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Thread: Chapter 199 Discussion

  1. #1
    Does anyone have any idea who that guy was who got his body taken by oro?

  2. #2
    nah, apparently his clansmen were taken to have experiments on.
    look at him though, he just beat up all those people are hes still going, how strong is he?
    He looks like hes barely broken a sweat.

    Looks abit like Naruto too

  3. #3
    so i guess i missed something like kimimaru was all messed up cause he just finished off those other dudes in a fight to the death or has he not done that yet

    im like confused i guess i finally got around to read it and now i am confused did the fight's to the death already take place cause i thought kimimaru wasn't going to be a part of it

    cause all the sudden he has to go retreive sasuke

    and kabuto said that he had to take care of his body

    i dont know what the hell is going on but it was a good chapter it got my hopes up once again and yeah i did think kimimaru did look like naruto a lil but there is most likely no relation to him and naruto unlike the fourth and naruto

  4. #4
    Kimmimaro seems to be all hooked up to machines and what not because of Orochimaru's back up plan.

    If Orochimaru needs a body real quick, he can use Kimimaro's body. And perhaps, when he is hooked up to the machine, basically kimimaro's soul can be exchanged with another body. So kimmimaro will basically not die as well.

    Meaning that Oro's kimimaro has also another body too.

    Oro's spare body is kimimaro.

    And kimimaro's spare body is another...lesser body.

    So the boss gets the best body while the underling gets something less.

  5. #5
    yeah but they stated that kimimaru's body cannot be taken over for a few years because of something that happened at least thats what i read it as they said that his body can't be taken over, what the hell where they talkin about there it like they botched the first body transfer and know they got to wait

    damn i might just have to go and reread the chapter

  6. #6

    Ok it seems confusing....after yall mention it.

    Kabuto seems to be viewing a live security camera on the death match...Or is it a replay?

    I think its a live security camera. And Oro took over the body of the guy that won that match.

    That leaves us Kimimaro...who is most likely the winner of previous death match.

    But why did Kabuto say to kimimaro " You are no longer Sound's Five" ????

    Confusing...blame it on who?

  7. #7
    So it will be a few years before Orochimaru will be able to take over Sasuke's body.
    Does anyone smell a timejump yet?
    Anyways I have come up with a new theory about Naruto and his origins. I'm guessing Naruto is a long last realtive of that guy Orochimaru took over.

  8. #8
    Huh? I'm pretty sure it was the material arms that are rendered useless. Transferring to another body will fix that problem because the Third only sealed up the arms of Orochimaru's current body.
    Now Tsunade can pretty much repair anything when it comes to the human body, and I'm sure when the 3rd was sealing the arm he probaly doubt that Tsuade would help Orochimaru heal them.
    At least that's my understanding what happened.

  9. #9
    ...yo i juss thought about it...Sasuke can be stronger than Neji after reading dis chapter. cuz according to kabuto sasuke and kimimaro should about da same level, and kimimaro supposedly owned kidoumaru, and kidoumaru is stronger than neji (he woulda won if he didnt fool around) so dat means..sasugay is stronger than neji...and dat is GAY

  10. #10
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    definatly one of the highligts of the manga, it's one chapter i'll read alot of times...

    but i do have a few thing i didn't get:

    1. what's the diffrence between gaia (earth) and heaven seal? could the reason that Kimi is in the tube be that he took his seal to the last level?

    2. Kimi used to be a part of the sound five, which gate was he? north, south, east and west are already taken, and i cannot thing of anymore directions...

    another thing, kabuto seemed to have shown his true colors around here, i doubt anyone can believe now he's just Oro's pawn, i wonder what's his true intentions...

    a timejump would be appriciated, but i would like to see a bit of focus on all the sub chars before it.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #11
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Death BOO Z @ Dec 28 2003, 02:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> definatly one of the highligts of the manga, it&#39;s one chapter i&#39;ll read alot of times...

    but i do have a few thing i didn&#39;t get:

    1. what&#39;s the diffrence between gaia (earth) and heaven seal? could the reason that Kimi is in the tube be that he took his seal to the last level?

