot about tactics...: (i only played it on GBA does it still count?) i'm not sure if the final fantasy tactics on GBA was the same but, it was still a great game that involved strategy, not just pressing "attack" masamuneehs i might have not played the same version but, where was cloud in FFT?

The GBA game is called Final Fantasy Tactics:Advance or something along those lines.

It is in no way the original Final Fantasy Tactics for Playstation 1. Cloud is in FFT, but I've never played the GBA Tactics so I can't make a judgment call on that one.

Anyone who has a PS2 or a PS emulator on their computer should play Tactics for Playstation. Rocks your socks.

BTW, Chaoskiddo: How was the story line in FFT:Advance for GBA?

i guess it was different then because in Tactics:Advance it was pretty messed up, it started in reality with a guy named "marche`" with his friend "rita`" but then 1 day when they're reading a book at his house they get sucked into an alternate dimension (with his disabled brother too) and in the story you join a clan, you have to recruit people yada yada (i'm guessing this parts the same) but then when marche` meets up with some people he knew in the real world (like his brother and rita) he tries to get them to go back (you see they're in different clans) but they refuse because in the real word rita's hair is acctually snow white, so she dyes it pink so the kids wont make fun of her in the alternate dimension her air stays like that and marche's brother doesnt want to go home becuase he isnt handicapped in this world (and he becomes a prince) so marche has to pursuade them to join him (though i think he ends up killing is brother) and then there are these real enemies known as a "totem" which if you beat, they give you special powers and theres 1 totem that can penetrate your mind to display the image of someone they know you love so you cant bring yourself to fight it.

Dude that does sound like a real Piece of Shit wearing Tactics good name into the ground. Tactics for Playstation is about a country that is just recovering from a 50 year war, with an ailing kind on the throne and two different sides getting ready to make a grab for the power. The main character is a young man from an esteemed family of nobles named Ramza. He and his sister were born from a romance that his famous father had with a commoner, and his two older half-brothers have a strained relationship with him. His best friend is a commoner named Delita Hyral.

Then a noble gets kidnapped by a group of revolutionaries and... well shit starts to hit the fan and the story builds and builds from that point, moving on to much bigger and messier things.

And the job system in Tactics is so sweet. Ninjas with their double attacks, Calcs with their ownage, I was always a favorite of Black Mage, Time Mage, Samurais and Monks.

Sun, 07-31-2005, 09:12 PM
FFT Advance was too easy and the story sucked, IMO. The only thing that was somewhat decent was how the different races had different jobs.

- Humans were all-around characters, accessing almost every job, but not excelling in any of them.
- Vieras (pretty much women elves) had the agility based jobs (ex. archers, assassins, etc.) while having some magic support (ex. red mage, summoner)
- Nu mous (they look like sheep) were the heavy magic casters. They're your white and black mages along with many other different magic jobs available
- Bangaas (tall walking lizards) were the brute strength guys.
- Moogles........ I dunno why they were put in. These guys seemed useless to me.

Long live FFT for Playstation! If only I can find it so that I can use my emulator to play it, haha.

Sun, 07-31-2005, 09:52 PM
World of Mana

Mon, 08-01-2005, 09:56 AM
I still haven't beaten FFT yet. I can't get past the 4th or 5th battle.

I agree Nai, FF6 is also my favorite because of the characters. By the way is there any difference between FF6 and the FF6 in FF Anthology? (Besides the opening)

I guess my top 5 would be:

1) FF4 - since it's the first one I played.
2) FF6
3) FF7
4) FF9
5) FF8

For me everything after FF9 wasn't as good.

Mon, 08-01-2005, 06:48 PM
Xollence, I assume you are speaking of the Dorter Archer on the roof rocks me everytime-battle.

You're going to need a couple Phoenix Downs, at least two Chemists, and a Wizard will help deal with the enemy Knight.

Let Delita and Algus handle the Archer up top, just keep everyone else together and Heal with a Priest if you have one.

Tue, 08-02-2005, 10:11 AM
FFTactics: One of the greatest games. The story was interesting and the gameplay was great.
FFTactics Advance: Not as good as the original and the story wasn't that great, but still pretty addicting
FF6/3:Favorite Snes game besides Mario. Lots of diffrent situations going on and that Kefka guy.
FF7: This was a great game and all, but I didn't enjoy how each character wasnt that unique besides Limit Break. Everyone can have the same spells and same stats.
FF8: Great Characters and interesting story, but I didnt get sucked in.
FF9:I like this better then 7,8. I enjoy these more fantasy like games that are more in to the past. I spent many hours on tetramaster.
FF10:Unique FF game with the sphere grid and all. I have 247 hours of gameplay for this.
FF10-2: Even though alot of people thought this game was trash, I thought it was a fun game. Dress spheres and sphere break.
FF11: I friend payed for my account, since he didnt play playing alone. This game takes a whole lot of time and alot of effort. I enjoyed it in the beginning, but it got kind of reptitive later on. I just started playing tetramaster instead.

Tue, 08-02-2005, 11:05 AM
FFTA is borriinngggg is there even a story line ? moogles suck bangas suck, my banga dudes on some mission and isnt back yetthis game sucks ass the battles arent even fun. human theives own though

Tue, 08-02-2005, 11:56 AM
masa do you know where I can find the FFT rom?

Tue, 08-02-2005, 12:15 PM
Who is hoping that the Final Fantasy VII tech demo is more than just a tech demo? I AM!!!! Why doesn't any other FFVII fan feel like they're being shamelessly exploited to create frenzy around something I hold so holy? Square is such a cockblock these days, unless they're afraid to fuck up the only thing they have left to exploit now.

Oh! Guess what! They're making a new Crystal Chronicles for the Nintendo Revolution so people might actually play it this time! And, Square was, like, totally two-timing Sony by praising Nintendo's Wi-Fi "vision" because Revolution is going to be all-access, all-online. Suh-wheeeeaaaaat. GotWoot?

Tue, 08-02-2005, 12:24 PM
omg you are back!!!!!, and the techdemo was just that, a demo

Tue, 08-02-2005, 12:25 PM
OMG Dr. Phil!!! It's so good to see you!!! "techdemo" looked like "Tecmo" for a second and I thought we were about to brawl again!!!

Oh yeah, forgot to ask: Don't you feel exploited as a FFVII fan? Aren't you feeling like Square is teasing you and confusing you and making you feel like an angst-ridden teenager again? Answers Dr. Phil. I need answers. Please, I need help to understand all this. At first Aeris was just a flat chested 3 polygon figure, but now she has the potential to be a 38 DD 100,000 polygon character. How will I deal?!

Thats enough. If you have nothing relevant to post in this thread, then don't. And stop bothering other users with your nonsense. You've been warned.

Tue, 08-02-2005, 12:57 PM
so nobody will remind me what that awsome game that wakka was obsessed with in FFX was?

Tue, 08-02-2005, 01:13 PM
EDIT: what I do not understand is how I knew this.. when i dotn even play the game too much.. since I dont have the patience and end up dieing alot due to lack of skills..

Sun, 08-07-2005, 02:45 AM
It is Bltizball and it is one of my favorite Final Fantasy side games. MY favorite thing to do in FF games though is Chocobo stuff like breeding and racing. FF7 had the best chocobo stuff and FF9 had a good chocobo system too. FF8's sucked and so did 10.

Sun, 08-07-2005, 07:28 AM
I still have no idea on why the hell they slapped Cloud in FFT....

Some Moments I gotta remember in the FF series...

1. AH...the choco inbreeding...

2. Kefka's laugh....

Mon, 08-08-2005, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by: Dezalanel
though is Chocobo stuff like breeding and racing. FF7 had the best chocobo stuff and FF9 had a good chocobo system too. FF8's sucked and so did 10.

Ahh. Breeding Chocobos to get the golden one. All that work and you only get the strongest summon materia in the whole game!

Mon, 08-08-2005, 02:33 AM
Cloud ruled in FFT, too bad he started at level 1 though.

Mon, 08-08-2005, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by: ES
I still have no idea on why the hell they slapped Cloud in FFT....

Some Moments I gotta remember in the FF series...

1. AH...the choco inbreeding...

2. Kefka's laugh....

Ah, I gotta add one to that list.

FF8 - During that flashback with Laguna and his gang. Kiros and Ward were knocked out, so Laguna threw them off the cliff, thinking how crazy they were jumping from such a height. He starts to climb down, but ends up slipping and falling as well.

I thought that was one of the funniest shit I've ever seen. Who the hell would throw their teammates off a cliff and put the blame on them i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Mon, 08-08-2005, 01:54 PM
Final Fantasy 10- 1st FF on the ps2 system, Graphics astounded me. Storyline was cool until I found out that Tidus was just a "Dream" made up by the gods.

wtf? i only got to the part where you fight sin and then i couldn't beat him cause i didn't have anima or the w/e sisters, when do they say this?

Mon, 08-08-2005, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by: Krbadass
Final Fantasy 10- 1st FF on the ps2 system, Graphics astounded me. Storyline was cool until I found out that Tidus was just a "Dream" made up by the gods.

wtf? i only got to the part where you fight sin and then i couldn't beat him cause i didn't have anima or the w/e sisters, when do they say this?

Um like in the middle of the game, I think before you fight the Sin within thingy

Mon, 08-08-2005, 02:07 PM
When did they say what? That Tidus is just a dream? As far as I remember he first realized that he was a dream, when he entered the anima caves or how they call it, on top of the mountain of the Ronzo( sorry, I really suck at names). There he finds out, that he is just a dream of someone who once existed.
And if you didn't get the all-so-subtle hints there you will eventually find out during the last Cut scene.

But I completely disagree, the hero being a dream did not suck for me. It gave that final victory a taste of sadness which created probably the most beautiful ending I could've hoped for with an astonishing sad vibe. Beautifully executed.
If you wanna talk endings with dreams that suck, talk about that Zelda game for Gameboy, where in the end it turns out, that all the shit you've been doing in the course of the game including some very annoying parts, was just a goddamn dream of lil' Link. That was really, really bad.

Tue, 08-09-2005, 05:09 AM
And another one on my list!

5. How come no one's talking about Chronicles?

6. FF9: First FF game that has multi player capabilities.

Tue, 08-09-2005, 07:11 AM
FFXI the first MMORPG Final fantasy game?

Tue, 08-09-2005, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by: ES
And another one on my list!

5. How come no one's talking about Chronicles?

6. FF9: First FF game that has multi player capabilities.

Because Chronicles = Chrono Trigger + FFIV

Tue, 08-09-2005, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by: ES
6. FF9: First FF game that has multi player capabilities.

Does it? What capabilities?

Wed, 08-10-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by: Hikyuu
FFXI the first MMORPG Final fantasy game?

Yes indeedy but FF IX was the first game that had multi player capabilites.

Silly rabbit, when I said multi player capabilites upto four players (At least I think considering when we played it there was me and my friend) can play during a battle. Remember that LOTR game that had no-name characters?

My bestfriend and I had so much fun messing with each other while Kuja was killing us. It is on the options settings I believe in which you can change the slot ofcontrollers on who has control over who. I had control over Steiner and Vivi on the 2nd Cntrl while my friend had control over Zidane and Garnet.

Wed, 08-10-2005, 12:06 PM
A slight off-topic note: Who has ever played or heard of a game called Ehrgeiz?

