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View Full Version : most useless/worst character in naruto

Thu, 05-12-2005, 04:16 PM
who do you think is the worst and/or most useless character in naruto? i'd probably say, hinata. she's alright as a character, but she's just useless. she really hasn't done anything important yet

Thu, 05-12-2005, 04:21 PM
no im seeing hinata as quite powerfull actually with lots of potential, sakura however, hasnt done nething special except throw ino out of her mind

Thu, 05-12-2005, 04:24 PM
so ino is more useless the only thing she did was going into sakura's mind and got kicked out afterward's.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 04:37 PM

God, I love the way she's spitting blood.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo

God, I love the way she's spitting blood.

o god u dirty minded fool haha jpjp
but ya i see hinata also as very powerful, sakura... wellshe is pretty useless watching naruto and sasuke fight only

Thu, 05-12-2005, 05:16 PM
terra you demon....

you like this 2 ha bitch??


Thu, 05-12-2005, 05:25 PM
i say konohamaru is useless even tho hes not in many of the episodes

Thu, 05-12-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
terra you demon....

you like this 2 ha bitch??


Any other character would fall over and die, yet Neji took that damage and beat the shit out of spider-freak. Simply because he's the best. Hinata and him are not related by blood, she is clearly adopted and some freak inserted white... stuff in her eyes and called her a family member because the person in question was a pedophile. Yeah.

Hinata sucks.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 05:50 PM
XanBcoo's list of useless characters

3. Hinata: Hasn't done much except provide Naruto w/a romantic possibility. But this is Naruto...so there's no romance anyway. She's not totally useless however, because of the whole Hyuuga thing, she adds depth not only to herself, but to Neji.
2. Tenten: Honestly what has she done? Even less than Hinata. We have seen her berate Lee, throw some daggers and get her ass kicked, and explained Neji's techniques. No attention, no back story whatsoever and not even very cool.
and finally
1. Gai's stupid turtle: Yeah, it exists. I had forgotten about it. Showed up for three minutes when Gai was first introduced and was never mentioned again. I can't begin to fathom why Kishimoto would include this pointless, cantankerous, and just weird character. Maybe if it hadn't talked we wouldn't have been fooled into thinking there was some point to the damn thing, but no. No luck there. No other character has been as useless to me as this one.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 05:52 PM
lol temari had that ultra forest mower kuchiyose i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif that rocked

Thu, 05-12-2005, 06:31 PM
2. Temari: Honestly what has she done? Even less than Hinata. We have seen her berate Lee, throw some daggers and get her ass kicked, and explained Neji's techniques. No attention, no back story whatsoever and not even very cool.

I think you mean Tenten. Temari doesn't throw daggers. And most useless goes to Shino just cause I don't like him :/.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 06:34 PM
AHHH CRAP! Sorry, I did mean Tenten. Temari is actually one of my favorite characters! XD

I've edited it now. Tenten.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 07:42 PM
Why isn't anyone saying cry baby sakura.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 07:50 PM
i think its sakura, there is really no background story to her, she has done nothing except cry for the past 30 episodes, basically she was there in the beginning to be in love with sasuke and to hate naruto.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 08:58 PM
Sakura is the most useless and dumb character in Naruto

Thu, 05-12-2005, 08:59 PM
Sound Four.

Stupid goons.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 09:18 PM

Fat piece of crap.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 09:36 PM
Weakest: Shizune. I like her, but the fact that she couldn't even lay a finger on Kabuto sucks, considering she is at Jounin level.

Worst: Ten Ten. Doesn't fit any where in any of the story arcs...... seems to be there just to make up the numbers.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 09:54 PM
Sakura may not have done much, but she's been present throughout the whole story and I don't think the series would be quite the same w/out her. She was actually rather good earlier on, but has since trodden down the path of being a useless crybaby.

Shizune's pretty useless too, but I think she adds a lot of perk by being Tsunade's bitch. She's also the cutest girl so far, so I'm not complaining.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 10:03 PM
I've got a list of 10.

10: Tsunade, every 3-'man' team needs a useless female, and Tsunade fits it to a 'tee'.

9: Pakkun, I just hate this thing, convinient plot device or not, I just hate it.

8: Rain Ninjas, luky or not, these guys just sucked.

7: Temari, I admire her and all that, but she's done nothing worth while, save beat up on another useless female.

6: Ten Ten, even more usless female.

