Quote Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
But people had been bitching. And yes, it did work, because nobody under the age 22 fucking knew who Nick Fury was before the Ultimate Universe. I grew up with a black Nick Fury, it was completely normal to me, but my older brother was surprised having been a huge fan of the older X-men and Spiderman cartoons (and actually remembering it). And again, Nick Fury had never been a big name so it was easy to change. He's hadn't exactly been "iconic" before they based him of Sammy J.

Sorry to burst your bubble. No being white/black/asian isn't a super power, but it is a relevant part of a character's identity. Much more noticeable than a few inches in height or years in age.
I'm in that older crowd who knew Nick Fury was white with the distinctive white hair at the temples and cigar in his mouth. I bitched a bit when I saw black Fury, but then I'm with those who don't want the characters we grew up with being changed to satisfy political correctness or be more inclusive. Like you said, Stan Lee, Ditko, Kane, etc all were white guys creating characters they identified with. It wasn't some racist conspiracy to keep the black man out of comics. I'd have been just as upset if they made Nick Fury into a brown or yellow man.

I think it didn't help that it was Samuel L Jackson either. I like the guy, but I think he's over-exposed. Denzel Washington would have made a good black Fury. He has the squarish head and athletic build (and hair that they could add white to the temples).