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Thread: Game: Final Fantasy

  1. #1

    Game: Final Fantasy

    Ok its like this i love rpg and i think the best games ever made is final fantasy but there are diffrent games so my favourite is ff 10 couldent get enogh out of it was playing night and day but hey it was my first ff game. then i started to hear about other ff games and started to play them to no i have ff7 to ff x2 i like kingdom hearts to well you can say it is like a ff game squaresoft are the ones that made it with disney so here comes my top 5 list

    1.FF10 (liked the summons)
    2.KH (donald and goofy rocks)
    3.FF7 (loved the story)
    4.FFx2 (the grafics was awsome)
    5.FF9 (haha what can i say, ViVi)

    It will come a new FF7 with Vincent Valentine as the main charcter what do you think ?

    And know FF12 will come out im sure it ill be a bis succsess ?

  2. #2
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    It's good to see another FF fan here, but some how I'm a bit amused and bewildered by the reasons you gave for your top 5 games. You like KH because of Goofy and Donald? FFX because of the summons and FFIX because of Vivi? Hmmmm.....

    My fave is FFX. Loved the story between Tidus and his father Jecht, and how he came to acknowledge him although he thought that he was abandoned a decade ago. Excellent gameplay provided over 99 hours of game time for me, trying to get/do everything.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  3. #3
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    Final Fantasy

    1. FFVII: The Story kicks ass.. Cloud is the coolest main character (also best looking) and Sephiroth is the best game character ever (The coolest villian, coolest looking and great OST)

    2. FFVIII: I think the chemistry between the character's is the best in this game.. The only bad thing about this game was the "draw" and "Junktion"-system..

    3. FFX: Great graphics, a big world and i found no problem with Tidius (nether the voice or the character)

    4. FFIX: Big towns, Went back a little to the old occupation-system.. Everyone had there specific roll to play.. Also that bad guy on the dragon was cool.. And some cool cinematics of the Aeons destroying towns and stuff..

    5.KH: Well i didn't like the fact that Donald and Goofy was in this game.. But it was awsome that FF-characters was in it.. And i really like how Sephiroth is the hardest boss in the game.. I tried him once and he kicked my ass (i was to low level to even stand a chance) and i gave my PS2 away before i was able to improve and go back and try to beat him..

  4. #4
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    1. FFVII: oh look i think i may be a cloud fanboy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] but seriously, this game rocked, with the story and all
    2. FFX: I love playing...DAMN what was that underwater game that was a cross of soccer and football? anyway auron kicks ass too.
    3. KH: I loved having the FF characters, riku was cool too. funny how this was the first 1 of FF series i completed.
    4: FFIX: this game was just great for me. For some reason, i never get tired of it...time to go play right now! And YES ViVi is a perfectly good reason to love this game. The only thing i didnt like was the final battle, it was boring, the fight against kujo was more fun.
    5. FFVIII: This game was good with most things, especially the GFs. Shiva kicks! i liked how until you got lionheart sword, you needed skill to land a good damage shot (the trigger with the gunblade) i wish there was more Squall vs. Seipher battles but, he was pretty weak anyway.
    6. FFX-2: I never got around to finishing this, the whole "changing clothes to skills" thing was fun at first, but soon it got annoying. Lulu in Warrior was great though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  5. #5
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Yay another ff fan!

    Final Fantasy 5 - Loved the crystal morphing into different classes. Storyline was great.

    Final Fantasy 6- What can you say? Surprising Storyline and man it sucked though, Cid can live if you give him the bigger fishes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img].

    Final Fantasy 7- #1 on my list of the best RPG games ever. Best storyline in the world.

    Final Fantasy 8- Yah your right, it had a good chemistry system between Squall and Rinoa. Junction system was alright, took me maybe 15 mins just to get 99 of 1 Magic.

    Final Fantasy 9- It was a good game, not the best. Vivi, was a cool char. But I thought Zidane was alot better.

    Final Fantasy 10- 1st FF on the ps2 system, Graphics astounded me. Storyline was cool until I found out that Tidus was just a "Dream" made up by the gods.

    Final Fantasy 11- Don't know haven't played it.

    Final Fantasy 12- It is going to look amazing, looks like a movie to me.
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  6. #6
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    The Final Fantasy games eh... man, I owe these a lot.

