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Thread: 188 Spoilers

  1. #1

    188 Spoilers

    Ocean has put up his translation on Kefi forums.;boardseen#new
    (Must be member to see AND DO NOT POST TRANSLATION).


    Very very interesting so it seems there are FOUR factions in Bleach right now. Soul Soceity, Hamen(Hollows turned Shinigami,Aizen is a part of this I think), Vaizards(Shinigami turned hollow), and Uraharas group(Himself,Isshin,Ichigo, etc). It also appears that Isshin has not had a shinigami body for 20 years which explains why he could not help his wife or children. Also they talk about him not being as strong as he used to be (Anyone else find that totally insane....he killed GF in one slash and is not even at full badass)
    Very cool I am really into Bleach atm it gets better and better.

  2. #2
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    Nitpick: "Vizard" is a retarded word that is just a corruption of the Middle English "Visored", and I hate whichever translator picked it.

    Also, to speculate: I reread the recent chapters and believe there is something sinister going on within Soul Society. Why did Ukitate give Ichigo that badge? He said it was to honor him as a replacement Shinigami, but there is ALREADY a replacement Shinigami there (unless he is lying) and he doesn't know what the fuck the badge is. Plus, it's a SKULL, I'm sure it wasn't given to him to brighten his life up.

    Oh, and did I read the last part right; Isshin releases his Zanpakutou by calling "GOOOOD MOOORNING!!!"? If so, that is fucking HILARIOUS.

  3. #3

    188 Spoilers

    "Kurumadani's Zanpaku-tou name is Tsuchi-Namazu (sp). It looks like Chakuramu (OP?)
    Its call is "Good morning! Tsuchi-Namazu."

    Kurumandani is that replacement Shinigami. Oh and about the Skull, he can use it to get out of his body like how the "skull" glove and the "skull" on Uraharas cane. So I do not think the Skull is meant to be bad.

  4. #4

    188 Spoilers

    bleach is freaking amazing!!

  5. #5
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    aaahhhh!!!! this new arc is SO COOL!!! now i wanna see ichigo's reaction to his dad. that's gotta be an HILARIOUS exchange...

  6. #6

    188 Spoilers


    man when urahara first shows up and goes "long time no see...isshin-san", i was like ZOMGWTFF!!!!!1111111 urahara has got to be one of the best characters in bleach. and this whole hamen/vizard thing is fuckin awsome.

    btw, Dez, arent Hamen pretty much controlled by the Vizards. thats the way it seems to me anyway. at the very least i would consider them one group.


    somethign intresting i thought of rite the first ep of bleach, rukia says she couldnt sense the hollow cuz something was messing up her senses. we all assumed it was ichigo's hidden power. but is it possible that it was isshin's spiritual energy that got in the way. after all, he defeated GF without being at full power, and ichigo could only wound him despite being all powered up and shit.

  7. #7

    188 Spoilers

    No Hamen and Vaizards are separate groups. I am basing this off the translation though.

    Isshin: I bet he'll finish his research soon. And he'll accompany the army of completed real "Hamen" and Menos Grande to crush the world.
    Isshin: ... What would you do?

    Urahara: ... I'll do something.
    Urahara: Either way, every friend and foe would take some action with this situation. "Vaizards," us, and --- Soul Society, too.

    In that statement he is implying that those factions are NOT allied with Aizen and the Hamen/Menos Grande.

  8. #8

    188 Spoilers

    ah, i c....i thought that Aizen was part of the Vaizards. apparently not.

    but i do wonder why hollows as powerful as menos grandes would ally themselves with a shinigami.

  9. #9

    188 Spoilers

    im wondering if ichigo would be different to the vaizards as he got both hollow and shinigami powers when he was created, while the vaizards were shinigamis who gained hollow power

    aizen in himself is extremely strong and id say he could take on the menos, but also hes creating an army for them, they made a deal which they both like the final result, an army of harmen with aizen as their creator ruling them, if the menos are stronger then the hamen (which i doubt) then they might act as the generals or something

  10. #10
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    i think aizen sorta explained why the hybrid's much better than one or the other... that chapter where he explains everything before disappearing...

  11. #11
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    Originally posted by: Dezalanel
    "Kurumadani's Zanpaku-tou name is Tsuchi-Namazu (sp). It looks like Chakuramu (OP?)
    Its call is "Good morning! Tsuchi-Namazu."

    Kurumandani is that replacement Shinigami. Oh and about the Skull, he can use it to get out of his body like how the "skull" glove and the "skull" on Uraharas cane. So I do not think the Skull is meant to be bad.
    Damn, I missed that reading it way early in the morning.

    Still, Isshin totally needs to call his Soul Slayer out like that.

    Also, the skull is sinister. Look how weirded out Uryuu is when Ichigo pulls it out, and the "maybe I'm just worrying too much" line - which never indicates good things in a manga.

  12. #12
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    I think we should be talking about...

    What's going on with Byakuya.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #13

    188 Spoilers

    he has ur cock up his ass

  14. #14
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    188 Spoilers

    bottom line: no one really cares about Byakuya at the moment, Isshin/Ryuuken and the new Vizards/more Aizen thing is where its at(its been like that ever since Aizen explained everything).

    so unless Byakuya has more Bankai techniques, we dont wanna hear it.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  15. #15

    188 Spoilers

    screw byakuya unless he's gonna fight along side ichigo that would be so awesome

  16. #16
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    I think we should be talking about...

    What's going on with Byakuya.
    Don't worry, he'll be back when he's thought of a way to be even more generic a character. Maybe he should dye his hair silver?

  17. #17

    188 Spoilers

    Originally posted by: Y
    Nitpick: "Vizard" is a retarded word that is just a corruption of the Middle English "Visored", and I hate whichever translator picked it.
    Actually, the word was provided by Kubo Tite, even though I made up the spelling (and I changed the spelling to Vaizard later on). Good to know where the original word is from. Thanks.
    /me goes to fix his script.

    Do you have any idea the other word is from? Arankaru? (meaning broken mask or something along that line?)

  18. #18
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    You're awesome. I was totally off base about the "hate" remark.

    As for that, no idea.

  19. #19
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    M7 released their translated chapter of 188. Go find it wherever you usually do...

  20. #20
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    188 Spoilers

    its LQ so its pretty blurry all around.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

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