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Thread: chapter 253-256 discussion

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    chapter 253-256 discussion

    kakashi's gonna end up fighting sasori....and here's why.......

    the old lady attempted avenge her son by attacking kakashi, because she thought he was the white fang
    this would suggest that the white fang killed her son.
    which would therefore suggest that kakashi's dad killed sasori's dad

    and correlations like these are often way too easy to pass up on without making some sort of confrontation.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22

    chapter 253-256 discussion

    Itachi should make short work of team 7. Naruto shouldn't have progressed that much.
    sexy no jutstu wont work on itachi. see below : D

    maybe grandma will stay behind to delay itachi while team 7 make a getaway

  3. #23
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    chapter 253-256 discussion

    SO FUCKING GOOD!! The manga has never been this badass. Neji is cooler than ever, Kisame rules, and Itachi is back. ORGASM!

    There will probably be new characters now when it's official that there are more demons and hosts, that will kick ass. BTW see that big thingy that the Akatsuki has... it has a lot of eyes, fancy they open as they gain more demons?

    But wonder what their ultimate objective is...

  4. #24
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    chapter 253-256 discussion

    im thinkin kakashi will have something up his sleeve for itachi, i dont think he would be willing to have a confrontation with itachi if he didnt think he had a shot.
    edit: btw whats goin on with inane and narutofan?

  5. #25

    chapter 253-256 discussion

    lol yeh i reckon kakashi would do a lot better against itachi this time...esp when he has backup lol
    narutofan and inane? i thought inane fucking hated their guts or something

  6. #26
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    chapter 253-256 discussion

    Wow... I've been waiting for weeks to be able to post saying Neji looks girlier than Tenten and that's no slight towards our ranged-weapon master either.

    I suppose it's too much to hope that somebody kills Itachi in the next chapter.

  7. #27

    chapter 253-256 discussion

    if someone killed itachi wat would sasuke do, would he just suicide or would he keep having anal with oro?

    bloody hell cant belive we still havent seen him

  8. #28
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    itachi dying/getting beat would fuck up the whole point of sasuke.

  9. #29
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    i still dont think sasuke will be the one to finish off itachi
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #30

    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    Whoah! Gotwoot is back up finally! Anyways the manga has been GREAT since the forums have been down. Speaking of the latest chapter I would like to say that the two pupils that are filled on the Death God statue definitly means Akatsuki has already got two of the bouj and the Shukaku is the third I think. Also Itachi vrs Team 7 so soon!?!?!? I was really suprized. Either someone is going to stay behind while the rest go ahead somehow or Itachi is going to meet his downfall and it will give Sasuke a huuuge reason to hate Naruto more.

  11. #31
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    Somehow I got the feeling Sakura is going to do something stupid knowing that their fighting Itachi. She has said before, about Sasuke wanting to kill his brother and she'll want to be the one who kills him. Although I'm not much of a Itachi fan-boy. I'm going to think that Naruto has something up his sleeves in case he meets up with any akatsuki. Jiraiya can't be teaching him peanuts for the last 3 years to prepare him against Akatsukis.

    "If you see an Akatsuki.. RUN FORRES *cough* Naruto RUN!!"

    Naruto would probably use 'That' technique, and Sakura would do something stupid and Itachi would run away. I think 4vs1 might be too much to handle for Itachi.


    On the other hand. It might eventually still become a 1v1 between Gai and Kisame. Kisame is supposed to have the most ammount of chakra. So he'll probably start summoning some creatures for Rock Lee, Ten Ten and Neji to fight with. And Kisame is Neji's worst nightmare. Kisame's sword sucks chakra remember?
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  12. #32

    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    For all we know the old woman could wind up owning itachi.

    Although I really don't see where that fight is going to go. Itachi can't get his ass beat down because it would ruin the whole sasuke revenge thing. He can't win that easily either or else it means that the time jump didn't do shit to improve naruto or sakura. We still don't know what their capable of. Remeber Kakashi did say he develeoped a new technique of some sort. Maybe he'll scare itachi away with that.

  13. #33

    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    Somehow I got the feeling Sakura is going to do something stupid knowing that their fighting Itachi. She has said before, about Sasuke wanting to kill his brother and she'll want to be the one who kills him. Although I'm not much of a Itachi fan-boy. I'm going to think that Naruto has something up his sleeves in case he meets up with any akatsuki. Jiraiya can't be teaching him peanuts for the last 3 years to prepare him against Akatsukis.

    "If you see an Akatsuki.. RUN FORRES *cough* Naruto RUN!!"

    Naruto would probably use 'That' technique, and Sakura would do something stupid and Itachi would run away. I think 4vs1 might be too much to handle for Itachi.


