ok Adult Swim on Cartoon Network will replace the Saturday programming with an additional day of Adult Swim...

Witch Hunter Robin begins Monday Febuary 16 at 12:00am, The Animatrix dunno when it will air, Detective Conan (aquired 50eps) premieres on Monday April 5th at 12:30 am. Wolf's Rain will premiere on Saturday, April 24th at 11pm, followed by new of Inu Yasha episodes at 11:30 (2eps aired)

To Sum Up
(all times est)
<span style='colorrange'>Witch Hunter Robin - Monday Febuary 16 at 12:00</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Detective Conan - Monday April 5 at 12:30</span>
<span style='colorurple'>Wolf&#39;s Rain - Saturday April 24 at 11:00</span>
<span style='color:red'>Inu Yasha - new eps Saturdaay April 24 at 11:30 </span>

glad to see new anime on adult swim and i heard th wolf&#39;s rain dub is being done by the same company as cowbo bebop so it should be decent compared to dubbs and its about time detective conan gets put on tv but i&#39;m afraid they might edit out most of the clues...(*smirks), but its good to see new anime on adult swim getting bored with the current line up over air the same shows too much...