It's a 3D fighter game for PS1 with two different attacks (high and low, generally) special attack, jump and run/walk commands (AND a horrible storyline)

BUT this game allows you to play as Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth (can you hear the voice of Sephiroth?) and Yuffie and Vincent (although Yuffie and Vincent are actually just knockoffs of two other characters already in the game. You can fight with Tifa while she's wearing her cowboy outfit, put Cloud in a Shinra uniform, fight as Zack (Cloud with black hair more or less), fight with normal human Vincent in his Turks outfit and use the mother-fucking-blessed Masamune!!! I bought this game before trying it and STILL don't regret it for the above reasons!

Wed, 08-10-2005, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by: ES

Originally posted by: Hikyuu
FFXI the first MMORPG Final fantasy game?

Yes indeedy but FF IX was the first game that had multi player capabilites.

I was just commenting something related but different.. why no one had Mentioned FFXI
not IX e.e .. the Massive multiplayer online Role playing game i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Wed, 08-10-2005, 04:15 PM
OK guys have been lookin at ff 12 trailers and saw that the battle mode is diffrent (reminds me of grandia) and the grafic rocks, my opinion i think that ff has the best grafics ever specialy after i saw the scens in ff x-2

Wed, 08-10-2005, 04:19 PM
12 is going to be for PS2 correct?

Wed, 08-10-2005, 08:42 PM
Ive played Ergheiz......once....and it sucked.....


Thu, 08-11-2005, 06:45 AM
Ehrgeiz has absolutely nothing to do with Soul Calibur, other than you fight in both of them.

I found that game to be pretty fun because you could own people with Seph in it. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Thu, 08-11-2005, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by: ES

I scream that as a joke. Oh well. But yes, the fact that Seph was there..or was it Cloud? O_o

Makes it a lil bit ok.

Now back on topic.

Cant wait to watch Advent Children. Oh yeah....The Ruby Weapon was the bane of my existence back then!

Fri, 08-12-2005, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
12 is going to be for PS2 correct?

Yeah (hurray for that) and ff 7 with vincet will also be on ps2

Fri, 08-12-2005, 02:28 PM
What do you mean FF7 with Vincent? Are they making a game just with Vincent?

Fri, 08-12-2005, 06:20 PM
i think theres something about remaking ff7 on ps2 or something...i dont remember.

Fri, 08-12-2005, 08:23 PM
Does Sephiroth have some sort of, ultra-gorgeous cock that I don't know about? I don't understand why people lavish praise on him as 'the greatest badguy of all gaming history' because I tohught he was rather stupid and shallow. Hell, he doesn't even look cool or interesting, or anything short of total tosserism.

The only FF villain I hate more than Sephiroth was Ultimicia, she was just... just LOOK at her, you'll understand.

Anyway, my favs in order are like this;

1: FF6 - Story was great, and EVERY character developed really well and was useful, this game could only be more perfect if they updated the graphcs into 3D (without altering a jot of anything else) - but even as old as it is, it's storytelling genius. Most importantly, FF6 is the ONLY RPG i've played where playing the game through from start to finish, maybe doign the sidequests if you feel like it, is enough to get the EXP required for formidable power. Any of that boring training in one spot was totally unnessacary, and only served as overkill.
2: FF9 - After the folly of 8 and 7, 9 returned to the truely dramatic stoylines I had expected from Final Fantasy. FF6 beats this for various reasons, but most of all is the dificulty level (I found I had to spend hours in one spot leveling up so that I would NOT be slaughtered by the up-comming monsters.)
3: FF8 - first final fantasy I ever played. It was too easy though the story rocked, pity I was more interested in the group dynamic than the acctual planetary disaster.
4: FF7 - Like 6, you can ignore the rediculous graphics for the otherwise perfect story, but again - I was only interested in the group itself, and not in the overlaying story (though it did have interesting aspects.) FF7 is below 8 because Aeris died for absolutely NO reason, short of robbing us from the most powerful magic user in the game who had the most useful Limit Breaks.
5: FF5 - I never acctually finished this game, but I loved it right up to the point I played (I had to fight an adamatoise to get into a meteor and never got around to doing it.)

Fri, 08-12-2005, 10:33 PM
Yes I have heard of having a remake of ff7 in ps2...My expect it to come before if not after Advent Children comes out. It work both ways for Square-Enix and consumers/fans.

Sat, 08-13-2005, 08:35 PM
Yup, there is an FF7 game coming out for the PS2 that stars Vincent Valentine. Its called Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. It takes place a year after the Advent Children movie. Anything with Vincent (of FF for that matter) has gotta be good. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif DoC info from GameSpot (http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/dirgeofcerberusfinalfantasyvii/index.html?q=Final+Fantasy)

My favorite FF's are:
1) FF9: I dunno why nobody liked this one alot. I thought it was just awesome. The story was superb, great graphics as usual, great gameplay, and of course, an excellent soundtrack. Its a mix of the previous FF's, all blended to create FF9. The awesome cast is a bonus to (gotta love Zidane and Vivi). This one will always be my favorite.
2) FF6: The greatest thing about this game is the story, hands down.
3) FF7: First FF on the PSX that came out kickass. The Materia system was cool and Sephy is just badass. Even more badass than Kuja from 9. So is Cloud, he's badass to.
6) FF10: First FF on the PS2 with the most amazing graphics I have ever seen. The Ifrit and Shiva summonings were just insane. Battle System was ok and the cast was kinda cool (Yuna being the cutest FF character of all). Blitzball was a fun side quest to that I played through to the end.
5) FF8: This FF had a superb story to. What I love most was the soundtrack. This game was Nobou at his best, with my favorite tracks being "Maybe I'm a Lion" and Laguna's Battle Theme. The gameplay...wasn't the greatest. I didn't like the junction system to much but overall, it wasn't bad.

Sun, 08-14-2005, 06:28 AM
I thougt ff7 was the easiest game beacouse no bosses was no match for me EVEN Safer Sephiroth hehei/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
If u are gone start play ff7 u should Morph powertanks into strenght items, I gaved like every character 100 of them and clouds attack dmg was 9999 and clouds meteorrain limit hit 9999 for each meteor (yeah felt poweful)

WARNING: if you do this the game wont bee as much as a challenge!!! so wait after u have finished the game once, your choise

Sun, 08-14-2005, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by: Enderz
I thougt ff7 was the easiest game beacouse no bosses was no match for me EVEN Safer Sephiroth hehe
If u are gone start play ff7 u should Morph powertanks into strenght items, I gaved like every character 100 of them and clouds attack dmg was 9999 and clouds meteorrain limit hit 9999 for each meteor (yeah felt poweful)

WARNING: if you do this the game wont bee as much as a challenge!!! so wait after u have finished the game once, your choise

Enderz, did you do that Morph thing all on your own, or did a little birdy tell you how to beat the game, therby making it "the easiest game" for you? OR are you one of those insecure gamers who run around leveling up incessently so you don't have to do much against the bosses?

Board of Command
Sun, 08-14-2005, 02:03 PM
FF7: Greatest game ever made. Nothing will ever surpass what this game brought to the world of entertainment.
FF8: Had incredible potential, but story kinda went downhill at the end of disk 2.

Sun, 08-14-2005, 03:17 PM
Umm there is nothing wrong with leveling up all the time. I actually enjoy pummeling the crap out of all the bosses in games. I ALWAYS do that.

Board of Command
Sun, 08-14-2005, 04:19 PM
I found FF7 rather challenging actually. FF8 was a breeze, even without much training at all, because it's more about junctioning than actually leveling up. Once I figured out the junction system and spent some time collecting "magics", my party was unstoppable.

Sun, 08-14-2005, 04:34 PM
Yeah I have no problem leveling up either as long as the game finds a way of making it somewhat fun. I didn't like leveling up in the older FF games, but since I play the roms you can pretty much speed through all of it with the tab button. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Sun, 08-14-2005, 04:52 PM
http://anidb.info/perl-bin/ani...how=anime&aid=3442 (http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=3442)

Final Fantasy VII: The last order

Screenshots looks cool, plus its gonna be an anime i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif. Also there gonna talk about the past of Cloud and the others i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Also Vincent as the turks.

Sun, 08-14-2005, 04:58 PM
Okay so now we have a movie (advent's children), a game (dirge of cerberus) and an anime OVA.


I've waited forever to see Advent Children

Board of Command
Sun, 08-14-2005, 06:53 PM
OMG, so much FF7 coming out. I love it.

Advent Children: September 14
OVA: Gonna have to be September 14 also

Sun, 08-14-2005, 08:25 PM
Yes! My favorite game in the world is getting a anime OVA too. That rocks!!

I only wish I had the 350 dollars to get the Special Edition of Advent Children.

Sun, 08-14-2005, 08:30 PM
Wahoo! Those are gonna be awesome, even though I think that FFVII is a lil overrated.

Mon, 08-15-2005, 04:30 AM
I think that FF 6, 7, and 8 are all pretty overrated.

6 gets so much praise for the storyline. Too bad the story COMPLETELY falls apart after the whole "apocalypse" thing. Not to mention broken skills like ultima, broken weapons like Atmaweapon and Illumina, and the fact that the whole "magicite" system totally broke character individuality.
7 was better about the storyline, but used the whole "false memory" idea as just a bit too much of a crutch. The graphics were great for the cinematics (we all love Square CG), but again the system suffered from the fact that the characters were fundamentally the same. And this time, they were fundamentally the same from the very beginning ... they were all materia users, and thus magic users, AND the skills were retained on the materia, not the characters. So there was no targetted character-building, just the interchangability of "swap this materia in, and now he's a summoner. Swap this materia in, and now she's a healer".
8 ... the CG was great (thanks in no small part to the incorporation of real MoCap), but ... Amnesia is the single most overused plot device EVER. It was overused in FF6, it was overused in 7, it's been tired in soap operas and other melodramas since the early 80's, and it was REALLY tired and trite in FF8. I'm glad they moved away from that crap in 9 and 10. Not to mention the whole "end of the world" sequence, leading up to the last disk. I mean, the world ending and thus the plotline dissolving like so much alka-seltzer was tried in 6, and was the weakest point of the game. Why revisit it?

Why is nobody here a big fan of FF4? I mean ... sure, it was an old game, and if you're playing the original difficulty some fights were sort of tough. But the pacing was great, the level design was interesting, the storyline was clear and elaborate, and there was a LOT of real character growth, albeit depicted in mediocre graphics. Not to mention excellent music.
And what's the problem with 10? You lot are giving 7 credit for being groundbreaking? And 8 for being well-paced? And 6 for being a good story? How about 10, with its consistent storyline, more human characters, better graphics, more interesting battle system, and generally better EVERYTHING than those three? Does everyone just discount it because it's on the ps2, and you all went out and bought Xboxes instead? I don't get it.

Board of Command
Mon, 08-15-2005, 10:49 AM
I personally thought 6's story sucked.

Mon, 08-15-2005, 11:53 AM
@complich8: 10 was nice butit was way too easy it was walking from A to B. that was the biggest problem with me in FF 10.

Mon, 08-15-2005, 05:20 PM
well, it WAS pretty linear, I'll have to give you that.

But that's what gives it a strong storyline and a good sense of flow. There's a definite forward motion, which that linearity gives you. That, and the sensation of the plot marching on, being dragged inexorably toward the end of the game, toward 'destiny' or whatever.

I'd definitely prefer that to "go wander to random place X, to find key Y to open door J". And the sidequests were nice breaks from that linearity (though you kind of had to get most of the way to the end before most of those sidequests opened up for you).

Most rpg's have the same sort of linearity, they just try to mask it by making toe road from A to B curvy. The only ones that offer you real freedom of movement, and don't herd you to specific places are mmorpgs, and they blow because they inherently have NO storyline.

