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Thread: Black Cat

  1. #21
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    Okay, read up to chp 157. Are there more released? Eve easily got the coolest ability, the development in this series is quite good, took me 3 days to read all of it....

  2. #22

    Black Cat

    Yeah chapter 158 is out, by Manga Heaven.

    How awesome is this manga, and you can tell why we've been awaiting the anime that is to be released next month

  3. #23
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    No XDCC list in Manga Heaven's channel, so where do i find this?

    Yea i am also looking forward to the anime now, can barely wait to see them all i action.

  4. #24

    Black Cat

    You should come by #gotwoot and idle sometime.

    but on the topic will be your best manga friend

    #lurk @

  5. #25

    Black Cat

    I just read chapter 138... man, I forgot how much Eve kicks ass, can't wait to see her animated, she's badass

    Edit: 151

    lol at Train kicking Kevin in the face... that was hillarious

    Edit: 158...

    What were the chapters that the girl from the last page appeared in? The girl that could use fire tao...

  6. #26

    Black Cat

    There will be anime on this?? why o why?

    The first half of this manga was exiting but then it got lame with tao,railgun etc.

  7. #27
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    Tao isn't to lame as ideas like that carry entire mangas. What i like with this manga is that the supernatural power can be beaten by science(the nano machines) and it can also be beaten by skill(the time guardians). This isn't like any other manga that uses supernatural soul powers, in any other manga that would feature something like it the only thing that can beat it is stronger power of the same type. This manga suprised in that regular skill and determination can beat powers like Tao.

  8. #28

    Black Cat

    Yeah that is a good touch but the second half of manga isnt done very good.

    It was better when Train won fight with his assasin skills rather as now he only wins with the railgun.

  9. #29
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    He hasn't only won with the Railgun. Read it again. He barely used the railgun this far and in the last fight against the Tao master he fired his last shot to show her that he doesn't need it to win against her and he will fight Creed without the railgun.

    He won a couple of fights to introduce the railgun but that was about it.

  10. #30

    Black Cat

    He wins by railgun lately even though he beat the tao master without it.

    Against Creed he wont have a chance without the railgun thanks to greeds sword.

  11. #31
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    He won against the big fatguy without it to. He used it against the bug while they were on the boat, before that he only used it when he first got it against those grunt soldiers and then he shot it once to show the lightning head(forgot his name).

    The railgun hasn't even been around for that long.

    True, Creed will beat Train.

  12. #32

    Black Cat

    And the sword wont be much of a factor as the nanomachines will...

  13. #33

    Black Cat

    Didnt Train shoot the fat guy with the gun?

  14. #34

    Black Cat

    I'm not sure if he used it at any point in the fight (I doubt it)... but he beat the fat guy with an anesthesic bullet...

  15. #35

    Black Cat

    Ah ok it was a while i read it.

  16. #36

    Black Cat

  17. #37
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    160-162 is out by manga-heaven go get them at #lurk or your usual place. Some good stuff, we finally get to see the doctors Tao.

  18. #38
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    164-165 by manga-heaven out. yay i finally caught up!

  19. #39
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    163-165 was cool. The monkey is funny as hell, what an idiot. Now that the chronos numbers are entering this will get interesting i really want to see Sepheria going full strength against Creed.

    I'm just sad that this is ending in less than 2 volumes : (

  20. #40
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Black Cat

    166 and 167 are out. Sephira starts fighting with Creed. The more interesting part is the little sketch attached to either 166 or 167 depending on Manga-Heaven's or MeowMix (it might be both, but M-H is 166 and MM has it in 167). It shows a much younger Sephira. We did get to find how Train was eventually led into the Chronos Numbers, and we know those other two (ball and chain and blind-guy, their names aren't important even though I just read them) were born into it, but it always interested me how Sephira became the leader of the Numbers. With that sketch, now I want to know more than ever! I really hope they waste a few chapters getting into that.

    I always wanted to know how Kyouko ended up drinking the Elixer too, we got to learn about that stupid affro strong man, but we never really learned about the others, excepting the Air boy Eve fought. I always assumed it was just out of boredom, but I definitely wanted to know for sure.

    Due to length constraints, I guess we may never know...

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