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Thread: Could there be a 4th sharingan dot?

  1. #1
    From wat i was reading a while back i thought Ther was a Kinjutsu that Orochumaru was working on... If thats so and it becomes a common jutsu would sharingan be able to get 4th dot? and I thought Sasuke was "Potential" enough to get 4th dot

  2. #2
    Kinjutsu basically means forbidden jutsu...

    so umm... yea

  3. #3
    Itachi doesnt have a 4th dot, alot of people think that he does but thats basically just an error on the scan.
    So yeah 3 dots means you master all aspects of the sharigan.
    Kakashi isnt as skilled as Itachi with it because he only has one eye and its not his by nature

  4. #4
    I don't think so forbidden jutsu aren't a completely different kind of jutsu they are just so dangerous that they are not usually taught and if they are it's for a damn good reason

    Double Snake Assassination: Kills the user and the target nuff said
    Kage Bunshin: Could easily kill a genin or chunnin due to massive chakra consumption
    Opening the gates: look at lee nuff said
    Orochimaru's: Uses dead bodies as tools and takes over bodies like a ghost not something one should use

    Orochimaru was working on his immortality jutsu and killed numerous ninja and dissected them to get it thus making it forbidden.

  5. #5
    i think sasuke will eventually surpass itachi and a good way of representing that visually would be a 4th dot.

    but the lay out of 4 dots doesnt really look right, so.. no.

  6. #6
    as far as i no, itachi has 3 dots and since hes a blood member of the uchiha clan he has complete control. thats why he can control peoples minds bassically and make them see images and whatnot. i also think that since kakashi isn`t an uchiha he can get his eye up to three dots but can`t control people because he only has one eye and its not really his. sasuke only has two dots so thats why he can`t control minds er w/e until he masters the sharigan and gets three

  7. #7
    Well if there was 4 dots for the sharingan, that'd be pretty damn scary for whoever goes up against it. Maybe even be able to control the victims body...Who knows.

  8. #8
    wait ups so "kinjutsu" means forbidden jutsu? I thought it was a type of body transfer or some sort... cause I remember reading that orochimaru INVENTED that type of jutsu or some sort.... Im lost

  9. #9
    kinjustsu means forbidden justsu
    so can you say Forbidden ninjutsu? yes you can, so they would be the same
    Forbidden taijutsu, forbidden genjutsu.......... same thing.

  10. #10
    It might have just stated that Oro invented this jutsu, one where he is able to keep his soul forever young by transfering bodies....and because of the ingredients and morals or something surrounding the particular issue, it is considered forbidden. But that's just my opinion...

  11. #11
    as far as i can tell Orochimarus jutsu cannot be copied, its probably a lengthy ceremony with alot of seals. Not just one quick set like Kage bushin.
    If there was a sharigan dot to read Kinjutsu it would have to be the more useless ability ever, you cant see Itachi waiting around for half an hour can you?

  12. #12
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    it can be a counter against itachi or Sasuke-ORO, if he comes at you, just stand still for a few hours and do seals, he'll watch you cuz he wants new jutsu, and while youre moving your body, he'll just stand stiff, and that way, you can attack him with the suprise element and his body will be numb after standing too long...!

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #13
    yeah lots of strain thinking up that idea...not gonna happen

    this is why anime/manga cannot be duplicated in america...only coverted over in retarded form..

  14. #14
    hell y couldn`t there be 5 or 6 y not only 1 y not 18.................. i`m sry, i couldn`t help it

  15. #15
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gaara @ Dec 23 2003, 12:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> this is why anime/manga cannot be duplicated in america...only coverted over in retarded form.. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Someone&#39;s showing a little ignorance. The original Transformers was written by Japanese and American scriptwriters together. They took a show that was basically just intended to sell the toys and turned it into something that actually had a plot. If you watch the ending credits you&#39;ll see a bunch of Japanese names as well as most of the team that did G.I. Joe in America.

    I don&#39;t think that I need to tell anyone here that Transformers was one of the shows that started the anime fandom in America even before Akira.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  16. #16
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    if we&#39;re alreay talking about this subject.. i have something of my own to ask.

    a friend of mine told me that power rangers was a japnesse live action show that was sole to amrica and the amrican&#39;s reshot all the parts with amrican actors and kept the fighting scenes the same, can some one tell me if it&#39;s the truth?

    i mean, the whole zords thing seems like a mecha anime, and the customes look like the same one as the daitou jin from excel sage.. and also, someone told me the power rangers fight near tokyo tower a couple of times...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  17. #17
    There are TONS of sentai shows in Japan.. even from the 70s&#33;

    I don&#39;t recall seeing the power rangers near the Tokyo Tower, but it may be possible...

    Check on Kazaa or winMX for like.. Hurricanger (or however it&#39;s spelled), you&#39;ll find something VERY similiar to Power Rangers (if not identical). I once found an old 70s sentai show, which is how I know they&#39;re from the 70s.

    Back on topic.
    Nah, there couldn&#39;t be. 3&#39;s the max... if there could be 4, why not 5, or 6? Or just an entirely black eye?

  18. #18
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JessiA @ Dec 24 2003, 09:15 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> There are TONS of sentai shows in Japan.. even from the 70s&#33;

    I don&#39;t recall seeing the power rangers near the Tokyo Tower, but it may be possible...

    Check on Kazaa or winMX for like.. Hurricanger (or however it&#39;s spelled), you&#39;ll find something VERY similiar to Power Rangers (if not identical). I once found an old 70s sentai show, which is how I know they&#39;re from the 70s.

    Back on topic.
    Nah, there couldn&#39;t be. 3&#39;s the max... if there could be 4, why not 5, or 6? Or just an entirely black eye? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    power rangers was originally from japan, yet saban just gets all the props shipped over here and then they film it with american actors..........

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