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Thread: Bleach 68-69 Discussion

  1. #1
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Hell-Fansubs are trying to make a comeback.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Bleach 68-69 by Hell-Fansubs

    EDIT : Bleach 68-69 By Dattebayo

  2. #2

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Anyone know how they were able to get it out so fast? I'm assuming it's a pretty crappy sub but still they must have tried at least a little, a two parter this quick is pretty ballsy (because it will likely blow) but quite shocking... we'll see

  3. #3
    Student Ren's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Yay! Rukia's back [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    While I'm very glad Rukia is back, I'm disappointed at how lousily Ichigo is fighting. Come on, a guy who beat Zaraki before achieving his bankai, Byakuya, and a multitude of vicecaptains, some even without his zanpaktou, gets stuck in some scrap metal and concrete... That was just too artificial.

    Urahara certainly was right: Ichigo has totally lost his fighting abilities.

    Otherwise I have to say this was actually a rather interesting plot, even if I'm not totally sure of the motives and the intelligence of the execution. But on the other hand, Urahara is a twisted enough fellow, no doubt, to come up with something like that. And at least it explained many things of the previous episodes. And I don't remember anyone guessing this beforehand, so the script writers did succeed in something, no matter what.

    And now that Rukia is back, it also explains why Renji had to be brought there in the first place, as well: For a triangle.

    Oh, and welcome vampire hunter Ichigo... Just what this show needed...

  5. #5
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Haha, this was awsome, I loved everything about this episode. The stupid shit that didn't make sense up until now is explained. New badguys introduced and pretty much also explained.

    And it was fucking funny as hell too.

    Turtle Nova and Chad just sitting there not saying anything was cracking my ass up.

    the Golden stuff was good too. Soi Fon possesses such a wealth of lesbian power! You can't stop her!

    I feel bad for those guys if they really are stuck in those stuffed animals forever now. I mean, what happens to their human bodies?

    I mean, seriously, what the hell is Ichigo's dad going to do if he finds the lifeless body of a 10 year old girl stuffed in Ichigo's closet?!

    Is there even a workable explanation for that? I don't think so.

    And yeah, Rukia is back.

  6. #6

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    I mean, seriously, what the hell is Ichigo's dad going to do if he finds the lifeless body of a 10 year old girl stuffed in Ichigo's closet?!

    Is there even a workable explanation for that? I don't think so.
    Uhm...What if he has a lolicon tendency? as well as other japanese fetishes ~_~"

    On further note, *carbon copies everyone*

    Rukia's back! I loved how she changes her tone back to normal and perky innocent student Rukia.

  7. #7

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    roflmao! what an awesome episode....although it had it's lame moments, the funny/cool stuff outweighed that. there's four talking plushies? i wonder if they'll all stick around even after the fillers.
    and i cant believe they used the same joke again in "shinigami cup golden" but it's still funny. Ukitake = cherry picker.

  8. #8

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    The first episode was lame just like previous ones and once again they messed with the story line from the manga the second epidsode actually had a cool looking bad guy but Ichigo seems to be just another week ass shimigami now I hate that rukia is back the writters for this fillers must not read the manga at all.

    Signature by Lucifus

  9. #9

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    personally I liked that... the first part was so so, but the second part was much better (even the animation was better) and it was funny too.
    Kon is starting to sound more and more like a drunken old man! and they found a reason to make ichigo fight weaker opponents. All and all good episode.

  10. #10

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Yeah, Bleach has really gone to shit...

    You guys just don't understand how amazing the anime could've been if they had followed the manga... But with the storyline fuck-ups in these fillers, it would be nearly impossible for the anime to even come close to being as good when they finally decide to go back to following the manga... And that's IF they are able to go back to the manga storyline...

  11. #11
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kraco
    But on the other hand, Urahara is a twisted enough fellow, no doubt, to come up with something like that. And at least it explained many things of the previous episodes. And I don't remember anyone guessing this beforehand, so the script writers did succeed in something, no matter what.
    The reason that no one guessed this is because it is too far-fetched and retarded. If it feels "out of the blue" like it did now, you know that the writers didn't put in enough time.

    Bleach has officially plummeted to the level of the previous naruto fillers. I'm actually looking forward to naruto more than bleach now. As usual Kon saved the show, and Ukitake being a "pedophile" still cracks me up.

    I find it funny that Rukia, who is one of the weakest shinigamis, saved Ichigo. Ichigo was stronger than Rukia even without any training, without knowing his zanpaktou's name and without "summoning" his hollow.

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Hmmm, obviously a deep rift between manga readers and non manga readers... Guess they're doing things that could impact the next storyline to actually come from the manga. I don't know jack about the manga, but I hope they stay true to it.

    I don't really think that "plot-holes" when it comes to manga storyline contradicting filler events is a problem. Hell, I even remember lots of people saying in the Naruto topic "Once it goes back to the real story from the manga nothing from these filler episodes will have had any impact at all." I just hope they don't mess with the manga storyline to deliver these filler arcs, as the fillers really aren't on the same level as the rest of the show.

    I was about to eat my hat when they hinted that Urahara was kidnapped (as I promised in 67 discussion). Thank god he was the one running that little training exercise the whole time. I also was really disappointed with how poorly Ichigo and Renji fought. Claude can copy a person, but that doesn't give him any skills with a sword. Boo Ichigo, boo!