Mon, 08-15-2005, 07:03 PM
I don't know, the only reason I didn't like FF10 was because of the main character's voice. It just annoyed the crap out of me.
FF4 was great, especially the Japanese version, I don't know why they got rid of Cecil's main skill in the American version.

Mon, 08-15-2005, 11:01 PM
What WAS Cecil's main skill then?

Mon, 08-15-2005, 11:23 PM
It was a sword technique that attacked all the enemies, and you get it at the beginning of the game. Just find the Japanese FF4 rom and you'll see.

Oh and the translation in the Japanese version is much much better than the original American version.

Tue, 08-16-2005, 04:01 AM
yeah, back in those days nintendo was worried about two things, more than anything else: not offending anyone and not putting people off by making games too hard.

So they sort of forcibly butchered the translations on a lot of things, to make them more "family-friendly". You'll see that throughout a lot of games in that time period actually ... they wanted to G-rate everything. They also nerfed some bosses and some monsters in general. If you died in the US version more than maybe once or twice, you were terrible. If you died less than four or five times your first time through in the Japanese release, you'd pretty much have attained Final Fantasy Zen (or levelled the living crap out of yourself, and were majorly cautious).

I think the whole ESRB system has really helped a lot of developers loosen up a bit on that, because every game doesn't HAVE to be suitable for 7 year olds now.

They ripped out a LOT of useful stuff between the J and the US versions of ff4 though. D. Wave was just the beginning of it (though admittedly awesome, and you took quite a taste of from the paladin ordeal). Also ripped out: buffs for pretty much everyone who had them, tellah's "recall", fusoya's "spirit", a bunch of statbuilding items ...

But it was still a great game. Besides, even without D. Wave, Dark Knight Cecil was a HUGE force to be reckoned with. I mean ... between him and Kain, there wasn't much that could stand up to them (especially once you got the Black sword and started oneshotting those bigass ravens near Mysidia).

Tue, 08-16-2005, 06:23 AM
I had allready completed the game once when i did this so i just started to play on a really old saving (when aries was in the party) but still without this morph thing i thought is was the easiest game of them all i had play. I think it was beacouse of the battle mode

Tue, 08-16-2005, 04:38 PM
.....aries?? dude come on. AERITH!!! (Aeris to U.S. Fans). I personally find every game I play easy but thats cause I lvl the shit out of my characters. Just my play style = P.

Tue, 08-16-2005, 06:07 PM
Try different genres much, Dezalanel?

I need to get my hands on an xbox again. I've got a splinter cell craving going on... Powerleveling won't help you there...

FF8 actually punished you for levelling too high, because monsters levelled up with you. I still remember breaking level 80, and having all of the monsters be insanely strong. I think the highest minimum monster level in that game was just over 50, so if you were walking around just below level 60 average, you'd be on par to kick the crap out of everything. Higher, and they just grew faster than you did (meaning if you powerlevelled, it'd actually make the game somewhat more difficult).

Board of Command
Tue, 08-16-2005, 09:41 PM
I actually liked that aspect of FF8, because as they level, they gain new magic. You can draw higher level magics from the same monsters once they get to a certain level. FF8 had a pretty nice experience system because you don't have to go through endless grinding to stand a chance at any one spot on the map; all monsters are the same level.

Wed, 08-17-2005, 12:34 AM
Ahem I should have phrased that every RPG I play. Hardest game I have ever played = Ninja Gaiden btw. You can get pwned in like .5 seconds in that game.

Wed, 08-17-2005, 08:00 AM
hey theres a new FF:AC commercial out and it has spoilers(especially the last 4 secs) but who cares right?

here you go (http://go.download.filefront.com/4046551;7988cdf317268cd2;1ad20cbaf0202e66240a5d181 28ededec0dd52f806a8b74c2dde14d409978a43bbbbc22e706 b046c)

Wed, 08-17-2005, 08:43 AM
cool, its really flashy though :S

Wed, 08-17-2005, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
FF8 had a pretty nice experience system because you don't have to go through endless grinding to stand a chance at any one spot on the map; all monsters are the same level.

I can't believe people think that's a good system. It practically nullifies all your efforts. What's the use in fighting at all if all enemies have the same level as you all the time? I find that to be lamer than the lamest. There are actually guides on various places on how to NOT gain experience...


Wed, 08-17-2005, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo

Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
FF8 had a pretty nice experience system because you don't have to go through endless grinding to stand a chance at any one spot on the map; all monsters are the same level.

I can't believe people think that's a good system. It practically nullifies all your efforts. What's the use in fighting at all if all enemies have the same level as you all the time? I find that to be lamer than the lamest. There are actually guides on various places on how to NOT gain experience...


That's why some extreme gamers find it more challenging to go for low level gaining games. I read that they can complete the entire game with characters of level 10 and less. There are faqs on telling you how to achieve this as well.

Wed, 08-17-2005, 11:58 AM
Yep, those are the ones I read. I just find it pointless to -avoid- getting stronger, but yeah, I guess there's tastes for everyone.

Wed, 08-17-2005, 08:42 PM
Not gaining levels is a fine way to play, but FFVIII actively punishes you for gaining levels above a certain point. What the fuck is up with that? Oh well, it was a horrible game anyway.

Thu, 08-18-2005, 11:33 AM
true, while i was unaware of the whole entire system i leveled up to like 70 while my friend beat the game at level 12 turning everything into cards. thats just gay (though i got lionheart sword and he didnt)

Thu, 08-18-2005, 11:37 AM
I never knew about that. No wonder I couldn't beat FF8 the first time around.

Sun, 12-11-2005, 10:22 AM

I LOVE IT AND I JUST REALIZED THAT I typed all of this in caps lock and I'm too lazy to change it.

But seriously, I love FF8. Am I the only one?

Edit: Though I still think that the level up system is weird

Edit2: The best part in the game is when you meet Irvine and fix the party up so that he doesn't get any girls along with him, and he'll be like "wtf!!"

Sun, 12-11-2005, 10:44 AM
I liked FFVIII as well. As I mentioned in the other thread the story is one of the most important aspects of a rpg game to me, and FFVIII as a captivating love story. I'm fine with the junction system, and remember having a boring time trying to get 99 ultima spells to junction my strength to for my top 3 characters. And yeah, FFX is still my fave. I bought all the original ultimania books as well as the official picture books, posters, etc. Almost bought the entire figurines set till I realised how much they cost.

Sun, 12-11-2005, 01:51 PM
...I strongly disliked 8 for the following reasons: SPOILERS WILL OCCUR!

1. The main character started pissing me off after Disc 1. Get over your friggin angst already and step up!
2. The back stories on the characters were almost identical. I mean, jesus, they're all from the same childhood's! They didn't hardly ever explore the characters' more recent pasts, where they where right before Garden.
3. The final villain had like 6 lines of dialogue all game, all right at the end.
4. The whole "using Guardian Forces makes us forget" thing was stupid.
5. The Drawing magic to get stronger...coutnered by leveling up... christ, all you needed to do was put enemies to Sleep and suck out their spells and you were set for the next Disc or so...
6. The worst Cid I think I've ever seen in any FF. You're taking orders from that fat piece of lard? He doesn't even know how to fight!
7. Seifer's cronies. They pissed me off all game, and then they were supposed to be all cool and deep at the end of Disc 3. Please...
8. It came out after 7, so I had really high expectations and i guess it just didn't live up.

I'll admit that 8 had some really good aspects. But pounding Boost and watching the same GF summon over and over and over... And some of the characters were occasionally cool and interesting, but their lack of individual bakcground stories infuriated me to no end. The love story was well done, and I'll give that props, but I don't fucking play video games for love stories!

Sun, 12-11-2005, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo

Your not alone on that one Terra. FF8 had a great soundtrack, probably one of Nobou's best. The game itself though...it wasn't the greatest FF of all time. I loved the story, Square did an exceptional job on the theme of love but the gameplay just couldn't keep up to the awesomeness of the story. Graphics were great like every other FF but I just couldn't get into the battle system that much.

Probably my favorite FF has been FFIX. I honestly don't understand why everyone hate it so much, the story was fantastic! Every member of the cast was great (Zidane and Vivi for the win) and the battle system was the best. It was a big step up from FFVIII and a great way to end the FF series on the PS1 and move on to the PS2.

Sun, 12-11-2005, 03:41 PM
In my first post in this thread I state my favorite FFs are 7 through 10 and tactics. 8 is great I love the story and I always liked the Triple Triad card game. Only complaint was I did not like the draw system but I still found it fun. 9 is soooo underrated I think its because I lot of people never played it or something. It is a GREAT game, I had one of my favorite side games, Chocobos(Which was horrible in 8 but excellent in 7)

Sun, 12-11-2005, 05:32 PM
Gah, I thought FF8 was alright, it wasn't the best but it was good. People complained, but yeah, the battle system was a little wierd. But you can't beat the storyline it was good, and the interaction with the characters was great, and how Squall was a true lone wolf till Disc 3, because he started realizing how madly he was in love with Rinoa. But hey even the best lone wolfs out there want love!!!! AND YOU KNOW ITS TRUE.

Overall: The game was good, wasn't as bad as some of the other RPG games out there like, UNLIMITED SAGA, I mean common, you move like a chess piece through out the game, they just made the saga frontier series, just gay.

Sun, 12-11-2005, 06:07 PM
i thought FF7 was of course amazing, FF8 was a so-so for me, the whole past of each character was the same, i i dozed out so forgot wtf the ultima weapon was there for. FF9 is also 1 of my favorite...i dont know why people bash it, zidane was cool, vivi was great. And of course, Chocobos were a better part of the whole story (ultima weapon involved chocobos)

Sun, 12-11-2005, 07:09 PM
FFVII - I didn't like how everyone could have the same skills because no one was unique except for limit breaks.
FFVIII - It wasn't bad and it wasn't great. Music was great and the graphics were awsome at that time.
FFIX-Hands down my favorite FF game. Spent hours on Tetramaster
FFX-Blitzball was cool
FFX-2 - I don't see why alot of people are downing this game. It's not that bad and I like the job system. Reminds me of tactics.
FFXI-LVLing took forever. I spent more time playing the tetramaster card game.
FFTactics- Addicting...
FFTactics Advance- Also addicting... "Just one more turn and I'll stop...."

Sun, 12-11-2005, 10:27 PM
I vouch for VI.

Though simple in design, it was an enormous game at the time, and all the environments served to emphasize that. I found the battle effects to be amazing then and now, and the story was superb.

The best part? This game had more characters than VI, VII, VIII, IX, AND X, and still managed to give each of them a chance to shine in the spotlight. What's more, the main villain amused me more than any of the ones in the later games.

This is the one that started it for me, and still my favorite.

Sun, 12-11-2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by: bagandscalpel
I vouch for VI.

What's more, the main villain amused me more than any of the ones in the later games.

nothing quite like a maniacal clown who doesnt give two shits for the balance of anything when it comes to a villain. I mostly loved how he worked his way up from basically Colonel (under General Leo, all under the Emperor) to a fucking deity. I wonder what was going through his mind when he decided to assemble the Statues in that weird form... Also, he was totally vicious, burning, poisoning, backstabbing, stealing, the man did it all.

He truly makes all the other Final Fantasy villains pale in comparison. Sure Sephiroth looked cool and had a dramatic past. Sure Seifer was one of the protagonist's peers. Hell, Kuja and Zidane! You can't get much more of a fucked up relationship between good and bad guys than that! (Seymour Guado never did much for me...) But Kefka beats them all into a pulp with a spiked 2x4, he is a self-made-monster.

