Episode 5 - HS

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This is exquisite right now. I could more or less predict how the deal with Orcus would go, but the fine details were very nice here, including how they dealt with the hitler moustache (who was rendered a total tool by both sides). Tekkadan basically needed him to easily land a deal with a big enough business, while for Orcus hitler moustache himself was totally meaningless and thus Orcus naturally turned straight to Gjallarhorn.

Amidst all that I find Orga and Mika's disposition so enjoyable. The dudes have gone through so much shit during their life that something like a betrayal is merely business as usual. So, they could dispassionately prepare for anything during all this, basically forming their own plan that ended up working. They are so casual they could even end the whole thing by sending the traitor back as a joke. Another fine thing that I really hope will continue is how the fight proceeded. Tekkadan didn't really win it, they just stretched it long enough to be able to make their retreat, which was their only goal to begin with since the aim now is to travel away from Mars, nothing else.

Although I still can't shake the feeling Orga will eventually die. Like Mika, I'm liking his character more and more. He's a gambler easily boldly betting their lives on a single chance, yet a chance that's reasonable prepared. I don't in fact dislike how things stand with Orga being the brain and Mika being the muscle, but I guess years of anime tell me that the primary MC, Mika, can't stay that way, and for him to change Orga dying is the only way. It could even be that Kudelia and Mika would share Orga's role, as Kudelia right now has zero impact on anything. She's just cargo.