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Thread: Naruto and the fourth hokage

  1. #1
    Just a thought that came across my mind when i hear you say that the fourth just might be Naruto's father.
    I got this, reasonably wild idea, where I think that Naruto is the 4th hokage himself. Yeah it does sound shocking but if you look at the similarities that the two have, especially the hair it just "might" be the case don't you think? I mean look at the confidence with which Naruto says "I WILL become Hokage"....couldn't it be that this is because deep down inside of him he knows that he WAS in fact the 4th at some point but can't recall it?
    How could this be possible? Well, maybe the seal with which the Kyubi was sealed was a seal that didn't kill the ninja but instead reversed the aging process?
    And so he goes back to being a baby, with the Kyubi sealed in him, resulting in those whisker like scars that Naruto has on cheeks.

    I mean there are so many references that draw parallels to both the 4th hokage and Naruto that you know for a fact that there is some deep connection. Another example is when Gamabunta tells Jiraiya that he does not need to see the scroll with Naruto's blood print on it, for he was the next person after the fourth to have stood on his head.

    I mean it need not be true but it does seem plausible doesn't it? Maybe someone could disprove this if I overlooked some details. Moreoever, maybe this might just be the twist that Mr. Kishimoto Masashi would want to pull over us don't you think in the concluding chapters of the Naruto saga?

    What do you all think?

  2. #2
    Do a search and find about a million topics like this

  3. #3
    fact is we may never know until they decide to tell us, theres no real reason to do it as of yet but probably when Atasuki get more envolved

    and as was said there is about 10000 topics on this

  4. #4
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    kakashi is also a genius without any super-ultra-extra-awesome-cool bloodline.

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  5. #5
    Kakashi Got Sharigan thats something to add to his genius.

  6. #6
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (acalistes @ Jan 21 2004, 09:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Yeah it does sound shocking </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    i&#39;m sorry
    it doesn&#39;t sound shocking

    but maybe that&#39;s cause i&#39;ve read posts saying the same 20 times before

  7. #7
    but kakashi didnt always have the sharingan, and is said to be a genius. shikamara is a super genius and has no bloodline limit. the only person that i see people say is a genius because of a bloodline limit is sasuke. if he is so much of a genius then why hasnt he mastered his sharingan. his brother mastered it when he was 8 and sasuke is what now about 13 and still hasnt mastered it. some genius. neji is said to be a genius but he proves why since he is from the branch family and knows serect techniques on his own that are only pasted down to the heir of the clan. he mastered his abilities, itachi mastered his so saying they are genius i can see but sasuke. where is he one at.

  8. #8
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    sasuke is just a late bloomer.

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  9. #9
    lol don&#39;t worry I thought the same thing. Naruto is the reincarnation of the 4th. That or the 4th hokage is the seal that holds the kyubi.

  10. #10
    the 4th is the ramen that Naruto eats.

  11. #11
    first of all.. gamabunta told that to jiraiya because he sees the great qualities and hardworking characteristic of naruto LIKE the 4th hokage. not because he is.

    and also.. 4th hokage died.. orochimaru wudnt have been able to attempt to ressurect the 4th hokage when fighting sarutobi if it was some aging crap. he died to save his village. i stil think the idea that naruto is son or related to the hokage is plausible tho.

  12. #12
    I hate these damn reincarnation topics...

    Naruto is the son of the 4th, leave it at that. All the pictures of Jiraiya, Yondaime, and Naruto at the various stages of there life match up to each other.

    Their ages also match up as well.

    Jiraiya is 50

    Yondaime would be in his 30&#39;s

    Naruto is 12 or 13.

    All the Gennin look like their fathers, and Naruto and the 4th have a resembalance.

    Also in the Tsunade intro arc, Kabuto says something to Orochimaru about Naruto:

    &quot;Jiraiya is said to be Naruto&#39;s...&quot;

    Then he gets cut off by Orochimaru&#39;s &quot;HMMM&quot;

    I know he could have said student, but that is rather obvious don&#39;t you think? Why would he point that out to Orochimaru. I think he was going to say they were grandfather and grandson.

    Perhaps in his information gathering Kabuto stumbled upon the relation of Jiraiya, Yondaime, and Naruto.

    That is my story and I am sticking to it. (Don&#39;t mention that damn Tsunade&#39;s brother, he didn&#39;t look like Naruto as much as Yondaime does.)

  13. #13
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    tsunade&#39;s brother was naruto without the whiskers dude.

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  14. #14
    I don&#39;t think so. His hair was completely different and he had red rose circles on his cheek.

    If they weren&#39;t pictured side by side I wouldn&#39;t even note the facial resemblance. It&#39;s just manga and Kishimoto wanted a slight resemblance to Naruto, so Tsunade would take some kind of a liking to him.

    They don&#39;t look any different than Kiba and Naruto. I think that Kiba is just Naruto with black hair almost when his hood is down.

  15. #15
    o cmon, be fair alright, kiba has sharp teeth too haha

  16. #16
    no, seriosly, if you look at the manga pages when he has his hood down, they do resemble each other a bit.

    I know it is just a mangaka&#39;s way of being lazy and doesn&#39;t mean anything, but still.

  17. #17
    LOL, I got a very strange theory about Naruto&#39;s parents.

  18. #18
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    EDIT: if you want more COMPELLING EVIDENCE, i will personally draw the whiskers on tsunade&#39;s brother and post it here.

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  19. #19
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    god, from all the possible theories, this one sounds the most unreasoanble one... consider it from the author&#39;s point of view, he spends countless years getting us to like the main hero, and makes us want naruto to succeed against the odds, you think he&#39;ll just end it by saying &quot;but since he is the hokage, nothing didn&#39;t really matter, cuz he&#39;d do it anyway&quot;. it&#39;ll totally screw up the readers minds, and what good will it do to the story?

    it&#39;s just like making Kakashi turn out to be the 4th, or have to reavel Jiriya as part of the Akatsuki...
    and to have Ranma turn out to be sayian, recca to be a Shaman, and turn Leorio into a mass murdrer...

    besides, the 4th was a genious, Naruto isn&#39;t.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  20. #20
    Oh god, I hate talking about this damn kid looking like Naruto. Sure he resembles him, I admit that, but he isn&#39;t the 4th Hokage, which some idiot always tries to tell me.

    He is just drawn to resemble Naruto a little bit, that is why the hair isn&#39;t exactly the same.

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