Edit: I played 6 (3, whatever way you want to count them, the last one on the SNES) about two years after first playing 7 (and Xenogears, and FFTactics), so it was sorta a change with the lack of graphics. But the gameplay and depth still stand tall. I still missed the large impact 6 had on the rpg community (tho 7's impact, far more marketed and toted, was more widereaching)

Sun, 12-11-2005, 11:05 PM
I do think there's a lack of FF6 fans here, maybe because many of the more recent FF followers didn't even play it?
Or maybe because many are too young to have experienced it when it came out? Hell, even I was very small when I first got into it.
Maybe that's why I think it's by far the best. Every time I replay it, there's this wave of nostalgia that comes over me along with the fact that it just is one fucking great game.

Mon, 12-12-2005, 02:41 PM
Didn't know where to put this bit of news...

Square Enix sells Potions (http://www.gamebrink.com/viewitem.php?id=432&preview=42&category_id=42&pare nt_id=0&photo_id=874&countdisplay=&start=0)

Mon, 12-12-2005, 03:50 PM

"Potions?" For real? I laugh at this so!

No, SquareEnix hasn't got me hooked, just yet... It's only when they start marketing Megalixers, Magicite, and SuperBalls shall I take the bait.

In the wise words of Ultros the sagacious:
"Hey kids! Game over! Don't tease the octopus!"

Mon, 12-12-2005, 04:47 PM
I never got into FF6 that much because I missed the impact like you said. The first FF I actually played was 8 then 7. I did not know of RPGs too much when I was younger. I did not even know FF existed till 7 when my friend had it. Funny how clueless I was back then.

Tue, 12-13-2005, 12:29 AM
I never got to finish FFIII(same as 6 i believe?) cause my sister took my SNES to Austin, TX. I didn't get that far, I only got to the part where Celes sings in the opera and you get that one dude's ship.

Tue, 12-13-2005, 12:54 AM
That was one of my favorite parts of the game. You should download the rom and try playing it again, it's definitely worth finishing. It won't take long either since you can tabbed your experience up easily.

Tue, 12-13-2005, 12:56 AM
While it is certainly not legal, emulators are one way to play almost all of the SNES rpgs, FF6 included.
... in fact, that's how I had to finish the game too because my SNES pooped out on me right around some certain events on a Floating Something-Something (talk about a crappy time for my system to fry...)

but, yeah, emulators are technically stealing and all that... but hell, fansubbing isn't exactly moral conduct either...

Tue, 12-13-2005, 01:32 AM
Well it's not really illegal if you own the game and have the rom, I think. Are you talking about the spot where you find Shadow?

Tue, 12-13-2005, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
but, yeah, emulators are technically stealing and all that

Yes, damn the rom users!

*Hides collection of 800+ SNES roms as well as 500+ roms for various other consoles*

Tue, 12-13-2005, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I do think there's a lack of FF6 fans here, maybe because many of the more recent FF followers didn't even play it?
Or maybe because many are too young to have experienced it when it came out? Hell, even I was very small when I first got into it.
Maybe that's why I think it's by far the best. Every time I replay it, there's this wave of nostalgia that comes over me along with the fact that it just is one fucking great game.

lols, is FF6 a remake of 3 or 5 ? lol both i played when i was super little and thought they were awesome XD.... course the storys never interested me when i was that young, so i never read anything... and couldn't finish ff5 because never knew where to go
-.- lol, that pissed me off so i just power leveld till i could beat almost ne monsters that i could get to almost insantly, then quit.... -.- lol, same story with ff3 sept a couple years later i beat it again and read the story.. lol then the last ff game i played was FF7, spent so long on that game making the ultimate chocobo lol.

Ub3r /.\/0t3 : i watched my bro play ff8, ff9 and ff10 so i know the storys of them all XD, also i know now that watching people usally is incredibly boring, and im going to play the next ff game that i get.. lol. oh and i also played like a hour or so of ff1 lol. also i remeber my bro saying that there was a girl in ff5 ( i think it was ff5 neways lol ) named Koko or Coco, man that kinda pissed me off when i was little... lol

Tue, 12-13-2005, 02:49 AM
Final Fantasy 6 was known as Final Fantasy 3 in the US, since it was the third game to come out there. In reality, it was part 6 of the series.

Tue, 12-13-2005, 03:00 AM
Hmmm I don't remember a Coco in FF4, maybe in FF5? Yeah it gets real boring when you watch someone else play, especially when they don't know what they're doing.
FF 4 = FF 2 in US and FF 6 = FF 3 in US.

Tue, 12-13-2005, 03:19 AM
whoops my bad XD, il edit my other post XD ff5 was the one i got lost in and had someone named coco lol, also my bro didn't get lost in the games, that was just me when i was young n just skipped everything they said XD

Sat, 12-17-2005, 02:07 PM
Wow, all of a sudden I have lots to do. As I wrote in another topic (maybe this one too? can't remember) I recently bought FF7 & FF8 for my PS2 (I used to own them both for the PC since I didn't have a PSX when they were released, and my PC versions have long since disappeared). In addition, I just got my hands on FF1&2 (Dawn of Souls) & Final Fantasy IV Advance (both for GBA). Results: I have 5 Final Fantasies to replay, out of which I haven't even played 2 (1&2). Seems like there'll be a hell of a lot of Final Fantasy comin' up...

Sat, 12-17-2005, 05:02 PM
Friend, if you seek to complete the whole of your findings, then I have only one thing to say to you:

"Enjoy this holy banquet to its fullest, for it shall not end within the sun's setting."

That being said, I dearly hope XII will be worth the wait.

By the way, does anyone now what Sakaguchi and Uematsu (and whoever else from the "old" team) are up to in their new company? Supposedly, they're making a series to counter FF, so I'm wondering what the outlook is for them.

Sat, 12-17-2005, 06:47 PM
ahahah thats awesome though, I would be a sucker, and buy it.

Wed, 12-21-2005, 04:26 PM
Listening to Matt Stofferahn's remix of Rydia now, which is pretty much the original but with an orchestra backing it up. Amazing.
Still one of the best Final Fantasy songs. It makes me all teary eyed!

Super mega fantastic FFIV addicted edit: Replaying FF4 now (Advance version) and it's so awesome. I really love the characters and the story, while having quite a few cliches, flows in an extremely good way and is very compelling overall, even if you (like me) have played the game before. If you for some god forsaken reason haven't played this installment of FF yet, then DO SO.

Also, if you consider yourself a fan of good music, get "Final Fantasy IV - Celtic Moon" - an album which consists of some of the best FF4 songs done in celtic arrangements (harps and etc). Beautiful beyond words...

Wed, 12-21-2005, 08:07 PM
I don't know about the story ( too many stupid and poorly motivated "deaths" for my taste and a villain named Golbez ) but I absolutely adore Rydia as a character. She's definitely one of my favorite ones. And Cecil is hot so it works for me.

Great game at any rate. And yes, the music absolutely do rock. Second only to FFVI as far as I'm concerned.

Personally I'm currently entertaining myself with FFIV Advanced ( just lost Yang ) and casually replaying FFIX ( all for Kuja, of course ).

Fri, 12-23-2005, 07:47 AM
I'm replaying FF4 the advanced version. I'm up to the part where they lose Cid and Yang and leave the underworld. Great game, but yeah too many deaths. The story isn't as good as FF6 but still it's pretty damn entertaining. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Fri, 12-23-2005, 09:30 AM
Indeed... the whole "party members are only temporary" thing kinda allows for cool twists when it comes to deaths and stuff. The bad part is however that it isn't as fun to level up, since you know that your party members eventually leave...

Fri, 12-23-2005, 11:07 AM
sorta like ff7, aeris's death? like "bastard, you give her a godly limit break, then make us level her up, just so you can freaking kill her off!", oh screw you!

Fri, 12-23-2005, 11:09 AM
Aeris' death was even worse, because you had her for such a long time. In fact she was probably my most useful character by the time she died. God, that was surprising...

Anyway, most characters in FF4 leave rather quickly (which is a pity, because there is quite a bunch of cool ones).

Fri, 12-23-2005, 11:10 AM
Besides the NES FF games, has there been a FF game where one of the main characters hasn't died?

Fri, 12-23-2005, 11:11 AM
ff8? all of them were there at the end..

Fri, 12-23-2005, 12:29 PM
Does one of the main characters die in FF9? I never completed that one. ;S

Fri, 12-23-2005, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Does one of the main characters die in FF9? I never completed that one. ;S

Not that I know of. It's one of those fairy tale storylines where everybody lives happily ever after.

Fri, 12-23-2005, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by: Psyke

Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Does one of the main characters die in FF9? I never completed that one. ;S

Not that I know of. It's one of those fairy tale storylines where everybody lives happily ever after.

ff8 spoilers

FF8's story was even more fairy-tale garbage at the end. Not only did nobody die, but instead of getting lost in time everyone found their way back to the present. Hell, even Seifer and his cronies don't die, they don't even get any kind of punishment at all!!!! They get to go fishing for gods sake! How much bullshit is that?

Fri, 12-23-2005, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Does one of the main characters die in FF9? I never completed that one. ;S

Well you lose Blank in the beginning for a bit, but yeah no one dies.

Sat, 12-24-2005, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by: Xollence

Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Does one of the main characters die in FF9? I never completed that one. ;S

Well you lose Blank in the beginning for a bit, but yeah no one dies.

he's not a main character, though, and you only get to play him once, then lose him forever, yeah?

Sat, 12-24-2005, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by: UltxDarkRedX1

Originally posted by: Xollence

Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Does one of the main characters die in FF9? I never completed that one. ;S

Well you lose Blank in the beginning for a bit, but yeah no one dies.

he's not a main character, though, and you only get to play him once, then lose him forever, yeah?

he's not lost per se, he was cool though.

and i hated the FF8 ending...

FF9 zidane comes close to dying like 30 times but never does.

Sat, 12-31-2005, 08:59 PM
I have beaten FFVII, and FFVIII, and I think I am almost done with the first disc on FFIX. Right now, FFIX doesn't seem that good, just like any regular FF title. I am also currently playng FFXI, if anyone is curious, I play on Alexander and I am named Ikiru, look me up if you play on Alex. I played FFX along while ago, but never really got that far, so I'm probably going to get back into that soon, then I have to beat FFX-2. XD

I'm just hoping I'll be able to beat FFIX, FFX, and FFX-2 by the time FFXII comes out. O_o

Oh, btw, I really enjoyed FFVIII, everything about it was just so awesome, and the ending was nearly on par with FFVII's ending, in my opinion. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Sat, 12-31-2005, 11:05 PM
I liked FF7 a lot, but due too joint gaming i didnt get the full experience so im playing it again
FF10 was also very good, great story, awesome characters, although FFX-2 was disappointing it answered a lot of questions but thats about it i didnt enjoy it much.
Hmmm.............................................. .....................Yeah i got nothin else

Wed, 01-04-2006, 08:53 AM
Can anybody direct me to a good final fantasy mechandise online store? I have a sudden urge to buy a Tidus + Yuna figure. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Board of Command
Wed, 01-04-2006, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
and i hated the FF8 ending...

I think they tried to do too much with it. If you don't know what I mean, Ultimecia is actually Rinoa and that lion boss is actually Squall. There's this enormous theory for how the ORIGINAL story ended and splitting into different universes and timelines. The storyline you played through is just one of the infinitely-many time loops that spawned from the ORIGINAL story. If you haven't read it yet, you should. I'm not saying it's a good ending, but you won't regret reading about THE REAL STORY. You'll never look at FF8 the same way afterwards.

