Why? Because she wanted something better for his son? I may not know much about Japanese mother's, but I think few are happy their sons are thinking about drawing manga instead of focusing on their studies. Specially with a story they have with a deceased brother-in-law.
I think you've misunderstood me somewhere.
THEY - refers to the rest of the family.
The father was sexist. "We men have dreams that you women will never understand." - a jab at the female comprehension ability?
Gramps talking over the top of mum couldn't be helped based on seniority, but at least he gave her an explanation afterwards for his decision. Dad may well have given her one off screen, but to us it wasn't apparent, and therefore sexist (and insulting).
edit: I think you thought I said the way mum treated Saiko was insulting. I thought her actions were purely understandable.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
How is saying "We men have dreams that you women will never understand." sexist? That´s just a father trying to give his son the nods. And if you want to take this matter further, imo men and women ARE different in a lot a areas, so it´s not even objectivley spoken wrong.
sigh, in this world of today, everything seems to be sexist...
Because it means the father thinks the mother can not comprehend such dreams/ideas solely because of her gender.
And why can't the the mother give him the nods?That´s just a father trying to give his son the nods
Because she never got an explanation.
Why did she not get an explanation?
Because she won't comprehend it.
Why won't she comprehend it?
Because she's a woman.
^ that, is sexist.
If that came after (or soon before) an explanation, it would have made it a lot more softer, but that wasn't apparent.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 10-11-2010 at 09:23 AM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Please stop feeding the sexist troll. He has been doing this for ages.
So you´re saying that its absolutely impossible for men and women to have a different comprehension of dreams/ideas? Especially under consideration of the upbringing of girls and boys within our society? Besides that I think the father really didnt mean it in an offensive way, Im pretty sure that comprehension differs between genders, and be it the upbringing only.
I´ll stay with my impression that it was a father acknowledging his son. And the mother played along since she respected her husband´s decision.
@shinta: lol, now im a "sexist troll"? Get a grip of yourself
Edit: Oh, come on, insult me with your 3000. posting![]()
Considering the workings of that family, how Saiko can't even directly talk to his old man but must use his mom as a middleman, I'd say it's extremely old-fashioned. Japan has been a patriarchal society all the way till modern times. I think giving the woman a lesser role in that family is somewhat given.
Younger girls dream of meeting/dating a celebrity. Young boys dream of having a giant robot to smash things.
Women dream of getting married and having a family, men dream of making making something a gallon of gasoline explode in the backyard of that house, or shooting a tank of propane that's on fire. The nerdy ones build railguns in their garage.
I'm not really seeing the problem here...men have lots of dreams that women can't possibly understand, mostly because they're really impractical, risky, and on occasion, just plain stupid.
Like becoming a mangaka instead of focusing on school.
Originally Posted by MFauli
No. Men and women can have things they don't understand, just like people in general. The assumption that they will not understand based on gender and not attempting to explain it sits unwell with me. (The lack of reference to an explanation suggests so).
I don't think I've left anything unsaid now.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Ryllharu, please stop being sexist!
True, but the point is that women tend to have more practical dreams, while men tend to have foolhardy ones. I'm not sure why you find the concept offensive.
Men and women are different, and there's nothing remotely wrong or even negative about that. It is a beneficial difference. Men take to stupid risks, women keep them grounded.
Saiko's mother is thinking the best for him, she doesn't want to see him go down the same path of despair his uncle did. The men in the family like that Saiko finally has a dream, and want him to pursue it despite the risks. She wants him to have a safety net through school. They're saying that she thinks it's impractical and risky, and that she can't understand that he should be able to take that risk, or he'll do anything to do it. Judging from his lines about being disowned if he has to, he would have. In essence, don't hold him back just because you don't understand why he wants to do it despite the history and the risks.
Saiko should know the risks of failing as a mangaka better than anyone, but he's not going to let that kind of risk hold him back. His mother is simply more practical, thus, "she can't understand."
Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 10-11-2010 at 12:43 PM. Reason: for clarity (hopefully)
MILF attack
We finally got a taste of how the manga world works, along with the plot i can see how Bakuman became so popular
Seconded for righteous truth!
I thought it was a bit silly that Azuki's mom looked exactly like Azuki did back then, and now she's 42 and an ultra-MILF. The two of them were patting themselves on the back that Azuki will look that good when she is her mom's age. They did take a dig at her ringlets though. Then again, it wouldn't be Bakuman without the slight absurdities (like stalking your bride-to-be's mom).
The studio is a absolute goldmine. So much free reference material with all the manga tanks and back issues of JACK**. Supplies, the tables, desks, couches, tracing screens, etc. The manga supplies alone in there easily would have cost them a million yen. The manga...likely substantially more. Even getting a studio wouldn't have been cheap. That alone puts their chances well above most other mangaka just starting out.
**Final note, it's strange that they're able to reference all these famous series verbally and not just in some visual way like most anime series seem to, but yet they're not officially allowed to use JUMP.
Good episode, though Saiko´s relationship to his dad came off as totally broken, considering the way they talked to each other. And wow, that´s quite creepy to secretly visit the mom of the girl you like, and then even tell her about your feelings for her daughter, AND even revealing the fact that he´s her former lover´s nephew. haha, omg.
What a pitty that she´s married, they could have started a really weird romance between her and Saiko´s friend, haha.