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Thread: Busou Renkin

  1. #1
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Busou Renkin

    Has anybody read it?

    I tried my best...

  2. #2

    RE: Busou Renkin

    is it any good..?
    whats it about..?

  3. #3
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Busou Renkin

    "The new series from Nobuhiro Watsuki, magaka of Rurouni Kenshin, features Mutou Kazuki, a student who gets himself wrapped up in a battle between creatures of Alchemy, and a girl intent on hunting them down." it's a description from a site.

    i didn't read it yet. i dled 5 chapters though.

    I tried my best...

  4. #4

    RE: Busou Renkin

    where did you get it from..?

  5. #5
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Busou Renkin

    Ignition - One
    i got it here. They only translated the first 5 chapters.

    I tried my best...

  6. #6

    RE: Busou Renkin

    ok cool thnx!!

  7. #7
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Busou Renkin

    it reminds me somewhat of Bleach.

    I tried my best...

  8. #8

    RE: Busou Renkin

    I hope its better than that cause from the maker of Kenshin i expect more .

    Im downloading the first 5 chap now.

  9. #9

    RE: Busou Renkin

    better than bleach, wtf?!
    bleach is mad, one of my favs now.

  10. #10

    RE: Busou Renkin

    Bleach is good but not one of the best mangas. Compared to Berserk,Kenshin,Hellsing,Death Note,HXH,Hajime no Ippo who are my favs its nothing.

  11. #11

    RE: Busou Renkin

    well i just read the first 6 chapters to this, and i like it so far.

    it could develop to be a good manga.
    i want more chapters!!!

  12. #12

    RE: Busou Renkin

    i finished readin the first 3 chapters, and im really confused rite now @__@... nothing was explained, like how the powers exist and everything. maybe later it'll start explaining stuff better

  13. #13
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: Busou Renkin

    Thats kinda a common thing in shonen series like this one. Ofcourse the part that should have you scratching your head is how that sword can act as heart when he's using it out side of his body.

  14. #14
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Busou Renkin

    Homonculus, and alchemy, why does this similar to FMA?. Also its similar to Gantz kinda, him being dead and all then revived again by an alloy, and that sword thingy too that acts like his hear, wierd. I have read 1-6 so far and the manga is good
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  15. #15

    RE: Busou Renkin

    Its just okay right now and i would dump it if i didnt love a certien manga by the mangaka and is hoping that will get better.

  16. #16

    RE: Busou Renkin

    the raws for this are upto 59!!!!

  17. #17

    RE: Busou Renkin

    Well the raws isnt gonna do any good if the group scanning them doesnt translate....

  18. #18

    RE: Busou Renkin

    chapter 7 out by

  19. #19

    RE: Busou Renkin

    im still undecided on how good this manga is gonna turn out... but now that ive read 7 chapters, i'll probably keep on reading no matter what, i hate incomplete series...

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    In my own little world

    Busou Renkin

    ignition-one's site is down or something. The link doesn't work.
    How many chapters have been translated as of right now?

    EDIT: Sorry Hakeem, didn't see your post on that other thread. Didn't know it had been cancelled

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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