    Final Fantasy 6 is the best game ever made period. I can't even begin to explain how much this game means to me, how many times I've played it and how it helped me to survive the lonely period that was my childhood. I might sound like some kind of elitist, but my relation to this game is immensely wide and while of course it's hailed as a wonderful game, the days of my youth when I played FF6 remain my happiest memories. Again, the best game ever made. I'd trade my soul for it.

    Final Fantasy 7 took my eyesight (this is a long and weird story). Suffice to say I played and loved this game too much. I never had a PSX, but when Square released it for the PC I thought I was going to die of happiness. Good days. I was in love with Aeris [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] And Vincent is my favorite character.

    Final Fantasy 8 was a fair game, not at all as bad as some people would have you think. Different, though. But I liked it.

    I never played FF1-3, 5 didn't do so much for me (even though I digged Faris) & I never bothered to finish 9.

    10 looks bland and I didn't play it too much. 11 is online and after that the series got fucked up. I feel absolutely nothing for 12.

    EDIT: Can't believe I forgot 4. That was another good game, I didn't like how you couldn't change your party manually but the story was great. So many sad deaths, just the way I like it.

  7. #7
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    FF4 - Pretty good in its way. Didn't like how the party was constantly changing.
    FF5 - It died pretty easily for me. Didn't like the game very much, although I liked the job system.
    FF6 - Awesome awesome game. Each character has a special ability as well as their own story. Plus, you gotta level them all to assault the last place, just awesome [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    FF7 - Another awesome game. Story and characters are well-made, along with the fighting and materia system.
    FF8 - A pretty good game. Story became a lil weird as it progressed. I liked the junction system, but it was waaaaaaaay too easy to abuse.
    FFX-2 - An alright game. I loved how they brought back the job system with a couple of twists, but the story wasn't as strong as I would like it to be.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    FFVII- # 1 RPG and game in my list. The awesome and also very deep storyline that made you want to continue until your eyes fell off from their sockets. I still awe at the Knights of the round table summon.

    FFTatctis- Started playing a while ago but I can say that it reached my top 2. Again, great storyline and the battle system is very unique although it took me a while to get used to it.

    KH- It was good to see the old FF characters and the Aries resurrection. Cloud looked so badass in there and the VA weren't half bad for the FF characters. Except for Lance Bass as Sephiroth. Damn them.

    FFX- Good storyline also. I enjoyed how Tidus slowly came to realize how much his father cared for him gaining Tidus respect for him. The battle system also was a good improvement. Being able to change characters based on what they're good at like long range, healing, strenght, etc. The thing that I didn't like was the leveling up sytem.

    Looking forward to getting FFVII with Vincent, Advent Children(not an RPG but its an RPG based movie), and KH2(Auron is in there!)

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  9. #9
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Final Fantasy


    Someone else respects the majesty and kick-ass that is Final Fantasy Tactics.

    This game will knock your socks off with its storyline and some of the characters and lines are classic!

    But ff7 will always hold a special place in my heart because it was one of my first RPGs and really is responsible for turning me into the semi-nerd that I am today.

    1. FF7 - Cid curses so much. Tifa's tits are huge. Cloud is an enjoyably fucked up main character. Good battles, music and graphics (for its time) as well as a riveting story and an intricate but not overcomplicated equipment and Materia system. I really hope they remake this game! SEPHIROTH OWNS YOU ALL
    2. FFT - A game where you need to plan your shit ahead of time and actually use your brain in battle. I believe I got stuck in Dorter Slums for almost a full week if not more! (I won't speak of the travesty that made me restart my whole game at Riovanes Castle...) Excellent excellent battle system that is not like most RPGs. Got to love the class system. And the story. "Don't blame us. Blame yourself, or God." BOOYAH! And Cloud is in it too!
    3. FF6(3, whatever) - great music and some incredible scenes. Truly one of the best of all times. "The reaper's always one step behind me." Kefka is a deliciously insane villain.
    4. FF9 - sometimes a little slow and some really annoying characters who "persevere" in pissing you off all game long. Nice use of CG cut scenes and I loved the huge towns and tons of equipment and side-stuff.
    5. FF4 - Yes the graphics suck! But still, a great main character and fairly strong in all aspects.
    6. FF8 - hmm hmm hmm... Sometimes a great game, sometimes a PIECE OF STINKING DOG SHIT. Characters range from the worst crap to mediocre. Story was totally forced and I felt like they cut some corners with certain scenes. Some ideas and events were just way too trite and boring for me to ever care about.
    7. ff10- the game where you get an option to use a minimap to help navigate your way in what is mostly a straightline path and are interrupted every now and then by a random battle. I thought this game was good on the minigames (my Blitzball team have been champs many times over!) graphics and music and enjoyed the battles immensly. But the rest of the game was too bare and the fact that you're so limited in movement for most of the time really pissed me off. No world map? I thought they were playing a cruel joke! Fails in the classics, gets a B in the new twists and gizmos.

