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Thread: Bleach Chapter 292

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Umm... Espada couldn't have been around that long cause Aizen has only recently betrayed Soul Society with the Hougyoku and started making Arrancar right? Or were there already Adjuchas joined to gether or whatever?

  3. #3
    Well the strength of the Espadas increases as Aizen continues to release Hougyouku, so I'm not sure if it's been long in actual "time", but more like the percentage release of Hougyouku.

    I could be wrong here

  4. #4
    whatever bottom line is that nell is going to get pwoned...i would like to see who will come to the rescue

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    if the clones imitate Renji and the others and double thier powers, shouldn't it be possible for Ishida to figure out a way to direct all that power (seeing as the bad dude went into the trouble of sealing it, he probably is worried about the strength of the Bankai) at the evil espada guy?

    but yes, not much in this chapter.

  6. #6
    Isnt it over yet? The whole Las Noches thing? Come on!

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Umm... Espada couldn't have been around that long cause Aizen has only recently betrayed Soul Society with the Hougyoku and started making Arrancar right? Or were there already Adjuchas joined to gether or whatever?
    The betrayal of Aizen took years of planning on his part. Remember how Aizen described how he knew that Renji, momo, and Kira would be useful to him when they were first trainees? That has to be at least a couple of years before the soul society arc.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  8. #8
    Yeah, but the Arrancar's didn't exist then until he had possession of the Hougyoku. This #5 Espada says in the chapter "Since you left Las Noches, how many years has it been since you disappeared? Don't think the power of the current espada is the same when you were an espada... Neriel!"

    Maybe the Espada existed for years, but they were not Arrancar then, maybe they were just Hollows then.

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    I think the grimmjow backstory shows that the arrancar did exist prior to aizen coming to los noches.

    Anyhow, this chapter sucked... i really cant even remember whats going on w\ ishada and renji anymore. maybe when they have it animated it will all flow together alot better than the manga is going right now.

  10. #10
    The Grimmjow backstory just showed that he's a relatively new member and various other details.

    But, the term ARRANCAR is for hollow's who've obtained Shinigami powers and correct me if I'm wrong, they only started existing when Aizen started using the Hougyoku. They might've existed as hollows before, but they shouldn't have been existing as Arrancar for a couple of years. Unless there was already an Espada before Aizen's control.

  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    maybe the hogokyou is just a faster way to create the arrnacer?
    Perhaps all the 'old' espade/arrnacer went through the 'natrual' unmasking process, and during that, they gained a somewhat wide range of emotions and personallity.
    Aizen just wants to use them against Soul Society and have as many of them die in the war before he starts building his true kingdom by making hollows unmask themself without getting smart and moral during that (I'm using the terms 'smart' and 'moral' in a loose way here, but you get the drill).

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    yeah... now that i think about it i dont think they had swords w\ the grimmjow backstory. They were just adjunca *sp?* so maybe aizen was required to make them.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Yeah, but the Arrancar's didn't exist then until he had possession of the Hougyoku. This #5 Espada says in the chapter "Since you left Las Noches, how many years has it been since you disappeared? Don't think the power of the current espada is the same when you were an espada... Neriel!"

    Maybe the Espada existed for years, but they were not Arrancar then, maybe they were just Hollows then.
    Yeah, I have to agree. If Nel left some years ago, I wonder how she became an Arrancar. From I can tell, some Hollows can become Arrancars by ripping off their masks, but not all of them seem able to do so, hence Nel may have been one of those exceptions. The hougyoku simply creates artificial Arrancars, in a more convinient manner.

    We just have to wait and see the explanation they give for her if any. But remember, there are Vizards and Ichigo who have acquired Shinigami and Hollow "powers" naturally, so it shouldn't be any different for some Hollows.

  14. #14
    If you think about it, Ichigo's story is fairly similar to what an naturally occurring Arrancar's might have been. Back when he was getting his shinigami powers back he did grow a mask and seemingly became a hollow for a hot second, then he removed that mask and became a shinigami. I don't think they've ever mentioned what happens if an individual hollow (that hasn't consumed any other hollows or souls) removes its mask so maybe that's the missing link to what a Vaizard is.

    "Since you left Las Noches, how many years has it been since you disappeared? Don't think the power of the current espada is the same when you were an espada... Neriel!"
    The last time someone said something like that to someone, who we only recently discovered was actually a hot woman and who used to be a big shot with the current enemy, was trying to stop an extremely arrogant guy from pounding on Ichigo, who was still injured from an exhausting fight with a bad guy who was actually a lot like himself but just happened to be allied with the other side, it turned out okay didn't it? But of course that situation was nothing like the current one at all was it.

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