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Thread: Episode 127-130 Discussion

  1. #101

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    I think they have it over at the Narutofan forums, thats where I got the raw of it anyway
    can you or anyone else make a link to it?

  2. #102
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Taken from forums. Thanks to them.

    Character Databook I - RAW:
    (Complete. Good for up to 25 downloads, so if the downloads get maxed out, someone can rehost it there again, or be kind enough to host it on their own joints)

    Character Databook II - RAW:
    (Complete, valid for one week, thanks to Jiraiya_sama)

    Character Databook I - Cleaned by Shannaro!:

    Links fixed.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #103

    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Taken from forums. Thanks to them.

    Character Databook I - RAW:
    (Complete. Good for up to 25 downloads, so if the downloads get maxed out, someone can rehost it there again, or be kind enough to host it on their own joints)

    Character Databook II - RAW:
    (Complete, valid for one week, thanks to Jiraiya_sama)

    Character Databook I - Cleaned by Shannaro!:
    None of these links work for me, I think you copied the ... into the links rather than the real addy.

  4. #104

    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    i found somethin..
    maybe it's stupid but maybe kakashi killed the uchiha guy and not itachi. and kakashi then stole his sharingan..??
    í'm not spoiling just a guess...
    what du u guy's think??

  5. #105
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    I fixed the links.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  6. #106

    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    i found somethin..
    maybe it's stupid but maybe kakashi killed the uchiha guy and not itachi. and kakashi then stole his sharingan..??
    í'm not spoiling just a guess...
    what du u guy's think??
    I doubt that very much. First off, I don't think Kakashi would kill someone from his village that wasn't a missing nin. Second if Itachi felt that other person to be like a brother and didn't kill him I think he would have had a different reaction to the "police" talking to him. On top of that I'm sure the people close to Kakashi know where his sharingan came from, its not something you can explain away.

    It seems out of character for them both to me.

  7. #107

    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    i found somethin..
    maybe it's stupid but maybe kakashi killed the uchiha guy and not itachi. and kakashi then stole his sharingan..??
    í'm not spoiling just a guess...
    what du u guy's think??
    Guys, from now on don't bother saying stuff like "it's in the manga, but I won't say it." This just proves whether or not something is a spoiler. Thanks.

    GotWoot Moderator

  8. #108
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: 010577
    like combine 2 sharingans = mangekyou

    but with his container speech, oro must have done a lot of influencing again.

    probably wanted to take over his body
    good idea maybe he killed his friend because he needed ano ther sharingan in order to make a mangekyou sharingan

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  9. #109

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion one likes the flashbacks?? why on earth are u wating Naruto?!?! I <3 when someone makes a comment on some random fact about Sasuke's childhood, you can (with evidence) prove them wrong and rub it in thier face!!! I personally just like to know more about sasuke, and Itachi...thus the previous quote "I <3 flashbacks" =D

  10. #110

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    can anyone please give me a link to where i can d/l Naruto eps 125-130?
    I just got a new hard drive so i have nothing =[

  11. #111
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: SeifeR
    can anyone please give me a link to where i can d/l Naruto eps 125-130?
    I just got a new hard drive so i have nothing =[
    I'm not helping you until you try to do some things on your own, lazy fuck.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  12. #112

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    who says i havent tried? ive gone thru all my links and cant find anything on naruto except for the last 2 episodes, you dont have to be so fucking hostile you prick

  13. #113
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: SeifeR
    who says i havent tried? ive gone thru all my links and cant find anything on naruto
    Do "all your links" include reading this very forum?

    Apparently not.

  14. #114

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    I didn't mind the flashbacks, and they did a lot to establish Itachi's character and motives, which were really unclear (I remember people saying that he didn't really kill his family, or that he had to do it for some reason and wants Sasuke to kill him, or some other off the wall ideas). Now we know he's really just a psycho, killed his entire clan because they were "holding him back" (couldn't just leave, could he?). Spared Sasuke basically just because he was fond of the kid. I hope all of this is a prelude to introducing him back into the story. So far he's been very calm and collected, but I'd like to see him flip out like he did when those clan members confronted him. Obviously he's the kind of crazy guy that seems calm and normal, but only up to a certain point, and then all hell breaks loose.

  15. #115

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    actually i checked the Anime Downloads forum and found the episodes up to 125, but i wasnt looking for that...but anyways i found the ones i needed

  16. #116

    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    How hard was it find Naruto episodes? Did you just want to start a conversation and gain a couple of posts? Because Naruto is probably the hottest topic in Japan right now/ probably the hottest anime too, so it should be easy to find it. Instead of wasting time and posting something so dumb.

    No offense

    Thanks for bringing up a dead issue, lilphatboi88. Try reading rule #2.

    GotWoot Moderator

  17. #117

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    personal i like flashback more cahr info make me liek cahrs all teh more and if tehy ahve to die makes their death have meaning instead of " geez wahts his face dead, who cares give me a drink " :-P
    itachi now i kind of think i can udnerstand how he thinking( i'm kind fo nuts most days myself) to him rule and the like limit someone and he wants to go beyon the limits other would want to place on him, he want to be king of teh hill as it was, he want to keep pushing and testing himself to see how powerful he really is. as for his brother he let him live for 1 of 2 reasons in my mind
    1. he liked his bother and could not bring himself to kill him (not to sure about taht with him)
    2. this in my mind make more sence, he wanted someoen that could match him one day in power so he could truely have a great abttle and test himself.
    i mean wiht Mangekyou sharingan he can jsut look at a foe and trap his mind and break him in a sec. now that not really a great fight or hard to do for him. i know i love challages and pushing my limits with anyhting i do fronm programing , games(max difficaly and using minuim items or extra stuff) or even my sword pratice. if you ahve only weak partners you really get 0 from it

    well taht my option anyway i might be wrong will find out soon once we get 129 -113-ish. i wonder if i going to be right... if not coolness anyway :-)
    i like sasuke and itachi but i am wondering about itachi and the gruop he working with not seen them around in a good while.. maybe taking a coffee break ?

  18. #118

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Am i the only one who has noticed that when naruto uses the fox power his eyes are red but when i saw the episode when naruto uses the rasegan on that guy thats helas the fox's eyes were a bit yellow to :S

  19. #119
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Darkcarnage
    personal i like flashback more cahr info make me liek cahrs all teh more and if tehy ahve to die makes their death have meaning instead of " geez wahts his face dead, who cares give me a drink " :-P
    itachi now i kind of think i can udnerstand how he thinking( i'm kind fo nuts most days myself) to him rule and the like limit someone and he wants to go beyon the limits other would want to place on him, he want to be king of teh hill as it was, he want to keep pushing and testing himself to see how powerful he really is. as for his brother he let him live for 1 of 2 reasons in my mind
    1. he liked his bother and could not bring himself to kill him (not to sure about taht with him)
    2. this in my mind make more sence, he wanted someoen that could match him one day in power so he could truely have a great abttle and test himself.
    i mean wiht Mangekyou sharingan he can jsut look at a foe and trap his mind and break him in a sec. now that not really a great fight or hard to do for him. i know i love challages and pushing my limits with anyhting i do fronm programing , games(max difficaly and using minuim items or extra stuff) or even my sword pratice. if you ahve only weak partners you really get 0 from it

    well taht my option anyway i might be wrong will find out soon once we get 129 -113-ish. i wonder if i going to be right... if not coolness anyway :-)
    i like sasuke and itachi but i am wondering about itachi and the gruop he working with not seen them around in a good while.. maybe taking a coffee break ?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #120

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Lol, that is Hilarious, a picture of a dictionary. HAHAHAa

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