    On the other hand. It might eventually still become a 1v1 between Gai and Kisame. Kisame is supposed to have the most ammount of chakra. So he'll probably start summoning some creatures for Rock Lee, Ten Ten and Neji to fight with. And Kisame is Neji's worst nightmare. Kisame's sword sucks chakra remember?
    4vs1 is too much for itachi? he............wiped out his clan!

  14. #34
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    itachi dying/getting beat would fuck up the whole point of sasuke.
    And when it happens, he'll have to deal with that too.

  15. #35

    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    Grandma = Ensen Expendable

    I don't agree that Kisame is at a disadvantage or even weak.

    If hes in the Akatsuki then we know he's a badass. He's got high chakra (thanks Neji) and thats with 30% of it going to Gara. He's got a sword whose powers are very little known - and the one aspect of it we have seen suggest some serious ability.

    TenTen = girl... so worthless. He can take her out quick enough - just get close to her.
    Neji = make him use the Kaiten and shove your chakra eating sword right into that swirl. Lunch is served.
    Gai = never seen him fight.. will be an intresting fight. I dont see Gai coming out on top though... heres why:
    Rock Lee = The swords ability seemingly doesn't hurt him... he may have the best chance. I can see it now... Kisame has Gai down on the ground... he attacks with water and Rock Lee shows up - knocking it out of the way and giving Kisame the 'eye' (ala Gai to Rock Lee) *A ninjas true power comes out when he protects someone important to him*

    Waiting sucks.

  16. #36

    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    kakashi vs itachi.... the cool vs the cool,
    they're both exactly the same character..
    but one is good and the other one is a badass...
    i would hate to see either of them loose...
    i dont think i full fight will breakout at this point, since its 4vs1...
    no matter how strong u think Itachi is, he is at a disadvantage...

  17. #37

    chapter 253-256 discussion

    I'm glad the forum is finally back up... its been gone too long.

    Going back a few chapters to when the Grandma tried to attack Kakashi and Naruto stepped in front to stop her. Its seems that if Naruto was able to react before Kakashi did and block the Grandma's attacks that he would have had to move pretty damn quick... I'm wondering if he used the Body Flicker there. But as the chapters came and went I would have expected to see some mention of it, maybe some surprised reaction by Kakashi.

    Any up to 256. Pretty cool chapter. I liked how Kisame thought he was going to have a simple battle with Gai and then the rest of the team jumped in without hesitation.

    I can't wait to see Sakura kick Itachi's ass. Although one would think that since she had been doing all this research on Itachi and the whole Ataksuki situation, that she would have at least known who he was when she saw him. sheesh.

    or maybe during the 2½ year duration they already captured all but garra and naruto (now they just need naruto?)
    There would have to be at least 3 others (including Gaara and Naruto) because Sasori still hasn't located his target and it couldn't be Naruto because he is Itachi's target.

  18. #38
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    just a question? in the last chapter, didn't Neji shoot chackra from his hands and attack from a distance?

    I can accept the gentle fist fighting as legit, but chackra blasting from a distance? come on! they did it in DBZ and it sucked so much that they stopped it after two fights, so i really can't stand it...
    and tenten, just throwing bigget lumps of knives... pretty darn lame, if you ask me

    I have a feeling that once Gai remembers Kisame he'll say "you're THAT akatsuki member! there's no need to hold back against you!" and then get into gear and kick kisame's ass like nothing counts.

    then again, they might turn this fight into something serious, maybe Kisame will use the chackra eating sword to seal off Neji's powers, which will put him out of the story without killing him, and still leave him a chance to fight one last time to protect the hyuuga clan.
    and by the way, when Neji said that Kisame has as much Chackra as Naruto, isn't the last time he felt Naruto's chackra during the fight in the chunin exam? that was about 3 years ago, and two power-ups ago, meanning that Naruto's chackra is now immensly above Kisame's?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  19. #39

    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    I liked Tentens sticky explosive complete with knives to be used as shrapnel. She always struck me as one of the better female leaf genins if not the best. I hope she dosen't just go down easily after a few thwacks of kisame's sword.

    Also might seem like old news but I thought that after Rock Lee, Ten Ten, and Neji became chuunin/jounin they would split away from gai as their jounin leader. Why are they still with him as opposed to working independently on other missions? Well guess it dosen't matter to much it kicks alot of ass to have all three of them kicking ass with new techniques.

  20. #40
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: chapter 253-256 discussion

    kisame and itachi are going to win their matches.....
    not to say that anyone will die though, i doubt we'll see any deaths between these 2 matches, but we all know itachi can't lose, and i think kisame is due for some more recognition.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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