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Thread: Joran: The Princess of Snow and Blood

  1. #1

    Joran: The Princess of Snow and Blood

    In an alternate version of Japan in 1931, the Tokugawa shogunate was never abolished and the Meiji emperor never restored to power. "Nue" is an organization of shogunate executioners who enforce government rule.

    Joran: The Princess of Snow and Blood came out a few days ago, I enjoyed it, but still unsure of it. It has a combination of art styles depending on the scene, so will have to see if it'll put me off. It has a revenge story going for it which I'll be curious about, and I think the action could be good throughout. I personally liked it more than MARS RED.

    I'll say this much, I'm not sure of what's happening, didn't pay much attention to the setting details.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    This was a perfectly average first episode of what I can only assume will be an adequate show. 'Supernatural death squad/exterminators' is a pretty well served genre in anime, so it's good to see the tradition going strong. Interestingly enough, even though there was more action in this episode, I think I enjoyed the first episode of Mars Red a smidge more.

    My greatest hope for these types of shows is always the prospect of intrigue. I'm long past monster of the week stirring much excitement, so I am more likely to enjoy main girl's objective clashing with the government's down the line.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    As Hayao Miyazaki once said (to paraphrase): "Episode 1 was a mistake".

    Episodes two and three proved to be much more interesting. Allegiances are muddy at best, and betrayal is a dish best served constantly. The show wasted no time (after episode 1) in setting the stage as to why things are the way they are succinctly, and I couldn't be happier with the direction the story has taken. It even reintroduces organ playing bad guy in the first episode in a way that didn't cause my eyes to roll. Good questions, and good answers- Joran makes it look easy.

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