    2. Kimi used to be a part of the sound five, which gate was he? north, south, east and west are already taken, and i cannot thing of anymore directions...

    another thing, kabuto seemed to have shown his true colors around here, i doubt anyone can believe now he&#39;s just Oro&#39;s pawn, i wonder what&#39;s his true intentions...

    a timejump would be appriciated, but i would like to see a bit of focus on all the sub chars before it. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    1) I&#39;m with you, whats the difference?
    2)North East?

    Why you think Kabuto showed his true colors? I didn&#39;t see anything out of the ordinary...

  12. #12
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Nine Tailed Demon @ Dec 28 2003, 03:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
    2)North East?

    Why you think Kabuto showed his true colors? I didn&#39;t see anything out of the ordinary... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    i tought about itm but doesn&#39;t that mean the&#39;re 8 of them? maybe he&#39;s the gate of &#39;below&#39; seeing how Gaia is earth, so Sasuke will be the gate of &#39;up&#39; with his heaven seal..

    Kabuto got at least 5 blocks of &#39;i&#39;m thinking abouta something evil&#33;&#39; stares, which is about twice than his whole total of them before, Kishomonto is forcing himself to do the &#39;ultra evil spy kabuto&#39; arc by doing so much stares..

    BTW: my P.E teacher is a sadist, 25 min run after a week break from school... i&#39;m totally wasted now

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #13
    Why you got school during the holidays?

  14. #14
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Hannukka was over yesterday... it&#39;s back to school for 4 whole months here at Israel...

    i just thought of something, Kabuto says &#39;we&#39;ll have to wait a few more years&#39;, i think he meant that the Akutsuki orginaztion will have to wait, and not Orochimaru, it seems to me that the Akutsuki is after spirits and stuff, and thats why Kisama didn&#39;t mind cutting Naruto&#39;s leg...

    BTW: i did 3900 meters... which is a score of 110 or something, i get a bonus&#33; (which isn&#39;t really much, cuz it&#39;s either 100 or failture in that run)

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #15
    Orochimaru is full of crap, he should just die already. This body switching thing is going too far, what if everyone learned the jutsu, everything would be so crazy... people taking other people&#39;s bodies left and right..

  16. #16
    Orochimaru will die sooner or later. I think Naruto is going to be the one that will kill him.
    However, Naruto can&#39;t accomplish this at his age.

    Come on Kishimoto, just do the time jump already.

  17. #17
    I think it is time to see how far Kyubi can go while locked inside Naruto. One of the next fights has to be Naruto vs Kimimarou because I think we&#39;ll see 2 almost dead Genins and 2 almost dead Sound nin in chapter 205 or so.

  18. #18
    You know what would be freakin cool?
    If Kyuubi took over Naruto all of a sudden.
    That would definately create a situation of desperation.

    Now its time for me to sleep.

  19. #19
    Kimimaro isnt the body that Orochimaru took over in the screen that Kabuto was watching.

    Kimimaro was Orochimarus OLD choice for a body.
    Thats why Kabuto says hes not needed anymore

    Orochimaru has the new &#39;naruto like&#39; body and left Kimmimaro, thats why hes dying - he doesnt have Orochi in there anymore

    notice how he said he had a new &#39;container&#39;

    Kimimaro has gone to get Sasuke as one last favour to Orochimaru.
    Orochimaru ALREADY has chosen a body (the guy who won the tournie)
    Kimimaro wasnt good enough so he choose a better body.

    (this is assuming that the video was a feed of the events that were occuring, which would make sense as Kabuto said to start the battle in the previous chapter)

  20. #20
    Chapter 28, page 6. Naruto with Kyubi is stronger than Kakashi...

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