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Thread: Chapter 186

  1. #1
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Chapter 186

    First, here is a BAD raw

    Second off, this post contains two huge spoilers, one of which explains a MAJOR question that has been running throughout the whole series. They will be bracketed by head_explode.jpg.

    Ishida Uryuu's dad shows up. He had renounced the Quincy powers (which is why Ishida called himself the last Quincy) but apparently he knows all of them just in case.

    ICHIGO'S DAD IS A FUCKING SHINIGAMI CAPTAIN! Well now we know where he got his innate powers from!

  2. #2

    Chapter 186

    omg sweet, give raw now imo [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Chapter 186

    ahahahah seriously wtf. that was a crazy chapter, whose crazyness is only beaten by the crapiness of the RAW

  4. #4

    Chapter 186

    All I have to say is HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! No wonder Ichigos dad is so awesome.....damn I wonder which squad he was captain of and why he is not in Soul Society anymore.

  5. #5

    Chapter 186

    other thing to consider... is he really called Kurosaki? if he indeed is called that, then why the name of Kurosaki Ichigo didn't raise more eye brows while he was in SS

  6. #6

    Chapter 186

    I was thinking the same thing Bud. Oh btw I found a better raw here

    !! I reeeeeallly want a translation now. It looks like Ishidas dad is pretty freaking strong.

  7. #7
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Chapter 186

    Their dads are clearly wearing costumes. The mangaka is pulling a fast one on us. He is disguising the joke chapters as something serious.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #8

    Chapter 186

    holy shit what the fuck.

  9. #9
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Chapter 186

    This really blows my mind.

    Why didn't Ichigo's dad kill Grand Fisher at any time before this, especially during "Memories In The Rain"? And why did he let his family get torn up by that shitty hollow at the beginning of the story?

    There's no way he is just bullshitting unless he somehow knows what a Shinigami captain uniform looks like, AND that his son's body is being possessed by Kon.

    This twist really threw me for a curve

  10. #10
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Chapter 186

    Ive been talking about that with people at other forums, and we've been thinking that the reason he didnt do anything was b/c Rukia was there and he wanted to remain "undercover".

    and I've also been putting up the theory of him being the 5th Captain back when Aizen was the 5th vc.(he has a torn captain robe wrapped around his left arm). Even though this is cool for him, it also answers alot of questions(like him waking Ichigo up exactly when he got home from SS).

    but the weirdest thing is that he came out of the charm he gave ichigo, which is weird.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  11. #11

    Chapter 186

    I figured it out damnit...

    He is a genie in the bottle!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Chapter 186

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    Ive been talking about that with people at other forums, and we've been thinking that the reason he didnt do anything was b/c Rukia was there and he wanted to remain "undercover".
    His dad allowed his wife's killer to roam free just for the sake of staying in deep cover?

  13. #13
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Chapter 186

    you know, i always wondered why/how ichigo's dad was so understanding about his son's angst over his mom's death. maybe he did kno the truth of what happened. but if so, it'd go to Y's question above-- which makes no sense to the story so far =P oh that kubo's a clever one! (or not anymore...)

  14. #14
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Chapter 186

    Originally posted by: Y
    Originally posted by: Knives122
    Ive been talking about that with people at other forums, and we've been thinking that the reason he didnt do anything was b/c Rukia was there and he wanted to remain "undercover".
    His dad allowed his wife's killer to roam free just for the sake of staying in deep cover?
    Sure, Im gonna go with that. -_-

    R.I.P Captain America.

  15. #15

    Chapter 186

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    other thing to consider... is he really called Kurosaki? if he indeed is called that, then why the name of Kurosaki Ichigo didn't raise more eye brows while he was in SS

    Maybe Kurosaki is his mother's maiden name? Ugh doubt it though but MAYBE.

    and is that really a shinigami CAPTAIN uniform? err...its just black...without that white robe thingy...

  16. #16

    Chapter 186

    here is a link to a full raw

    Don't post translations from other sites if the translator requests to people that they don't share it.

    GotWoot Moderator

  17. #17
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    New York

    Chapter 186

    u're an idiot. there's a reason why u don't see kefi translations anywhere. if you want to share so bad, at least go out of your way to write a summary or something.

    for the rest of you who're completely dying to read translations when the raw comes out, go here and sign up an account.

    (PS-- just checked kefi and they've taken down the translation folder. they haven't found your post yet but at least two other people who wanted to be uber cool posted what you posted and now they ruined it for me and u. good job in following rules =P have some respect for that guy's effort, sheesh)

  18. #18

    Chapter 186

    Maybe.. Isshin was the captain of Kenpachi's group right now? It was Kenpachi that overthrew and overpowered the other captain.. forcing the loser to resign..

  19. #19

    Chapter 186

    Nah because it mentioned that Kenpachi killed the previous captain. Besides I bet Ichigo's dad wouldn't have lost to Kenpachi anyway. I think he just has shinigami poweres like ichigo...and someone trained him to use that power...or something. He is still human so he was never part of Soul Society to begin with.

  20. #20

    Chapter 186

    I do not see why people have to be such bitches about their translations being posted elsewhere. who the fuck cares, do not do the translation if you do not want other people to see it sheesh. The point of a translation is to help other people understand, yet this "ocean" does them but will not let anyone post em? wtf.

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