    And this game is not a Final Fantasy but still is oneof my favorites of all time:
    Not Xenosaga BULLSHIT. Xeno-fuck-you-up-burn-the-church-rape-your-dog-Gears
    A seriously disturbing game (especially when I was just 13) with some majorlly fucked up characters and events that will leave you speechless. Some good anime cutscenes and I loved developing your characters' skills and outfitting the Gears at the same time.

    It was also unfortunatley released before they could really finish it... So umm... yeh, disc 2 sucks hairy monkey balls and doesn't let you do much at all (ALMOST NOTHING AT ALL) but press X until right before the end of the game. But the story is still engrossing in this part and that is what made the game for me.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #10

    Final Fantasy

    Not that good at ff but i have only played ff 8 and ff crystal chronicles .
    ... Chronicles is not like the other ff games diffrent play style and multi player [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    ... ff 8 didnt play that much so nothing to say about that game [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    ... KH was fun did play half of the game i gues . did like Goffy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] donald not that much ^^

  11. #11
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    oh i forgot about tactics...: (i only played it on GBA does it still count?) i'm not sure if the final fantasy tactics on GBA was the same but, it was still a great game that involved strategy, not just pressing "attack" masamuneehs i might have not played the same version but, where was cloud in FFT?

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  12. #12

    Final Fantasy

    my fav FF game is betwwen FFVIII and FFV11 because the first one i ever played was 7 and i rocked, i wasn't crazy about 9, and 10 i was O.K. i didnt even buy X-2 but yeah FF is by far the greates RPG games ever made

  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    oh i forgot about tactics...: (i only played it on GBA does it still count?) i'm not sure if the final fantasy tactics on GBA was the same but, it was still a great game that involved strategy, not just pressing "attack" masamuneehs i might have not played the same version but, where was cloud in FFT?
    The GBA game is called Final Fantasy Tactics:Advance or something along those lines.

    It is in no way the original Final Fantasy Tactics for Playstation 1. Cloud is in FFT, but I've never played the GBA Tactics so I can't make a judgment call on that one.

    Anyone who has a PS2 or a PS emulator on their computer should play Tactics for Playstation. Rocks your socks.

    BTW, Chaoskiddo: How was the story line in FFT:Advance for GBA?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #14

    Final Fantasy

    I LOVE FINAL FANTASY!!!!!11 haha Good stuff. I own Final Fantasy 1-2, 4-10, X-2, and Tactics. My favorites though are

    1. Final Fantasy 7
    2. Final Fantasy Tactics
    3. Final Fantasy 10
    4. FInal Fantasy 8
    5. Final Fantasy 9

    *Kingdom Hearts is NOT a Final Fantasy game* I LOVE Kingdom Hearts it is one of my favorite PS2 games and I reallly really look forward to KH 2. BUT It is not a FInal Fantasy game it is its own game and it is called Kingdom Hearts = P lol.

  15. #15

    Final Fantasy

    there isnt a storyline for FF tactics, its alright only if your the patience gamer if you aint your gonna have hell completing this game. the battle system is so slow... but other then that its fine ^^. i own FFVII and FF:tactics but ive played FFX man there so cool xD

  16. #16
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    My favorite would have to be Final Fantasy VI by far. Yes, I consider it the absolute pinnacle of the series due to a number of factors.

    The Villain.

    Kefka was truly a villain and not the standardized "gloomy pretty boy with a grim past." He was beyond all redemption. He was a coward, a thief, a liar and a murderer without any pride, honor or purpose other than wanton destruction and appeasement of self. The moment when he poisoned Doma river had to have been the boiling point. After that, I just utterly despised the clown. No villain since then has ever really made me feel the same way Kefka did. Oh, and the way he killed Leo was just too fucking disgusting.