5: Ino, usless female, who's only purpose is to make another useless female seem less usless.

4: Sakura, the useless female who is only made seem useful, by pitting her against another usless female.

3: The sound girl with the bells, another usless female - can't remember her name, probably because she was SOOO useless.

2: Gai's turtle, ... this is just... wrong...

and the number one, most useless character in Naruto - in my opinion any - is;

1: Gamakichi's brother - I mean really, he's only there to show that no matter how pathetic Jyraiya can get, Naruto can always be worse.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by: Kovash
and the number one, most useless character in Naruto - in my opinion any - is;

1: Gamakichi's brother - I mean really, he's only there to show that no matter how pathetic Jyraiya can get, Naruto can always be worse.

I change my vote!
Gamatatsu ranks EVEN MORE USELESS than Gai's turtle! Not only can he not do anything at all, but he's damn annoying as well. Why does he exist???

Thu, 05-12-2005, 11:44 PM
Hinita has to be one of the most useless characters. She is just another sterotypical subservient japanese girl whose only porpose is to fill as the subject of erotic fanfiction/hentai fan art. I swear thats all she's good for. Try a google search and just see how many disturbing images of hinita come up.

Gai's turtle is also another really dumb character. I love how it's never properly explained and even naruto, sasuke, and sakura don't know what to make of the stupid turtle. Good thing Kishimoto did the smart thing and never mentions the turtle again.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@

Fat piece of crap.
Oh shit........ I fucked up.

I meant to say Hinata.

Thu, 05-12-2005, 11:53 PM
At least the turtle had a purpose for its short lived existence. It has authority over Lee and seemed to be some sort of summon used to stop him from using the Lotus. Even though he was never ever mentioned and leaves a pointless memory of him behind, at least he did something.

Gamatatsu, I'm afraid, doesn't even have that.

Fri, 05-13-2005, 12:12 AM
id say tenten. she has no taijutsu or anything. all shes got are weapons.
and they say that she never misses her target...
anyways, most of the girls in naruto are useless.

Fri, 05-13-2005, 12:25 AM
Girl Genins in Naruto:

1.) Sakura: Pretty useless
2.) Ino: Sakura's rival; adds flair to the Ino-Shika-Chou trio; still pretty useless
3.) TenTen: Already mentioned enough; damn useless and pointless character
4.) Hinata: Can't/Hasn't done much but she has a strong character; not SO useless
5.) Temari: damn cool; strong character; possible romance for Shikamaru; not useless
6.) Kin: ...who???

yeah, for the most part, they're pretty useless.

Fri, 05-13-2005, 06:44 AM
I'd have to say Sakura because she's been given a pivotal role in the series. She's had so many opportunities to help, or to contribute, to show herself equal to the challenge, but she's not. Every time she fails, and the boys have to save her. Pathetic.

Sun, 05-15-2005, 01:18 AM
But one of Sakura's issues throughout the whole series is just how little she contrinutes to the group! She talks about and it makes her feel bad! Which is why I think in the near future she is going to find a way to besome dead useful.

I don't think any character in Naruto was there without a point. Certainly Tenten ranks up there. There really isn't much about her that we know, nor will we ever because she really isn't a large part of the story. But all anime has that.

Sun, 05-15-2005, 03:25 AM
I think hinata probably has a larger part later on. It seems that she is designed as a slow-blooming character. She has quite a role, since she is a 'student' of Naruto, and she has equally fearsome determination.

On the other hand, I don't have much faith on Ino. Ino seems like a deadend, just like TenTen.

Sun, 05-15-2005, 03:52 AM
most useless? how about Konohamaru friends? Or even his teacher.
Worst? michael jackson because he reminds me of michael jackson. That has changed now I guess, so the worst character can now be the plant guy, he just looks stupid. I guess this all depends on the definition of worst.

Sun, 05-15-2005, 06:18 AM
Im gonna have to say......Sakura.

SHE IS USELESS!! i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

But she did do some good parts while she was usefull and became over powered by the other characters in the series.

Sun, 05-15-2005, 08:10 AM
Don't spoil, dumbass.

GotWoot Moderator

Sun, 05-15-2005, 11:50 AM
I think most characters who don't do much, but still prove usefull to the plot or serve a purpose as minor characters aren't really useless (like, Konohamaru's friends, Kabuto's teammates in the Chuunin exam, etc).