    Bound. Vampires. Someone get Saya and Hagi from Blood+ over here stat! I can't say its a bad premise for a filler plot, it actually has some promise. The Geitou flame golem was pretty cool looking. And how obvious was it that Ichigo should just try to go for the Bound that summoned it? Obviously she's the weak point, and she's already backed into a corner.

    LMAO at Chad and Nova. If they kept Nova around after this arc I would heartily endorse it. Those two are so funny together.

    I hate Claude's voice, and he was really chatting it up during these two episodes. But when his stuffed animal tries to make a serious face, I just start laughing. "Mismatch" indeed.

    EDIT: Shinigami's cup: homo golden! Soi Fon is teh dykeness! Ukitake is teh gey! They are really going to great lengths to sell those characters to the yaoi/yuri fans. Soi Fon was always fairly obvious. But this whole Ukitake thing really surprised me.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #13
    Missing Nin
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kraco
    Otherwise I have to say this was actually a rather interesting plot, even if I'm not totally sure of the motives and the intelligence of the execution. But on the other hand, Urahara is a twisted enough fellow, no doubt, to come up with something like that. And at least it explained many things of the previous episodes. And I don't remember anyone guessing this beforehand, so the script writers did succeed in something, no matter what.
    For the Record I stated that Urahara was behind this weeks ago as it was clearly being ripped off from Yu-yu hakisho when Yuske gets back from the dark Tournement and immediately gets kidnapped by 3 of Genkai's new pupils.

    That aside this episode was alright in the second half as the new enemy looks pretty good atleast. However, several aspects of the plot have just gone straight to hell. There is no reason for ichigo to fight this badley now. There is no reason for Rukia to be back now. There is no reason for Inoue to be paired with the Male Mod soul instead of the female one. Oh and Ishada stating flat out that his powers are gone could have easily not been done. I didn't hate this as much as the last two weeks but this filler is really messing with the overall plot.

  14. #14

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    ok personally, I agree that the filler arc was not on par with the manga, but why should everything be exactly like in the manga? because it was good, any little deviation would be bad? really, maybe the writer realized after the release that he would have done this or that different, and that is what is happening? really, I personally didn't read the Bleach manga (I've read Naruto one and i DO hope they change some things).

  15. #15

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    The key word is "fuck-up", if they were at least improving the story in some way or form, I think it would be acceptable. But right now they've screwed a couple of key instances, that when we first read it on the manga we could only explain it with "awesome". Those awesome scenes and moments have now been tarnished by mediocre scenes in this filler arc that could've been easily avoided if the writers would at least have a little bit of understanding to what the fuck they are doing.

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Maybe I should start reading the manga. Or perhaps just read the manga versions of the scenes that these episodes messed around with.

    Having not watched the previous few episodes, I had no idea what was going on. But when the Bound arc started in the second half, I sort of enjoyed it. The animation during Ichigo's fight was pretty awesome. The ED is sufficiently weird, so I don't hate it, but I don't know what to make of the new plushie mod souls.

    Also, I don't see how the Shinigami Cup made Ukitake out to be gay. Weird maybe, but not gay. The shiro(u) pun made me laugh though.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  17. #17
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    The key word is "fuck-up", if they were at least improving the story in some way or form, I think it would be acceptable. But right now they've screwed a couple of key instances, that when we first read it on the manga we could only explain it with "awesome". Those awesome scenes and moments have now been tarnished by mediocre scenes in this filler arc that could've been easily avoided if the writers would at least have a little bit of understanding to what the fuck they are doing.

    Agreed. This episode had its moments (Nova being that turtle was one of them) but it was pure and utter crap. They ruined so much of the storyline in Bleach that made it amazing in the manga. I will now call this "The Naruto Effect" This is what happens when over-zelus animators speed though the anime without giving the manga timje to come up with great material, so the animators create their own gay material.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  18. #18

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    The key word is "fuck-up", if they were at least improving the story in some way or form, I think it would be acceptable. But right now they've screwed a couple of key instances, that when we first read it on the manga we could only explain it with "awesome". Those awesome scenes and moments have now been tarnished by mediocre scenes in this filler arc that could've been easily avoided if the writers would at least have a little bit of understanding to what the fuck they are doing.
    see, this is the thing. it IS a different medium and, for all we know, it might BE a different story. because something that was awesome in the manga was removed doesn't mean that there can't be something awesome in the anime. I didn't really like the way they resolved the Modified souls arc. but the way the bound arc started was pretty good. as for Rukia appearing? well I'm puzzled and want to know why? if they have a crappy reason, then it is crap. but they may have a good reason? they should at least have the benefit of doubt. changing something from the manga doesn't make the episode crap. the second half was actually ok, and better than some of the earlier episodes which WERE from the manga.

  19. #19

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    The thing is.... THE FILLERS WERE SUPPOSED TO STOP AT EP 70!!!!

  20. #20
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Only because people knew Rukia was back in 71 from the name of the episode and they assumed that meant it would pick up in the part of the manga when rukia returns.

    But it turns out that's not the case, they changed it, and now Rukia came back in the middle of the filler arc.

    Also, on Ukitake being a pedo, if your paying attention, this episode explains that he ISN'T. Hits is hinting about wether he is one, and Uki explains that he does all that stuff because they both have white hair and similar names.

    Course, he could be lying, but I get the impression he wasn't, and he's just being goofy like that.

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