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Thread: Bleach Chapter -105

  1. #1

    Bleach Chapter -105

  2. #2
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Wow, that was a really good chapter. Kisuke just went up a few points in my book, now he is more along the lines of what I expected him to be, coincidently Byakuya's stock just went down. Just kidding though always liked the both of them and its nice to get some back story, Byakuya's is exactly what I would expect and Kisuke is beginning to resemble Aizen and Kurotsuchi more and more. The three of them are some sick bastards if you ask me and I love that. Seems like everyone had there own agendas back then.

    These - chapters have been great so far, haven't been this interested in bleach since SS.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  3. #3
    Gin looked as creepy as ever... it was awesome. Nice to see that he was fucked up right off the bat, and that Aizen and him were plotting together so soon.

  4. #4
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Plotting is an understatement, Aizen just had him kill his own third seat for no reason whatsoever. From what Matsumoto, and everyone else said about him it was implied that he was always that way but still, he is one creepy ass bastard, reminds me of Oro <3.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I got the feeling that this meeting was the first time Gin and Aizen met. and the officer killing was Gin's own intiative, and not by plan...
    it's good to see Byakuya not acting like a complete jerk, meybe there's hope for him yet.
    the guy who doesn't want to be a lietuenent is Kaien, right? Rukia's dead\espeda captain, or is it someone else?

  6. #6
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Yeah this is the first time they met which is why Aizen asks him to repeat his name. I didn't mean to suggest that Aizen told him to kill the third seat, it looks like they were just having a sparring battle and Gin just killed him but Aizen just stood there and watched approvingly none the less as he got killed. I wonder how they are going to explain this to their captain or if he would even care.

    However I'm pretty sure Aizen was plotting the entire time, since before he left he did say that from the first time he met Gin "he knew that he would always be his vice captain" as he put it. Now that the third seat is dead I would imagine that Gin will replace him and Aizen is already the VC and once their captain leaves, they'll both move up in rank.

    Yeah thats Kaien.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  7. #7
    Was I the only one that thought they were gonna say Toushirou when they talked about a genius younger than Byakuya?

    I guess it's nice that they're empowering Gin to be some awesome foe, since we haven't seen much of him other than his lame elongating Shikai.

  8. #8
    Na', I didn't think that they were talking about him mainly because he graduated fairly recently in the scheme of things. And with Byakuya being that young and all, it wouldn't have made sense for Toushirou to be around. Maybe I was crossing my fingers for Isshin... damnit, everytime they talk about some one that they talk about him being the next best thing since sliced bread, I always hope they are about to introduce him.

  9. #9
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Lol, Munsu I didn't think of Isshin specifically because of his age. He appears to be atleast from Kisuke's generation if not older.

    I didn't think of Toushirou either since I believe it was mentioned at some point that he joined the academy after that girl he is so fond of had joined, whats her name Momo I think. In fact it was five years after she had joined and Matsumoto was the one who made him join so that would be much much later probably even after the period when Renji and the others were in the academy since Matsumoto herself had already graduated. So he is really young he just rose through the ranks really quickly.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  10. #10
    I knew that old guy reminded me of Byakuya for a reason, that's three divisions now (2nd, 6th, 11th) where Captancy seems determined by title instead of any kind of an official aptitude test. It wouldn't surprise me if 4th captain is automatically given to the person with the 'Best Healer' title as well.

    This glimpse at Byakuya shined a new light on him. I used to think he was arrogant b/c he knew he had more skill than most and he just happened to misjudge people sometimes (Yoro & Ichigo). However, with this flash back I get the impression that he's just arrogant to the core nd believes himself naturally better than anyone else. I know Yoro wasn't taking him seriously but I don't think he was joking around when he was trash talking. The fact that he's just a teenager and he would talk trash to a Captain like that is quite telling, he's doing the exact same thing he rebuked Ichigo for.

  11. #11
    Na I think Byakuya actually has respect for Yorouchi deep down, but his own pride in trying to best her gets in the way. Which is probably what Yorouchi senses as well, and why she continually plays around with him and mocks him.

    I'm surprised that Byakuya is that young here. I would have expected to be just slightly older given the timeline at hand.

    And Kisuke sounds very interesting. He sounds sick and twisted, but in a good way. Despite that you don't get an evil genius vibe from him, just that he thinks in a way nobody else does. And thats what probably freaks other people out about him.

  12. #12
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I knew that old guy reminded me of Byakuya for a reason, that's three divisions now (2nd, 6th, 11th) where Captancy seems determined by title instead of any kind of an official aptitude test. It wouldn't surprise me if 4th captain is automatically given to the person with the 'Best Healer' title as well.

    I would expect that as well... but since Unohara has been the 4th's Captain since the very beginning (wow... she is old...) we can't know for sure.

    Another excellent chapter... the only way to redeem the 'present' arc is to include the Vaizards... which would be a good way of explaining why we see the minus chapters at this moment...

    I wonder how many on the Gotei 13 and Aizen's side are aware of all this ex-captains whereabouts?

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Isshin :

    I was actually thinking that isshin was going to be introduced in the last chapter at the prison instead of mayuri. I guess thats part of what makes these chapters so cool is that they set it up showing all the vaizards and now i'm kind of waiting to see where other people come into the picture.

    This is a great way to avoid fillers. I'm wondering how many of these turn back the pendulum chapters will be released before they continue w\ Aizen and company clashing w\ SS in the real world.

  14. #14
    well judging by the numbering, 4 which point we'll probably have a major plot advancement or a big reveal, right before going into the SS vs HM battle.

    As for the chapter, it was pretty good, as usual. I didn't realize Kaien was so old...but why was urahara asking him to be his VC? is he gonna kick the little girl out?

    Also, i seem to recall 2 moments from the SS arc that were a sort of foreshadowing of things to come (or rather, a reference to past events)....not sure if im 100% accurate though.

    first, there was a point where yorouchi was running away with a wounded ichicgo, and i think bayakuya was the one chaing them...and she said something about him not being able to keep up with her shunpo, rite?

    and second, near the end of the SS arc, hitsuguya and gin had a small showdown (it was those two rite?)....which kinda puts the genius vs genius spin to it.

    Im guessing Hitsuguya will be the one to fight gin, because of thier natural boy genius setup, as well as the fact that his VC (matsumoto) has a past with Gin.

  15. #15
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    It was Ukitake (13th division captain) who was talking to Kaien.

    And yeah, those parts from the SS arc showed up. Maybe we'll get to see something about how the Shiba clan lost its status too.

  16. #16
    Ah, thanx for pointing that out...those two look so much alike (to me atleast)

  17. #17
    Looking for how Urahara get relegated to the human world, same for Yoruichi. Also what happened to the vizards that made them leave...probably a connection there

  18. #18
    Damn Kubo is a tease. I'm honestly wondering when/if he will reveal Isshin's role in all this. Loved this chapter, just like the last three. One thing I'm confused about though is how much authority do the Gotei 13 really have that Urahara can just waltz out of the prison with the most dangerous person in there, without informing Yamamoto.

  19. #19
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, the prisoner hasn't actually commited a crime (yet), so his abilities could be directed into proper directions.
    and if he becomes a captain, he can't really work against the system, since rivalry between groups is part of the system.

    Men are the source of all problems. No men, No porblems.

  20. #20
    also, the 2nd squad brought up the issue with youroichi and she just told them to forget it pretty its not like what urahara is doing is a common occurence, its just that youroichi trusts his judgement.

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