The real useless characters are the ones given screen time, and don't do anything at all.
Like Tenten. I mean, Sakura doesn't do much, but she's a strong role in the story at least.

Sun, 05-15-2005, 01:57 PM
I'd say the un-named narcoleptic konoha gate gaurd ranks as the most useless, with a close seconf being udon, the snot-bubbled cohort of konohamaru.

Sun, 05-15-2005, 02:56 PM
Lol Id agree, but hey (if we are talking about the same person) he was going agianst Itachi here...give him some slack i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Sun, 05-15-2005, 09:46 PM
Just found this link on dbzsc.com...



Mon, 05-16-2005, 04:47 AM
How are we defining useless? Do we mean the weakest, or just the ones that are least important to the story?

Cause Sakura for as much screen time as she gets is completely useless in a fight, but is probably very important to the story.

I think all the girls seem useless at the moment just because they were left out of the most recent arc. I mean, most of the characters in the current arc seemed useless before they were giving the time here to develop.

I don't get the dislike for Hinata. I mean, okay, she's a second-rate Neji, which probably makes her stronger than half the other Genin. And I'm pretty sure that she's the strongest girl at least.

Konohamaru and his two buddies are really annoying because whenever they are around they are always distracting from important shit. But I get the feeling that if the series follows the next 10 years or so of Naruto's life that Konohamaru is gonna be really strong for a Genin. Probably end up replacing Sasuke as Naruto's rival. I mean, he's the Third's grandson, and power seems pretty hereditary in the series.

But yeah, not counting characters that aren't SUPPOSED to do anything, I'm still gonna say Sakura is the most useless. Ino has at least ONE useful power, and if her dad is any tell, she'll get at least one more.

I don't even think either of Sakura's parents are fucking ninjas.

Now that I think about it...I think its wierd that we haven't even SEEN Sakura's parents. Especially with the emphesis the series puts on parents in general...

Tue, 05-17-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@

Fat piece of crap.

Chouji beat one of the 4 sound. That means he is useful.

Tue, 05-17-2005, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by: xanbcoo
Just found this link on dbzsc.com...



hahahahahhaa so TRUE!
She's just a crying whore who is begging for sex from Sasuke. But Sasuke is begging for sex from Naruto. I guess they should have a threesome.

Tue, 05-17-2005, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
How are we defining useless? Do we mean the weakest, or just the ones that are least important to the story?

I guess the weakest, but always try to look dangerous and annoying like hitting boys and shit. Then all the boys are afraid of her. I hate that shit.
That bitch would be Sakura. And so is her rival of love, Ino. I think it's Ino. Don't remember her name.
Those 2 are bitches of all bitches. They are both the weakest. They are both annoying. They are both judging everyone by saying that guy is weak..that guy is stupid..that guy is mine..bla bla bla.
They are both equal in strength. That's why there was no winner when they battle in Chunin Exam.

It doesn't matter if you're quoting three different people. Do not post consecutively. Last warning.

GotWoot Moderator

Tue, 05-17-2005, 08:39 PM
Definitly Sakura..

Tue, 05-17-2005, 10:15 PM

Wed, 05-18-2005, 03:22 AM
HAHAHA just wait till they have some crazy ass episode where all the boys are drugged or some stupid shit and the girls form an ass kicking squad to go save their asses! Wait...what am I saying...they all suck, but Temari. Well I'd only bother mentioning the Genin, and whoever said Tsunade sucked is clearly blind, she can kick the everloving crap out of anyone else in Konoha, probably including Jiraiya since he's such a damn unlucky slacker. But anyways, yeah, all the girls have proven themselves useless save Temari who has kicked ass on more than one occasion. Tenten has only been given one fight and against Temari, so I can't say she sucks....there's just no real proof either way...we just know that she's stupid for continuing to use projectile attacks against a wind shinobi. As for Sakura...and Ino..I...I don't know what to say except I wouldn't mind seeing either of them promptly stealth killed while shopping in Konoha with no explanation or story ever given. As for Chouji...well fat people should know better than to try and be anything better than the stupid fat ass slob they are....for God's sake show some self control Chouji. Everyone has the choice to just STOP FUCKING EATING! Poor Shikamaru if he didn't have that beautiful mind of his he'd be number one, he desperately needs some more shadow techniques like the shadow demon in Ninja Scroll or something.

and the number one most worthless ninja in the entire series......
Uzumaki Naruto....what a fucking loser, take away the Kyuubi no Kitsune and he's a pile of shit.... Kage Bunshin no jutsu....nice technique....but um...there's gotta be more than that. At least the other losers mentioned above have either the benefit of only having like 1 fight in the entire series or have more than 2 techniques...or at least some redeeming quality to make them at least bearable...stop embarassing ninja everywhere by wearing orange....you dumb shit...