Wed, 01-04-2006, 06:56 PM
I think they tried to do too much with it. If you don't know what I mean, Ultimecia is actually Rinoa and that lion boss is actually Squall. There's this enormous theory for how the ORIGINAL story ended and splitting into different universes and timelines. The storyline you played through is just one of the infinitely-many time loops that spawned from the ORIGINAL story. If you haven't read it yet, you should. I'm not saying it's a good ending, but you won't regret reading about THE REAL STORY. You'll never look at FF8 the same way afterwards.

Sounds awesomely interesting. Would you happen to have a link to this theory? I'd really like to read it. ^_^

Board of Command
Wed, 01-04-2006, 08:17 PM
Big Theory (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/final_fantasy_viii_time_ultimecia.txt)

Forum topic (http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=197343&topic=25436758)

The one counter argument against Griever=Squall is that Ultimecia says she summoned Griever because it's the most powerful GF in Squall's mind. It has nothing to do with Squall giving Rinoa the Griever Ring. Then again...the theory makes so much sense that it's scary.

Wed, 01-11-2006, 09:58 PM
I can't seem to play FFX-2, i got it for christmas years ago, but I never played it much, only got up to the part where you need to find 3 outfits and sneak into somewhere i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Wed, 01-11-2006, 10:40 PM
You got further than I did. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Wed, 01-11-2006, 10:58 PM
I got to the part just after the battle where Yuna first appeared (or became a gunner or something, I forget) and then I stood us and threw the controller against the bed (it wasn't mine) and yelled "What in hell is this utter-utter shitpoor excuse for a Final Fantasy game?!" and never played it again.

I sometimes wake up screaming in the middle of the night after dreaming that I'm playing it i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif

Thu, 01-12-2006, 05:26 PM
X-2 was just an alright game. The story wasn't good, but I loved the gameplay. It's like a small remake of FF5! And you can change jobs during battle! I loved the job system in FF5, so X-2 was a treat, gameplay wise.

Thu, 01-12-2006, 10:04 PM
FFX-2 Spoilers:

I just read that Tidus apparently comes back. WHAT THE FUCK. FFX had the most beautiful and tragic ending, which left you with the feeling that it was perfect - yet bittersweet.
And along comes this damn sequel and =¤")?=¤)"¤=)"¤(=)("¤=)(=)("¤"42

Oh damn it all. I'll just pretend that X-2 doesn't exist.

Thu, 01-12-2006, 10:07 PM
did you know that ffx-2 has multiple endings depending on how you beat it? good ending and a bad one.

Thu, 01-12-2006, 10:08 PM
Does the trio get a stripper dress sphere in the good one? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Thu, 01-12-2006, 10:11 PM
if only that was true, least people would have an excuse to buy the horrible game..i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Thu, 01-12-2006, 10:23 PM
Hot-spring scene.

Fri, 01-13-2006, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
FFX-2 Spoilers:

I just read that Tidus apparently comes back. WHAT THE FUCK. FFX had the most beautiful and tragic ending, which left you with the feeling that it was perfect - yet bittersweet.
And along comes this damn sequel and =¤")?=¤)"¤=)"¤(=)("¤=)(=)("¤"42

Oh damn it all. I'll just pretend that X-2 doesn't exist.

Oro? Does that happen at the end of the "FINAL MISSION"?

Fri, 01-13-2006, 07:56 AM
It only happens if you get the good ending. If you get 100% completion you'll another scene of Tidus and Yuna. And the hot spring scene was pretty amusing i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Fri, 01-13-2006, 07:41 PM
There really was a hot spring scene? *Goes and dl it*

Fri, 01-13-2006, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by: LaZyKiD
There really was a hot spring scene? *Goes and dl it*

Yep. They sort of changed the dialogue in the US version, but in the Jap version I think they were suppose to talk about how Paine had a small rack.

Sat, 01-14-2006, 04:50 PM
I've played most FFs, only missing FF2,3 (jap.), FFT (i want to play it!!), and FF12 (though it's debatable whether that counts)
Love them all....
FF4 - it's just classic. and the GBA version is awesome.
FF5 - job system is awesome, played the game many times with different kinds of parties
FF6 - i liked the story in this one the most, also awesome soundtrack
FF7 - systems change, FFs always rule. I don't have to tell anyone how great it is, it has more than enough fans, and also a movie and whatnot.
FF8 - can't find anything wrong with it, and triple triad FTW!
FF9 - nice change in style, not so helluva serious. although probably the worst FF (the graphics are a bit too much for PS, they don't look so good and the game is choppy. also weakest in terms of gameplay.), it's still great. the summons are so cool in FF9. awesome FMVs (Ultima is no joke!!), great soundtrack.
FFX - System changes again, it's visually amazing, story is very in-depth and well laid out, and I like the optional challenges for uber twinked out characters.
FFX2 - although it kind of degrades FF10, the gameplay is awesome, it's like a modern FF5, couldn't help but to love this too.

Sat, 01-14-2006, 06:20 PM
Actually, it seems that you're also missing the first Final Fantasy, and Final Fantasy XI?

Board of Command
Sat, 01-14-2006, 08:55 PM
XI doesn't count. Final Fantasy 1 was an ok game but it was extremely hard at times. Had to use a walkthrough.

Sat, 01-14-2006, 09:39 PM
Ehh... FF12 doesn't really catch my attention. Look at the main character!! He looks GAY! Sorry if that offended anybody, but I couldn't describe it any other way. I'm don't like being a character I don't like, but maybe the story and gameplay will be good enough to neutralize that.... Who knows..

Sat, 01-14-2006, 10:55 PM
I played Final Fantasy:Mystic Quest. Which number is that? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Edit: I took the liberty of finding videos of the hot spring scene and uploaded it to yousendit i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Hotspring Part 1 (http://s33.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2ZLB6HOR7K9WU38E4XHD9622HE)
Hotspring Part 2 (http://s33.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2L5X3FU72Y7SZ13VBEEI435D2O)

Wed, 01-18-2006, 04:05 AM
FF6 is number one for me. I recieved it for getting a good grade on a handwriting test in the 3rd grade lol.
ff7 Had an amazing story and great chemistry, plus chocobo racing
ff4 first FF I ever played, I never get tired of this game
ff10 had a great story and played like a movie
They all had amazing music

Wed, 01-18-2006, 05:07 AM
The only one I havn't played was FF2j as it was never ever translated to my knowledge (although I'm not sure what games are in Origins). And as for FFXI, I didn't play it until after I had played City of Heroes, so I wasn't too thrilled by it, I'm not into most MMO's.

FF1: It's the Original! What can I say? It's a classic.
FF3: Now this one I've only played about half (the fan-translation crapped out on me) But I really enjoyed this one, it was like FF1 on speed.
FF4: The story and characters of this one were excellent, a classic and briliant game.
FF5: I love the job system. And I though that the storyline was very cool too. One of my favorites.
FF6: This one is number two for me. A great story, memorable characters and fantastic gameplay. The Opera House scene is one of my favorites from any game ever. I almost teared up. And Kefka is the most evil badguy in the FF series. That laugh just sent chills down your spine!
FF7: First one I ever played, and my favorite. A nice steampunkish world and plot, memorable and well devloped characters, one hell of a story. And lets not forget Sephiroth THE ultimate badass.
FF8: Not one of my favorites. I found the draw system awkward, and some of the story elements (like the whole Orphanage thing) were kind of odd. A good game by any standards. Just not FF's best.
FF9: Although I haven't actually completed this one, truth be told I do like it. The story is nice and the game just seems very nostalic to me. I also liked that the enemies kept up with you in level. A very nice game.
FF10: It was a great game, the use of Aeons in this game was just as it should have been in all Final Fantasies. My only real complant is that the game didn't really seem to go anywhere for me. I just didn't feel like I was actually progressing, it felt almost as though I'd just started when whoops, I'm right near the end of the game!
FF10-2: I hated it, I'm sorry, I just did. the story completely ruined FF10's, and I didn't think the job system was implemented very well. FF5 and FFTA had good job systems, FF10-2? Not so much. the game was just near-agony to play.

Wed, 01-18-2006, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by: anphorus
FF9: Although I haven't actually completed this one, truth be told I do like it. The story is nice and the game just seems very nostalic to me. I also liked that the enemies kept up with you in level. A very nice game.

The enemies lvling up as you lvl up was in FF8 not 9 i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Wed, 01-18-2006, 12:28 PM
Now this is interesting; according to the FFXII demo, summons are back to being referred to as "Espers." Not to complain and say that the developers have run out of originality (cuz VI was awesome...), but I kinda was waiting for the next "new word of the day"...

Personally, I prefer "Aeons," it just fits...

Wed, 01-18-2006, 01:11 PM
I was just wondering where people were getting their FF12 info from?

I really don't know jack about the upcoming FF, and thats probably a shame because I'm almost certainly going to buy it. I didn't play FFX-2, FFXI (two years of Everquest was about as much online RPGing that I could stand for a lifetime) or any of the Kindgom Hearts. I only briefly rented Xenosaga (which i hated, btw), so its been awhile since i've picked up a good Square game.

I was always hoping that Summoned monsters would be based on the individual characters. One character being able to make a pact with Ifrit and then turn around and do the same with Shiva never really boded well with me... I'd imagine such powerful and ancient creatures would have their own agendas and preferences in who they answered to...

Wed, 01-18-2006, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
I was always hoping that Summoned monsters would be based on the individual characters. One character being able to make a pact with Ifrit and then turn around and do the same with Shiva never really boded well with me... I'd imagine such powerful and ancient creatures would have their own agendas and preferences in who they answered to...

Not a bad idea at all...

And, I think they tried to somewhat implement that in VIII with the compatibility system. Now, I know that saying such a thing is easily defeated by the fact that the compatibility system can be tweaked so that any GF could favor EVERYbody, but I'm pretty sure that when you first get a GF, its preferences usually favor one character out of the rest. So in a sense, it has been done.

Board of Command
Wed, 01-18-2006, 05:25 PM
IMO FF7 was definitely the most memorable game of them all. It may not be the *best* game, but it's the one game you will surely remember for the rest of your life. The atmosphere was just unreal.

But of course this is only counting games with "Final Fantasy" in the title. Of all the Square games, I'd have to say Xenogears was the ultimate creation. (I sense Chrono Trigger fans coming my way)

Wed, 01-18-2006, 06:33 PM
just got FF4 advance 2 days ago, sweet game. 5 and 6 advance are coming out sometime this year, hopefully they'll be on different carts.

Wed, 01-18-2006, 10:04 PM
FF4 Advanced was fun, but it's a lot shorter than the other FF games and the story isn't as good. It's still fun to play though.

Wed, 01-18-2006, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
I was just wondering where people were getting their FF12 info from?

I really don't know jack about the upcoming FF, and thats probably a shame because I'm almost certainly going to buy it. I didn't play FFX-2, FFXI (two years of Everquest was about as much online RPGing that I could stand for a lifetime) or any of the Kindgom Hearts. I only briefly rented Xenosaga (which i hated, btw), so its been awhile since i've picked up a good Square game.

I was always hoping that Summoned monsters would be based on the individual characters. One character being able to make a pact with Ifrit and then turn around and do the same with Shiva never really boded well with me... I'd imagine such powerful and ancient creatures would have their own agendas and preferences in who they answered to...

to be honest i'm not too sure but theres an FF-XII demo released and i have it, the play was pretty fun. the battling is as you run into people like in a kingdom hearts game, you fight whoever you run into, you dont meet an enemy and the whole thing zooms into a battle scene. but you still have waits and you attack in turns, so its like a combination.