    I really can't remember myself ever crying more than I did when Celes decided to jump off that cliff. It was just such a touching moment portraying utter despair and hopelessness perfectly. She's easily one of the most memorable protagonists ever to me.

    The Opera Scene.

    The most gorgeous scene ever in a video game? I've yet to see anything even come close to this very epic piece.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  17. #17
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    ff7(awsome story, CLOUD!!!)
    ff8( man the gf's were awesome, and squals lionheart!!)
    ffx( pretty cool)
    ffx-2( i loved those dances they did when they transformed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] )

    but for best rpg, none can top grandia 2 !!! ( omg grandia 3 looks awesome!! )

  18. #18
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: Nai
    My favorite would have to be Final Fantasy VI by far. Yes, I consider it the absolute pinnacle of the series due to a number of factors.

    The Villain.

    Kefka was truly a villain and not the standardized "gloomy pretty boy with a grim past." He was beyond all redemption. He was a coward, a thief, a liar and a murderer without any pride, honor or purpose other than wanton destruction and appeasement of self. The moment when he poisoned Doma river had to have been the boiling point. After that, I just utterly despised the clown. No villain since then has ever really made me feel the same way Kefka did. Oh, and the way he killed Leo was just too fucking disgusting.


    I really can't remember myself ever crying more than I did when Celes decided to jump off that cliff. It was just such a touching moment portraying utter despair and hopelessness perfectly. She's easily one of the most memorable protagonists ever to me.

    The Opera Scene.

    The most gorgeous scene ever in a video game? I've yet to see anything even come close to this very epic piece.
    Jesus fucking christ Nai, stop being in my head!
    This is exactly what I feel too. I liked Kefka as a villain so enormously much and Celes is my all-time favorite female VG character for reasons that you've already written - as well as a myriad of other things. When I first saw the opera scene as a kid I was like "eh... that's odd", but replaying FF6 several years later I have also come to appreciate the beauty of it. Also, Kefka becomes more disgusting every time you play the game. Interesting really.

    Final Fantasy Tactics ruled too! I remember playing it day and night with a few good friends, we'd control some characters each and throw the controller between us. Awesome days.

  19. #19
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    oh i forgot about tactics...: (i only played it on GBA does it still count?) i'm not sure if the final fantasy tactics on GBA was the same but, it was still a great game that involved strategy, not just pressing "attack" masamuneehs i might have not played the same version but, where was cloud in FFT?
    The GBA game is called Final Fantasy Tactics:Advance or something along those lines.

    It is in no way the original Final Fantasy Tactics for Playstation 1. Cloud is in FFT, but I've never played the GBA Tactics so I can't make a judgment call on that one.

    Anyone who has a PS2 or a PS emulator on their computer should play Tactics for Playstation. Rocks your socks.

    BTW, Chaoskiddo: How was the story line in FFT:Advance for GBA?

    i guess it was different then because in Tactics:Advance it was pretty messed up, it started in reality with a guy named "marche`" with his friend "rita`" but then 1 day when they're reading a book at his house they get sucked into an alternate dimension (with his disabled brother too) and in the story you join a clan, you have to recruit people yada yada (i'm guessing this parts the same) but then when marche` meets up with some people he knew in the real world (like his brother and rita) he tries to get them to go back (you see they're in different clans) but they refuse because in the real word rita's hair is acctually snow white, so she dyes it pink so the kids wont make fun of her in the alternate dimension her air stays like that and marche's brother doesnt want to go home becuase he isnt handicapped in this world (and he becomes a prince) so marche has to pursuade them to join him (though i think he ends up killing is brother) and then there are these real enemies known as a "totem" which if you beat, they give you special powers and theres 1 totem that can penetrate your mind to display the image of someone they know you love so you cant bring yourself to fight it.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  20. #20

    Final Fantasy

    Tactics advance is nothing compared to FFT. Orlandu is the god of all pwn in any game heheh. Plus there are some awesome side characters you can get and toooooons of side quests. FFT has an awesome job system as well. I really wish they would make a new FInal Fantasy Tactics for a next gen would be awesome.

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