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Thread: The Atatsuki Thread

  1. #21

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    I dunno, what if there wasn't a leader?
    You could be right but right now it looks like that mysterious etheral guy who everyone seems to think is the fourth seems like the leader of the organization.

  2. #22

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Well, the guy with the eyes is giving orders and seems to be the one organizing everything, so I think its safe to refer to him as the leader.

    I don't think he looks like the 4th though. I think he looks like the guy whos body Orochimaru transferred into, especially with the eyes.

  3. #23
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    are you saying orochimaru is posing as the leader of the akatsuki?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #24

    The Atatsuki Thread

    I'm saying the leader of Akatsuki looks like the guy that Orochimaru transfered into. Nothing more, nothing less. It means nothing because many people look similar due to the artists drawing styles (Naruto and Tsunade's Brother?) And its useless to speculate about unexpected events.

  5. #25

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    man hate it here in sweden they dont got the naruto manga and i want it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  6. #26

    The Atatsuki Thread

    Originally posted by: nests
    Inane drew in the sharingan in their scanlation but I think is obvious now that he does not have it.

    I dont think th leader is the fourth and here is why.
    1. He is suppost to be a great hero a Kage in fact wich meant he wanted to protect people.
    2. He was very powerfull and would not need any help from other people if he wanted to get Naruto or Gaara.
    3. most importantly he is DEAD
    You forgot to mention that in the fight between the third and oro, oro used his ressurection technique which included the 4th, kinda hard to ressurect someone who is still alive

  7. #27
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    kishimoto made naruto look like nawaki on create a greater similarity between the 2
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #28
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Flaps, that doesn't mean much.. the whole deal with the summonning was awfully vague that time...
    the 3rd said that his shurikens stopped the guy from coming out, but i don't think that was what happened.
    1. the other coffins (whatever those boxes were) were also hit by a fair amount of stuff and they didn't seem to have problems openning.
    2. Orochimaru wouldn't have used those coffins as a shield if he would have been worried that they might break, it would have been a waste of chackra.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  9. #29

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Originally posted by: Enderz
    man hate it here in sweden they dont got the naruto manga and i want it [img][/img]
    Shonen Jump *IS* sold here in Sweden... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  10. #30

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Well you got a point there, but still didnt the sign on the coffin say 4th?

  11. #31
    Maito Gai

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Hmm...It'll be way cool if the 4th was the leader of Akatsuki. Maybe he didn't die but was brainwashed or became evil of something! Btw I kinda have a feeling hes Naruto's dad. Same hair, same eyes...heh heh...gotta be!

  12. #32

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    yeah but it dosen feel like right y know , there are many diffrent mangas in shonen jump and they dont show the whole part of the naruto manga chapter just a little bit

  13. #33
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    Flaps, that doesn't mean much.. the whole deal with the summonning was awfully vague that time...
    the 3rd said that his shurikens stopped the guy from coming out, but i don't think that was what happened.
    1. the other coffins (whatever those boxes were) were also hit by a fair amount of stuff and they didn't seem to have problems openning.
    2. Orochimaru wouldn't have used those coffins as a shield if he would have been worried that they might break, it would have been a waste of chackra.
    wow....what manga are YOU reading?
    nobody said that the 3rd's shurikens stopped anything.....the 3rd said the coffins stopped HIS SHURIKENS.
    it was the jutsu the 3rd used after the shurikens that stopped the 4th's coffin
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #34

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    i dont see what so great about Atkasuki leader being the fourth?
    if that is the case, i'd like to see how the hell kisimoto get out this this dump of a plot hole
    and the fourth is DEAD... i dont see why he should fight a village that has his face engrave into a mountain
    Orochimaru fougth becasue one reason is that he wasnt chosen as a Hokage and hes pissed off...
    and anotherthing.... using demons to summon a bigger demon, how much dumber can the plot be?
    its like watching ninjundams, please, i'd just stick with my gundam seed thank you... leave the ninjas alone...
    i dont want to see another dumb battle like inuyasha vs big huge demons

    the idea of having demons implanted in themselves is actually a cool idea... see how strong the kids
    are with demons sealed inside them... naruto and gaara.
    since there are 9 atakasuki members and 9 tail demons, it makes sense.

  15. #35

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Well maybe there not using the demons to unseal a greater demon maybe that thing is the god of all creation for the naruto world and unleashing him well cause a chain reaction which will lead to the end and rebirth of the world Evangelion style.

  16. #36
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    we could always look at japanese mythologies to figure out the correlation. So far alot of stuff in the naruto world is based on mythology, so maybe there's a story about the 9 demons sent by some omnipotent being that will bring about the fate of mankind, or something
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #37

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Your probably right about that Assert considering how so many of aspects seen in naruto are based on Japanese mythology. Such as the the relationship between Jiraiya, Tsunande, and Orchimaro.

  18. #38

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    Doesn't sound very familiar, that thing about a singular superior being of apocalyptic abilities...

    I also think that Akatsuki's goal (or mid-way goal) is as simple as getting the tail beasts inside themselves... whatever they intend to use their greater power for, though, would be an entirely different matter. Itachi, for one, almost seems to only want to make himself stronger for the sake of making himself stronger.

    Anyway, time for a little speculating:
    * We know that Gaara has "one-tail", Shukaku.
    * We know that Naruto has nine-tails, Kyuubi.
    * From Neji's info, Kisame *could* very well be the carrier of three-tails, Isonade (fish/shark, which would fit with Kisame's watery theme; an alternative version would be that Isonade is in his sword, but that would feel wrong with Kisame's facial traits).
    * Based on miscellaneous impressions (facial traits and that purple chakra, primarily), Orochimaru might be the carrier of Hachimata, the eight-tails snake beast.
    * There is also a tail beast in the shape of a dog. I think it's odd that Kakashi has white chakra (chakra is never non-blue without a reason), an extremely strong sense of smell and covers his nose and mouth... not saying that he's the carrier, just that it wouldn't surprise me if he turns out to be (Itachi also seemed to want to take him alive rather than just have him killed, in episode 82).

    This is pretty far-out speculation, but it doesn't contradict anything that I can recall. In fact, it could explain why Konoha emerged as the strongest ninja power after the last war (having both snake+dog in their arsenal and then also capturing Kyuubi). But then, guesses are often wrong, and even my guesses occassionally fail to hit bull's eye...

  19. #39

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    pheonix, you have open my eyes and my mind... its so awsome that u thought of all that tails theory, u have a great imagination.

    If u bring a super godlike being into Naruto and wipe out all ninjas in one attack... i think i'll smash my computer into bits after watching that... hahaha

  20. #40

    RE: The Atatsuki Thread

    for some reason i feel as if you have hit the nail on the head with your orochimaru theory, phoenix.

    he certainly is ridiculously powered and very very unique in race/abilities/features compared to everyone else.. not to mention his name refers to the legendary 8-headed serpent in japanese mythology..

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