Wed, 01-18-2006, 11:16 PM
Yeah, I really enjoyed how they incoporated the new monster battle system from FFXI. Random battles are so overrated nowadays. XD

Wed, 01-18-2006, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by: mage
just got FF4 advance 2 days ago, sweet game. 5 and 6 advance are coming out sometime this year, hopefully they'll be on different carts.

Yeah I played that game way back, I liked it and the storyline was good. I just remembered that when you get your holy powers, your level resets back to one, and the only way to lvl up faster is to kill your party members and fight by yourself. It was a b****, I was like lvl 50-60 then it goes back to 1 lol but anyways it was a cool game.

Edit: Also my friend let my play the demo, the battle system is sweet, and the summons look alot different they use the Esper system or whatever, and their special moves are cool.

Thu, 01-19-2006, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by: Paulyboy
Yeah I played that game way back, I liked it and the storyline was good. I just remembered that when you get your holy powers, your level resets back to one, and the only way to lvl up faster is to kill your party members and fight by yourself. It was a b****, I was like lvl 50-60 then it goes back to 1 lol but anyways it was a cool game.
Actually, if you don't level up like crazy beforehand you should be at about level 20ish when you get your holy powers. And if you are Paladin Cecil at level 1 is more powerful than Dark Knight Cecil at level 20-ish, so it actually isn't that bad. And of course, being at a low level he levels up faster, so he soon catches up. His power doesn't increase too much from levels 1-20-something though, just so that he isn't unbalencingly powerful.

Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
But of course this is only counting games with "Final Fantasy" in the title. Of all the Square games, I'd have to say Xenogears was the ultimate creation. (I sense Chrono Trigger fans coming my way)
You are correct sir! Chrono trigger was the best game of it's kind ever created. The plot, characters, music, everything about the game was sublime. I still have "Frog's Theme" as the ringtone on my mobile phone </hugegeek>

Thu, 01-19-2006, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by: Paulyboy

Originally posted by: mage
just got FF4 advance 2 days ago, sweet game. 5 and 6 advance are coming out sometime this year, hopefully they'll be on different carts.

Yeah I played that game way back, I liked it and the storyline was good. I just remembered that when you get your holy powers, your level resets back to one, and the only way to lvl up faster is to kill your party members and fight by yourself. It was a b****, I was like lvl 50-60 then it goes back to 1 lol but anyways it was a cool game.

Edit: Also my friend let my play the demo, the battle system is sweet, and the summons look alot different they use the Esper system or whatever, and their special moves are cool.
you were level 50-60 when you became a paladin? lol

Board of Command
Thu, 01-19-2006, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by: anphorus

Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
But of course this is only counting games with "Final Fantasy" in the title. Of all the Square games, I'd have to say Xenogears was the ultimate creation. (I sense Chrono Trigger fans coming my way)
You are correct sir! Chrono trigger was the best game of it's kind ever created. The plot, characters, music, everything about the game was sublime. I still have "Frog's Theme" as the ringtone on my mobile phone </hugegeek>
No you're mistaken. Xenogears is the best game ever made. I'll admit Chrono Trigger was amazing, but Xenogears is just too much. Too much.

Thu, 01-19-2006, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by: anphorus
You are correct sir! Chrono trigger was the best game of it's kind ever created. The plot, characters, music, everything about the game was sublime. I still have "Frog's Theme" as the ringtone on my mobile phone </hugegeek>

Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana.

Fri, 01-20-2006, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by: mage

Originally posted by: Paulyboy

Originally posted by: mage
just got FF4 advance 2 days ago, sweet game. 5 and 6 advance are coming out sometime this year, hopefully they'll be on different carts.

Yeah I played that game way back, I liked it and the storyline was good. I just remembered that when you get your holy powers, your level resets back to one, and the only way to lvl up faster is to kill your party members and fight by yourself. It was a b****, I was like lvl 50-60 then it goes back to 1 lol but anyways it was a cool game.

Edit: Also my friend let my play the demo, the battle system is sweet, and the summons look alot different they use the Esper system or whatever, and their special moves are cool.
you were level 50-60 when you became a paladin? lol

NO no no, I was lvl 50-60 Dark Knight Cecil, and then I went back to lvl when I got my paladin powers. Its a good game though i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Sat, 01-21-2006, 01:13 PM
oh this reminds me, how did you guys use the espers? i couldnt summon them in FFXII

Board of Command
Fri, 01-27-2006, 12:07 AM
I just started Chrono Trigger again because the last time I played it was in grade 7. I need to rehash my memory of that game.

Fri, 01-27-2006, 08:33 AM
You'll be glad you did! I must've replayed that game around 10 times or so. Including a low-level game which was really cool (Finished the entire game with Crono only ever earning 7 xp).

Good Times....

Uchiha Barles
Fri, 01-27-2006, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command

Originally posted by: anphorus

Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
But of course this is only counting games with "Final Fantasy" in the title. Of all the Square games, I'd have to say Xenogears was the ultimate creation. (I sense Chrono Trigger fans coming my way)
You are correct sir! Chrono trigger was the best game of it's kind ever created. The plot, characters, music, everything about the game was sublime. I still have "Frog's Theme" as the ringtone on my mobile phone </hugegeek>
No you're mistaken. Xenogears is the best game ever made. I'll admit Chrono Trigger was amazing, but Xenogears is just too much. Too much.

I've gotta agree with Board. I'm halfway into Xenogears and frankly, that game blows almost every final fantasy game out of the water. The game play itself is freaking amazing. Come on, two of the main characters know kung fu...KUNG FU! and not the keanu reeves variation either, and you actually have to press button combinations for your characters to perform combinations...that's fucking sweet. Gear combat is actually quite fun as well. And story...I have never seen a story that goes as in depth as this game does and remain so awesome. I have yet to see the ending, but like minded people have told this game does not disappoint, ever.

Of the final fantasy games, my favorite was final fantasy tactics. Its one of my favorite games of all time, and of the square games, only rivaled by Xenogears. What I liked about that game other than the story is the gameplay. Finally an RPG where all of your characters need not be hit by an area attack. I don't know if I've said this before, but the tactics world is incredibly dark. You don't get the proper idea just by playing game the game through normally. You have to do all those propositions and get the hidden treasures and hidden locations and read their descriptions to REALLY get the idea. The Zodiac Braves are only half the story...

Board of Command
Sat, 01-28-2006, 01:14 AM
Half way through Xenogears? I'm guessing you're not on disk 2 yet. I'll tell you one thing: you'll either love disk 2 or hate it. The style certainly doesn't appeal to a lot of people out there. If you happen to like disk 2, you will be worshipping this game and thinking about it every second of your life for a little while.

Read a walkthrough if needed, it is the best 30 minutes you will ever invest in your life.

Sat, 01-28-2006, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Half way through Xenogears? I'm guessing you're not on disk 2 yet. I'll tell you one thing: you'll either love disk 2 or hate it. The style certainly doesn't appeal to a lot of people out there. If you happen to like disk 2, you will be worshipping this game and thinking about it every second of your life for a little while.

Read a walkthrough if needed, it is the best 30 minutes you will ever invest in your life.

Amen, the Emeralda side quest, and some of the other extra goodies available at the end of Disc 2 are not to be missed.

But, and this comes from a guy that used to have a Xenogears signature, I think your reaction to Disc 2 will be "WTF?" especially after your comments on gameplay. Well, I won't ruin anything. I'll just reiterate one of the things I've always said, "Xenogears MUST have a remake! For the love of God!"

although, i hear the original developing team behind Xenogears split up... But whoever is releasing those crappy Xenosaga games could do it. And it wouldn't even be that hard. Just redo the game with better graphics, flesh it out a little more in spots, and keep EVERYTHING that was there before. Maybe add some side quests or something, but a remake shouldn't be that tough.

Board of Command
Sat, 01-28-2006, 12:55 PM
**Possible Spoilers**

I personally think disk 2 was perfect they way it was because it really fit in with the sudden turn of events in the storyline. It was when the storyline went from the traditional "save the world" to "ZOMFG THIS ROXXORS TEH BIG ONE!!11" I just loved the style of disk 2 in every way.

I think what they need to make is an anime series for Xenogears, maybe a 50 episode series. The type of story Xenogears brings to the table is perfectly fitting for the anime genre.

The developers of Xenogears split from Square after the FF7 was made and joined Namco to produce the Xenosaga series. I read that apparently Xenosaga is the prequel to Xenogears and there are "supposedly" 5 episodes leading up to the time of Xenogears. The Xenosaga anime is episode 1, which was when they discovered Zohar and the wave existence 15000 years prior to the events in Xenogears. Episode 3 or 4 is about the Zeboim civilization seen in Emeralda's side quest (which would FUCKING ROCK MY WORLD). It's all speculation as to how closely related Xenogears and Xenosaga really are, because despite all the similarities, there is no KOS-MOS reference anywhere in Xenogears.

Sat, 01-28-2006, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
**Possible Spoilers**
The developers of Xenogears split from Square after the FF7 was made and joined Namco to produce the Xenosaga series. I read that apparently Xenosaga is the prequel to Xenogears and there are "supposedly" 5 episodes leading up to the time of Xenogears. The Xenosaga anime is episode 1, which was when they discovered Zohar and the wave existence 15000 years prior to the events in Xenogears. Episode 3 or 4 is about the Zeboim civilization seen in Emeralda's side quest (which would FUCKING ROCK MY WORLD). It's all speculation as to how closely related Xenogears and Xenosaga really are, because despite all the similarities, there is no KOS-MOS reference anywhere in Xenogears.

well, i guess this is all off-topic as this isn't a Final Fantasy at all... but then again I am much to lazy to create a separate Xeno topic.

i was pretty sure that at the end of Xenogears they say, at the very end of the credits:

So there would only be 4 actual episodes before the events of Xenogears. I also always believed these 4 previous chapters would revolve around the characters known as Elly and Fei.

Episode I: Elly and Abel. Also the beginning of the Gazel ministry.
Episode II: Elly and Kim: the rise and fall of Zeboim
Episode III: ??? This one I simply can't remember. Was there a third reincarnation of the two before...
Episode IV: Elly (Sophia) and Lacan. Nissan, Krelian, Grahf, a painting.

Also, i gathered this from the Gamefaqs; message boards (yes i know that people there have a dubious reputation, but this time I feel they are correct) :

From: Chronolisphinx | Posted: 1/22/2006 9:22:04 AM | Message Detail
Xenogears was made before Xenosaga,obviously as they kind of stopped making PSX games after PS2 came out and Xenogears is a PSX game.
Xenogears is a part of the Perfect Works and is episode 5 of the series,so basically Xenosaga ep.1 and 2 (3 on it's way) are before Xenogears.
Since Squaresoft (Square-Enix now) owns the rights to Xenogears it was stated by Monolith that Xenogears and Xenosaga have nothing to do with each other and are 2 separate story's.
I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens in the future,if they ever decide to make part 4 as there's a rumor going on that Xenosaga ep.3 might be the last in series.

From: xylem | Posted: 1/22/2006 11:38:25 AM | Message Detail
Xenogears is not part of the Xenosaga storyline yet. They are separate story lines. In terms of what were created first. It was Xenogears the the move to Namco/Monolith Soft to create Xenosaga.

