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Thread: Law of Ueki

  1. #1

    Law of Ueki

    Hey guys discuss away...

    I watched the first ep. and I really have to say, as I read the first manga, that the group SHS_animeseal have done terrible translations. Sorry for being so blunt but that's the truth.

    Oh the graphics were sub-par ... but the story line is okay

  2. #2

    RE: Law of Ueki

    the release by tv-mnc i think is pretty good i watch the SHS cuz they are up to episode 2

  3. #3

    RE: Law of Ueki

    i found it kinda kiddy....

  4. #4

    Law of Ueki

    Originally posted by: 010577
    Hey guys discuss away...

    I watched the first ep. and I really have to say, as I read the first manga, that the group SHS_animeseal have done terrible translations. Sorry for being so blunt but that's the truth.

    Oh the graphics were sub-par ... but the story line is okay
    Yeah I was following a blog on the series at:

    And yeah they agree with your assessment on the subbing quality, though since I didn't downloaded it yet I can't really comment any further than that. Was the second episode any better?

  5. #5

    Law of Ueki

    Anyone still watching this...

    I think it's an OK series... it has some very funny parts, and there are just some terrible parts that you simply skip because they suck so much... i think from what I saw in episode 11, this might turn into something that's actually worth my 20 minutes a day because i have nothing else to watch

  6. #6
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Law of Ueki

    i'm at the point of trying to decide whether or not to continue with it... the chick who's ueki's "friend" annoys the hell out of me. i haven't watched since ep 9.... does she die in ep 10 or 11? b/c if so, then i'll definitely keep watching hah [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Law of Ueki

    No, but they get separated on episode 11, so you wont see much of her ( I pressume) from now on...

    And if you are already on episode 9.. no reason to stop now, even if this is the shitties series out there hehe

  8. #8

    Law of Ueki

    I dont know why you guys watch a show you dont like when there is so much anime to choose from.

  9. #9

    Law of Ueki

    i never said i don't like it, it's simply that it's not good, but it's not that bad either... it's OK for me... and once i start something i like to finish it, i hate having an incomplete story about something...

  10. #10
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Law of Ueki

    well, for me, i used to have the time to watch everything and these days i don't really. plus, after watching in its entirety Full Metal Alchemist and Hajime no Ippo, i've been reminded about how much crap i'm watching now. so it's time for me to downsize my current list and start being picky again.

    and i don't mind having an incomplete story especially if i find myself not caring too much about the storyline in the first place *shrug*

  11. #11

    Law of Ueki

    Well if you are going to keep at it, episode 12 is out...

  12. #12

    Law of Ueki

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    i never said i don't like it, it's simply that it's not good, but it's not that bad either... it's OK for me... and once i start something i like to finish it, i hate having an incomplete story about something...
    I understand what you mean cause for example Naruto i only watch now cause i wanna finish it.

  13. #13

    Law of Ueki

    Episode 13 is out... pretty good episode I might say, makes the series a bit more interesting...

  14. #14

  15. #15

    Law of Ueki

    Damn. Im only on episode 1. Im not sure. But it sorta looks like the same people that made One Piece...Or maybe its in my mind.

  16. #16
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Law of Ueki

    u're right, after ep 11, the show became tolerable. i still hope the chick dies somehow. she's definitely the one character i hate the most in all of my anime-watching =P

  17. #17
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Law of Ueki

    Mori was the only character that made it bearable in the beginning. She's hilarious. Maybe I like her because I liked Chrno Crusade and its the same seiyuu.

    The series used to be more interesting because the people Ueki fought had better powers than he did but still had the same really stupid restrictions his did. They seem to be ignoring that now, so I'm a bit disappointed. Still a good series.

  18. #18
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Law of Ueki

    hmm... i don't like the voice at all. it's grating to my ears. plus her lines are soooooo stupid. the clincher was that ep when robert haydn appears for the first time. she's all like, "WATCH OUT UEKI!!!! DON'T MEET ROBERT HAYDN HEAD ON!!!!!!!!" and then "ROBERT HAYDN" this and "ROBERT HAYDN" that and then when the dude finally appears, she just looks at him and is like, "who's he?"

    gaaahh!!!! i wanted to kill her. her character understands everything 2 episodes after i figure it out >_<;

    enough complaining. this will be the last post u'll hear from me about the chick. the series got better after 11 eps or so. i'm actually kinda digging Tenko. and now all this fighting between middle schoolers has a bit more meaning now. the fact that ueki's out to beat up the jyuudan makes it interesting. also i'm wondering whether or not that girl w/ the glasses would actually switch sides (this guess is based on watching the intro).

  19. #19

    Law of Ueki

    I wondering the same thing... i think she will switch sides.. but from the previews i got the feeling that she has feelings for Robert... let's wait and see

  20. #20
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Law of Ueki

    Removed link for the other group.

    Shinsen has also released their version, get it here:
    Ueki Eps 15 by Shinsen

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