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Thread: Erementar Gerad

  1. #61

  2. #62

    Erementar Gerad

    Shinsen Erementar Gerad 26

    Well Erementar Gerad Red is done now. Now if we could just get Erementar Gerad Blue we be in business.

  3. #63
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New York

    Erementar Gerad

    was it just me, or was the ending a tad anti-climactic? i think if i was 10 years younger, i would've loved the fact that Coud found the lost song (psalm?) w/ Ren joining in but the lack of any real action in terms of finally being able to kick Chaos Choir's collective ass left me a bit disappointed.

  4. #64

    Erementar Gerad

    Well you do have a point. I wasn't quite satisfied with that ending at all. I was at least hoping Coud would dawn Ren one last time to kick some serious ass, and she would evole resulting in Coud having a sword on each arm. Hopefully Erementar Gerad Blue will have a more promising ending.

  5. #65

    Erementar Gerad

    what ever happen to the old guy that told Viro what to do??

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