So it seems to me that since the development group that made Xenogears broke up, and the people that made Xenosaga have no rights over the storyline of Xenogears (including all the pertinent flashbacks that would make up key parts of earlier Episodes), both a remake of this game and any actual sequels/prequels seem unlikely. Fuck those money grubbing motherfuckers.

Board of Command
Sat, 01-28-2006, 10:57 PM
God, why don't these people work on this project as a passion in life instead of money? It really didn't feel like the developers were making Xenogears for money when I played through the game. Same with FF7. It felt like the developers truly enjoyed what they were creating, not just another piece of software to market (like FF8). Damn...everything is about "procedure" and "ownership rights" nowadays. Screw that, they're letting down the fans.

Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Episode I: Elly and Abel. Also the beginning of the Gazel ministry.
Episode II: Elly and Kim: the rise and fall of Zeboim
Episode III: ??? This one I simply can't remember. Was there a third reincarnation of the two before...
Episode IV: Elly (Sophia) and Lacan. Nissan, Krelian, Grahf, a painting.

You can't remember episode 3 because it actually goes like this:

Episode I: Year -5000. Discovery of Zohar and Wave Existence. Commencement of Deus Project.
Episode II: Year 0. Crash landing. Elly+Abel, Gazel Ministry and Cain.
Episode III: Year 4000. Elly+Kim. Zeboim civilization.
Episode IV: Year 9500. Sophia+Lacan+Krelian. Solaris-Shevat war.
Episode V: Year 10000. Xenogears.

There has been countless reincarnations of Elly and Miang because a new one forms immediately when the previous one dies. I'm not sure if Fei works the same way.

Sun, 02-26-2006, 06:29 PM
Finally got some news on FFXII (yeah I'm slow and some of this stuff might be elsewhere in this thread)

First thing first, the original director and scenario plotter for FF12 was Yasumi Matsuno. He was the Director and script designer for Tactics, Producer and Director in Vagrant Story and the Director for Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre. Awesomeness, right? Well, Matsuno has since retired from the FFX11 production team, citing health reasons. Fuck.

So now two different guys are splitting the directors job, Hiroshi Minagawa and Hiroyuki Ito. I have no clue who they are... The producer is Akitoshi Kawazu, Director from almost every SaGa series ever. He also produced Crystal Chonricles... So I'm just praying Matsuno's initial plans are followed...

Setting: FFXII is said to be set in Ivalice. Yes, 'Save us sinful children of Ivalice', that Ivalice. But it is supposed to be a different time period from the events in Tactics, and since 12 will have airships I'm wondering if its around the time of Ajora...

Battle: Still haven't seen enough of the Battle system, but some of the Menu options for battle include Attack, Magic, Summon, Gambits and Item. Gambit has something to do with A.I. which I never ever trust in any game... Also, no 'battle theme' The music from wherever you were traveling when the battle started will continue to play. I really sort of like that.
Oh, and no more random battles! Yup, you engage enemies after crossing their paths in the game. The enemy can also detect and surprise you, and supposedly have 'senses' like sight, sound, smell etc, to figure out where you are. That i love.

Abilities: Its called the License system, but it looks just like the Sphere Grid in FFX.

Magic: Espers. They're back, and they're the Summons in 12. Confirmed names of Summon monsters include: Queklain, Ultima, Belias, Adrammelech and more. Yes, those are names of Lucavi/Totema manifestations from the Tactics serious. I want to summon Velius and bitch slap him around for keeping me stuck on Riovanes Castle for an entire month.

Misc: Apparently alot of elements from Tactics Advance are going to be in FF12. The races from that game and some other elements are supposed to be in 12. I only played Tactics Advance once and didn't really like it that much.

Obviously I just got hyped over the prospects of 12. Still no U.S. release date though....

Tue, 02-28-2006, 02:32 AM
I'm pretty sure Fei works the same way as Elly and Miang. Abel died didn't he?

Tue, 02-28-2006, 01:44 PM
Bah, I'm rather torn on this, but for one thing, I feel as though this ought to have been just another installation in the Tactics vein. That's not to say that I'm not anticipating this to be the next great FF, if we're lucky; but since they're reusing concepts already seen in two previous games, I'm just a little worried.

I've only played Tactics Advanced, but needless to say, that's all the Ivalice that I think I can stomach for a while.

Tue, 02-28-2006, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by: bagandscalpel
I've only played Tactics Advanced, but needless to say, that's all the Ivalice that I think I can stomach for a while.

Herein lies your problem. Tactics for the PSX was an absolute masterpiece. Then again, that made Tactics Advanced even worse, because it was really a letdown after the first one.

I still have faith in Square. FFX wasn't a total letdown, and even IX had its moments. As long as its better than 8 (I'm not even counting XI or X-2... fucking travesties) I'll be content. Hell, who am I kidding? I'm buying that game no matter how bad the reviews trash it.

Your loyal Square fanboy.

Board of Command
Tue, 02-28-2006, 06:24 PM
I personally liked VIII. Aside from the cruddy love story and overpowered character system, it had the most interesting ending of them all. Like I said a long time ago, be sure to check out the Time Theory on GameFaqs if you haven't. It's a really interesting read.

Tue, 02-28-2006, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs

Originally posted by: bagandscalpel
I've only played Tactics Advanced, but needless to say, that's all the Ivalice that I think I can stomach for a while.

Herein lies your problem. Tactics for the PSX was an absolute masterpiece. Then again, that made Tactics Advanced even worse, because it was really a letdown after the first one.

well, then again, here is how i see it. the one for the ps1 has so much to work with, while the one for advance had limited resources compared to the ps1. so, there's really no point in comparing 2 similar games for 2 different systems. in my opinion there was nothing wrong with the one for the advance, people just compare too much.

Tekkaman Vigorot
Tue, 02-28-2006, 09:20 PM
Time Theory? What would that be?

Board of Command
Tue, 02-28-2006, 10:08 PM
Rinoa = Ultimecia, parallel universes, etc etc

Wed, 03-01-2006, 05:40 AM
That Time Theory is garbage because it's based on a 'fact' that even the authors were divided on being correct or not.

The theory is really quite interesting, but it is based on too much speculation to be seriously read through unless you actually care that much about VIII. And after finishing that game I seriously couldn't have cared less what the real explanation behind the ending was, much less entertain theories with more holes in them than swiss cheese.

Wed, 03-01-2006, 05:59 AM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
That Time Theory is garbage because it's based on a 'fact' that even the authors were divided on being correct or not.

The theory is really quite interesting, but it is based on too much speculation to be seriously read through unless you actually care that much about VIII. And after finishing that game I seriously couldn't have cared less what the real explanation behind the ending was, much less entertain theories with more holes in them than swiss cheese.

This is a prime example of the creators of a well known series taking a break and being lazy, but wanting to make more money....So, Lack of storyline + plot holes + lack of character depth + sporradic and useless plot twists + lack of a true villain + lack of character's you can get behind = "Hey guys, how about we give an explanation about the story that makes it sound real complicated so they don't notice we only worked on the story that night we dropped acid and watched Malice Mizer?"....yeah....Anyway.

Mon, 03-06-2006, 01:30 PM
Awesom. Those comments just got me boiling, cant wait to try them out, spacially FF6. im not very into games so I dont know where to find them, which programs to use to download them, where to download them, emulators and stuff...nothing really. I have a computer and a PS2. Any information would be very much appreciatted.

PS: tried downloading with emule and didnt work, apparently I had a problem with the ports and couldnt fix them...ahhh, Im no use. Well, one option less.

Tue, 03-07-2006, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by: NineTailsKitsu

Originally posted by: masamuneehs
That Time Theory is garbage because it's based on a 'fact' that even the authors were divided on being correct or not.

The theory is really quite interesting, but it is based on too much speculation to be seriously read through unless you actually care that much about VIII. And after finishing that game I seriously couldn't have cared less what the real explanation behind the ending was, much less entertain theories with more holes in them than swiss cheese.

This is a prime example of the creators of a well known series taking a break and being lazy, but wanting to make more money....So, Lack of storyline + plot holes + lack of character depth + sporradic and useless plot twists + lack of a true villain + lack of character's you can get behind = "Hey guys, how about we give an explanation about the story that makes it sound real complicated so they don't notice we only worked on the story that night we dropped acid and watched Malice Mizer?"....yeah....Anyway.

This is completely untrue. If the people behind FFVIII had listened to Malice Mizer, the game would have been cheesy, contained homosexual cowboys and a main character with an uncanny resemblance to Gackt.


Wait, FUCK!

Wed, 03-08-2006, 01:06 PM
where is the time theory at on gamefaqs?? and who's a gay cowboy?? surely not irvine; he's the manliest of men, plua he has the hots for selphie. So what he had longer prettier hair than her?!

Wed, 03-08-2006, 08:42 PM
irvine was the man, who ever makes fun of irvine should burn in hell. his limit break was one of my favorite, with his cool poses with every shot.

Thu, 03-09-2006, 12:53 AM
now that i think about it, irvine was kinda fruity, but i dont think he was a gay

Fri, 03-10-2006, 01:59 PM
Well, while I disagree that Irvine is gay, I will say he's a poser ("life of a sniper," what utter garbage, then he breaks down at the critical moment).

And speaking of things "gay," I seem to recall that the FF series has done well to keep away from such risky footing EXCEPT in the rather (heh) questionable Don Corneo sequence. But by all means, correct me if I'm wrong.

Tue, 03-14-2006, 03:37 PM
If you wanted to know, FFXII was already leaked 1-2 days early on BT in Japan. Here's the torrent if you want it :p

Sun, 03-19-2006, 06:48 AM
LaZy, what exactly is that you're linking us to? A version of the game (if so, how does one play it?) a segment ripped from the game.

I'm sure people appreciate your bringing it to their attention, but if they don't know what it is or how to work it it's sorta useless...

Final Fantasy XII - Opening Movie (http://www.point-blank.cc:16384/allowed/torrent.php/Final_Fantasy_XII_Opening_Movie_%5B488962E2%5D.avi .torrent)

Don't know if its subbed or not, there really wasn't much info on it at PointBlank... its 120MB and .avi format. It was uploaded by someone who I'm pretty sure is a memeber of the AonE team, but can't recall.

No,and I know this is a little hypocritical after wha tI said to Lazy, no i will not be DLing this myself to see what exactly it contains. I'm not even close to getting back home from my semester and I don't even want to catch a whiff of the contents of 12 until I sit down to play it myself. Just thought some people might want to see what this opening movie might be like.

Sun, 03-19-2006, 02:59 PM
Well, it's a link to the whole game in Japanese language. If you have a modded ps2 or swap magic, you can burn it and play the game :p

Mon, 03-20-2006, 10:42 PM
Anyone played legend of dragoon?

Mon, 03-20-2006, 11:01 PM
I don't know why, but I've always hated FF6. I know there is a huge fanbase around it, which is why I attempted to play it 5 or 6 times. I've tried to play it so many times and never managed to get into it beyond a few hours. It just seems...boring. I can't get attached to the characters. In no way am I knocking it, I just don't enjoy it, and it gets to me sometimes that so many others do and I just can't. I do feel like I'm missing out, but it just doesn't pull me like the others have.

I hated FF9 for the same reason, I just couldn't stand the characters and never felt attached to them in the 45+ hours of it I played.

FF4 has to me always been more enjoyable because of the difficulty, as well as the impact of all the characters (would say why but that'd be spoiling), who really get wrenched around, even before the moody characters of 7 and 8. FF10 I also enjoyed because they returned by making the encounters in a way that you almost always had to use all the characters. You had to think about the individual fights or you could die pretty easily. (Or at least have a difficult time finishing the things off) I'm attracted to the challenge of the harder RPG's lately. Mindlessly powerleveling got to me about two years ago. I can't stand it anymore. Even the regular encounters should provide a challenge.

