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Thread: Episode 127-130 Discussion

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    I liked the last intro better than the new one.

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  2. #22

    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    im wondering how the anime only people are starting to feel about sasuke now that they know more about his and itachis past, maybe the same cos u've already bits of his past, but maybe different
    i know for the manga readers this flashback pissed everyone off cos it went for like 10 chapters but it doesnt seem so bad in the anime
    so do u all still hate/love sasuke or have ur feelings changed
    i still hate sasuke cuz i hate traitors..He want to kill itachi no matter what but if he uses the seal it's like orochimaru kills him in stead of sasuke himself..

  3. #23

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    sasuke's is annoying..."oh, i want power! lets just betray my village and run off with oro to have fun w/ him and gain power!" god i hate sasuke...
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  4. #24

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Dont you think that this can be consider Gaaras first acutal lost. since when he lost to naruto he just unconsious and did not know what the hell was going on

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  5. #25

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Wth I didn't spoil. I was SPECULATING. I haven't even read the manga :/

  6. #26

    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    I'm enjoying the flashbacks, myself. Maybe it's because I like the way they are portraying Itachi, all alone and aloof. And he's got a great voice for his character, sort of melancholy. It makes me wonder if perhaps Itachi kept Sasuke alive because he wants his younger brother to take revenge on him, and ultimately kill him, hence all the advice on how to grow up hating him and stuff, which would kind of mean somewhere deep down Itachi feels maybe a hint of remorse for what he did.... hmmmm. I beginning to like Itachi more and more, oh yeah.

    I do agree that the cut scenes showing Sasuke beating the hell out of Naruto aren't that fun to watch, but I guess they're necessary just to show that we are in fact watching a show called Naruto and not 'The Misadventures of a Cute But Troubled Boy'. Come on, how cute is Little Sasuke?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Oh, I forgot to add, you can get those episodes by DB and/or Aone from a great place called

    Naruto Chuushin but I warn you, it comes with a load of pop-ups and crap, which is a pity because it's a great site and where I normally get my manga from. You can only seem to download single episodes from their front page (I think they source it from elsewhere), so read down the page and look at the headings for the ep you want.
    There's also Naruto Chaos who have DB torrents of the last several episodes, and some Aone ones, and I know they have Aone's 127-128, and 129

  7. #27
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    I can imagine a lot of people summarizing ep 130 as "Sasuke learns a fireball", but for me these eps are great. To break it down:

    127-128 - Kimimaro forever, even in death. I love that guy. Sasuke's way of ignoring Naruto is funny.
    129-130 - Itachi is always great to see. Can't wait for more.


    Oh and the new opening and ending sucks as always. Fact: Naruto will NEVER have a good opening or ending song.

    Except Haruka Kanata. But you know that already.

  8. #28

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    I thought that "Go" or was it "Flow" was a good intro. Its good to see the past of Itachi and Sasuke and to see what their past was like. I actually like the animation on the recent episodes, anybody agree?

  9. #29

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    i swear they should just bring back haruka kanata, dont need any new video either just leave it how it was and put it on again, everyone will love it, and if you dont ill come round and bash u

  10. #30

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    haruka kanata was great... admittedly I liked Rocks and Seishun Kyousoukyoku for their music, though. I threw both full songs onto my ipod after hearing them.

    I think the Seishun Kyousoukyoku opening had its good points at least- especially when it changed several times as people fell or showed up.

  11. #31
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    actually.....i like most of the naruto intros.......
    the animations are great, and even the worst songs get catchy after a little while
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  12. #32
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    I'm kinda partial to the new intro. At least it ain't ROCKS.

    Man, no more Kimi the Purple Dinosaur. With both Neji and Kimimaro dead... Terra has no reason to be here anymore.

    Good day to you, sir.

  13. #33

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    With all the flash backs, sasuke now looks more like a real naruto character... before he's just cocky and not very likeable. But now, its starting to become more apparant why he is the way he is now.
    He just got a really messed up past. I hate him less because of that.

  14. #34

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    I usually like most of the openings and endings. Loved the last one, it suited the whole chase sasuke in a barrel story arc so well. It's a shame that they didn't just keep it since technically even though were in a new season were still in the same story arc.

    As for the opening songs

    First:= Hated rocks then again who dosen't
    Second= Things got really good with haruto kanada
    Third= One of my favorites. Look at baby Garra, Neji, and Hinita, there all so sad. So so sad.
    Fourth= Go was kinda dumb if you ask me especially if you try and read the lyrics.
    Fifth= I loved this one it kicked so much ass, I just love how it covers the whole theme and mood of the story arc so well.

    Endings songs

    First= Wind was good, very appropriate for the subject matter although my friend thinks it sounds like a folders coffe commercial.
    Second= GRRRR wow this is god awful. Make the hurting stop please. Why Why do we have to watch two paper dolls of sakura and ino dance around WHY!!!!
    Third= Best ending ever, got to loved the deformed versions of all the characters marching forward.
    Fourth= The japanese rap was amusing
    Fifth= This one was pretty forgetable had rewatch it just to remember.
    Sixth= FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND EVERYTHING HOLY NO!!!! Why do we have to see the prepubecent genin girls in bathing suits. It's like fricking child molestors heaven. Grrrrr Damn you japan with and your bizzare sexual fetishes
    Seventh= I loved this one, so trippy, especially when the naruto faces just come flying at you for no apparent reason good stuff good stuff.
    Eigth= This one was just ehh. Naruto running forward. Nothing particularly special.

    I hate the new opening so much just sounds like japanese people screaming for no reason. And why show off all the genin when they don't even have anything to do with the story right now?

    New ending sucks to. Oh poor naruto and sakura there crying and so very sad in a boat. Watch them catch the pink stars while the crappy song plays out. GRRRR I want another ending.

  15. #35
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    You know how much better this series would have been if there was actually a moment like the ending in the real series?

    For that matter, I wish DB's original translation of the opening was correct. I absolutely loved it.

  16. #36

    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    im wondering how the anime only people are starting to feel about sasuke now that they know more about his and itachis past, maybe the same cos u've already bits of his past, but maybe different
    i know for the manga readers this flashback pissed everyone off cos it went for like 10 chapters but it doesnt seem so bad in the anime
    so do u all still hate/love sasuke or have ur feelings changed
    With all the flashbacks I can't wait to see Itachi again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] My feelings on Sasuke have not changed really, he is betraying everyone he knows and disregarding Neji and Chouji's sacrifice(if they died) by continuing on.

    Also I like the Uchiha family's recent past so I enjoyed the flashbacks the whole way through.

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Sasuke's mother's hot. Just wanted to point that out.

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  18. #38
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Souryusen
    Terra has no reason to be here anymore.
    Making you and your kind annoyed with my insane bishfaggery is more than enough reason to spend my whole life here. Mwah!

  19. #39
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Originally posted by: Souryusen
    Terra has no reason to be here anymore.
    Making you and your kind annoyed with my insane bishfaggery is more than enough reason to spend my whole life here. Mwah!
    Terra. Its okay. Just..let it out. For Kimi. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

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  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 127-130 Discussion

    Lobster Magnet - I think it's funny that you find the 5th ED so forgettable. It's my favorite Naruto song of all (next to Haruka Kanata, of course). Whatever though, hehe.

    I like the new OP too. It's not great, and most new themes sound weird at first. But it's alright. I remember not liking the last one (whatever it's called), but now it's also one of my favs.
    Naruto themes that I really didn't like: the second, sixth, and eigth EDs. All of those were just bad in my opinion, lol.

    Sasuke flashbacks ok. Looking forward to next ep. Glad the forums are back up.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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