Wed, 05-18-2005, 04:58 AM
I would have to go with ino, sakura is at least realy smart has very good control of her chakra, she just doesnt have anything she just doesnt have any techniques.

Wed, 05-18-2005, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by: Rhanfahl
HAHAHA just wait till they have some crazy ass episode where all the boys are drugged or some stupid shit and the girls form an ass kicking squad to go save their asses! Wait...what am I saying...they all suck, but Temari. Well I'd only bother mentioning the Genin, and whoever said Tsunade sucked is clearly blind, she can kick the everloving crap out of anyone else in Konoha, probably including Jiraiya since he's such a damn unlucky slacker. But anyways, yeah, all the girls have proven themselves useless save Temari who has kicked ass on more than one occasion. Tenten has only been given one fight and against Temari, so I can't say she sucks....there's just no real proof either way...we just know that she's stupid for continuing to use projectile attacks against a wind shinobi. As for Sakura...and Ino..I...I don't know what to say except I wouldn't mind seeing either of them promptly stealth killed while shopping in Konoha with no explanation or story ever given. As for Chouji...well fat people should know better than to try and be anything better than the stupid fat ass slob they are....for God's sake show some self control Chouji. Everyone has the choice to just STOP FUCKING EATING! Poor Shikamaru if he didn't have that beautiful mind of his he'd be number one, he desperately needs some more shadow techniques like the shadow demon in Ninja Scroll or something.

and the number one most worthless ninja in the entire series......
Uzumaki Naruto....what a fucking loser, take away the Kyuubi no Kitsune and he's a pile of shit.... Kage Bunshin no jutsu....nice technique....but um...there's gotta be more than that. At least the other losers mentioned above have either the benefit of only having like 1 fight in the entire series or have more than 2 techniques...or at least some redeeming quality to make them at least bearable...stop embarassing ninja everywhere by wearing orange....you dumb shit...

I think seeing how the show is named Naruto, if you took Naruto out, it'd be pretty gay. You may not like him as a main character, but he's strong (yes, with Kyuubi's help) and is just a teensy bit vital to the storyline I'd say. So all in all, he's very not useless.
Also, the chouji thing: he eats so much because that's his fighting style. He eats alot to maintain a good body weight to fight with according to the Akimichi style. Also, he needs the body weight for the pills he uses to fight - so it's not that he doesn't know any better. He's got a real respect for food (as you see with the "last bite" crap).
I don't think you can judge usefullness by the ammount of techinques they have. That's pretty dumb.

Wed, 05-18-2005, 12:14 PM
You can't say anying bad about poor Chouji. He is probably the greatest underdog in the entire series. No one takes more crap then Chounji, hell even Naruto dosen't respect him. He had his great moment so give the poor guy some respect.

Wed, 05-18-2005, 03:33 PM
For girls...
I think Temari is the strongest, then Hinata is 2nd, then Tenten is 3rd.
The weakest would be either Sakura or Ino.

Thu, 05-19-2005, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by: yapchagi

Originally posted by: xanbcoo
Just found this link on dbzsc.com...



hahahahahhaa so TRUE!
She's just a crying whore who is begging for sex from Sasuke. But Sasuke is begging for sex from Naruto. I guess they should have a threesome.

have you seen a movie called 'chasing amy' I think they have an ending like that.

Thu, 05-19-2005, 05:52 AM
God that site is so fucking ingenious. I'm bookmarking it.

Thu, 05-19-2005, 06:26 AM
iruka's the most useless, after episode 1 he didnt do anything anymore.

Thu, 05-19-2005, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by: Masamune
iruka's the most useless, after episode 1 he didnt do anything anymore.

I'd think that Iruka was one of the most important characters in the growth of Naruto and Konohamaru. After all he is the fatherly figure to the main character. No where near useless, and he gets quite a bit of screen times compared to the other characters mentioned in this thread.

Thu, 05-19-2005, 01:10 PM
sorry i didnt know that was a spoil.. i said i heard.. doesnt mean its true =\
anyway i'll watch it next time