I know it's not really a FF game, but Chrono Trigger is hands down the greatest rpg I've ever played. I've beaten it dozens of times and never once got sick of it.

Board of Command
Mon, 03-20-2006, 11:08 PM
FF6 has never appealed to me either. So many rave about that game but I don't see why.

Tue, 06-24-2008, 10:21 PM
1 - FF IX - My favorite because it was my very first Final Fantasy

2 - FF VII - Cloud may is the best main character I've ever played with

3 - FF VII: Crisis Core - A fun journey back to the FF VII world with new and impressive characters

4 - FF X - Loved blitzball and the whole Tidus / Jethro relationship was very well made

5 - FF VIII - The most difficult one in my opinion but that's what made it fun

Board of Command
Tue, 06-24-2008, 10:59 PM
5 - FF VIII - The most difficult one in my opinion but that's what made it fun
No way... FF8 was by far the easiest once you figure out the magic junction system. It's so easy to abuse.

Tue, 06-24-2008, 11:15 PM
I'm not counting FF Tactics ofc. Fun at first but after loosing 5000 times kind of gets old... I still don't know how the hell i completed that game.

Wed, 06-25-2008, 06:20 AM
No way... FF8 was by far the easiest once you figure out the magic junction system. It's so easy to abuse.

Yup. Still remember those countless hours of drawing Ultima at that island...... :o

Wed, 06-25-2008, 11:33 AM
Yup. Still remember those countless hours of drawing Ultima at that island...... :o

Ooooh or getting alot of ap for your GFs at Cactuar Island.

Wed, 06-25-2008, 12:27 PM
I remember that auto-juntion sent Ultima to attack... but I always sent it to defense... 100% to any element and poison ftw!

Besides... meteor gave me the same attack boost as Ultima... 600 ultima...how I hate to remember getting them...

Board of Command
Wed, 06-25-2008, 06:03 PM
It was a lot faster for me since I played the game on an emulator.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 06:11 PM
Yup. Still remember those countless hours of drawing Ultima at that island...... :o

Try doing that on the psp and having 50% of your draws freeze the game :p

Sat, 11-15-2008, 09:20 PM
This new trailer for Dissidia features 5 minutes of orgasmic fanservice...


FF - Light warrior and Garland
FF2 - Frionel and Emperor Palamecia
FF3 - Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness
FF4 - Cecil Harvey and Golbez
FF5 - Butz and ExDeath
FF6 - Terra Branford and Kefka Palazzo
FF7 - Cloud Strife and Sephiroth
FF8 - Squall Leonhart and Ultimecia
FF9 - Zidane Tribal and Kuja
FF10 - Tidus and Jecht

Sat, 11-15-2008, 09:50 PM
No way... FF8 was by far the easiest once you figure out the magic junction system. It's so easy to abuse.

Same with the hero drinks.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 10:17 PM
Play FFIV, then you know the definition of a difficult Final Fantasy rpg. Alternatively, you could play FF1 with four white mages to get the same effect.

Then play a Dragon Quest game, and realize all FF games are a cakewalk.

Dissida looks like an excellent FF-fanservice game. Almost tempting me to pick up a PSP.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 10:26 PM
I beated the nes FF (on emulator) using 4 Knights....
True, not as difficult as 4 White Mages... but still painful

Dark Dragon
Sat, 11-15-2008, 10:34 PM
FFIV for the DS is pretty damn hard. If you didn't get all of the good augment and level up correctly, once you get the moon it's like hell.

In term of difficulty, the final dungeon in Lunar: Eternal blue was one of the most difficult thing i've ever had to do in an RPG. You have to go through a long ass 14 floors dungeon and then fight the boss at the end who has 2 forms without any rest spots or save points in between, if you die you must start over since you could only save at the start of the dungeon.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 10:50 PM
In term of difficulty, the final dungeon in Lunar: Eternal blue was one of the most difficult thing i've ever had to do in an RPG. You have to go through a long as 14 floors dungeon and then fight the boss at the end who has 2 form without any rest spot or save points in between, if you die you must start over since you could only save at the start of the dungeon.
The Goddess Tower was easy if you remembered to always go with the most efficient attacks. If Alex couldn't one shot the standard enemies, you needed to level more. If needed, the only special attacks you should use are Alex with Sword Dance (6 MP), Kyle with Power Slash (6 MP) and Mia with Flame Bomb (13 MP). Given a sufficient number of starlights to keep these three and Jessica full of MP, it was easy. Keep the same strategy with Xenobia, always efficiency. The only difference between a boss fight and a normal battle was you couldn't rely on power leveling because bosses leveled with you. Using Mia, Alex and Kyle's ATK up abilities and the same attacks, that section of the game wasn't that bad.

The sections of Lunar where you only have two or three characters were way harder. The advantage of the last climb is you have the abilities of everyone for once. I found the swamp where you get Jessica for the first time much harder.

Now FF Tactics on the other hand, there are one or two fights that luck alone get me through, no matter what preparations I make. Any time the two Assassins appear, especially with demons, kicks my ass every time.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 11-15-2008, 11:00 PM
The Goddess Tower was easy if you remembered to always go with the most efficient attacks. If Alex couldn't one shot the standard enemies, you needed to level more. If needed, the only special attacks you should use are Alex with Sword Dance (6 MP), Kyle with Power Slash (6 MP) and Mia with Flame Bomb (13 MP). Given a sufficient number of starlights to keep these three and Jessica full of MP, it was easy. Keep the same strategy with Xenobia, always efficiency. The only difference between a boss fight and a normal battle was you couldn't rely on power leveling because bosses leveled with you. Using Mia, Alex and Kyle's ATK up abilities and the same attacks, that section of the game wasn't that bad.

The sections of Lunar where you only have two or three characters were way harder. The advantage of the last climb is you have the abilities of everyone for once. I found the swamp where you get Jessica for the first time much harder.

Now FF Tactics on the other hand, there are one or two fights that luck alone get me through, no matter what preparations I make. Any time the two Assassins appear, especially with demons, kicks my ass every time.

I think you've made a mistake, the game i'm talking about is Eternal Blue which is the sequel for Silver Star Story since Alex is not in the second game.

I remember having 0 troubles on all of the prior boss until i reached that dungeon. The boss i'm talking about is Zophar and if i remember correctly the final boss of silver story is Ghaleon.

edit: I was also wrong about Zophar, the dude has freaking 4 forms, so he's even harder than i remembered.

all this talks about Lunar is making me want to play them again, i'll probably go look and see if i can download them from somewhere.

Sun, 11-16-2008, 06:17 AM
Ah, my bad, I saw "Lunar" and then skipped to the meat of your post. I like to forget that Lunar 2: Eternal Blue existed.

Since we are talking about Eternal Blue, you didn't get your ass repeated beat by the Yeti? I couldn't beat it for the longest time. I'd be really impressed with you. I had to powerlevel like crazy (since they dropped the bosses leveling with you for Eternal Blue) and it was still a pain in the ass. After that, I was kind of absurdly strong, so it didn't really matter for the rest of the game.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 11-16-2008, 06:50 AM
Ah, my bad, I saw "Lunar" and then skipped to the meat of your post. I like to forget that Lunar 2: Eternal Blue existed.

Since we are talking about Eternal Blue, you didn't get your ass repeated beat by the Yeti? I couldn't beat it for the longest time. I'd be really impressed with you. I had to powerlevel like crazy (since they dropped the bosses leveling with you for Eternal Blue) and it was still a pain in the ass. After that, I was kind of absurdly strong, so it didn't really matter for the rest of the game.

lol, why would you like to forget that Eternal Blue existed? not particularly fond of the game?

Nope i didn't have any trouble with the yeti, although that avalanche thing he does in combo with regular attack does get annoying. I think for that battle i just had Hiro used his jump sword move after a few attack buff from Lemina and then have her spam fire attack after that. I remember keeping 2 people on healing watch so he doesn't surprise kill you and most boss just tend to attack the closest character (Hiro) if they do a single attack anyway.

edit: Thinking back on it, both Lunar were kinda absurdly hard on certain parts in term of RPG standard. The first cave in Silver Star Story is one of the hardest beginning dungeon ever, i remember having my ass handed to me repeatedly by those damn crystals like 30 minutes into the game.

Sun, 11-16-2008, 12:34 PM
Dissida looks like an excellent FF-fanservice game. Almost tempting me to pick up a PSP.

Why don't you just get an emulator?

Looks like an awesome game, but does squareenix have any experience in making anything on the fighting genre?

Also i don't recognize most of the characters since i've only played from 7 up, maybe this will give me a good excuse to get the rest of them.

Edit: Here is the subbed version of the trailer

Dissidia - TGS08 Trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/289717.html)

Thu, 11-27-2008, 10:29 AM
A new character has been revealed for Dissida. Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI


Thu, 11-27-2008, 04:13 PM
I recently got my hands on Crisis Core (yes I know I'm late)..all my other psp games have taken the back seat to this one. I was in awe from the very first cutscene, its really amazing that a handheld title can pack such punch. I'm digging the storyline thus far, and the flashback scenes of Angeal, Genesis and Sepiroth kicks so much ass. All in all very good game thus far, very hard to put down...getting wrist pains.

Wed, 12-03-2008, 03:18 PM
I recently got my hands on Crisis Core (yes I know I'm late)..all my other psp games have taken the back seat to this one. I was in awe from the very first cutscene, its really amazing that a handheld title can pack such punch. I'm digging the storyline thus far, and the flashback scenes of Angeal, Genesis and Sepiroth kicks so much ass. All in all very good game thus far, very hard to put down...getting wrist pains.

Just wait till you see the end. That fucking game almost made me cry :mad:

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 12-03-2008, 03:41 PM
Edit - Oops I didn't realize this wasn't the what are you playing now thread

Tue, 12-16-2008, 10:26 PM
Newest Dissidia Trailer


Two new characters shown (for first time in trailer)

Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI
Gabranth from Final Fantasy XII

Thu, 12-18-2008, 04:04 AM
Been playing around with the game for a few hours now, harder than I thought but it's quite enjoyable. The fact that I don't really understand any of the written stuff is probably a big drawback seeing as I have no idea what any of the abilities I get do.

Edit: Not knowing what kind of stuff I get and what they do is kinda annoying but it's still playable. But been wasting a lot of my free time on this already and it's quite addictive if nothing else because of everything there is to unlock.

Sat, 01-24-2009, 02:42 PM
When is the english version coming out anyway?

Sat, 01-24-2009, 09:04 PM
There is no date yet. Just a tentative of mid 2009

Shadow Skill
Sat, 01-24-2009, 09:43 PM
I believe Square/Square-Enix only knowledge and experience on making a Fighting game, was Erghiez or something.

I'm a little sad I now have to wait for Final Fantasy XIII till 2010. Over a year to go. :(

Japan gets FFXIII this April :(

Tue, 09-07-2010, 11:28 PM
Dissidia 012: Duodecium Final Fantasy announced for PSP


So far two characters are confirmed:

Lighting from Final Fantasy XIII
Kain from Final Fantasy IV

Tue, 09-07-2010, 11:40 PM
I hope Kain's good, because Cecil's like the worst character in Dissidia.

Wed, 09-08-2010, 05:39 AM
Vivi needs to be in there

Thu, 09-15-2011, 06:25 AM
